Words Unspoken ✔️

By freethenoise

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Cover by @justablip Spinoff to "Love Has No Labels" Cassie Phillips is a troubled junior at Forest Hills High... More

Author's Note and Cast List
Chapter 1: First Day of School
Chapter 2: That Girl
Chapter 3: Conversation on a Train
Chapter 4: Basketball Tryouts
Chapter 5: Trust The Process
Chapter 6: White Girl
Chapter 7: A Problem Child
Chapter 8: This Must End
Chapter 9: How Much She's Worth
Chapter 10: A Fallen Angel
Chapter 11: Saving Grace
Chapter 12: Cassie's Worst Nightmare
Chapter 14: Irreplaceable
Chapter 15: Standing For Cassie
Chapter 16: Daddy's Girl
Chapter 17: Not The Only One
Chapter 18: Simone's Confession
Chapter 19: The Truth Reigns
Chapter 20: Reunion
Chapter 21: Cassie Strikes Back
Chapter 22: Date Night
Chapter 23: Prom Night
Chapter 24: Tattooed Angel
Author's Note

Chapter 13: Hero

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By freethenoise

I'm a superman thanks to Lois Lane

Kissed away my problems when I went insane

Fished me from the bottom when I lost my name

Gave me something I could live for

And everybody wonders what's the change

They don't recognize me 'cause I got so much to say

And I never thought that anyone could love someone

So much that they give up on everything

Robin Thicke-Superman

Drew hung his head down in utter sadness after getting off the phone with his mother. He tearfully explained to his mother that Cassie had attempted suicide. When his mother asked how Cassie's mother was doing, the only thing Drew could tell her was that she was a nervous wreck.

An attending doctor tended to Mrs. Phillips and measured her blood pressure, which was a whopping 204/110, an indication that she was having a hypertensive crisis after hearing the whole story behind Cassie trying to kill herself. She was put in a wheelchair and admitted into the hospital in order to get her blood pressure down before anything else would happen.

Drew, C.J., and Cheyenne were waiting for Mr. Phillips to come back from tending to Mrs. Phillips. When he came back, all three of them sprang to life.

"How's Mom?" Cheyenne asked.

"Well, the meds they gave her helped a little, but her blood pressure's still high," Mr. Phillips replied. "Only saving grace is for her to relax, but she can't relax 'cause Cassie's still in there, and we don't know if she'll be alright."

He then sighed as he sat down between C.J. and Cheyenne. "I was so hellbent that that big shot company tried to buy the plumbing service, and when I found out that he cheated on you, Cheyenne, I...I didn't know what came to me," he said sadly. "I should have listened to your mother and calmed down, then Cassie would have never been scared. If she doesn't pull through... I don't know how I'd live with myself."

"Dad, remember when you would tell us that if you keep on thinking negatively, the bad stuff will come to pass?" C.J. spoke up. "I think it's time for you to take your own advice."

Mr. Phillips then cracked a small smile. "You're right," he said. "Aww, I love you guys!"

He put his arms around C.J. and Cheyenne, as he dropped a kiss on Cheyenne's forehead. Drew smiled at this, as a tear rolled down his cheek. This was a man who had so much love for his wife and his children and would go out of his way for their well being. It was so remarkable and incredible to see. Drew longed to be like him, and never let his family down like his own father did a few months back. He would be the best father and husband to his future family.

Just then, a doctor with a white lab coat came into the room.

"Is the father of Cassandra Phillips here?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, yes," Mr. Phillips responded, getting up from his seat, and walking towards the doctor with Drew, C.J., and Cheyenne in tow. "I'm her father."

"I'm Dr. Liu, I was your daughter's attending doctor today," Dr. Liu introduced. "Cassandra's in stable condition, we've successfully reversed the effects of the overdose by giving her an antidote as well as performing gastric lavage," she explained.

"Which means pumping out her stomach, i-is that it?" Cheyenne spoke up meekly.

"Yes, that's right."

"So that means she's gonna be alright?" Mr. Phillips asked.

"She'll be just fine," Dr. Liu replied. "However, we plan to keep her here for a day or two to run a few tests to see if the drug's still in her system, but overall she'll make a full recovery in no time."

"Oh, thank God," Mr. Phillips breathed out, making the sign of the cross. "But may I ask how did she overdose?"

"She ingested 35 tablets of Diazepam, which is better known as Valium," Dr. Liu explained. "Normally, it would be very hard to overdose on that certain drug, but the number of milligrams on each tablet were significantly higher than the normal threshold to be prescribed to a patient."

"So, you're telling me that the concentration of each pill was higher than normally recommended amount?" Mr. Phillips wanted to know.

"Yes, exactly."

"Cheyenne, I knew something fishy was going on with that new doctor, just wait until I tell your mom about this, she's gonna give him hell," Mr. Phillips grumbled.

"Oh, be my guest," Cheyenne replied wholeheartedly.

"Not to worry, I was aware that your wife had a hypertensive crisis, so I sent a nurse to give her the good news," Dr. Liu reassured. "In fact, if it weren't for those two gentlemen who did the right thing by bringing the container of pills, things would have been a lot worse."

"Actually, you could thank Drew," C.J. replied, putting a hand on Drew's shoulder. "It was under his direction, 'cause I was panicking so much, I wouldn't have thought of that."

Mr. Phillips turned to Drew and nodded his head at him with a look of utter gratitude.

"Can we see her?" he asked Dr. Liu.

"Oh, yes, she's still unconscious, but you're welcome to see her."

"Thank you so much, Doctor."

Dr. Liu led Mr. Phillips, Drew, C.J., and Cheyenne to Cassie's hospital room. His heart broke as he saw Cassie laid up in bed unconscious. She had a nasal cannula hooked from her nose to the back of her ears, along with the heart monitor beeping steadily.

"Aww, sweetheart," Mr. Phillips whispered.

He sat down on the bedside chair next to Cassie, took her hand to his lips, and kissed it repeatedly, as tears finally streamed down his face.

"My poor baby," he said, his voice broken.

Drew's heart was breaking at the fact that a kind, beautiful, gentle, and smart girl is going through so much pain. He still saw the look of distress, even though she was sleeping. In the coming days, Drew would be sure to make Simone and Ashley pay, and when Cassie would have the strength to go back to school, he'd make sure that no one and nothing would hurt her. He couldn't afford to lose her, she was the light of his dark life at the hands of his father.

Mr. Phillips then turned to C.J. and Cheyenne, his eyes already red from crying.

"Charles, Cheyenne, there is something that you need to know," he spoke up, his voice still broken. "Are you aware that your Uncle Chris tried to kill himself?"

The looks of guilt were evident on C.J. and Cheyenne's faces as they nodded yes. 

"It's gonna be thirty-eight years ago next month," Mr. Phillips continued. "I was only six years old and I remember everything that happened that night, but I didn't know the story behind it until I was seventeen and..."

Mr. Phillips looked up at the ceiling, his lips pressed together, as if he was trying hard not to burst into a sobbing mess. Tears were streaming down Cheyenne's face, while C.J. looked down on the ground, wiping away tears. Drew's heart sank even more at this sight. 

"Your Uncle Brad did the same thing you two did, and your Aunt Amy was in Drew's place," Mr. Phillips said. I remember your grandfather yelling his head off at your Uncle Brad after he and Amy told everything that Chris went through, but I'm not going to, 'cause Chris wasn't passed out in a hospital bed and we're in public place, and I know that your hearts were in the right place and you didn't mean to hurt your sister."

"No, Daddy, we really didn't mean to hurt Cassie, and we're so sorry," Cheyenne hiccupped through her tears. "And I know Mom's still gonna be mad at us when she gets better, but I didn't mean to hurt nobody."

"Yes, yes, yes, I know," Mr. Phillips said, taking Cheyenne's hand and kissing it repeatedly. "And your mother will come around. Cheyenne, I was out of line when I cursed out Marcus' parents, and I regret ever doing that. In due time, the man of your dreams is gonna come soon, 'cause you have beauty, brains, and kindness and that's what a real man will appreciate from you."

Cheyenne smiled a little at Mr. Phillips' words.

"However, this situation we're dealing with right now is far more greater than boyfriend problems," Mr. Phillips pointed out. "Those girls sent boys to rape your sister. They beat her up. They sent death threats to her via text message and..."

Mr. Phillips took out Cassie's phone from his pocket, and flipped it open.

"You see, they sent new ones during the past hour, but there's two numbers here and these texts are all from one single number, I mean, it's almost six o'clock at night, who the fuck does this shit?!"

"Probably Simone," Drew spoke up lowly. "She was always in charge of the bullying."
"Well, I oughta report this girl to the cops, 'cause enough is enough," Mr. Phillips growled, closing Cassie's phone and tucking it back in his pocket.

He turned back to C.J. and Cheyenne. "Listen to me. And I want Drew to hear this too, 'cause this is very important. What your grandfather told your Uncle Brad is the same thing I'm gonna tell you," Mr. Phillips said. "When someone causes any of you guys harm, I have every right to be angry, I have a right to go crazy and explode on them and their parents, 'cause that's exactly what they deserve for not keeping a close eye on their kids! Now those girls are going to pay dearly and get the punishment that is long overdue."

Drew, C.J., and Cheyenne nodded collectively.

Just then, Drew looked out the window to see that it was pitch black dark outside.

"Um, guys, I think I should head home," he announced to the group. "My mom's expecting me back and it's a shark pit where I live."

"Where do you live?" Mr. Phillips wanted to know.

"The South Jamaica houses," Drew replied.

"You mean the 40 Projects?" C.J. asked.

"Yeah, that's right."

"Well, you best be hurrying home before the hoodrats get restless," Cheyenne chimed in.

"Yeah, you right," Drew agreed knowingly. "C.J., you got my number, right?"

"Yup, I'll let you know how she's doing," C.J. assured.

"Drew, before you go..." Mr. Phillips spoke up. He got up to face him, as Drew was still a little intimidated by Mr. Phillips' towering frame.

"I just wanted to say that I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done for Cassie, you've befriended her and you've always been there for her when those awful girls were giving her a hard time," Mr. Phillips continued. "I guess my wife was right, you can't judge a book by its cover, 'cause I was little skeptical of you before this whole thing with your tattoo and everything."

"I understand," Drew replied. "It's all part of looking out for your kids, right?"

Mr. Phillips nodded and smiled. "Exactly," he replied.

The pair shared a genuine, firm handshake, while Mr. Phillips didn't crush his hand this time. Drew bid his goodbyes to the three of them while C.J. and Cheyenne expressed their gratitude. Drew kissed his hand and laid it on Cassie's forehead before leaving.

As Drew went down the hallway, he was met by Mrs. Phillips still in the wheelchair with a nurse moving her from behind.

"Oh, honey, are you leaving the hospital now?" Mrs. Phillips asked. 

"Yeah, my Mom's expecting me back," Drew replied. "Are you feeling OK now?"

"Just hearing the nurse say that they reversed the overdose and my baby's gonna be alright..." Mrs. Phillips started. 

She then sighed with relief and nodded.  "It was all that I needed to hear for my blood pressure to go down," she finished. "And when I get better, I'm gonna raise three kinds of hell."

Drew smiled with relief. "That's great," he said wholeheartedly. "And you're not the only one."

Mrs. Phillips then burst into tears of joy. "Can I hug you?"

"If it makes your heart feel better," Drew replied. 

Mrs. Phillips smiled tearfully as she got up from her wheelchair and gave Drew a big hug, Drew hugging her back willingly. He felt her body shake as she sobbed, making Drew fight back tears.  When she let go of him, she said,

"You're not only Cassie's hero, but you're truly my hero, you know that?"

"Thank you, Mrs. Phillips."

"Your mother's gonna feel really proud once she finds out about this."

"She sure will."

Mrs. Phillips hugged him again, but shorter than the last. She then sat back into her wheelchair and said,

"I'm gonna go see my baby now, you get home safe, alright?"

"I will, good night," Drew replied, bidding Mrs. Phillips goodbye.

The subway station wasn't that far from the hospital, and it didn't take long for the train to come. Drew's commute went smoothly, probably a sign that he did good today, as he was the one Cassie needed at that moment. He stepped inside his apartment, to the sounds of Spongebob blasting from the living room TV. His little sisters were glued to the television screen. He peeked into his mother's room and saw that his mother was kneeling in front of a picture of Santa Maria while praying with her rosary in hand, as candles were lit. Once she was finished, she made the sign of Cross before getting up.

"Buenas tardes, Mamá," Drew greeted.

"Andrew," Drew's mother breathed out, rushing over to Drew, holding on to his arms. She was so petite, her head just barely reached Drew's chest. 

"Is Cassandra going to be alright?" she asked in Spanish.

"Yes, Mamá," Drew replied. "The doctors reversed the overdose, they just have to keep her in the hospital for blood tests."

"To see if the drugs are still in her system, right?"

"Yes. "

"Gracias a Dios," Drew's mother breathed out, making the sign of the Cross. "How about her mother, is she gonna be alright?"

"Well, her blood pressure was very high when she found out about Cassandra," Drew replied sadly. "She had to be admitted in the hospital to bring it down because it was too high.

"Ay, Dios mio," his mother moaned in dismay.

"But once she heard that Cassandra was going to be alright, her blood pressure went down and now she's fine," Drew reassured his mother. 

Tears welled in her eyes and streamed down her face, making Drew cry himself.

"Ay, hijo," Drew's mother croaked out. She gathered Drew in a hug, as tears flowed freely down his face.

"I'm so proud of you," she said, kissing Drew on his cheek.

"Gracias, Mamí," Drew replied, smiling through his tears.

"I prayed for Cassandra and her family," her mother

"I know, Mamá," Drew replied with a smile. 

As his mother hugged Drew tighter, he smiled to himself at the fact that he was a real hero. 

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