
By Asgardian_Kitty

247 0 0

Heather had just moved into a new neighborhood, and by neighborhood, I mean she moved into a small area where... More



21 0 0
By Asgardian_Kitty

     "Bye!" Skylor and I waved as the two left. I waited until they were a little ways down the road before shutting the door and turning to Skylor. "You uh, do know that they were the actual Eyeless Jack and Ben Drowned, right?"

       "Oh yeah," Skylor replied, "you're uh... You're fucked."

        "So are you!" I retorted, "You have Ben as a friend. And if you end up making him angry or betraying him, he will most likely kill you. Or at least kill Tristan to get back at you."

        "That... is very true..." she replied, realizing I was right. "But I'm also not friends with three murderers who also happen to live right down the road."

       "But I mean," I started, "if I'm gonna die, I might as well go out with style, by throwing a party for all my murderous friends and their murdering and stalking buddies."

        "Uh, you can throw a party and invite a bunch of murderers and die, but uh, I'll be at home cuddling with Tristan," Skylor replied. I shrugged and got Ben's number from her before practically forcing her to help me get everything together for the party, since tomorrow is Halloween.

— — — — —

        "Okay, but listen," Ben started, "you know they were fun to be around." He was trying to convince me that being around Heather and Skylor last night was a fun experience. It was, but I wouldn't openly admit it to him. He doesn't need that going to his head. "They made you laugh. I don't think anyone at the mansion has made you laugh before."

       "That's because they don't. At least, not since you've been around. They do it every once in a while," I replied. Some have made me chuckle to myself, but rarely do they actually make me full on laugh. It's just Heather and Skylor have a certain... stupid and dark humor that actually go with mine. He stopped for a second as he pulled out his phone and looked at the notification only to get a large grin on his face. "Oh God, now what?"

"Heather just texted me, and said that she's throwing a Halloween party tomorrow and all of our friends are invited," he explained. "We can get everyone at the mansion to go!"

"Do you really think Slendy is going to allow that?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. He thought about for a second before shrugging and smiling at me.

"Well, she has been here for a few months now and Slendy doesn't really consider her a threat but more of a target, so I mean..." he started, "he'll probably let us go and then we can kill her there. Or maybe you can take her as a small snack for when you get hungry."

"You try and harvest an organ without someone walking in on you or waking up, it's hard," I huffed, "sometimes I don't want to have to deal with someone walking in or the person waking up and alerting others. If I bring someone to the house, when they scream, you can't even hear them in my lab."

"Very true," he replied as we walked up to the mansion. We went our separate ways here for a while until Slendy called us all down for a little talk. If this is about Jeff and Jane getting into fights again, he should know by now that there is nothing he can say or do to make them not fight. Or Dark and Ben for that matter.

"Ben has brought this to my attention, about Heather throwing a party for all of you to go too," Slendy started. Oh right, Ben did go and tell Slendy about that. "I think this would be an easy opportunity to go and kill her, so I'm allowing you all to go." Everyone started talking amongst themselves as to why she would actually allow us all to go, as we are murderers.

"Heather just texted me again!" Ben called out, making everyone shut up. "She said, 'I know you're a creepypasta, and I know y'all gone ducking kill me so like, might as well throw a party and go out with style. GOD DAMN IT THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FUCKING! NOT THAT WAY BEN YOU PERVERTED IDIOT! Also, tell Jeff he's stupid and not as pretty as every other pasta.'"

"WHAT!" Jeff called out, angry that she would even say that. "Okay, she's getting stabbed a thousand times!"

"Not if EJ keeps her as a snack," Ben replied.

"I CALL DIBS!" Jeff screeched.

"You can't call dibs!" I replied, "knowing you, you'll forget it within a day!"

"Fuck. You're right." He replied, looking away and going into thought. "Shit." A few laughed at this before seeing if Slendy had anything else to say. When he didn't, everyone scattered to go back to do their own thing.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

"Alright, so, everything's set up and ready for everyone to show up..." I stated, looking around. Skylor had left to go pick up some pizzas and decided on staying, as she did want to see how many she could piss off. It was one of her many talents, piss off as many people as she possibly could.

After about ten minutes, I heard the door bell go off. I walked over and saw that it was literally all the Creepypastas, with Ben at the door. I opened it and was immediately tackled by Toby.

"Jesus Christ Toby! I know you love me, but could you not?" I asked, trying to shove him off.

"B- but Heather!" he whined, letting himself roll off of me. When I looked up at the others, Tim just facepalmed and sighed.

"So like, how ya' doing Tim?" I questioned, getting up and dusting myself off. I let everyone in seeing familiar faces of people I've read online. Puppeteer, Sally, Liu, Kate, Herobrine and many others.

"I'm fine, just annoyed. As usual," he replied, crossing his arms as he watched Toby get up before making a B line to the kitchen for snacks. "You probably didn't get enough food."

"Nah, I got Skylor to go get like twenty pizzas and more drinks. I also have other food stashed away if I need to break it out. Also, when Skylor gets here, she's going to try and piss off as many of them as she can," I sighed, "she's an idiot."

"Yeah, that's not the smartest idea. I mean, Jeff is the only one that she really needs to worry about, but still."

"It's one of her many skills, apparently when she started talking to Ben, she pissed him off a lot and then they became friends. And then I'm just here like 'I'm gonna die, let's throw a party.'" Toby, Tim, and Brian all turned to me and just kinda stared at me.

"Heather? Are you okay..?" Brian asked, as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"I mean, not really. I know I'm going to die. Look, I've known you three were creepypastas since day one, I kinda figured I was gonna die anyway if y'all were already stalking me. So I mean, I've been fucked from day one when I moved here."

"You're taking this... oddly well..." EJ interjected as he walked over. He looked down at me.

"Look Jack, I've been depressed for most of my life. Wanting death kinda comes with it. But I mean, I've gotten better. Still happen to want death from time to time. Don't worry 'bout it. It's fine."

"G- GUYS! I- I'M HEEEERRREEE!" someone screeched, kicking the door open. When we turned, it was Skylor dressed up like Toby. Everyone turned to look at the door, and I heard a collective sigh by mostly everyone. except Toby and Jeff who ran over to her. Jeff took the pizzas away while Toby tackles her.

"T- THERE'S AN- ANOTHER ME!" Toby screeched, hugging her and putting his cheek against hers.

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