Blood Haven ➼ Sam Winchester...

By -adoringsam

107K 6.6K 3.7K

[POORLY WRITTEN, SO PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.] ❞ Rory, if you flirt with my brother one more time I'm goi... More



1.7K 107 123
By -adoringsam

Chapter twenty one: not edited





Hope is a funny word because it can mean so many things to different people. It can give them strength during a dark period or it can simply remind them of a time when everything was okay. But, how can someone have hope when everything around them is spiraling out of control? How can someone remain positive when nothing goes right in their lives? How can anyone even think of that word when they know something bad is around the corner?

Lately, that's all Rory Moore could think about. He thought about how he lost his only sibling, how his parents perished in a house fire and how everything seemed to go wrong in his life. After the huge revelation of the yellow eyed demon and how the hell spawn was in the center of it all, he slowly succumbed into his own mind, his escape.

He craved to leave this life behind. He didn't want to endure anymore pain and he clearly didn't want to relive those horrible moments over and over again. But as he replayed the words Dean Winchester had said to him just before he got sent back to his body, he knew he needed to keep fighting. He wasn't a quitter. He was a survivor and he knew the Winchester brothers needed to hear that more than ever.

As those words kept going on and on in his mind, he knew this was going to be a tough journey not only for the brothers but for himself as well. He lost track of how many days and hours he had been with them and he knew this was just the beginning of his own story against evil. Just thinking about how he wants his story to end bothers him. He doesn't want to have a normal death. He wants to go out when he fights for something he believes in.

That's what he learned from Sam Winchester.

Fighting for something that Rory believes in would be a long shot since he hardly thinks positive these days. Why would he? Every day brings in a new victim, a new disaster that he must witness time from time and he absolutely despises it. Why can't he get a win for once? Why does everything have to end with bloodshed?

Standing here, watching Sam and Dean mourn the loss of their father was the hardest thing he had to witness at this moment. Even though most times he was down right cold and mean, he tried. He absolutely tried to do his best and that's what matters the most.

He may not have liked John Winchester but he didn't want him to die like the way he did. Who knows where the man is now? Rory hopes he found peace with himself— maybe even with his wife. Being reunited with someone you love is the best feeling in the world, even when you don't deserve that kind of peace.

Flames licked at his skin as he placed more logs under the burning corpse. He knew Sam appreciated him doing this since he was too numb to do it himself. The blonde couldn't blame him. How would he react if he had to watch his own fathers corpse being burned into oblivion?

He knew he wouldn't react well so that's why he never left the youngest Winchester's side, not even when he tried to shoo him away because he said he was fine— which, the blonde knew was an absolute lie to not to himself but him as well.

"He shouldn't be here."

At the sound of Dean'a voice, Rory turned his head to glance at the older man a few feet away from him. He couldn't help but frown as their conversation deepened about how he shouldn't be there because he wasn't family to them. But to Rory's amazement, Sam stuck up for him.

"He's more than family to me."

Quickly turning his attention away from the Winchester's, he could feel Sam's lingering gaze on the side of his face as he tried to get those words out of his head. Sam was probably making that up. There is no way that the man had feelings for him nor did he really mean what he had said to Dean.

Besides, Rory only thought of him as a friend.

That's it.

Nothing more.

Perking his ears up at the sound of Sam's hush voice, he couldn't make out everything he is saying, but from the looks of it, the brunette had a pained look on his face. His heart broke for Sam. He may not know how it feels to not have a connection with his Dad, but he knew he could connect with him on how he died. Both of them died unexpectedly and that doesn't make it any easier.

"Did he say anything to you before he died?"

His heart clenched at the sound of Sam's voice. It sounded so broken, so out of place than it normally was. He wished he had the courage to walk over to comfort the broken man but he couldn't budge. He couldn't move a muscle to help Sam Winchester feel better, even though he should go over there. It was the right thing to do but at the sight of Dean, he stayed where he was, too afraid that he would say something wrong.

"No. Nothing"

Dean's voice carried over to where Rory was staring at the fire intently. The blonde knew something in Dean's voice made him think he was lying. But, yet again. The Winchesters were famous on keeping secrets so he wouldn't be surprised if Dean was lying to Sam. That just seemed the new normal to him.

He was lost in his own little world that he didn't even realize Sam and Dean where on there way over to him. Looking up, he cracked a comforting smile to Sam, in which he didn't return. Something was bothering him. Of course it could be his Dad dying but something else seemed to be from the look on his face. Yet, the blonde didn't question it. He didn't even move a finger to start a conversation to Sam as they headed back to his brother's car.

The drive back to Bobby Singer's was deafening. Not because of the small talk, no because of the silent manner coming from the blonde. He usually wasn't this quiet. He always had something to say. He always had another word to be spoken towards any conversation. But, not now. Not now or ever. He didn't want to risk angering Dean anymore than his presence already is.

Rory had thought he gained his trust after everything they had been through. But, he was wrong. Dean didn't trust him and he probably would never do so. That bothered the blonde so much. He didn't understand why that bothered him because he didn't care what people thought of him. He was who he was and that's fine with him.

Blinking back the sleep that threatened to take him over, the blonde couldn't help but hear fragment of the conversation Sam was having with Dean about the comment he had made earlier. The comment of course was about Rory Moore and he didn't know how to feel about that.

"Why are you so adamant on talking badly about him?" Sam said in a rush tone of voice, too broken to glare at his brother who was staring harshly at the road in front of him.

"I don't trust him, Sam. I never did. Something about him is screaming at me to kick him on the side of the road."

The blonde couldn't help but flinch internally at the sound of his voice. His words didn't bother him so much but the way he had said it made him curl up into a deep ball mentally. He wasn't a bad person. Maybe he had cheated some during school but that didn't scream murder or some person who is a stalker. Even though he blamed himself for getting his whole family killed, it's not like he wanted to kill Sam and Dean.

"Seriously? He still hasn't proved himself to you?"

"You think he has?"

"Of course, I do!" Sam raised his voice, giving the blonde a look to make sure he was asleep before continuing. "Dean, I trust him. Hell, at first I didn't but now I do."

"Why do you trust him so much?"

"C-Cause, he's important to me. More than you'll ever know."

Rory didn't hear anymore from Dean but that didn't mean he couldn't feel the anger radiating from the older boy. It was like he was projecting it for the blonde to feel every ounce of it. But, then he remembered what Sam had said and it made his heart warm at the thought of the younger boy trusting him. He could've chosen not too, but he did and that was an amazing feeling.

Yet, he couldn't help but frown at his last words. How was he important to Sam? He was just a guy. A guy who doesn't matter to the world. A guy who is just a guy while someone like Sam was extraordinary. He couldn't understand why Sam would take the time to get to know a broken shell of a man like Rory Moore. But, for whatever reason, Rory was grateful for that.

He was grateful to have someone like Sam in his life. They may have known each other for almost a year or more now, but that doesn't stop him from appreciating the time they had together. Time is precious and the blonde finally came to realization on how true that is. Time was the reason why he regretted walking out of Jessica's life so she could have something better. Even though he had promised to protect her with his life, he couldn't in the end and that was the worst part of it all.

As soon as the sun started to lick at the edges of the almost blue sky, the blonde knew a new day was upon them. Whether he liked it or not, he knew that the remaining day would be impossible to overcome since there has been so much tension in the air between Sam and Dean. He didn't question it nor did he even look Dean in the eye, too afraid that the older man would throw him across the room for looking at him wrong.

Being beat up is fine, but being killed is one thing and he for sure isn't ready to meet his maker now. He wondered if Sam had that problem with his older brother. He knew sometimes they didn't get along but he often wondered if there was a real reason behind it. Maybe Dean is jealous of Sam or the other way around. But, whatever is going on. He hoped that Sam and Dean could fix it before something bad happens to either one of them.

At the moment he didn't know what to think. One part of him wants Sam and Dean to work it out other part wants him to fix it for himself. Yet, he knew that would be a bad call since he wasn't family towards either one of them. He wished that Dean would be nicer to him and he wished Sam would let him during this hard period of time because he knew how it felt to lose two members of a family.

A knock on the door made Rory look up to see Bobby Singer standing at his doorway with a plate of food in his hand. Noticing what it was, he couldn't help quirk an eyebrow in his direction at the sight of scrambled eggs and banana bread on the silver plate.

"Sam said this was your favorite." Bobby came walking into the room. He set the plate down before turning to look at the blonde. "Did you sleep okay?"

The blonde nodded and responded with politeness. "Yes, I did. Thank you for the hospitality."

The corner of Bobby's lips quirked up. "It's no problem at all. Your friends of my boys so that means your family."

"Even though you haven't known me for long?"

"Time has nothing to do with it, boy." Bobby shook his head as he walked closer to the door. "You should get dressed. Sam found a case and I know that he would like for you to join him and his brother."

He raised an eyebrow but before he could say anything Bobby had walked out of the room. It was nice the older man had brought him a plate of food. He would never have expected him to do that. It's not like he was close to the man or even called him a friend— but from the looks of it, that will probably change.

So as soon as the blonde was done with his plate of food, Rory went downstairs to see that Sam and Dean had came inside. At the sound of him entering the room, all three glanced up and gave him different looks, which, was mostly on Dean's part.

"The last time someone looked at me that way they got a punch in the face by my sister." He joked but no one— especially Dean didn't find it funny at all.

All Dean did was narrow his eyes at the blonde, biting his lip from saying something towards him. Rory didn't care nor was he bothered by that look. It wasn't like Dean could hurt him by his words. He heard worse. He knew Dean was in pain so with that being said, the blonde walked over and placed a comforting hand on Sam's shoulder, ignoring the eldest Winchester all together.

"Hey. How are you this morning?"

Sam's lips quirked up into a small smile, pain still clearly written on his face. "I'm fine." When the blonde was about to open his mouth, the brunette raised a hand to stop him from talking. "Really, I'm fine, man."

He knew that was a lie. Even if Rory had been with him for almost a year and a half, he knew the boy better than anyone. On the other hand, he still had lots to learn about Sam Winchester and he couldn't wait to do so. With that being said, the blonde gave him an uneasy smile before leaning against a wall, waiting for the next move and conversation.

"Sam cracked Dad's phone password and found a lady by the name of Ellen leaving a voicemail from a couple months ago. Any idea who that is?" Dean was holding his father's phone in his hand, squeezing it as tight as he could.

"The only Ellen I can think of is Ellen Harvelle but your Daddy and her had a falling out so I can't presume if it's her or not."

"Oh, they had a following out? Figures." The blonde muttered under his breath, too afraid to even look in the Winchesters direction, knowing one of them was glaring at him.

"Do you know why?" Sam moved his eyes from the blonde and locked them with the man he considered a second father.

"Beats me. Ellen would never talk about it. Every time I mentioned his name she would grow quiet, too quiet for my likings. But, hey. If you want you can go ask yourself." Bobby took a sip out of his flask before handing a pair of keys to Dean. "Here. This is a spare key to one of my cars."

"Thanks, Bobby."

"Now get going you idgits."

And with that, the trio found themselves in a mini van to Dean Winchester's dismay and they were off to find Ellen Harvelle. To be honest, Rory was kind of excited. Not because of the ideal hunt, but because he was meeting another hunter. Even though their life usually isn't good, he still likes to learn everything he could about the supernatural world. So when Bobby said Sam wanted him to go with them, he couldn't say no.

"How much longer until we get there?"

His eyes were glued to the outside world that had hardly anything to look at. All around him was flat land filled with dark colored sand that seemed to stretch on for miles and miles. He didn't hate the location but he would rather be some where that had more to look at, not just piles and piles of sand.

"About five minutes away." Sam was glancing down at the map in his hands. A small pen was dangling from his lips, total focus in his eyes. "The coordinates are pointing towards a small road up ahead."

The blonde couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow in his direction. "Okay, Inspector Gadget. Thanks for informing us."

Dean, who was driving the van couldn't but snort in laughter. "Inspector Gadget? That's a new one. What happened to Bambi?" He felt his brother shot him a look. "Hey, don't look at me like that. Your the one who wanted to bring him along."

"Chill out, Angry Spice. My nicknames are just getting started." The blonde felt his lips turn up into a slight smirk as he looked at Sam. "Right, Doe eyes?"

Sam rolled his eyes as Dean turned on a small road that lead to a large building called, "The Roadhouse." Assuming it was Ellen Harvelle's place, the three of them got out of the mini van and stretched their legs. It had been somewhat of a long drive and Rory was grateful that it was over. The tension in the van was consuming him and he hated it.

He hated that he was the reason why there was tension in the first place. It wasn't his fault that Sam had offered for him to go with them on this journey. It wasn't his fault that Dean didn't like him. He couldn't understand why the older boy disliked him. What is there to dislike? He's nice. Nice enough to stick up for Sam when he needed it. He even stood up for Dean sometimes. Which was really rare.

"This is humiliating. I feel like a friggin' soccer mom!" Dean complained as he got out of the minivan.

"You look like one, too." The blonde spluttered a laugh when the older man turned to glare at him. It wasn't his fault that Dean was so easy to mess with.

"It's the only car Bobby had running." Sam says, trying to glimpse inside the broken building.

"Yeah, stop complaining, Dean-o."

Dean swiveled around on his heels, glaring daggers at the blonde once more. "Can I hit him?"

"Not in public."

The blonde couldn't help but stick out a lip in disappointment at Sam's words. It was more of a pout really. He thought the youngest Winchester would've stuck up for him but he guessed that Sam was done with him for a bit. He couldn't blame the brunette. He knew he was annoying. But hey, everyone is annoying at one point of their lives.

"This place looks deserted. Are you sure this is the right place?" The blonde followed Sam and Dean into the Roadhouse after they picked the lock to the front door. But, after walking in, Rory noticed that something was not right.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it is early. Maybe Ellen went shopping?" Dean replied to the blonde's statement.

"It's three, Dean. That's not early." He deadpanned, giving out a large huff of annoyance when Sam chuckled.

Walking past Sam and Dean, Rory went to scour the Roadhouse by himself since the Winchester boys seemed to handle themselves more when they're alone. He never noticed that until one day he left for a road and came back from it and saw how codependent they truly are. It made him think of Jessica. Both of them were like that as well. That's why her death was brutal towards him.

He just hoped that she found peace with his parents.

"This building is clearer than my bank account."

He couldn't help but chuckle at those words because it was the truth. He had hardly any money tied to his name since most likely he had been fired from his job and his roommate probably took all what was left in the apartment they shared. He didn't mind. At least he was alive and that's what counted.  

When he couldn't find anything, the blonde went back into the main room to see Dean get punched in the face by a girl. Before he could even react, Sam came walking out of the back with a middle aged woman pointing a gun onto him. If it was a different situation Rory would've laughed his heart off at the scene but from the looks of it, this wasn't the time.

"Well, this is awkward."

"Sorry, Dean, I can't right now. I'm a little tied up."

The woman, who the blonde presumed was Ellen Harvelle, lowered her gun an inch before giving Sam and Dean an examination. "Sam? Dean? Winchester?"

"Yeah." Sam and Dean spoke at the same time.

"Son of a bitch."

The girl who had punched Dean in the face scrunched her face up in confusion. "Mom, you know these guys?"

Rory was a few inches away from the girl when Ellen realized who Sam and Dean really were. With a laugh, Ellen lowered her gun and introduced herself to them. "Hey, I'm Ellen. This is my daughter Jo."

Jo also lowers her rifle, which Rory noticed that Dean smiled at her. "You're not gonna hit me again, are you?"

"If you do, I'll pay you ten dollars if you let me watch."

"Shut it, Blondie. You're broke anyways."


To Rory Moore's amazement, Ellen and her daughter Jo didn't even spare him a glance when he came to join him at the table. The only thing they asked him was his name and if was a hunter. Of course, he had to make up a lie because he really didn't feel like going into detail on how it was his fault his whole family was dead. Even though Sam Winchester would disagree with him on that to his dismay.

"Thanks." Dean grabbed the towel that contained ice beneath it before placing it on the swelling spot on his face. "You called our dad, said you could help. Help with what?"

Ellen, who was leaning against the counter quirked an eyebrow. "Well, the demon, of course. I heard he was closing in on it."

The blonde couldn't help but gnaw on his bottom lip, knowing he shouldn't say anything because this wasn't his fight. Even though the demon killed his parents and sister, he knew Dean would bite his head off if he says something to ruin their chance of finding out more information on the demon with yellow eyes.

Dean lowered the towel, eyeing her with surprise. "What, was there an article in the Demon Hunters Quarterly that I missed? I mean, who, who are you? How do you know about all this?"

He had a point. How did Ellen know all about demons? Maybe she had a relative who was killed by one? Whatever it was. He for sure didn't like the idea of a young girl like Jo being raised into it if it was true. He guessed he probably didn't understand the hunter life since he was never raised it in himself. But, one thing is for sure, who really wants this life after all?

"Hey, I just run a saloon. But hunters have been known to pass through now and again." Ellen says with a distant look in her eyes before life sprung back into them. "Including your dad a long time ago. John was like family once."

Quirking an eyebrow, the blonde slowly turned his head to see Sam and Dean's reaction at the news but to his dismay they didn't really have. All Sam looked like he was eating a lemon or something sour while Dean just gradually looked annoyed by this woman's presence. He didn't understand why Dean had such an issue with her knowing about the demon. It's not like she knew everything about them.

"Oh yeah? How come he never mentioned you before?"

"You'd have to ask him that."

The tension in the room thickened like a thunderstorm coming onto the horizon. It was pretty much deafening and it started to suffocate the blonde to no end. Who knew the mention of John Winchester would do that to him? By the look of Sam and Dean's face they agreed as well. At this moment, the blonde wished the older man would magically appear to tell them that he is in fact alive and not buried in a ditch. But, he knew that would never happen.

"So why exactly do we need your help?" Dean Winchester's voice broke through the cracks of the tension, slicing through it like a sharp knife.

"Dean. Don't be so freaking rude." The blonde found himself snapping, tired of the older boy's antics and coldness towards Ellen. Ellen did nothing wrong. All she wanted to do was help and here comes Dean with his rude replies.

Dean rolled his eyes while Ellen held up her hands to wave off his comment. "Hey, don't do me any favors. Look, if you don't want my help, fine. Don't let the door smack your ass on the way out."

The blonde gave Dean a look.

"But John wouldn't have sent you if-" She soon realized what the situation, making her freeze up, sadness clouding up her eyes. "He didn't send you." At the sight of Dean looking down at the floor, then back at his younger brother, she couldn't help let her heart break. "He's all right, isn't he?"

Sam grimaced as he recalled his father's death, knowing that Ellen needed some kind of closure on how John Winchester really died. "No. No, he isn't. It was the demon, we think. It, um, it just got him before he got it, I guess."

"Which is totally unfortunate because now it's hunting us." Rory sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Even the thought of it is making me tired."

Ellen gave him a look of sympathy. "I have a bed in the back room if you need to crash."

The blonde shook his head. "Thanks but no thanks. I need to be here."

"Your funeral." Ellen flickered her attention back to Sam and Dean who looked uncomfortable at the situation. "Boys, I'm so sorry. John didn't deserve to go out like that."

"It's okay. We're all right."

The eldest Moore could feel the coldness from Dean's voice even from where he sat. John's death must have really bothered him to the point that he's more snappy than usual. Just the sight of that makes him think about the time when he lost his parents and how he was the same way. Both of their feelings were valid but sometimes letting someone in to comfort isn't that bad in the end.

Ellen blinked and looked at Dean in surprise. "Really? I know how close you and your dad were."

"Really, lady. I'm fine."

As those words left Dean's mouth, the blonde knew he was lying. He was not fine. He was breaking and even Rory could tell that. At any mention of John, Dean was snapping up a storm, so really, how's that fine? He didn't blame him for having that type of reaction. Even though Dean wouldn't admit it, John wasn't an ideal father and it was too late to change that now.

Once again, Sam grimaced at his reaction before slowly regained his cool. "So look, if you can help, we could use all the help we can get."

"Yes, please. I don't want Bambi over here to get so tired out from trying to find clues."

Sam shot the blonde his classic bitch face while Ellen just seemed confused at the whole interaction. But, Jo on the other hand looked at them with understanding and a twinkle in her eye. Of course, Dean was the only one who looked frustrated at the whole situation. The kind of frustration were he wanted to scream at the blonde for getting off topic all the time.

Ellen swallowed hard before glancing over her shoulder. "Well, we can't. But Ash will."

"Who's Ash?"


At the sound of her voice, a man that was stretched on one of the pool tables jolts awake and immediately sits up, flailing his arms in alarm. The scene would be quite comical if the situation wasn't serious. Soon enough, the man asked if it was closing time and of course that made Sam and Dean look at Ellen in disbelief. This couldn't be Ash, could it?"

Sam must had the same thought because he found himself questioning Ellen. "That's Ash?"

"Mm-hmm. He's a genius."

As soon as those words left Jo's mouth, the three of them found themselves at the bar in attempt to see if this Ash guy was legit. The blonde didn't know much about the hunter life nor how to track a demon, but from the looks of it, it was a tough job and he didn't know if this guy could do it. Unless, he had a skill that no one knew about.

"You've gotta be kidding me, this guy's no genius." Dean looked absolutely offended and if the blonde wasn't in a mood, he would've laughed at his reaction. "He's a Lynyrd Skynyrd roadie."

"I like you."

Dean blinked. "Thanks."

Jo, who was standing on the opposite side of the bar pouring water, spoke up. "Just give him a chance."

"Yeah, Dean. Remember, we're people who give others chances." The blonde said with double meaning behind his words. When he felt Sam nudge into his shoulder he grew quiet, biting his bottom lip from saying anything else.

Dean didn't seemed faze by Rory's comment and found himself sitting in front of the bar, slamming the brown folder down that contained information on the demon. "All right. This stuff's about a year's worth of our dad's work, so uh, let's see what you make of it."

The blonde couldn't help but watch as Ash spread the papers out and studied them intensely. He would be surprised if Ash knew what he was doing because Rory had no idea how someone could track demons. Deep down, he didn't want Ash to find clues on it because that would mean more pain and tragedy, something he didn't have time for.

Ash frowns, shaking his head. "Come on. This crap ain't real. There ain't nobody can track a demon like this."

"Our dad could."

"How? That man could barely work a toaster." The eldest Moore raised an eyebrow towards Sam, who gently grimace at his look. "I'm just saying."

"Who can't work a toaster?"

"Apparently John Winchester can't."

"Huh." Ash blinked, not believing what he was hearing. "Who would've thought." Shuffling the papers once more, the man spoke to Sam and Dean. "There are non-parametrics, statistical overviews, prospects and correlations, I mean.. damn! They're signs. Omens. Uh, if you can track 'em, you can track this demon. You know, like crop failures, electrical storms... You ever been struck by lightening? It ain't fun."

Rory couldn't help but snort at his words as Sam looked beyond annoyed by this man. "Can you track it or not?"

"Yeah, with this, I think so. But it's gonna take time, uh, give me... fifty one hours."

He gets up to leave before Dean spoke up.

"Hey, man?"


"I, uh, I dig the haircut."

The blonde couldn't help but snort into his hands as he tries to hold back his amusement. Out of all things Dean Winchester says, that's it? But when Ash made a comment about how his hair is business in front and party in the back he lost it. He lost it so bad that he had to step outside for a couple minutes because he knew he was being ridiculous at this moment.  Yet, he knew this was the most fun he had in a very long time, like a long time.

He missed laughing. He missed passing jokes with his parents and more importantly Jessica. Jessica was his whole world. He was so protective of her that if someone made a mean comment about her in school, he would do something about it. Which ended him in the principal office most times. But, he didn't care. He would give his life for his family and that's what counts.

The door swung open and a head poked out of it. "Rory? Where are you?"

Once the blonde removed his hand from his mouth, he felt himself calming down. "Right here." And with that, his eyes maneuvered over to see Sam Winchester walking towards him with an expression that he loves seeing on him. "You know, I don't say this much but you have an amazing smile. You should do it more often."

Sam's lips turned into a grin before his face grew serious. "Uh, so. Ellen gave us a case."

The blonde's eyes lit up with excitement at the news. "Really? When do we leave?" That question flew out of his mouth like a lizard catching his prey. But, when he saw Sam's faltering face, he furrowed his eyebrows. "Sam? What's wrong?" 

"I think it's for the best if you stay here while we hunt this thing."

"Excuse me?"

When Sam saw the blonde getting defensive he raised his hands to protect himself from getting yelled at. "Rory, I'm only saying I want you to stay here is because you look exhausted and I don't want you to get hurt."

"I can protect myself."

"Until you can't." The youngest Winchester fired back.


"I said no." Sam snapped, his eyes softening when the blonde placed his lips into a firm line. "Look. you can come on the next hunt. I promise you that."

Rory Moore didn't like the idea of Sam hunting without him but he knew arguing with him wouldn't get him anywhere. So with that being said, the blonde nodded. "Okay. But please be safe."

"I always am."

"I'm going to kill him."

Jo, who was flipping a knife with her right hand, raised an eyebrow. "Which one?"

The blonde stopped his pacing, narrowing his eyes at her question. "Both. More importantly Dean."

She placed her lips in a thin line. "What'd he do now?"

"What didn't he do?"

Rory found himself sitting at one of the tables, sitting in front of the blonde who was looking at him questionably. After Sam and Dean had left, Rory went on a full rant to Ellen and Jo. Well, that was until Ellen excused herself from the situation because Rory was becoming too much.

"I mean, yeah. His dad died which totally sucks but he has been treating me bad ever since— hell, ever since I joined the duo he has been sending me looks that scream he's going to kill me in my sleep."

"What does Sam think about that?"

The blonde remembered the conversation from this morning before shrugging. "I'm not sure. He sticks up for me when he needs to but I'm not sure how he feels during the situation."

"Maybe he doesn't want to get into the middle of it."

Rory hummed at that. "Maybe."

"Besides, you're not family." Jo pointed out to him with a frowning. "Maybe that's it? He may just be sticking up for his own blood."

"When did family ever end in blood though?"



50 votes and 40 comments for next chapter.

Ahh, I finally finished this chapter!

How'd you like it?

I'm so excited for Rory's journey in this season. Just fifteen more chapters until part three of the book!

There will be five parts in this book so I'm thrilled.

Also, Supernatural's final seven episodes are starting up in October and I'm so ready for it but not.

Please remember to comment and vote as much as you can! Don't be a silent reader.

Question for the chapter: Who is your favorite character in Supernatural?

My answer: Sam Winchester of course!

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ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ꜱɪɴ ꜰᴏʀ ʜɪᴍ; Raging lust, desire as she has never known. Two males, one the hunter and the hunted will tear the world apart to have her. Ad...
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Like hey guess who's back! It's me!! When Dean finds a different kind of girl what does he do? Do his green eyes find something amazing? She was a l...