By Waterfurr

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By Waterfurr

Spark: I got bored...Simbledilki3490 was the result. SimonHDS90 x Double(Mr.360Gaming) x Bodil40 x Baki. Ummm...yeah...this happened. :/





"But I'm making dinner!!"

"I don't caaaare!!"

"Go find Baki or Double!!"

"But I don't wanna!"


There's a knock at the door, making Simon walk out of the kitchen. He opened the door to be rushed by both Baki and Double.

"Hey sweetie!"

"Can I ever do anyhting in peace?!" Simon groaned.

"Nope!!" Chourused the other three.

He glared at them all and walked back into the kitchen. Bodil giggled. Double came over a pecked his cheek.


Baki came over and sat down, nuzzling into Martin's shoulder. Bodil returned the gesture by wrapping his arms around Baki's shoulder. Bodil glanced at the back of Simon, who was working on dinner still.

"At least SOMEONE wanted to cuddle!" He called.

Simon glared over his shoulder, quickly whipping back around to the cooking food. Double came over to the couch and looked over at Simon. He smirked, an idea popping into his head.  He crept up behind Simon silently, suddenly snaking his arms around the smaller male's waist.

"AAAHH!!" Screamed Simon.

"Heeeeeeyyyyyyy..." Purred Double in his ear.

"Go away." He stated, annoyed. A heavy blush had settled on his cheeks.

"Awww, c'mon, ya know I love you." He said as seductively as he could muster.((I was thinking about Mustard .-. Don't judge))

"Yes, b-but..." Simon's thoughts started to get jumbled.

"Siiiiiiiimon!" Double said in a sing-song voice, nibbling on his ear a bit.

"Uhhh..." Simon had completely frozen up.

Double scooped up the bulgarian rager, making him squeak a bit. Simon wrapped his arms around Double's neck, looking up at his partner. Double sat them down next to the other two, pulling his head up for a kiss. Simon tilted his head deepening the kiss. Bodil leaned down and connected his lips with Baki's, taking the snowman by surprise. Bodil pulled Double and Simon closer, not breaking his lip-lock with Baki. All of them finally came up for air, light pants filling the room.

"I love you three." Said Bodil in his thick accent.

"We love you too, Bodil." Replied Double, the other two nodding along.

Baki pressed further onto Bodil, Double cuddling up against the other side. Simon's face fell a little when he couldn't get closer. Bodil smirked a little and pulled him off of Double. Simon was positioned on Martin's lap, blushing madly.

"You think we'd forget about our little Simon?" Whispered Baki, placing his hand on Simon's. Simon bit his lip, eyes flitting back and forth. He felt a gentle pair of lips on the side of his neck, and saw only Double's eyes smirking at him. Bodil was nibbling on his ear, and Baki was still advancing. He couldn't help but let out a tiny moan.

"Awww, you're so cute..." Double mumbled, quickly going back to his skin.

"Ah-ah, g-guyssss, sto-op!" Simon stuttered, starting to squirm((Try saying that ten times fast!)). They all pulled back, leaving Simon now heavily panting. He lay against Bodil's chest, becoming tired. Double and Baki cuddled against the two in the center, becoming tired as well. They fell asleep together.


Simon woke up around 1AM to the smell of something burning.

"CRAP!!" He screamed, waking the other three up.

"Whas?..." Mumbled a sleepy Double.

Simon pulled out of Bodil's arms, racing into the kitchen. By now, the other three were looking at each other guiltily. Then there was a loud boom and a plume of smoke flowwed from the kitchen. After a few moments Simon came back out, looking absolutely furious. Besides his angry expression, his gloves and shirt were torn, he had several black spots, his watermelon helmet was crooked, and his hair stuck out at places. If the other tree wouldn't have been scared of angry Simon, then they would be drooling.

"Where. Is. My. Keyboard." He said in a deathly quiet tone.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" The others screamed running as fast as possible upsairs and into they're shared room. Simon pounded on the door as Double and Baki held it shut. Bodil shoved a battered keyboard under the door. They heard it being picked up, and then repeatedly smashed on various objects. Soon it stopped. Baki peeked out at Simon,slumped at the base of the wall, angerly staring at a keyboard. Different keys were strewn across the hallway.

They all knew Simon had anger issues.(( I have no fudging clue!))



"You okie?"


"Awww, don't be sorry babe!" Bodil came out, picking up Simon and bringing him downstairs. They resumed their prior position, Double and Baki quickly joining. Simon had fallen asllep, and was now curled up on Bodil. He smiled gently in his sleep. That was enough to get the others to fall asleep.


Double and Baki kissed gently, careful not to wake the other two. Bodil sleepily opened his eyes as they parted, smiling at the sight.

"You're up early."

They all smiled, but instantly paused as Simon stirred. He was still as mess, torn clothing, smudged in black. Double got up and walked into the kitchen, coming back three wet towels. Bodil carefuly sat up the smallest lover, Simon openeing his eyes blearily. Double gently dabbed at his face, Baki working at one arm, and Bodil taking off his gloves.

"Wha..wha are you doing?" Asked simon, confusion clear.

"Cleaning you up, love." Double replied.

"Yea, I'm a mess..."

"Our mess." Baki smiled lovingly.

Simon blushed, Bodil getting the last glove off. He took his hand.

"You're so soft..." He ran a hand over the uncovered skin.

Double took off his helmet, setting it down carefully. He ran a hand through the chestnut hair, almost identical to his own. He started to wet it with the towel, cleaning off any ash.

Baki gently tugged at his shirt, making the others freeze. Slowly, Simon slid off his orange and blue shirt. Bodil slowly turned his head to him, connecting their lips. Baki cleaned off the last smudges, sitting back to admire the petite male. Double kissed his cheek. Bodil gently disconnected.

"I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you all."


Spark: Is it fluffy enough?...No?*throws Jerome on top of everything* There we go. :3 Hope you guys enjoyed. Please request some ships!! Bia!

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