All He Knew

By phobiaofboggarts

33 2 0

All he could hear was screams, people sobbing, curses yelled left and right. All he could see was the occasi... More

All He Knew

33 2 0
By phobiaofboggarts

All he could hear was screams, people sobbing, curses yelled left and right.
All he could see was the occasional burst of multi-coloured light behind his eyelids.
All he could feel was the cool breeze and damp moss beneath him.
All he knew was silky blond hair standing out like a beacon, grey eyes full of warmth, skin as pale as a winters day and a smile that would make the darkest of days seem alright.
All he knew was Draco.


Harry blinked a few times and winced against the myriad of colours his eyes sought out. He knew he was lying in a forest, maybe the Forbidden Forest, but why?

Suddenly it all came rushing back. The Final Battle. Voldemort's message. Ron and Hermione. Dumbledore and King's Cross. His parents. And Draco. Draco.

The thought of him spurred Harry to sit up and look frantically around the clearing. He could hear the shouts of the battle, but none of that mattered at the moment. His emerald green depths landed on a snake-like being. Voldemort.

He sat on a makeshift throne, made out of twisted trees and decorated with, oh god, decorated with bones. Harry felt sick. He could hear the Death Eaters cackling, cackling at him. But all he could think was, how many owners of those bones did I know? Did I talk to? How many did I curse, hex, prank with, laugh with, make memories with?

However, all his thoughts were dashed away when he caught sight of a flash of white blond hair, not shoulder length, not streaked with black, just gorgeous, sof-

But it wasn't gorgeous at the moment. Draco's hair was matted with blood, mud and debris. He stood between his parents, next to Voldemort, with the trees looming ominously over them, casting a shadow on the clearing. The only source of light was where Harry was laying, illuminated by a patch in the overhead trees. Lucius was chuckling, Narcissa's face was carefully blank and Draco, Draco looked terrified. Most importantly, he looked terrified for Harry.

The same Harry, who was sitting on the floor, staring straight at the blond Adonis with wide unbelievable eyes, thinking of every moment they shared together and feeling a pang of betrayal.

The snowball fights in Hogsmeade in sixth year, the late nights in front of the fire in the Room Of Requirement, the moments they spent bickering about which quidditch team was better, the time when Draco looked so shy and adorable giving Harry his Christmas present and Harry just had to hug him, because who could resist?

Draco wouldn't betray Harry, would he? He wouldn't leave Harry, and join the Dark would he? Join his parents? Harry knew Draco had been forced to take the Dark Mark, since he was the one Draco had owled, telling Harry to meet him  in the Room Of Requirement, before he had collapsed, heaving heart-breaking sobs into the raven-haired boy's shoulder, leaving Harry to haul him over to the sofa and hug him until he had calmed down enough to just slump against Harry's chest and cry silent tears until he fell asleep. Harry realised, Draco would never, never abandon him, not after he let Harry see him at his weakest.

That was the day Harry's heart had broke on behalf of another. That was the day he swore that no one would hurt Draco, his Draco, again. That was the day he vowed that Tom Riddle wished he was never born. The very Tom who was sitting in front of Harry, wand pointed at, not Harry, but Draco.

For while Harry was thinking about the blond, Riddle had managed to haul Draco, Harry's lifeline, in front of him and hold his wand to the blond's throat.

"Potter, Potter, Potter," the the snake-eyed bastard spat, while Draco whimpered and looked at Harry with desperate eyes, silently conveying his love. "Surely you and dear Draco here didn't think you could hide your relationship from me? As powerful as the young Malfoy is with Legillimency, his Occlumency skills truly are dismal. If you make a single move, even attempt to win against me, I won't hesitate to kill him."
Voldemort's eyes flashed and Harry knew he was serious.

Harry couldn't breath. If Draco died, Harry couldn't live any longer, let alone save the Wizarding World. If Draco died, Harry would crumble, succumb to insanity. If Draco died, Harry's heart would stop, the very moment Draco's did, because what would be the point of living anymore? Draco can't die. Draco won't die because Harry loved him, loved him so much it hurt.

And Harry Potter didn't let the people he loved die. Not anymore.

He stood his ground, stared straight at Voldemort, ignoring all the Death Eaters, ignoring Bellatrix's ear-splitting laugh, ignoring Crabbe and Goyle Senior's sneers, ignoring Draco's cries of "Harry don't fight him! Harry! You need to leave me! Harry, listen to me!"

He blocked out out everything and focused on his love, his earth-shattering love for everyone. The Weasley's. Hermione. Dobby. Remus. Sirius. His parents. Draco.

And then, Harry screamed.

He screamed and the earth shook. The Death Eaters stopped laughing, the wind stopped blowing huge gusts, all noise died away, and everything stopped. The only thing to be heard or seen was Harry's soul-wrenching cry of loss, anger, sadness and love.

Until a bright, white light filled the forest and a monumental burst of light magic swept through the clearing and Hogwarts, wiping out every trace of Dark Magic and sending every living being, including Voldemort, flying through the air.

Then everything went black and Harry fell down, unconscious, to the damp earth waiting below.


All Harry could hear was silence.
All he could see was darkness.
All he could feel was a numbness
All he knew was silky blond hair standing out like a beacon, grey eyes full of warmth, skin as pale as a winters day and a smile that would make the darkest of days seem alright.
All he knew was Draco.


Harry leapt up and scanned the forest floor for platinum blond hair, pale skin, anything that showed that Draco was still there. All the Death Eaters had disintegrated, along with Voldemort, due to the raven-haired boy's magic being so pure, so full of love, that it wiped out any trace of dark magic. But Harry didn't care about the demise of the most feared wizard, because Draco can't have disintegrated too. He just couldn't have.

"Dragon! Dragon! Draco, please be here! DRACO!" Harry screamed himself hoarse, tears springing to his eyes beacause even though Voldemort was gone, Harry had lost the one person he'd killed him for.

"DRACO!" Harry let out one last scream before the raven fell to the ground and let out heart-wrenching sobs, shaking like leaf, chest heaving with gasps, because Draco was gone and it was all his fau-

"Harry! HARRY! Harry, where are you!"

Harry's head shot up because he would know that voice anywhere, because it's the voice that blesses his dreams each night, the voice he lives for.

It's the voice of Draco.

Harry shot up so fast, his head span, but he didn't care because he had his arms full of a sobbing blond Adonis. He had his arms full of the one thing he would ever truly need.

"Harry, y-you idiot!" Draco let out between sobs. "You could've DIED, H-Harry! You could've d-died  and where would that have l-left me? H-huh? Don't e-ever do that again, y-you hear me?"

But Harry didn't hear him, because he was finally whole again and he was never going lose Draco, never even going to come close to losing him again. Draco was all he knew. If the blond wasn't there, Harry would be lost.

Draco is safe, Harry. Draco's safe. He can't be hurt now. It's fine, Draco's fine, everything's fine.

Repeating the mantra, Harry stabilised himself enough to have control over his emotions and keep his tears in check. He leaned down and buried his face in Draco's neck, breathing in a scent that was so uniquely Draco and slowly, but surely, calmed down just from the Slytherin's presence, which seemed to have a soothing effect on the ebony-haired teen.

The boys could hear the others arriving, the survivors, but neither cared. They had each other, and that was all they needed, wanted and knew.

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