WoF OC Reviews


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Wings of Fire OC Reviews! Not my original idea. (If you don't know what OCs are, they are "Original Character... More

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284 9 15

Name: SeasonWings

Meh. Not the most creative name out there, and tbh I kinda wished their name didn't focus solely on their seasonal changes. Like... maybe give them a name that relates to their manes or their fur? Because lots of animals' coats change depending on the season, but you don't see THEM being named after their seasonal changes. I won't knock off any points; it's just a suggestion you should consider.

(Please check the "comment" section placed after the rating for more details)

Lifespan: 85-110 years

Fair enough, I suppose.

Diet: Most SeasonWings eat plants- they've even adapted to eating mostly poisonous things like ivy and holly berries. However, some SeasonWings eat fish, though those dragons are hard to find and even then they'll only eat it once in a while. For special occasions, hunting parties will go out and find birds, however their normal diet rarely includes poultry.

Again, this seems odd to me. They mostly eat only poisonous plants? Okay, I understand that they have an immunity (obviously) to them, but still. It's like the last chapter, where LightningWings only ate birds and occasionally fish. That's extremely strange.

At least let them eat fruit and other non-poisonous vegetation because it seems odd to me that they'd go out of their way to eat some poisonous plant every day. If you really want to keep it, I suggest adding it so they only eat poisonous vegetation during special feasts or holidays, as like, a traditional dish or something.

Leader: Queen Spring


Royal Family:

-Princesses: Princess Summer, Princess Autumn

-King: King Oriole

Those names are so seasonal


Yeah I know it's a really bad joke that doesn't make any sense, I couldn't figure out a better joke jfkdsbif-

Abilities: Based on the season they were born in, they get that breath weapon.

In winter they get frostbreath

In spring they get acid (melting stuff)

In summer they get poison (shriveling stuff up)

In autumn they get fire

Eh... Frostbreath? Fire can pass, but frostbreath... not really.

Fire is so common in the dragon tribes because they didn't need to have such a drastic climate for their fire-breathing ability to develop. Frostbreath, however, is an ability that only IceWings possess because their whole tribe lives in such cold temperatures that other tribes would die in, so for a dragon tribe to be capable of producing dragons with this ability doesn't make sense unless the dragons were commonly hatched in subzero or close to subzero temperatures.

Based on the season, their birth power gets boosted in strength, which means the army is constantly changing in shifts to the season.


Special Abilities: If a dragonet is born on a day where the seasons are changing, sometimes they get a mix of the weapons. However, from autumn to winter, the powers cancel out or become a weakened version of what season it is closer to.


Appearance: Their scales change with the season, similar to a RainWing, but they can't control it.

In winter, their scales range from blues to whites, their manes going snowy white and little silver and shiny scales flickering down like snow falling, starting from their manes and being more dispersed around their talons.

In spring, their scales go from a new-leaf color to a very pale green, their manes ranging from regular pink to a pastel pink with the same color flecking down like cherry blossoms. The greens have shades of yellow and blue sprinkled in, like a bright and sunny day.

In summer, their scales range from a plant stem color to a deep and dark green. Their manes go golden, and patches of the same gold and white will show up on their back and wings, acting like sun shining through a leafy forest.

In autumn, their scales range from bright gold to maroon. They have what looks like piles of color along anywhere of their scales, appearing to be piles of fall leaves. Their manes go into a certain variation of their base color (red base-yellow mane, yellow base-orange mane, orange base-red mane). Their legs and tails have bits that look like dried grass, mimicking the ground in the cooler months of fall.

Their horns are curved upwards- if one looked dead at you there would be a heart shape over their head. The tips are colored different due to the seasons they were born in, matching their mane color when they're in that season. They don't have spikes, instead they have flowing manes and even areas to get their manes cut, though a lot like to keep growing the part on their head out. Their body shape is very slim, with long legs and thinner wings to help them run through meadows and soar through plenty of winds with minimal effort. They also have leaves growing out of their tails that wilt if the dragon gets sick and die and fall off when the dragon dies.

*thumbs up* I like the appearance, especially with how it changes with the season. Oh, and I also really like the leaf part at the end.

Opinions on animi: They find them to be unnatural, but they don't have much experience with them to begin with since there are no animi in their tribe.

Fair fair.

Opinions on hybrids: They are rare because of SeasonWing's loyalty, but they support any hybrids that appear.

Nice, but is there a reason why they support any hybrids that appear? Unless there's like a law or "way of life" (idfk) that says to be supportive or something, I would imagine that they would shun those who do not show the same loyalty that the rest do.

Relations with other Tribes: They are on generally good terms with BoneWings, BeastWings and WoodWings, but CloudWings are a little shaky with them, though no fights have sprung out. (all fan-tribes; the OG WoF tribes do not exist here)

Ah, I see. All of them seem pretty cool but I am questioning the "BoneWings". If you could, maybe at some point you could send me a form for the BoneWings tribe?


-Kingdom Name: Seasonal Meadow / Season Kingdom

Cool cool.

-Kingdom Location: The 'head and neck' of the dragon that is Pyrrhia, or as it is in this universe, Formica

Ooooh. Formica. Cool. Any reason why you chose that particular name?

-Kingdom Climate: The climate changes drastically depending on the season, from all-too-cold in winter and scalding in summer. In spring, there's more pollen in the air than grass on the ground and in autumn the trees are quickly bare but there are leaves of all colors flying in the breezes. The area overall is a giant meadow, some areas are warmer and some cooler, fit for different dragons' likings

-Palace: A huge oak serves as the palace, some believe it was enchanted by BoneWings to be the way it is.

These "BoneWings" seem like a very interesting character. Hmm...

It doubles as the tribe library, which is home to countless books and even an auditorium where meetings are held with different tribes.

That is actually really useful and cool.

-Capitol: Around the palace is a paved stone road that is home to countless shops- some call it the Oak Center. The Oak Center is a lively town, too many bars to count and many, many shops to be at. It is always open to other tribes, who like to come by and pick up little things or stop at their famous bars.

Wow cool! Now I want to go there... man...

Mating Rituals: The agreed age to marry is anywhere above eight. Though it is not required to, it is considered rude to not meet the other dragon's parents before marriage. Their weddings are beautiful, decorated with flowers or leaves to match the occasion. They are generally LGBT-okay, and support any relationship that springs up (unless it's incest or pedophilia or- you know what i mean). They mate for life, unless a divorce is arranged.

So they're like humans? Okay.

Dragonets: Dragonets are left in their parent's homes, usually allowed to interact with others and gain friends from a very young age. They are usually made to move out at around the age of six or seven, but some stay for even longer. Both parents help with the parenting, unless something happens to one of them. There are never any orphans, and all dragonets are relocated at once.

Aww, that's so sweet.


-Common Traits: Loyalty, pride, love for knowledge, loyalty, kindness, loyalty... did i mention loyalty?

Ooo so these dragons are very loyal. Because I wasn't given specifics, I shall assume that this loyalty is headed towards the royal family/Queen Spring and keeping the secrets of the tribe.

-Culture/Traditions: They have booming parties at the beginning of each season, meeting in the Oak Center and partying all night long. They also have extravagant wedding ceremonies, beautiful queen crownings and celebrations when a princess or prince is born. they have tight-knit families but love to socialize and are known for their gossip and strong wills.

Oh, how cool! These dragons seem so lovely.


-Eggs: All eggs are a base black color, but spots will appear in colors depending on what season it is- white for winter, light pink for spring, green for summer, and orange for autumn.



-Strengths: Their respective seasons, extreme temperatures, team fighting

Sounds pretty fair.

-Weaknesses: Being alone, when it's not their season (especially winter/autumn dragons)

(also in facts, sorry)

Ohhh wait so when it's not their season, they're susceptible to loneliness? Okay that sounds decent.

-Only royalty can name their dragonets after seasons. If the queen has more than four dragonets or three sons, the dragonet gets a name change and lives in a higher-up's family instead. Everyone else gets names based on the season they were born with- Holly in winter, rosebud in spring, names like that.

Oh wow. So if there are too many dragonets, they get disowned all because of their name? Hmm. Maybe that should be changed since it doesn't seem completely fair.

How about this:

Princes can't be named after seasons, but princesses can, so

A) sons don't get disowned (they don't even get a chance to inherit the throne)

and B) the number of heirs to fight over the throne is limited (because seriously any more than 3 princesses is just asking for trouble).

And I have a question — what if two princesses were born in Winter? Do they just get called "Winter"? Does one of them get disowned? What happens?

Hmm. Perhaps instead of seasons, maybe you should allow the royal family to have month names too — like October, December, etc.

My Rating:


Originality: 19/25 (1.5 points off for the diet, 2 points knocked off for the "frostbreath" in abilities, 2.5 points knocked off for getting disowned because they can't share a name)

Realism: 25/25 (This character is very realistic)

Interest: 25/25 (I'm very interested in this character)

Uniqueness: 25/25 (This character is very unique)


It's actually pretty good! You really only need to improve on-

A) The diet

B) Either weaken the "frostbreath" in the abilities or replace it with a different ability

C) Honestly, this one is your biggest downfall. It simply doesn't make sense for a dragonet to get basically disowned for having a name -- at least, it doesn't make sense if princes are included in this as well.

One thing to add that I didn't take points off for but still something you should probably consider:

A) Changing the name. I didn't take any points off, I'm just saying it's something that should be considered. The name isn't that original and lots of animals change depending on the season, but they aren't usually named after it. Actually, they might be -- but perhaps they're named in a different language.

So, how about the name TempWings? It's short for TemporumWings, and Temporum is Latin for "season". 

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