Cell 103

By teamidnight

537 40 17

He was reckless and destructive, a bad formula when you have a prisoner. His mind was damaging and locked up... More



53 3 0
By teamidnight

Anabelle read it over and over again to make sure that she had read it right and she had. Ana didn’t know why it was such a shock. It shouldn’t have been that surprising since he’s in prison and that it was sure that he had done something terrible to end up in the penitentiary. Maybe she was so surprised because she couldn’t image Landon as such an awful person. She couldn’t imagine him as a kidnapper and worse, as a murderer. For her, it was simply impossible that what was written about him on this blog was correct, but  as the curious person that she was, Ana couldn’t help but read what else was written on this article.

Landon Welles was arrested last  night after being found in an abandoned house near the Ohio frontier. He was found with Shay Dakota, who  had been missing for two weeks. She is safe and not armed, but  when the police went inside the abandoned house, they found Landon Welles with a gun next to him.

'He would have probably killed Shay.' Says Officer Gallaway.

Landon Welles iis at the moment resding in Ohio State penitentiary, waiting for his trial at the tribunal next month to be judjed by the court. And then know his sentence. 

By then Anabelle had already stopped reading even though it was right there in front of her written in black and white. She didn’t believe it; she couldn’t believe that Landon could have done such a thing. Maybe she was wrong. Anabelle sighed as she logged off. 

 A few  minutes later Ashley arrived and the two of them  drank coffee together –well tea for Anabelle. Afterwards, Ashley dropped of Anabelle at the penitentiary as she had nothing else to do and  she felt bad for being late. Ashley left immediately after dropping off her friend and waved to her goodbye.

Once she left, Anabelle walked into the penitentiary, showing her card that was saying that she worked here to the guards so that they would let her in. When she arrived at the infirmary no one was inside which she could see. Mrs Yvon was probably in her room at the back doing god knows what and Lisa was probably running late.

She had barely been ten minutes inside the infirmary, cleaning a few things to keep herself bust, when a knock on the door was heard. Anabelle thought that it was Lisa, so she opened the door expecting the see the smiling girl, but she didn’t. Right in front of her, he was towering over her with his height and he looked at Anabelle with his blue eyes.

 He was surprise to see the young woman in front of him as he thought that Mrs Yvon or Lisa would open it. But instead he was in front of this girl that he only knew by sight.

There was a short silence as the two of them looked at each other before the guard that was escorting Landon spoke.

“You must be Mrs Yvon’s assistant, right?” Anabelle nodded.

“Well here’s Landon Welles. He’s here for his check-up,” the guard said as Landon stepped inside and Anabelle took a few steps back.

“I will be waiting outside. Please tell me when you’re done” Anabelle closed the door as Landon made his way toward a bed to sit down.

 “Wait for a minute please,” she said to Landon and walked to the door at the back. She knocked once, twice, then three times, but no one opened the door. “Mrs. Yvon? Landon Welles is here for his check-up.” She called  as she knocked another time. But when no one replied, she then tried to open the door knowing that if Mrs. Yvon was to find out; she wouldn’t be happy. But the door was locked, leaving no other choice to Anabelle then to do the check-up herself.

She took a deep breath in before turning back to face Landon, who  was looking right at her.

“I will do the check-up myself then,” she smiled weakly at Landon who  nodded slightly as Anabelle made her way to the sink and started to gather everything she would need.

 Luckily for her, yesterday Lisa had showed her the basics and explained to her what all the nursing tools did. Anabelle tried to remember everything that was taught to her when she walked towards Landon who was still sitting on one of the infirmary’s bed.

He now had the upper half of his bright orange costume down, but he still had a white tank top showing his long arms that showed hardly any tattoos compared to some of the prisoners that Anabelle had seen at the infirmary the day before. Before Anabelle looked away, she noticed that Landon was gazing at her. He was well aware that only a few seconds ago Anabelle was staring at him, but he didn’t really care. He was looking at her every move. He could see that she was quite stressed by the way that she was reluctantly walking towards him.

“So you are here for a check-up? Why? Are you sick or something?” Anabelle asked him to be sure to know what to do.

“Yes. I broke my left arm a few months ago. It’s already healed and I recovered but Mrs. Yvon wanted to see if everything was fine at the moment.” He explained flatly; his voice silvery; clear and light. It was very appealing.

Anabelle nodded as she proceeded to check if everything was fine with his left arm, asking him a few questions about his health while doing so. When she saw that everything was fine with his arm, even if she wasn’t completely sure, since it was the first time that she did such a thing, she  put the nursing tools back to their place. Landon put his orange costume back on as he stood up.

“Everything is fine. You’re healthy.” Anabelle smiled, “The guard is waiting for you outside so you should probably go back.”

“Thank you,” Landon said as he started to walk toward the door, and Anabelle felt the stress leaving her body by every step he took to walk away. This boy was making her nervous just by standing next to her, but was it a good or bad feeling? Who knew?

But as Landon was about to open the infirmary’s door and step outside, he turned his back toward the door and walked to Anabelle. Having him standing so close to her made her see things in him that she didn’t see before, like the small scar that he had over his right eyebrow and the way his hair looked blonde when exposed to the sun coming thought the window.

“I am sorry if I did anything to make you feel uncomfortable.” He said as his eyebrows scrunched together. Anabelle was confused as to why this beautiful boy was excusing himself on something he didn’t do; something that wasn’t his fault. “It’s just that I don’t really know how to act friendly,” he smiled weakly.

It was the first time that Anabelle saw his smile, and she didn’t know what to say to him after what he just said to her, so with a weak voice she said, “No problem.”

Landon smiled at her before leaving the infirmary, leaving behind him a confused Anabelle.

She was standing awkwardly when she heard the sound of a door opening behind her. The door was opened and Mrs. Yvon was standing there, her eyes blood shot red and she wasn’t walking straight, nearly falling a few times. Her white blouse that was usually always clean and ironed was disheveled, and when Mrs. Yvon wasn’t far away from Anabelle, she was able the smell the strong scent of alcohol. Anabelle’s eyes widened when she realized that her boss was drunk.

It was already her second day at the penitentiary, yet she was only starting to discover all the secrets it held within his walls.

edited - jules x  (is anyone surprised that Landon isn't a complete jerk? :)

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