Ib (On Hold Because Felix Is...

By FanFictioners

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This is a fan-fiction version of the video game Ib....What mysteries and horrors await in the hidden world of... More

Meeting Ib
Hands, Keys, And Headless Statues

Hide and Seek

171 7 1
By FanFictioners

Recap: And it gave chase after me! Heyo guys it's Felix here!!!!!!! Listening to ChaoticMonki play his Ib walkthrough xD Gotta refresh the old noggin....Shaddup. -_- Anyways, here ya gooo!!!! <3


I yanked open the door, and ran through it, trampling over the ant photo. I heard a riiiipp and I looked over my shoulder, hand on the door. The red statuette was rolling her way through the open door. She rolled onto the painting. With an angry noise, she fell into the hole. I blew out a breath. "Whoa....WHAT is happening to me!?" So I quickly resume my sprint out of the room. I pass a few paintings, going too fast for any to process. I slow to a hault near a small podium.Reading it, it says "Beware Of Edges." I glanced up and remembered that the mysterious hands had already popped out of the walls. I braced myself for the walk and resumed my slowed pace to the door. "Such nonsense just to get a key!" I think to myself. I unlock the green door and walk inside.

 I'm suprised to see an orange-y tan room, the far wall built to look like a cat. I slowly approach a fish shape hole in the wall and sigh. "I guess I need another key" I think to myself. So I head to the door on the right. As the dim lights flicker, I see a room filled with statues. Some are just heads, some are full statues. On the left wall I see a small frame with a picture of a rose in it. I carefully tuck my rose into my skirt for safe keeping. As I take another look around I get the strange feeling something is going to happen. So I back out the door and close it behind me. 

  As a matter of process and elimination, I go the other door. I walk into a room with a little black stick figure hanging on a wall, and curtains at intervals. As I start walking down the isle, a yellow substance appeared on a wall. I walked back to the stick man. "Play hide and seek?" it read. And suddenly he dissapeared! I was afraid, but I kept going. I pressed some sort of button and a moon painting appeard. With a sort of nyreah sound the lights dimmed, almost to utter darkness. "Shoot! I didn't mean for that to happen."

  I went to the next one and pressed it's button. "AHH!" I scream and shield my eyes. A naked women was there! I felt some sort of mental slap and my rose whithered slightly. Uh oh. Wait! "The rose is my life!" I exclaim. I pressed the third button and a voice inside my head echos "you saw a very sinister painting."  At least it didn't take any of my health. I walk down to the last isle and press the fourth button. It read 'out.' I shook my head and pressed the fifth button. "Oh!"

  I'd found the stick man! "Found me. You get prize." the liquid reads. "Well what is it?" I say aloud. I press the sixth button, hoping for a clue. Instead a get a vivid red hand slapping me! It takes another health. I wonder how many I've got left? I sigh and press the last button. I get a feeling of being slashed and another health is gone. So I got full health, and only two hurts... I let the thought go. Walking towards the top of the room, I see a wooden fish head. "Oh! This must be half the key I need!" I stick it in my pocket and exit the room, the hand finally going away.

  So, with the sense of progress, I go into the room I left earlier and see a sheet of torn paper. I read it. "Materials Storehouse." I place my rose in a hearby vase, and am returned to full health. Turning slightly, I see a shaking statue head. I walk around some boxes and a yellow liquid leaks from the roof, as the statue head begins to move up and down. I shake my head and look in a box. "Nothing but dirty plates." Then the head begins moving side to side. It hesitates for a moment before CRASH! it breaks open, releaving something little and blue. 

  I have gotten the fish tail. I assemble the pieces and I now have a key. I exit the room and insert the key into the hole in the wall. The eyes turn into red slits and I hear lots of angry meows. The ground shakes for a moment, but then reveals a small path. I walk up it and am greeted by the same color walls, and a picture of a red face wiggling its tongue. I walk near it and it spits. "Yuck." I mutter and walk away. I accedentally step it in, feeling that mental slap again. "Ouch..." I mutter. "Just when you've forgotten..." a small plaque reads. I get a shakey feeling and walk the other way. Yellow again. "BEWARE OF LIPS" it says. I'm curious as to what it means, but continue down the hall anyways.

  And then, in an indention on the wall.... Were a pair of big, red, lips.

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