Nemetod (Derek Hale Love Stor...

By Dat_AthRojas

34.7K 678 81

After Gerard vanished into thin air, and Allison began learning her families traditions. There's a new threat... More

Happy Birthday
English 101
Demon wolf
Perfect Combination

This is not Goodbye

2.4K 50 9
By Dat_AthRojas

After the encounter at my house, I was now walking to Derek's loft. "Derek's not going to die for something meaningless!" I walked in, Lydia, Ethan, Cora, Peter, and Derek were just staring at me. "What makes you think he's going to fight alone?" I stepped down to the pavement, "Why do you always come in saying the right thing?" I was standing next to Lydia. "Good timing?" Derek turned around looking at the Skyline.

"No this is my fight, they want me. You have family here, friends." My eyes were getting teary eyed, "Yeah, but I have done many cruel things than you haven't, you have only two family members here who are willing to help you. Talia trained me to fight bigger things than Deucalion, Jennifer was part of my pack...and I'll kill her, but Kali is my responcibility." Peter got up and suggested Derek, Cora and I to run, "The problem only gets bigger! Kali wont stop until she has you dead? So why not stop and fight? Derek can go with Cora, but I'm staying."

We figured out a plan, Derek and Cora were packing two bags into his car, "You don't call until you are 100 miles from here....Here's the key to the house by the lake, Be carefull." Cora grabbed my hand, "You too." Derek started the car and drove away.

"You ready for this? Kali and Jennifer?" I was still looking at Dereks car, "I was Talia's project...I never back down from a fight."

Kali and Aiden were growling at eachother when I was at the door, "Were did you take them?" Kali's teeth were shinning against the moonlight, Jennifer broke the glass window, landing exageratedly. Kali stepped onto the glass, "Lydia Go!" Aiden grabed Lydia by the arm and took her down stairs. Jennfer stood up, "Well the Hybrid and an Alpha, amazing seing both of you too teaming up...really it is! I get to show you all the pain I felt when I was left to die." She gave us a sinister smile.

Kali took her chance, and ran for her, striking her in the chest, I flipped over her wrapping my hands around her hair. Jennifer manuvered her way thru us, she sent Kali flying 7 ft into the air and hitting the bookshelf. I clawed Jennifer in the face and bit her on the shoulder, she let out a scream that would pop your ears, She grabed my head and threw me to the metal door. I whole body was vibrating, numbness filled my arms, Kali and Jennifer were fighting to the death, blood was all over the floor. I grabed the pole that Kali used on Derek and hit Jennifer in the head knocking her down.

"You okay?" Kali picked me up, the twins ran in, "Do you know how hard it is trying to keep myself in this form?" Kali was taking me out the door, the twins were merging when Jennifer grabs their heads and rips them apart, throwing them across the room. she walks a little closer, "I don't care, your still a scarfaced bitch."

Jennifer stopped, Aiden had ran up to her, but she knocked him out, "It takes unlimited power to stay like this, I was left to die, it took years to become this." I turned to look at her, "What? A white skined freak, who needs sacrafices in order to get what she wants?..No Jennifer, that's a pschopath."

Jennifer takes out her hands, slowly she starts to wise the broken glass into the air, turning the pointed side towards Kali and I. "I hold the power, I make the sacrafices, I helped people." Kali sat me down, "I'm sorry.." she then walks towards Jennifer. A storm starts to come in, Kali is surprised by the wind and makes it hard for her to breath, I start to feel my chest compress, taking the smallest gaps of air I could.

"I should have ripped your head off!!!" Kali screams into a large roar, Jennifer then throws her arms at her, sending all of the glass at Kali. I closed my eyes and turn my body to the other side when I turned back Kali was slowly falling to her knees, the glass shards had stabbed every inch in her body. "NO!" I crawled to Kali, carefully picking her up, "I should..have before." I start to cry, she grabs my hand taking all my pain away, " don't die on me, Kali..."

She takes one last look at me, "This is not goodbye..remember? I'll see you again..I'll be by your side one day." She gave me a weak smile, "I'm not losing you, you never deserved this?" I cry even more, "It's not the way the story ends..okay? It's just the way life goes, You move on and live a happy life...for me." I take the pieces of her hair out of her face, she then looks up at me...and takes her last breath.

I bring her closer to me, cradling her, hoping that she will come back. I hear a drop, Jennifer had broken Aiden and Ethan's neck leaving then dead on the floor. Lydia then lets out a scream, and I let out a painful roar.

Derek and Cora run back into the loft, they see Jennifer with Lydia and Kali and I in the corner. "What did you do?" Derek was as heated as the sun on summer days, Jennifer got up, "I had to protect myself, Kali was going to kill me, and Savannah was too!" Jennifer was blocking Derek's sight but he pushed her aside and kneeled next to me.

"She was trying to protect me...she wanted her dead," I whispered into Derek's neck when he pulled me into a tight hug, I let out sobs, Derek held me closer. It hurts him seeing me like this, "I believe you." When he said that, I picked my head up and looked into his eyes, I gave him a smile, which ended up in another set of tears. It wasn't because of Kali at that time, but because of what he told me, it took me about 1 year to get him to trust me and now he does.

Jennifer then butts in, "Derek...I did all this for you and everyone else whose ever a fallen victim to the Alpha Pack." Derek then looks behind him, "Stop talking like a politician, and stop trying to convince me of your cause." Jennifer changes her tactics saying that by helping her, by becoming her guardian, Derek can save the kidnapped parents. Derek then looks back at me, "I can't...I'm no longer an Alpha" she comes closer to Derek, holding his forearm, "That doesn't matter, I just need to get Deucalion in the right place at the right time?"

Derek looks around the room, "It doesn't seem like you need me since you just killed three of the Alpha Pack on your own." She says they've yet to see Deucalion at his strongest. "If Deucalion has Savannah with him, I don't stand a chance unless you are with me." She whispered into Derek's ear so soft, you could hear a pin drop.

I grabbed the nearest white sheet I could find in the loft, and slowly covering Kali's body but stopping at her face. I kissed her on both cheeks, as a sign of goodbye, "Je tuerais pour vous, je vous le promets. Je vous reverrai bientôt" then covered her face. At that moment I realized that I need Deucalion, and he needs me to stop Jennifer. I left the loft by walking out the broken window to go and find Deucalion, Scott, Allison, Stiles, and Isaac in the woods.

"Where are the twins?" Isaac was the first to see me run into their meeting at the edge of the cliff. "Cora and Lydia are taking them to the clinic," Deucalion then turn to me and grabs my shoulder, "I'm sorry....she admired you deeply." I couldn't help but keep my feelings to myself, Scott couldn't see me like this. "Isaac and Allison are going to find our parents, while we go and find Jennifer." In a couple of minutes, they had all split up only leaving 3 of us.

"You know we would make a good team, the Devil Wolf, A True Hybrid, and A True Alpha." Scot and I were beside Deucalion, "Don't push it." I hist at him. We ended up in the same warehouse I came to a couple of days ago, "Do you remember? Our vendetta.." the spiral that Ennis made was still there after 6 years. Smoke appeared beneath our feet, the wind became heavier, stronger, leaves started to fly across our faces.

Two shadows came from the open doors on the other side, Jennifer and Derek walk side-by-side standing only 18ft away from us. "What are you doing Derek?" Scott at that moment felt betrayed, at the fact that Derek is helping the only person who knows where our mom is. "I'm here to help." Derek hesitated to answer. "This has now turned into a brother-to-brother fight...or should I say Brother-to-Lover and Brother, how American." Deucalion puts his walking stick aside and takes couple steps back.

Deucalion begins to shift. His skin takes on the texture and color of stone while his brow ridge thickens, expands and merges with his cheekbones to form a mask-like structure of bone. His ears, fangs, and hair grow and his voice deepens, "Shall we show them why you needed to sacrifice 9 innocent people just to face me? Or is it 12 now?" Jennifer begins to get angrier.

Deucalion easily attacks Derek and Jennifer. But Jennifer's magic forces a blast that was effective against the other Alpha's but had zero effect on Deucalion. He was able to subdue her, "Kill her!" Scott looks at Jennifer on the ground. Deucalion lets out a roar that brings Scott and me to our knees and forces is to transform. My Hybrid form took over against my Alpha form, the appearance that I had was somewhat familiar to Deucalion's, but my skin was a little light, and had two sets of fangs.

Deucalion takes a more measured approach, almost whispering to me, "Your mom and the other parents are dying, Jennifer is using the storm to bury them alive, killing Jennifer will save them."

Jennifer stands up, "Killing me won't be the end, Deucalion will make Scott kill everyone he loves and He will make you kill everyone in this town, just as easy as making you change." Deucalion urges Scott to become the Alpha he was meant to be "Become a killer." Scott stands by my side, "Our parents aren't dead yet and my pack will save them."

Deucalion drops Jennifer by the throat and rushes to me, grabbing my hand and holding my claws up. He intended to force me to kill Jennifer. "I forgot to tell you something Gerard told me... He pointed out that you are not always blind." I then drop two of the flashbang arrowheads I had in my car from when I was training Allison.

Deucalion and Derek are partially blinded by the flash, but it was too late, the eclipse began. The effect is fast as Derek, Scott, Deucalion and I return to human form. My eyes were the last thing to change back to normal, Jennifer, in her scarred and battered form re-enters and throws Scott across the room.

She then lands on Deucalion and begins bashing his head into the cement floor. Derek plays up to Jennifer's victim mentality, "Deucalion hasn't seen how you have suffered since he can't see you destroyed face." Jennifer heals his eyes, restoring his sight but also weakens her to the point that she is unable to kill. "Derek to do it for me." Derek refuses, "My mother told me 'I'm maybe a predator but that doesn't mean I have to be a killer."

Jennifer turns on Derek and begins beating him against the cement wall. Derek closes his eye for what seemed like a long time, then the shadow passes from in front of the moon and Derek reopens his eyes to a blue color, gaining his strength back.

Jennifer steps away and tosses Mountain Ash into the air. It forms a perfect circle around her. "Derek won't help me, I'll kill your parents and then have the power I need to kill Deucalion and the rest of you." Scott steps up to the line of Mountain Ash and presses against it. The blue glow of the barrier's repelling force lights up Scott's face.

Jennifer mocks his efforts from inside the circle. He applies constant and steady pressure, I run to Scott's side and helped him. His eyes go yellow then become a solid red, My eyes go from a solid gray to a deep white. Jennifer has a worried look as Scott and I seem to be pushing past the barrier until finally, it breaks through with a release of energy that knocks Jennifer to the floor.

Her face in amazement, as are Deucalion and Derek. "You...How did you...." I looked at Jennifer while Scott looked at what he had done. "I'm an Alpha now, End the storm and let the parents go." I walk come close to her, "If you don't I'll kill you myself, I don't care what it does to the color of my eyes." Deucalion then walks up from behind me with his hand up in the air, "It won't do a thing to my eyes" He steps forward and slashes Jennifer's throat.

Kali's voice filled my head, "You don't have to be a killer, to have them dead. It's the actions that lead them to this that make them you." I closed my eyes on last time before Derek and Deucalion's footstep interrupt my thoughts. "What are you going to do with Kali?" I didn't bother to look up at both of them, I just looked out at the fog that was coming inside, sending a touch of coldness to my spine. "She's here....Kali and...Talia."

Scott was on the phone with Stiles, "Bring a latter!" and they hung up. "My mother said that you were once a man of vision." I turn to Deucalion, who could now see who I was, "Wow...Talia wasn't lying when she told me that you were going to be a beautiful young woman.." I couldn't help but smirk at his compliment, "We decided to let you go, in hopes that you can be that man that I once looked up too." Scott comes towards us, I then remembered about all the terrible thing Deucalion has done. "If you don't stop your evil ways, having your eyesight back won't matter because you'll never see us coming."

Deucalion left Beacon Hills, but he promise to keep me updated with his new 'Projects' if he ever need help. Derek and Cora left for a while, maybe to find a meaning behind why they always stayed here, not really having anything to stay here for. I dont know if Derek is coming back but if he's not...I wish him the best.

Scott and his friends went back to school, got back to their regular classes. Aiden and Lydia were now 'together', Isaac and Allison had a fling, while Scott and Stiles tried to get throught Junior year.

Me on the other hand, I got an internship at the police station by a deputy who conviced the mayor to let me work investigations. The Soccer team became State Champs last Saturday in Northern California. Seing their faces light up everytime I mention who they are known now is the best feeling ever.

Jordan and I still don't know what our relationship will be, but I really do like him. He's not the type that I usually go for, Supernatural beings are pretty much my type. The fact that I can be myself around him, without him knowing I'm a Hybrid, he seems to understand were I come from. And I hope I don't lose what I have with him.

If you're wondering why I'm thinking about Jordan, and Derek, and my team, is because I'm distracting myself from talking with my dad. Scott doesn't want anything to do with him, neither do I. He's staying here for a while, but who knows when he will leave out of the bloom. I hope he explains himself, for the pain he has caused the 3 of us these past years.

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