Blood, Sweat, and Tears - Tae...

By bbywin13

16K 922 71

⚠️ Warnings: vampire AU - real actors names are used - mpreg Tae has been accepted into a school for supernat... More

1. The Arranged Marriage
2. School/Exs
3. Staying Home/Planning
4. Turning/Fights
6. Part One.
6. Part Two
7. 1 week Left
8. 2 days till wedding

9. Wedding Day

1.5K 76 20
By bbywin13

3rd Person POV.

Everything was beautiful, a few diffrent kindoms (and even a few human leaders) were invited to this wedding. This was a big deal, the vampire world was finally getting a new King. J. was stepping down and allowing his son to take over the family legacy.

Tae was nervous, he was standing at the alter waiting for Tee to walk down the aisle, but Tee didn't walk down the aisle, not today at least.

Tee was in so much pain right now, this baby was just going crazy it seemed. Tee was supposed to walk down the aisle 10 minutes ago, but he can't because of how much pain he's in. Tae sensed it, he looked very worried about it and looked over to his father and sent him a telepathic message saying something was wrong with Tee.

Tae walked out of the room and to where Tee was confusing everyone in the ballroom.

"I'd like to apologise on be half of my son and his soon-to-be-husband, Tee is currently pregnant and has been suffering complications the whole pregnancy, he was supposed to have 2 months left but Tae just told me that Tee is giving birth now. Like right this second, so we are going to postpone the wedding for a few months, I am again very sorry everyone but you can't controll babies and when they want to be born." King J. said and everyone laughed at the end understanding everything that he was saying.

"That's alright J. now get out of here and be there for the birth of your grandson," Queen J (not related) said.

King J. left and rushed to the (vamp) hosptial where TaeTee were.

* 9 hours later *

Tee gave birth 2 hours ago and is extremely sick at the moment so no one is allowed to be in the room with him besides Tae/King J and the baby.

He'll be fine it's just a side-effect type thing from the birth. It'll last 3 days and then he's free to go home with the baby.

"He awake?" Tae asked the nurse when he came into the room after going down to get his father.

"Not yet, he'll be fine, its better if he stays asleep, it'll help him get better faster.

* 1 week later *

Tee finally woke up about 3 days later and he's was perfectly fine, a bit weak but he's ok.

Tae and the King rescheduled the wedding for 4 months from now. They sent out new invitations and everything is good to go.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?" Tae asked sitting next to Tee's bed.

"Better, I'm cold though," Tee said pouting and Tae smiled taking off his hoodie and putting it on Tee. It's like Tae's hugging him (but he's not) so Tee is warming up that way.

"Thanks," Tee smiled and kissed Tae's cheek when he leaned down to hug him.

They talked for awhile and then they see a nurse coming in with their baby-boy.

She put the baby in Tee's arms and then left the room.


"Awww," everyone awwed at how cute the baby was. TaeTee were so happy to finally have their baby here. The King smiled at the small family and took a picture to send out to everyone with the invitations for the wedding.

"He's so cute," Tee said and smiled while holding the baby,

Tae smiled and kissed Tee's cheek and the baby's head.

"He's adorable," Tae said.

- 4 month later Wedding Day 2 -

Everything was beautiful, a few diffrent kindoms (and even a few human leaders) were invited to this wedding. This was a big deal, the vampire world was finally getting a new King. J. was stepping down and allowing his son to take over the family legacy.

Tae was nervous, he was standing at the alter waiting for Tee to walk down the aisle, Tee was nervous as well, his parents were there, they were visible so everyone (even humans) can see them, they helped Tee get ready and then they both walked their son down the aisle.

Tae smiled seeing his (almost) husband and his parents walking down the aisle to him.

Tee's parents hugged him and fixed his hair before Tae came down to help him up the stairs.

"Hey," TaeTee both said at the same time, they laughed and then the wedding started.

"You may now kiss the groom, i will stop you if you need to get a room," The priest (Copter actually is the priest) said and everyone started laughing.

TaeTee laughed and then Tae leaned over and kissed Tee. Then Copter pulled them away after a minute.

It was official, Tae was now King Tae and Tee was also, King Tee, and their son, Forth (😂 leave it alone) was now Prince Forth, and there is another baby on the way...his name is Beam.

The End.

AN: 😍💙✌ I like this story, I don't like how i wrote it but y'all do so ill leave it
And yes i named TaeTee's kids Forth and Beam, I thought it would be cool.


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