BL Short Stories

By AralinaCamelo

56.4K 998 153

Language: English Started: October 12, 2018 Finished: ( Previously titled BL Drama Stories ) ( Thai BL Short... More

⚠ Updates to the Book!
with a little help | aepete
second chance | maxtul
kidnapped | meanplan
sick | offgun
attention | KimCopter
Baby | TaeTee
MingKit 1/2 (KimCopter)
MingKit 2/2 (KimCopter)
Dared to Reveal | PhaYo (GodtBas)
I Don't Hate You | TayNew
I Love You | KongArthit
I'm Stolen by BLACKPINK!
I'm Sorry | MarkGun
Late At Night | JoongNine
Help From Friends | MarkGun
Realization | MarkPerth
Jealousy | PlanPerth
Truth or Dare | PlanPerth
A Confession | PavelDome

co-actor | kristsingto

4.1K 84 17
By AralinaCamelo

Singto groaned when he heard the sound of his annoying ringtone. He set it that way so he'd actually be annoyed and answer it instead of ignoring his calls and alarms.

Then again, who really likes getting up at odd hours of the morning just to drive a few hours to work. Well, maybe some early birds do but Singto Prachaya wasn't quite one of those people this morning. He'd barely gotten any sleep last night thanks to his manager calling him last night and talking till almost three in the morning.

Like, shouldn't Jane get sleep to?!

"Okay, okay!" Singto yelled in frustration after the person kept calling, barely a minute inbetween. Singto immediately raised up annoyed and picked up the phone without looking at who had decided to be annoying early in the morning. "What do you want?!"

"Oh.. Uh.. My apologizes for being quite annoying. Jane said to call you so you could help me find my way to work as the location is quite an odd place." the male said.

Singto gave a confused look and took the phone away from his ear, looking at the caller ID with a very confused gaze.

The caller ID was unknown.

He put the small silver device back up to his ear.

"I'm sorry. Jane kept me up all night. Your name?" Singto asked while getting out of the bed quite slowly as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Krist. You?"

Singto had a confused look upon his face. Seems confusion was going to be a normal emotion for the day.

"Jane didn't tell you?" he asked curiously, surprised Jane had just given Krist his number and not his name.

"No. He just gave me your number.." Krist responded, seemingly a little awkward.

Singto walked to the kitchen and saw the time on the oven.

"What time is it?!" Singto shouted into the phone.

Krist pulled the phone away from his ear and flinched. He quickly checked the time on his black leather watch and told Singto the time.

Singto started freaking out as he should have left five minutes ago.

"We're gonna be late! Where are you now?" Singto asked and ran around frantically trying to get ready while he was on the phone with Krist, trying to figure out where he was.

"Outside your house..." Krist said. Singto froze before running around more frantically. "Did I forget to mention he never told me your name but gave me your number and address..?"

"Please, go ahead and come in." Singto said and unlocked the front door before running back upstairs. "Also, remind me to smack Jane on the back of the head for that."

"Uh.. Okay. Is the door unlocked?" he heard Krist ask after a long pause.

"Yeah." Singto replied and heard his front door open as the small alarm he had on his door had alerted him of the door opening.

"Okay. I'm gonna sit on the couch and wait for you. I'm hanging up now." Krist said and hung up after not having much of a response from Singto.

"By the way!" Singto shouted from upstairs, startling the male who awkwardly sat on the couch, looking around the livingroom. "My name is Singto!"

After a moment of Krist nodding to himself and sitting in silence, Singto rushed from upstairs and to the kitchen counter, seemingly looking for something.

Krist sat back on the couch, crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows as he watched Singto in amusement.

The older man turned around and looked at Krist who only stared at the man with a startled expression while Singto continued trying to find his things before they could leave.

"Shit. He's hot." Krist spoke and froze as Singto stopped his movements to gaze upon him. "What?" Krist cleared his throat.

"You do realize, sir, that you said that aloud, right?" Singto questioned.

He watched with a smirk as Krist's face turned a deep shade of pink.

"I am so sorry." Krist quickly apologized.

Singto chuckled at the male and shrugged, dismissing it as he continued his search for his keys of which he could not find.

"Shit. Where are my keys?" he mumbled to himself as he searched under his TV across from Krist.

The younger glanced over on the couch at a pair of keys on a key ring he'd seen earlier and grabbed them, holding them up in front of him. "These keys?"

Singto turned on his heels and glanced into Krist's chocolate brown eyes before his gaze turned toward the keys Krist held. "There they are! Thank you!"

He leaned forward and carefully grabbed them from Krist's grasp as the silver ring they hung on was around his finger.

"Let's get going!"

He rushed to the front door as Krist walked up right beside him as they both put their shoes on and walked out the door.

Singto unlocked his black BMW and they both entered the vehicle, sitting in the warm vehicle while waiting a few seconds for the AC to cool the steering wheel off a little before grabbing it.

"You said your name was Singto, right?" Krist questioned while he kept his gaze out the car window.

Singto took a quick glance at Krist. "Correct."

Krist nodded and everything got mostly silent afterward, the radio very quiet in the background.


"We have arrived." Singto announced and pushed the button to turn off the engine.

The both of them got out of the vehicle and headed toward the building.

"So..." Krist started as the walked along a short sidewalk. "Are you training to be a singer, actor, back up dancer, or some kind of drummer or guitarist..?" He glanced at Singto. "I am planning on acting."

Krist opened the glass door and motioned Singto in. The other smiled in a polite gesture.

"That is what I am training for. I usually audition for gay dramas though.. So.." Singto confessed, scratching his nape awkwardly as an awkward silence overcome the two of then.

But, Krist just smiled at Singto.

"Well, I hope you get a spot in a movie or series, Singto." Krist spoke finally. "I look forward to watching it. See how good of an actor you are." Krist smirked teasingly.

Singto thanked him and stopped at the front desk. "Hey, Leslie."

The black-haired female at the front desk looked up, her bright blue eyes glanced at the two as she smiled. "Hi, Singto! How can I help you two?"

"Krist is here to check in for the first time and have his tour of the building. I figured I'd bring him to the front desk before I head up and talk Jane's ear off for a bit."

Leslie giggled and nodded. "You go ahead. I'll have someone give him a tour while you talk to Jane."

"Thanks, Les!" Singto thanked as he started to walk toward the elevators. He waved at the both of them before disappearing behind the elevator doors.


"Jane!" Singto shouted as he stepped foot from the elevator. He walked not far away and swung Jane's office door open, causing the unexpecting male to jump in surprise and look at Singto with wide eyes.

"Damn, boy! What's that for?" Jane questioned Singto in shock and confusion.

Singto smiled evilly. "You kept me up almost all night.. Payback! Anyway," Singto announced and sat down in a chair across from Jane. "Who's Krist and why did you want me to bring him here with me?"

"Oh! He's acting in the series you auditioned for. He's gonna be here during filming and then when we're done recording the series, he's gonna go back to his company." Jane explained and smiled at Singto. "Why do you ask, Sing? You like him?" Jane questioned with a mischievous look.

"I don't know.. I mean, he is cute." Singto admitted.

There was a sudden pair of hands on his shoulders that squeezed him and he looked behind him to see Krist. "Oh... Hi. P' Jane...." Jane smirked and shrugged.

"And I'm handsome... Not cute." Krist corrected.

Singto rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. To me you're cute. Not hand- okay, okay. You're handsome. Let go." Singto begged as Krist had his arms around his neck and got to close to the side of his face.

Krist scoffed and sat beside Singto.

"Good." Krist whispered and looked at Jane. "Who am I gonna be acting with since I'm one of the main characters?"

"You got one of the main roles?" Singto questioned. Krist just nodded and glanced at him, seemingly not quite interested with him in the moment.

Singto only nodded and stood up from the chair, walking out of Jane's office and to his secret practice room that he likes to practice dancing, singing, playing instruments, and acting.

"I'm just gonna practice my dance moves.." with that said, he played some music and started dancing to clear his mind.


Krist stood in the doorway secretly watching Singto practice his dancing. He was just making up random dance moves to English songs. The current one's My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark by Fall Out Boy.

Singto laid down on the ground after he played the song again just so he could listen to it.

Krist finally walked into the room with an ice cold water as he had froze it and let it melt a little before deciding to give it Singto.

"Here." Krist said while streaching his arm out to give the water to the tired male.

Singto jumped and opened his eyes quickly. "How'd you find-"

"Jane." he quickly interrupted before Singto could finish.

Singto grabbed the water from Krist and nodded. "Of course." he mumbled to himself and took a sip of water.

"Why? You want me to leave? If so, I can leave. No problem." Krist said and pointed toward the door that was shut. Singto quickly shook his head with water in his mouth, making his cheeks stick out.

"It's okay. I was just curious. My friends don't even know this room is here. I found the room and asked Jane to keep it a secret for me. But, hey.. It's fine as long as you don't tell anyone else about it." he said and flopped back down on his back. "Fu- I should've been more careful laying back down." He turned and laid on his stomach.

Krist stared at Singto's back before he suddenly just sat on his back, shocking Singto who was not expecting.

Singto turned to lay on his back, but Krist didn't bugde from onto of him.

"W...what are you d...doing?" he asked, still shocked.

Krist smirked and pinned Singto's hands above his head. Singto seemed completely hesitant and slightly uncomfortable. But, he made no move to force Krist off of himself and he knew for a fact he could do so.

"Mmm... Wanting to mark you mine.." Krist mummbled, his voice oddly deeper than before shocking Singto.

"Why?" he asked curiously and hesitantly. He didn't seem as shocked or uncomfortable anymore as the more he thought about their position, he actually kinda liked it.

"You g..." Jane froze in the door way as the two of them came into view.

Krist blankly looked at Jane and let go of Singto's arms though he didn't get up from sitting ontop of Singto.

"Are you gonna get off of him?"

Krist looked at Singto and back at Jane.

"No." he said and shook his head.

"Well.. I'm just gonna leave the both of you alone then." Jane said and shut the door, walking away.

Krist looked back at Singto and laid down ontop of him.

"You're comfy..." Krist mumbled and laid his head on Singto's chest.

"You went from oddly sexual to oddly sweet..." the eldest out of the two pointed out.

Krist giggled and leaned up, looking in Singto's eyes. "I'm a complicated male. Now, do you want me to mark you as mine or no...?" Krist questioned, raising his eyebrow in question.

Singto chuckled a little.

"You don't have to mark me as yours. I'm yours either way." Singto said and yanked Krist down.

"Are we just gonna cuddle eachother on the floor or what?" Krist asked curiously.

Singto nodded with he hid his head in Krist's neck.

"Yep." Singto mumbled and Krist giggled from being tickled with Singto's breath.

"Okay." Krist said and cuddled back.

"Are we boyfriends now?" Singto asked pulling his head back from Krist's neck to see Krist's reaction. Krist just nodded and quickly pecked Singto's lips.

"Hey." Singto grabbed Krist's bottom lips with his teeth. Krist giggled and let Singto nibble on his lip as he pleased.

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