The Demon Diaries

By clairechilton

2.1M 9.5K 1K

The Demon Diaries are a series of paranormal comedy stories. A HINT OF MAGIC - Prequel Dora Carridine is fed... More

A Hint of Magic
A Hint of Magic | Chapter 1
A Hint of Magic | Chapter 3
A Hint of Magic | Chapter 4
A Hint of Magic | Chapter 5
A Hint of Magic | Chapter 6
A Hint of Magic | Chapter 7
A Hint of Magic | Chapter 8
A Hint of Magic | Chapter 9
Demonic Dora - Preview
Demonic Dora | Chapter 1
Demonic Dora | Chapter 2
Demonic Dora | Chapter 3
Note From the Author

A Hint of Magic | Chapter 2

51.2K 803 90
By clairechilton

Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved

A Hint of Magic By Claire Chilton


A Quest for Magic

The next morning, Dora followed her mother through the busy streets at a snail's pace. She watched her mother's coiffed blonde hair swing around her head as she purposefully strode down the main street a few yards ahead of her.

"Hurry up, Dora. We can't be late for your father's show." Her mother turned her head and called over her shoulder.

Dora dragged her feet, scuffing her Doc Martins on the sidewalk and scowling at her mother's back.

I don't want to go. I'm tired of church services and happy-clapping bullshit.

Being the daughter of a preacher wasn't easy, but being the daughter of a televangelist was so much worse. She wasn't even sure if she believed in God. For an almighty being, he hadn't made her world very magical.

She glanced down at the shopping bags in her hands. The arm of a pink fluffy cardigan hung out of one of them. Narrowing her eyes, she scuffed it against the bricks of the building beside her, dragging it so the angora wool caught and pulled.

"What are you doing?" her mother cried.

Dora glanced up and sighed. Busted.

"I just bought you that. Why are you ruining it?" Her mother rushed over to her and snatched the bags out of her hands. "You're going to confession for this!" She snapped before spinning on her heel and storming ahead.

What, again? Not bloody likely. And, I hate pink fluffy cardigans. Dog vomit would look nicer on me.

Dora shook her head. She knew she was being obnoxious, but she hated her life. She hated church, she hated pink fluffy things, and she really hated confession. She enjoyed magic and mystery. She wanted to live in a world where she could be herself without having to explain it. The darkness was exciting. It was free. She just wanted to live how she chose.

She blankly stared ahead at her mother, who was rushing past the entrance to a dark alley. While focusing on the dingy alley that was squashed between the mini-market and the opticians, she frowned.

Most people wouldn't even notice it existed. It was so narrow and dark that it could be mistaken for a shadow. But she knew it was a shortcut to the rundown side of town, which only the locals knew about.

"Hurry up. Don't let your father down, again," her mother called out behind her.

Dora scowled again. It never seemed to matter what she wanted. All that ever mattered was what her parents wanted.

She eyed the entrance of the alley as a greenish mist exuded from it, and she watched the smoke billow downwards into the gutter. Making a decision that today things were going to change, she turned towards the passage. She'd always tried to please her parents. Okay, she failed dismally at it, but she'd always tried. Not once had they ever tried to please her.

Peering at her mother to ensure she wasn't watching, she slipped into the alley and ran down it as fast as she could.

Her Docs thumped against the cobbled stones as she raced into the darkness towards the side of town that everyone had told her to avoid.

She realized that the green steam must be coming from one of the many vents as it floated around her feet, wafting around her and making the air denser.

Ignoring it, she rushed through the fog. She wanted to see the darker side of life. She wanted to find a new world where she would finally belong.

The walls were slimy with moss and grime. She carefully avoided touching them as she slowed near the dingy light at the end of the passage.

Hitching her breath, she peered out into the ramshackle street. Unlike the busier shopping streets, this one was dark and empty. No lights shone in the windows of the oddly-named stores.

Her heart pounded as she stepped out of the alley and into the street. She waited for a moment for something to happen, but nothing did. With a sigh of relief, she walked down the street at a relaxed pace, taking in the sights around her with wide eyes.

Gold 'n' Brass was the first store she passed. Contained behind the grimy window were antiques and a jumble of random items. She paused at a section of wedding rings that were displayed in a cracked glass case, frowning at them with a feeling of disappointment. Marriage, it seemed, was not eternal as her father often told her it was. Judging by the price tags, you could purchase other people's for nine ninety-nine. She gazed at the array of personal items on sale, feeling sad. It was like browsing through people's lost lives.

She shook her head and carried on walking down the street. She didn't know what she was looking for, but it felt as if she was searching for something that would give her life meaning. Deep inside, she knew that this was the place she would find her answers.

Her stomach turned as she passed a dingy café. The doors were shut, but there was a stand outside of it offering a 'heart attack sandwich', which appeared to be filled with greasy pork. She continued past it to the next shop, feeling a bit queasy.

The next building was older than the others were and appeared to be subsiding at an angle. The doorway was tiny, and the window ledge was too close to the ground. Behind the glass were unusual-looking books, bound in hide rather than card. Strange symbols hung down the window. Dream catchers and candle flames were blowing around inside as if propelled through the air by some kind of phantom breeze.

She took a step closer to the store window and peered inside. Jars filled with powders and twisted roots lined the shelves inside. The store appeared to be lit by hundreds of different colored candles. She glanced up at the sign above the door that creaked as it idly swung in the breeze. The store was called 'Dark Gifts', and it appeared to be a magic store.

This is it! This is what I've been looking for, she realized as she peered at the array of magical items in the store window.

With a shiver of fear, she opened the door. A small bell jingled above it announcing her presence. Green-tinged smoke billowed through the doorway and into the street. She watched the mist in awe before gritting her teeth and taking a tentative step inside.

"Hello?" She called out as she walked into the shop. Her footsteps echoed on the stone floor as she walked through the aisles of mystical statues, tarots and herbs. The room was large and dimly lit with several aisles of odd-looking items mingling on shelves beside strange books. There were jars with slimy creatures in them and strange plants she had never seen before. She headed towards the golden talismans on the back wall. Not really knowing what she was looking for.

"Hello." Dora jumped as a female voice whispered in her ear.

She spun around to see a large woman with flaming red hair standing behind her. She scanned the woman, her eyes widening at the sight of her emerald robe, which was embroidered with silver and gold thread. Her hair was a bush of red frizzy fire, and her eyes were catlike green.

"How can I help you?" Her voice was soft and melodic, which calmed Dora's frazzled nerves.

"I, er ... I'm not sure what I'm looking for." Dora managed as the woman stared intently at her.

"Perhaps I can help if you tell me what troubles you." The woman brushed back a wisp of hair from her face with a bejeweled hand. Silver, gold and emerald rings decorated every finger.

Dora stared at the bracelet on the shopkeeper's wrist that was overflowing with charms. She tried to put her feelings into words.

Everything messes with me. There's not one thing in the world that doesn't fuck with me on a daily basis.

She shook her head, trying to think of something to say. "I want power," she blurted.

The woman lowered her eyes to her hand. She slowly turned the ring on her wedding finger, remaining silent. Eventually, she looked up at Dora again. "Power comes with a price."

Dora considered the five bucks she had in her purse and stared back at the shopkeeper. "How much?"

A glint of light sparked in the shopkeeper's already bright eyes. "Perhaps more than you can pay."

Dora decided to throw caution to the wind. What did she have to lose, right?

"Is there an ATM around here?" She had been saving up her allowance for weeks. There was at least fifty bucks in there.

"I don't need your money." The shopkeeper waved away her question.

"Then er, what do you want?" Dora began to feel a tad uncomfortable.

The shopkeeper tilted her head and flashed a wicked smile. "How far are you willing to go for power? Would you dance with the devil?"

She considered the question for a moment. She hadn't even danced with a guy before. All the boys at her school refused to dance. She never had a boyfriend, so she couldn't force one to dance with her like the other girls did. "What like, slow dancing?" she asked.

"Any kind of dancing. The kind doesn't matter," the shopkeeper said.

"Well, I dunno. I mean if the Devil asked me to River Dance, it might be a bit of a problem. I don't think my legs move that fast." She tried not to imagine the Devil River Dancing across a stage, but it was too late. The image was already firmly lodged in her mind.

"Not bloody River Dancing." The shopkeeper shook her head.

"Well then, yeah okay. I won't mind dancing with the devil," Dora said.

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