Blood, Sweat, and Tears - Tae...

By bbywin13

16K 922 71

⚠️ Warnings: vampire AU - real actors names are used - mpreg Tae has been accepted into a school for supernat... More

1. The Arranged Marriage
2. School/Exs
3. Staying Home/Planning
4. Turning/Fights
6. Part One.
6. Part Two
7. 1 week Left
9. Wedding Day

8. 2 days till wedding

1K 74 6
By bbywin13

Tee's POV.

I've been sleeping all day, I haven't been feeling well at all lately, it's mainly because of the baby and the stress from the wedding.

Again, I'm still blaming Tae.

I've been asleep all day and now someone is trying to wake me up, this better be important.

"Tee, wake up," Tae tried to wake me up, I flipped him off and buried myself in the blankets because I was extremely tired and I was starting to become very cold again. Great.

"What?" I mumbled and made him lay with me so I wasn't freezing my ass off for the millionth time in the past year.

"We have to go get our suits, and the rings," Tae said

"Didn't we do that already?" I mumbled still freezing but starting to warm up since Tae hugged me.

"No, I talked about it but we never went and got them," Tae said. I nodded..

"Can we go in like an hour? I'm freezing and not feeling well at all," I said and hugged Tae more trying to sleep.

"Yeah, take your time," Tae said and hugged me making sure I was ok and that the baby was ok as well.

It's a boy in case you're wondering. We found out last night, Tae started decorating the baby's room and I went to bed trying to sleep. Instead of sleep this baby kept me up all night moving around and kicking, which is what is making me sick, the more the baby moves around the more sick I become so I'll be extremely sick the week that the baby is due to be born.
Like right now, he keeps kicking because Tae is hugging me, whenever Tae is around he always moves around more. I don't know why.

"Babe, you ok?" Tae asked since I looked like I was in a shit ton of pain,

"I'm fine, just the baby moving around making me sick nothing new," I said and hugged Tae more.

"Stop making him sick baby," Tae said putting his hand on the baby bump.

"Shut up," I joked, but surprisingly that worked, the baby stopped kicking and moving around.

"How'd you do that?" I asked shocked

"Magic," Tae said and kissed me

I smiled and pushed him away and went back to sleep.

* couple hours later *

I woke up a few hours later and got up to take a shower while Tae was still asleep. I was feeling a lot better, I wasn't as sick as I had been recently. I woke Tae up a few minutes later and told him I was feeling better and that we could go and finish doing everything.

"Alright, let me shower first," Tae said and hugged me before getting up and going to the bathroom.

I nodded and went downstaris to get some food, I. Need. Food. 😂

King J. smiled seeing me eating breakfast and for once not sick and tired.

"Good morning Tee," He said, I nodded and waved since I had food in my mouth


"Feeling better?" He asked taking a seat in front of me with his own plate of food.

"Much better," I said nodded and jumped when a shirtless Tae apeared out of no where next to me.

"You gotta stop doing that babe," I said and hit his arm.

"Sorry baby," Tae said and hugged me and sitting down to eat as well.

We left shortly after breakfast and went to buy our suits and wedding rings.

Tae and I picked out a set of white and blue suits, with black and gold wedding rings.

The wedding is in 2 days and I'm very excited but nervous.

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