Living Not Knowing

By esmith1122

147 1 0


October Morning
Not Knowing
The Unexpected
I Hope You Dance
Stay With Me
My Saving Grace
All Things Change
Everything That Could Change, Did
The Memory
The Perfect Date

The Broken Pieces Coming Together

7 0 0
By esmith1122

Tasha's POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring again at 7 AM. I rolled out of bed and I didn't realize that the time was truly 7. I looked at my phone and quickly gathered my bag and got my clothes that I would need and threw on a pair of sweats and grabbed Kaleb's t-shirt and a hoodie on as I was running to the truck. The true was already started when I got in and Kaleb was sitting in the drivers seat. I looked at him and just shrugged as I started putting my hair into a bun for that evening. When we pulled into hell and I walked into the building and. Gave Kaleb a kiss on the cheek and told him I'd see him at lunch. As I walked to class I realized that I had put Kaleb shirt on backwards but truly that didn't matter because of the hoodie. I had also realized he hadn't said anything about me wearing his shirt and smiled to myself. I felt myself bush and I went to the class. The day was a major blur. Mainly because well no one ever seemed to notice me, besides Kaleb of course. He gave me slight smirks and smiles through the day and I always kept searching for those blue eyes of his everywhere.

The day finally over and Kaleb met me at the truck. He drove us home and I went and laid down on the couch and I felt Kaleb sit next to me and put my feet in his lap. I rolled over and smiled at him and he looked at me and just smirked with those handsome lips of his. I still don't know what he has planned for our big first date. As we laid there I decided to grab the remote and start a movie. A scary one at that. I turned on "The Conjuring" and got comfortable. I decided to be nice and pulled the footstool up and made room for Kaleb to lay down behind me. When he laid down he pulled a blanket over us and pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around my body. I slowly felt myself drift off.

Kaleb's POV

I saw that Tasha fell asleep but still continued to watch the movie. There I watched it the more my mind kept racing. I finally decided to turn off the movie and just go to Youtube and turn on some Pro League tournament. As I laid and watched the tournament I started to think about our date tomorrow. I slowly move her feet from atop of my legs and got up. I stood up and watched that she shifted slightly. I froze in place to make sure she stayed asleep. Once I was sure she was asleep and went to my notebook. Once I finally found it I found that truly my planning was almost complete. Her outfit was picked out, I had called Tasty Delights and got the basket reserved for tomorrow at 4 PM and I made sure the weather is supposed to be good. Now I have to figure out what I am going to wear. Truly I want to be super casual because yes this is our first date in all but we also have snowball coming up where we truly will be more dressy and I want that to be special for her.

I decide to just go with a shirt that she had gotten me awhile back. It is a red San Diego shirt with white lettering and regular jeans and my boots that I wear all the time. Now even though we are dancing after the whole picnic dinner but I will be able to because it may end up just being a slow dance of some sort or even some swing dancing. Who am I kidding it'll probably just end up being slow dancing. Once I have finally got everything settled I went and made sure that Tasha was still asleep and checked the time, which it was 5:30. Tasha was still asleep on the couch and I saw right before I turned away she was thrashing about. She was just moving around and tossing and turning and thrashing. I quickly walked over to her and I heard her mumbling, "Ryan... Mom.... Dad... Kaleb..." and it kept going on about this and she sat up but her eyes were still closed and she started to scream and yell. I pulled her in my arms and started to say her name and try to get her to wake up and she just wouldn't. I laid her back down and cuddled her in my arms and slowly shushed her and rocked her back and forth until I could feel her calm down. Then her eyes sprang open and she shot up and was fully awake and tears were streaming down her face. I pulled her in my arms and just cradled her until I could finally ask her, "What happened?"

Tasha's POV

I was fast asleep when I started to have a nightmare. Everyone I had ever loved or people who had left my life came out of the shadows . My best friend Ryan, when I walked over to him and he just disappeared. Then my parents both showed up. I ran over to then and went to hug them and they disappeared. I fell flat on my face with my hands catching me out in front of me. I curled myself up into the fetal positions sitting up and started to rock back and forth ever so slowly. Then I felt a presents behind me. I brought my head out of my knees and looked up and I saw Kaleb. He was standing right behind me and had his hand out stretched to me. I took his hand h\and he pulled me up. I went in for a hug and he backed away from me and this girl with no face appeared. This girl whoever she might be pulled his head down and kissed him right there in front of me.

I then felt my eyes spring open and felt tears going down my face. Then Kaleb asked me "What happened". I told him everything that happened in my dream including all the details about Ryan disappearing and my parents just leaving me yet again and the fact that another girl had kissed him. Now yes it had been a dream but it all felt so real and seemed ever so real. Once I let everything and finally consoled myself and stopped crying I went in and hugged Kaleb ever so tightly because I realized then and now that I was in love with my best friend who was finally my boyfriend. I couldn't believe that I was actually falling for him. It scared me honestly. When a person holds your heart and then they could ever so easily break it with one single move. But I know Kaleb would never leave me. My dreams or nightmares I should say usually don't mean anything and just with this new relationship I was afraid that he's leave me yet again just like everyone else had left me. I shook my head and pulled away from him with a smile and looked at him and I could see those gorgeous blue eyes staring back at me. Whatever I would give to kiss him. Those lips look ever so kissable and just so perfect.

I smiled at him again and said "Well we had better head to the studio. Even if I truly don't want to today." I got up and went to my room to change into my spandex and sweats as long as change my shirt so it was tighter then his shirt that I had worn that day. I put my hair up into a messy bun knowing it would eventually be put into a pony tail. I walked out and grabbed my Nike shoes with velcro on them and slipped them on my feet and walked out to the truck to see Kaleb already sitting out in and wondered when he had changed. When I got into the passenger seat and was buckled in I looked at him with a smile leaving the nightmare that I had previously at home and said, "Kaleb Chase you do realize you don't have to come to practice and stay the whole time right?" He looked at me and a smile that met his eyes and said to me, "I know but I like getting those little peeks at my girlfriend and doing the thing you love to do." With that I was left speechless and he headed to the studio. Tonight all we had was the duets, trios and solos unlike Mondays that are full packed of classes and competition practices that are cut down. I looked in my duffle bag and saw that Kaleb had packed me some granola bars and some waters and I snuck a glance and had the biggest smile on my face. And before he knew I was staring, I hoped anyways, I snapped my head back to facing the windshield. Next thing I know I hear Kaleb say, "You know it's not nice to stare" and I felt my face turn red, almost beet red. As he was driving he made it so his left hand was steering and his right hand took my left hand in his and put it in the center console. I held in a smile that soon enough took over my entire face and I could care less. We got to the studio in a matter of a few minutes after he grabbed my hand. He turned off the truck and I leaned over the console and kissed his cheek and quickly got out so he couldn't see the blush creeping up the sides of my face. I walked in and dropped my bag when I got to the shoe rack. My favorite teacher and choreographer, Sky, She knows me very well and saw that my hands were shaking ever so slightly and that my face was red and not just because I had rushed inside and it was getting colder out. She walked up to me and she asked, "Tasha, why are you so shaken up? Are you eating enough? And why is your face red? Are you okay?"

I looked at her and met her eyes and said very quietly "I kissed Kaleb on the cheek beforeI walked in there and I kinda just got out of the truck and we are a couple finally." I trailed off on the last little part of the sentence and started to put on my shoes. She knelt down besides me and pulled my chin up to meet her eyes and pulled in for a hug. Sky had been in my life since before my parents left me. She knew all that had happened but still treats me as if I'm normal most days and she's the one who would always check up on me and make she everything was okay with me the house and just everything in my life, including my mental state. She would let me come into the studio on days when I got bad again and made sure I was okay. She was the first person I trusted and let in after everything. When she hugged me I was surprised but I melted into her quickly wand relaxed. I knew by now Kaleb was in the building somewhere but I wasn't sure where. She pulled away and looked at me in the eyes and said, "Tasha I'm so happy for you and just the fact that you let him into your life and into your heart even. I'm always here for you remember that." With that she got up and I continued to put on my shoes. I felt a presence behind me and soon felt arms wrap around me and I melted into his arms because I knew by the feeling and look of them that it was Kaleb. He kissed my forehead and helped me up. He looked at me and I could see in his eyes that there was a look of love and he asked, "Are we dancing first or last today?" With that I looked at the schedule and saw that we were last today but my solo's were first. I looked at him again and answered his question also telling him that I had solo's first and he was welcomed to watch.

We always arrive early enough that I can get in at least a 15 minute warm up along with a good amount of stretching because of my back and hamstring attachment. Today with the weather having a slight shift in temperature as well as the wind caused me to be stiff as well as causing some slight pain and discomfort but I wasn't going to complain yes I'd be sore tomorrow for our date which he still won't tell me what we are doing but it's fine. Sky turned on some music for me to warm up to and I started my warm up routine and saw Kaleb had come in and sat himself down. I decided that I was going to warm up in sweats today just because of the weather and just with Kaleb being in here today. Yes he's obviously seen me in spandex but still I don't know what it is today but it is okay. After my warm up I sit down and started to stretch starting with the straddle and going to a side. Both solo practices went by in a blur. Instead of being the usual 30 minutes we bumped up the time to a solid hour just because there were very few of each about 8 in total including my 2 solos and one duet. Both of solo practices went by extremely quick and I noticed that Kaleb had slipped out when the second practice started but I didn't worry about it. When I got done my ponytail had started to fall out and I was extremely sweaty. I saw Kaleb sitting out in one of the chairs that surrounded the table in the center of the room with a couple TubberWare container and I smiled. He had brought leftovers for me and him both. I smiled and sat down after grabbing my last water bottle from my bag and practically all but attacked the food that he had sat down in front of me. It was some leftover pasta from the other night and some fruit in the other container. When I finished eating the pasta I looked at him and he had an amused look on his face so I said "What? I get hungry and work up an appetite after two hours" and he just chuckled a low chuckle that caused me to have butterflies my stomach. We still had another couple hours because they give me an hour for each but everyone else gets 30-45 minutes on Thursday's. I know it's weird and stupid but no one else knows why I get longer and such

"special" treatment but it's fine they all can be snotty and bitchy I could care less.

When it was finally Kaleb and I's turn for duet I knew it would only take 30 minutes today just because we were already in the cleaning stage of the piece and were just needing to either perfect the lifts and partner work or add a higher level of difficulty which in this wouldn't be too hard for the both of us. I trustKaleb with my whole life and know if he were to ever drop me yes there would be that major fear in my head if it were to ever happen but it would go away slowly with time. But that was a major what-if situation and I know he wouldn't drop me. Practice ended within 15 minutes and I was so ready to go and sleep. I had absolutely no homework so as soon as we were done here I was going to shower and go to sleep. Kaleb followed me out making sure that Sky was following in-toe with us and made sure that she locked the door before getting in the truck with me. He drove us home in record time and I tried to get out but he grabbed my hand. "I know you are just ready to go to bed and such but first tomorrow I have something I want you to wear for our date. I'll lay it out tonight before I go to sleep Also thanks for the kiss earlier" And he had the manhood to wink. To fucking WINK when he finished his sentence. I was left gasping like a fish but then got out because truly he was cute and I loved when he winked. We walked in and Kaleb carried in my duffle. I quickly went to the bathroom and showered because I felt disgusting. Once out I dried off and threw on a pair of sweats and one of his hoodies. When I walked into our bedroom I saw he was already laying down and I walked over and literally hopped into the bed and got comfortable. Before I fully fell asleep I felt Kaleb wrap his arms around me and pull me closer to him. We both fell asleep that night to our breathing that basin sync. 

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