Undeniable Attraction

By Undefineddd_

381K 7.5K 940

Mia Patterson Daughter an Alpha, and only child. She had almost everything she ever wanted, except one major... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 14

10.6K 320 24
By Undefineddd_

*Not edited, Book one is completed on Patreon and Book two is nearly complete*

Luke's P.O.V

Felix guided Mia away, I started towards Landon's direction. "Hey, don't." Tara gripped my arm.

"I need to."

She nodded, letting my hand go. "Just call me later." She pecked my cheek and took off after them.

I walked over to his room, frowning at the security guard sleeping on the floor. The sounds of more glass breaking could be heard, pulling my attention away from the guard. I quickly pushed open the door. "Landon! What the fuck!" My eyes took in the destroyed room and the specks of blood that was dripping from both of his fists.

"Get the fuck out, Luke." He growled trembling.

I took a step forward. "Naw man... get your shit together and go home."

He flinched when I touched his shaky arm. "I fucked up man..." He choked. "I..."

I pulled him to me as soon as the first tear fell, letting his head drop on my shoulder. "Please, just tell me you didn't do what I think you did."

He gripped me tighter when I tried to pull back to look at him. "I-I think I did... I fuckin... she said stop... but I was so mad... and I..."

"Fuck man..." I sighed as I held him.

He finally pulled away from me, his face red and puffy as he quickly wiped his tears. He went to the bathroom, coming out with his wet shirt. He walked over to the wall where the blood was and started scrubbing.

I grabbed his arm. "Hey, you don't..."

He pushed my hand away. "I-I have to..."

I put my hand on top of his. "No... you have to talk to her. She might not want to hear it now, but you need to give her closure when she's ready."

He shook his head. "No I need to turn myself in."

I frowned. "Whoa, wait just a minute."

He continued scrubbing. "I'm no better than the people who..." He choked up again. "... my family..."

I snatched his shirt out of his hands. "No, fuck no. Don't you dare compare yourself to those fucking psychopaths. What you did was fucking fucked up and stupid, but you can never be on the level of what they did."

His red eyes looked up to mine.

Security decided that now would be the best time to show up. "You need to leave before we throw you out."

I put my hands up. "We're leaving."

"Expect the repairs to come out of tonight's fight." Another said.

I just waved them off, guiding Landon out. I used the back door to avoid anyone seeing Landon in this rare vulnerability and put him in my car.

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The next morning I woke up with a massive headache. I groaned, pulling myself out of the bed. Rubbing my temple, I walked over to Landon's room. Pushing his door open, I looked around, only to find it empty.

I frowned, and turned to run downstairs. "Hey mom, where's Landon?" I asked as she was putting on her shoes to leave out for work.

"He left about an hour ago, told me you'd know where he was going." She said.

I blinked trying to rack my brain. "Is that all?"

She stood up, grabbing her keys. "Something about it's what he deserved."

Realization hit me at what exactly that meant. "Fuck..." I groaned as I scrambled to get my shit to go find him.

Mia's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning feeling incomplete. Landon unknowingly taking steps towards the completion of our mating bond was sending my wolf in a frenzy. She craved him and his touch now that she had a taste of him. And while she loved the rough claim, I was pissed that he'd done it out of anger.

There was a soft knock at the door. "I'm coming in..." my aunt spoke.

I just turned away from the door just as she opened it. "I don't want to talk about it."

She sat on the bed. "Well that's too damn bad."

I groaned pulling the cover in my head.

"I understand where you are coming from, but you need to pull yourself together and deal with this like the badass Alpha bitch you are." She spoke. "You can't let him, even though he's your mate, get away with raping you..."

My head shot up. "Whoa, whoa wait. Rape?"

She nodded. "Yes, rape, what happened to you was traumatizing and especially with it being your first..."

I put my hand up. "Stop... who said he raped me? He didn't fucking rape me."

She shook her head. "You don't need to defend him because he's your mate Mia, he took your virginity against your will."

I groaned, gripping my hair. "He, did not rape me! And I am not saying this because he's my mate. I'm not some weak bitch, I was caught off guard once, but I'd be damned if I allowed my own mate to."

Felix walked in with a mug in his hand. He sat it down next to me.

She frowned. "That's not what Tara told me."

"Well he didn't... yeah I'll admit it isn't the way I envisioned my first time, but if I wanted him to stop, It'd take nothing but the flick of my wrist to get him off me. I brought Felix to his fight on purpose because I wanted to make him jealous... I mean the only way to make him touch me is every time I bring Felix around." I explained.

Allie sighed. "Mia..."

Felix chimed in. "I'm not taking up from him at all.

Nor am I justifying it... But Mia... before we left, you said that you wanted him angry enough to fuck your brains out. As a man, Mia, you've been doing things to that human mate of yours that a wolf mate wouldn't have ever allowed. I would've been dead by now."

I shook my head. "Okay but..."

"Okay but, that's what I was trying to tell you and Tara. There's only so much us men can take; fuck no am I taking up for him when I say that. And sorry to say it, but you two have been taking advantage of each other from the start. No clearly isn't in either of your vocabulary. We both know why we want our mates, but they are in the dark about why they have this undeniable attraction towards us that they can't explain. And they don't know why seeing us with another drives them mad."

Allie shook her head. "But he still took it too far by taking her virginity by force. How do you explain that?"

Felix looked at me with his eyebrow raised.

I bit my lip. "I didn't exactly... make it seem as if I was a virgin."

Her eyes widened. "Mia!"

I groaned. "I just wanted to make him jealous! I didn't think..."

Allie shot up. "Exactly! You didn't think! You and that mate of yours haven't been thinking! I'm not taking up for him at all nor am I ignoring what you've been doing. But you need to go over and fix this before it turns into something toxic and unfixable." Allie walked out of my room, slamming the door behind her.

I glared at Felix. "I thought you were on my side?"

He snorted. "I love you to pieces, but this has gone on far too long. I know I'm not innocent because I could have stopped it, but I wanted Ian to be jealous as well."

I groaned. "I can't believe how dumb I've been acting. I completely lost myself the minute I met him, letting my guard down everytime he was around. I've embarrassed myself time and time again every time I'd throw myself at him, using the mate bond against him, even when he didn't want to and..." I paused. "And if everyone else thinks he raped me... he thinks..." I jumped up out of the bed. "Oh shit Felix! I... I said stop..."

Felix frowned. "So he did rape..."

I shook my head. "No, he didn't even start yet... I said stop because I wanted him to calm down enough to confess about our fake relationship and talk about what happened in the ring. He almost killed that guy because of me. He clearly has some darkness in him that he's dealing with. But I don't think his intentions were to rape me, hurt me? Yeah, but rape and scar me? No. I've known mates in our pack have rougher matings that'd make mine look like child's play."

Felix ran his hand down his face. "So what now?"

I bit my lip. "I don't know, I obviously need to talk to him and clear the air... but I'm still mad at him. I understand that he obviously thought that I wasn't a virgin, but that doesn't change the fact that he wanted to fuck me like some common whore and dispose of me after."

Felix nodded. "Right, I think you need to talk to him after everything's cooled off, and like Allie said, try to salvage your relationship because you still want to be with him... right?"

I nodded. "Of course I do, I just need some time to process it all. But after we mend it, things can't ever go back to the way it was. Sneaking away to fool around in a bush and leaving right after without speaking until the next time we hookup, no that's not happening. I was willing to just have his body, but I want... no I need his heart as well."

"So it settled..." My phone started ringing. I looked at it to see an unknown number. My heart skipped a beat thinking that it might be Landon and answered it.

"Hey Mia?" Luke spoke.

I frowned. "Hey Luke."

"I know this is way too soon and I know that I might be asking for too much right now considering what he did to you. And I'd completely understand if you don't want to help, I mean you probably shouldn't and..." He rushed out.

"Luke, please. What's wrong."

There was heavy breathing for a moment. "Landon turned himself in."

I frowned. "Turned himself in to what?"

He paused for a moment. "Jail Mia."

My eyes widened. "What! Why?"

"For... raping you." He said, almost as if it was an obvious fact.

I shook my head as if he could see me. "He didn't rape me Luke."

"What?" He sounded confused. "But he said..."

"No, I just realized now that it might have looked that way. But no, he didn't rape me. He's in jail right now?" I put him on speaker and started to throw on clothes. "They can't hold them without evidence can they?"

He sighed. "That's why I called you, they want you to come in for a rapekit so that they can convict him. But given his track record and parole, this is just the type of thing that could land him life."

I slipped my shoes on. "Just hold on, send me the address and I'll be right there." I hung up before he could say anything else and called some friends that owed me a favor.

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Once I got the all clear text from Victoria, one of the Winchester vampires that my family had been friends with for centuries, I made my way into the station. Before looking for Luke, Victoria asked me to meet her in the bathroom. I went up to the desk and asked if I could use the restroom.

I pushed the door open to see her typing away on her phone, looking up at me, she stuffed her phone in her pocket before approaching me with her arms wide open. "I'm so sorry this is happening to you."

I hugged her back before pulling away. "I'll get through it, just gotta take it one day at a time."

She nodded. "So I compelled the officer on the case to believe that it was a sick college hazing, and that he should be released immediately. This won't go on his record because the officer won't be making any reports, I don't know something about a waste of paperwork." She shrugged. "So the next time he attempts to turn himself in, he'll get turned away."

I sighed a breath of relief. "You are a lifesaver!"

She smiled, but suddenly her face became serious. "I can... I can compel the both of you to forget what happened. I can see the toll it has taken on him, he's absolutely destroyed back there. And I know mating is something you wolves pride yourself on, so I can make you forget, so you can have a do over? Yeah?"

I bit my lip shaking my head. "Thank you, but I don't want to forget it. It may have not been the romantic set up that I dreamed of, but it was still special to me, in our own little fucked up way. Does that make me a masochist? I sound like one."

She shook her head. "It's okay to be confused about your wants and needs. Ask yourself how'd you feel in that moment before, during and after and take it from there."

I nodded. "I know why I don't want to forget it, but I don't want him to either because in a way I want him hurt, because his reasoning behind it hurt me. I want him to understand that he can't keep hiding behind his anger and open up to me. So I'm sorry i want him to suffer a little right now so that he can see that feeling anything else besides anger is possible. Now I sound like a sadist."

"You're talking to someone who's family gets off on drinking others blood, I think you're fine." She laughed. "But we will definitely catch up, later, you have a mate you need to talk to."

I bit my lip looking at my fingers.

"Or don't, as you said, take it one day at a time and see where your head's at." She hugged me again, walking me back out to the lobby.

I walked over to where Luke was knocked out in the chair. I softly tapped him, making him spring up. I laughed as he ran his hand through his hair with a lost look on his face. "When'd you get here?"

"A while ago, I talked to the officer on the case and he's getting released soon." I lied. "I want to be here to see him out, but I'm not ready to see him yet."

"I don't understand how you were able to get him released so quickly." Luke asked following me out of the station.

I shrugged. "I just told them the truth, they can't hold him over a lie."

Luke frowned. "But his... fuck it, I'm not going to questioned any blessing. Thank you Mia." He hugged me. "For what it's worth, he's beaten himself up over it. You said he didn't, but he truly thinks he raped you. He's been through the unthinkable, but it's not my place to tell. But just know that rape is a sensitive topic for him, nothing triggers him more. That's why he lost it in the alley when he heard you scream that night. I think I'd do some good if you could talk to him."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I'll talk to him, I just can't right now. We've done a lot of things to each other that we shouldn't have, but rape wasn't one of them. Can you just tell him that for me for now?"

He nodded. "Of course."

I smiled. "Thank you." I opened my car door.

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The past two weeks have been brutal

Landon was back to square one with his absence from school. It was painfully clear that he was avoiding me.

The first week was much needed for me to gain some stability without him showing up and wrecking my progress. But I was ready for our talk by the start of the second week. Luke made sure he didn't mention Landon's name whenever I was around because he thought I needed more time.

The more time away I spent from him, the more agitated I got. We had so much to discuss, and I wasn't going to go another day without having this conversation.

So during Lunch, I decided to skip the rest of the day to go see him.

Pulling up to Landon's house, I punched in the code, surprised to see that he hadn't changed it and drove myself in.

I parked my car and walked up to the door, before I could knock the sound of twigs snapped, halting my fist. I twirled around to see Landon frozen, looking at me. I folded my arms watching him. "We need to talk."

He just nodded his head


The next chapter will be intense. They will have the "rape" talk that shall surly ease everyone's minds. I'd also like to apologize to those who read the last chapter and it triggered past memories, it truly wasn't my intention.


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