Legend High

Oleh flipflopjrb

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My name is Elizabeth Scarlet but really I'm the Blue Fairy! Yes the Blue Fairy from Pinocchio and yeah I did... Lebih Banyak

Copy Right Statement
Chapter 1 ~ Who are you?
Chapter 2 ~ Goodbye and Welcome Home
Chapter 3 ~ Run ins and Sore thumbs
Chapter 4 ~ Make me Notice
Chapter 5 ~ Cooking in the Kitchen
Chapter 6 ~ Warnings and Confrontations
Chapter 7 ~ Dealing Ballerinas
Chapter 8 ~ Loosen Up
Chapter 9 ~ Finally!
Chapter 10 ~ Karate Wake Up Calls and Uneasy Feelings
Chapter 11 ~ Some much needed....pranking!
Chapter 12 ~ Thanks for the Football?
Chapter 13 ~ A great way to end a date night!
Chapter 14 ~ Kill that clock, I need some Robin lovin'
Chapter 15 ~ New Found Trust
Chapter 16 ~ Down in the dumps
Chapter 17 ~ Dissapointment
Chapter 18 ~ Breaking and Entering
Chapter 19 ~ Memories
Chapter 20 ~ Heart to Heart
Chapter 21 ~ Taking a stand!
Chapter 22 ~ Last Chance
Chapter 24 ~ It's all over, or is it?
Chapter 25 ~ Graduation Day!
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 23 ~ Fight of my Life

239 22 30
Oleh flipflopjrb

“Hello little Lizzie.” They said with an evil smirk on their face.

“Snow!?” I exclaimed in shock.

Her smirk widened before nodding, “The one and only.” She said flicking her long black hair over her shoulder.

“But I saw you, you were frozen!” I rambled.

“Just an illusion Lizzie, I wasn’t actually frozen I just appeared to be.”

I just gaped at her in shock, “But why?”

“Couldn’t have my cover blown quite yet, I like my dramatic entrances.” She smirked taking a few slow strides towards me. Then she looked curiously at my shocked face. I mean she was my friend and now she was this bad guy that had been causing all this destruction, it just didn’t make sense. Why on earth would she do this, “What’s the matter Lizzie didn’t think your shy little friend couldn’t pull something like this off?”

I shook off any shock I had. Instead I focused on my anger towards her and how to get some answers out of her, “No I’m just wondering why you would do something like this. We’re your friends-”

“You were never my friend!” she screamed, interrupting me with her lost temper. But then she realized what she did, pulled back in that anger, then took a big breath before continuing, “You were never my friend Lizzie.”

“How were we not your friend! We talked, we hung out together, did homework together, shared secrets, you even ate lunch with us Sarah! How could all of that not mean that you were our friend!?” I exclaimed, struggling to think of what me or any of my friends could have possibly done to make her think that we weren’t her friend and make her so mad that she would try and bring down our school.

She just rolled her eyes at me, “Please I was an outcast looking in. I didn’t fit in with you people, you barely even acknowledged me. Maybe you put in a little bit more effort than the others, I’ll give you that, but that doesn’t classify you as my friend. I was a stranger you sort of knew and that’s it.”

“So because you felt like that , that gives you a good enough reason to destroy our school, basically our home since we were kids!”

She shook her head, “See that’s the first thing you got wrong about me. I don’t even like this place.” She paused taking a look around, though how she saw anyone through the sea of people is beyond me, “In fact I hate this place.” She sneered, her attention turning back to me.

I looked at her confused, “But why?”

“This place got me all wrong. You think I wanted to be Snow White?” she asked rhetorically, “No I didn’t, just like you didn’t want to be the Blue Fairy I didn’t want to be Snow White. I didn’t want to be any good guy Legend, I wanted something like the Wicked Witch of the West, the Evil Queen, getting any bad guy really and I would have been happy. But no that stupid orb got it wrong and it named me stupid Snow White! One of the purest Legends of them all!” she spat with so much hatred and anger in her eyes for who she was and what this school did to her.

I felt bad for her I did but that didn’t excuse what she was doing to my family and my home, “The Orb is never wrong Sarah trust me on that one.”

At that her anger only doubled, “It did with me you got that!” she yelled, her temper right on the edge, “So I decided to take fate into my own hands and made this elaborate plan to make sure I never have to be Snow White.”

“Oh yeah? So this plan was to make everyone crazy and doing stupid destructive stuff, really smart plan there Sarah.” I scoffed.

She smiled knowingly, looking at me like I was stupid, “Oh Lizzie you don’t see the full picture do you...”

“You mind giving it to me?” I asked, crossing my arms in front of me defiantly.  

“Well you see I can’t take all the credit here. I did have some help.”

“Oh yeah? And who’s that?”

As her answer she snapped her fingers and everyone froze again except for one person who was moving her way through the sea of people until they were standing right next to Sarah and I almost laughed when I saw who it was. I mean how could I have been so blind and so stupid to not see this earlier? Maybe if I had all of this could have been avoided.

“Mary, I should have known you had your hand in this.” I sneered.

She shrugged like it was no big deal that she was betraying all of us, “Yeah well you know me, evil and I are just born to go together.”

I rolled my eyes at her, “So you mind telling me how you two got together on this thing?”

“Well see Sarah and I here have a mutual understanding we hate this school just as much as we hate you, though we became friends way before we came up with this plan.”

“And where do two psychos like you go to meet each other huh? Crazies-R-Us?”

They both just laughed at me, but I had a feeling it wasn’t because of my comeback, “No in science class actually.” Mary said with a smirk, “We got talking one day when we were in 8th grade and became instant friends, the only friend the other had really.

“But then after a year we started talking mostly about you and how much we didn’t like you so we came up with a plan. Since you already hated me Sarah was to gain your trust and learn everything about you and your routine. Then after the final pieces fell into place we would strike with the next part in our plan.”

“Our plan was simple I would get an army and Mary would get your role as the Blue Fairy.” Sarah explained.

“And how did you get all of my friends under your control Sarah, because I know they wouldn’t do all this voluntarily.”

In the blink of an eye Sarah snapped her fingers and Robin was standing in that frozen state right next to them.

Just seeing Robin like that next to them made my blood start to boil, “Don’t you dare hurt him!” I growled.

“Oh Mary I think we hit a soft spot.” Sarah laughed.

“I think we did Sarah.” Mary laughed back.

“Now you see I don’t know what a guy like Robin would be doing with our girl Lizzie over here. I mean he’s so much better looking than her and way out of her league. He would be so much better off with someone like me, don’t you think Lizzie?” Mary laughed moving her hand to touch his cheek.

My eyes widened and I ended up screaming, “Don’t you dare touch him!”

“What are you gonna do about it?” Sarah smirked, because she knew I couldn’t unfreeze him. I could do anything but stand and watch because if I did try anything they could hurt Robin or anybody here. So all I could do was stand there lamely.

Her smirk widened when I didn’t move an inch, “Thought so…” she trailed off before circling around Robin like she was examining him, “Some of my best work actually.

“Completely under my control and they can’t do anything about it because unless I say so they’re completely frozen. And when they aren’t frozen because of my little potion I put in the water supply their dark side came out and their good side was completely eradicated. Best part is, is that it’s so powerful that nobody can escape it.” She said confidently. So that’s why Robin was acting so mean the last few times I saw him along with everyone else.

But then I realized something, “That’s a lie I saw kids here that weren’t affected by your little potion so it’s not as powerful as you think.” I smirked, because if those girls can get out of this I can get my friends out of this.

“Oh you mean…” Mary trailed off before suddenly they both looked like those two girls I saw earlier, “Tris and Jackie!” she said in Tris’s voice.

“You really thought that with a whole school going crazy there would be people who avoided it!” Sarah, looking like Jackie, laughed then they transformed back, “Wow you really are clueless!” she laughed some more leaving me feeling like a complete idiot.

“Don’t look so shocked Lizzie its’ called illusion magic. You should be familiar by now!” Mary cackled and I swear I wanted to deck her, “But hey if you’re that clueless maybe it’s a good thing I’m the new Blue Fairy.”

“So you’re the one they replaced me with.”

She gave me the ‘well duh’ look, “Of course. Though it wasn’t easy, I mean everyone thought you were getting your memory back it took me forever to convince them otherwise. It would have been easier if you had died in that fall.”

“What are you saying?”

“Do you really think after years of running on those beams that you would just suddenly slip and fall?” Mary chuckled in that way that said I was just a clueless little girl who knew nothing, “Of course not! I made you fall through my powers of showing up in anything giving off a reflection. All I had to do was reach my hand up and trip you. The fall was supposed to kill you but then stupid Jack saved you, but I guess in hind sight Amnesia was the next best thing.”

“Why would you do that?” I said breathlessly, because come on you would be a little breathless too if someone just said they tried to kill you and it didn’t work.

“That was the plan. I get rid of you, Sarah here gets the army together after your gone, and I get your spot. Besides I couldn’t let a fool like you be the leader of everyone, you would have ruined us.” Mary answered.

I scoffed, “And you wouldn’t have?”

“No, I’m going to lead us into a new age. One where we aren’t a secret, one where us Legend will rule the world!”

“Well I’m not gonna let that happen.” I growled.

Sarah just shook her head at me looking at me like I was stupid again, “No it’s not. Look around you Lizzie. We have an army that can take you down in a heartbeat without even flinching. While you on the other hand are all by yourself.”

“Good thing that’s all I need to bring you down.” I smirked sounding way more confident then I felt.

They both just chuckled at me, “Have it your way.” Sarah said, snapping her fingers making them disappear and reappear over at the podium but then before I could even blink somebody slammed into my side. I grunted at the force of the blow and when I hit the ground on my back, but I rolled back and kicked the person clear off of me only to be face to face with another pack of people once I stood back up, these ones just little kids.

I raised my wand not wanting to fight all of them but I had to, to get to Sarah and Mary because if I could get to them then I could force them to stop all of this. Though it was like a giant tackle that I saw in football when one kid had the football and everybody just dog piled him. That’s exactly what happened to me and all these little kids, they dog piled me until I couldn’t see anything. It was hard to even move but I was able to get my wand up enough and say a spell that conjured a protective dome that grew from the tip of my wand and pushed off anybody it came in contact with until it dissipated. Leaving me standing there alone again giving me the opportunity to run at Sarah and Mary; though it wasn’t for long until I was tackled again.

Luckily I shook them off but more came at me. I managed to unsheathe my sword and as much as I didn’t want to hurt anyone if I didn’t disarm some of them then I would be in trouble. So I did a few precise blows that would disarm but not do any real harm.

This ended up working for a little while but then I got ambushed by two people and since they were moving too fast for me I couldn’t hit them both at once. So while I fought one of them the other hit me in the arm forcing my sword to drop to the ground with a clank. But before I could pick it up I was tackled from my side again, so one of my only lines of defense was gone and out of my reach.

Though that’s how it went I got tackled, shot at, swords and knifes flung at me, and spells casted at me; but I fought them off ran at Mary and Sarah only for something else to happen that would stop me in my tracks and force me to fight.

It felt like this went on for hours and I was no closer to Sarah and Mary then when I first started. And by now I was starting to get worn out, my arms and legs felt like dead weights from all the punching and kicking and using my sword when necessary, I was panting and sweating like crazy, sure I could still use my magic but my accuracy was starting wane and it felt like it was getting easier and easier for anyone who attacked me to take me down. But I had to keep fighting and I had to keep going because if I failed then I don’t even want to think of the result.

Only thing was, was that I couldn’t keep going on like this, I had to finish this now, I had to get to Mary and Sarah now or else I was a goner and I can’t let them win. I just can’t.

So I gathered every last piece of strength I had conjured up a shield with my wand and rushed towards Mary and Sarah. People got mowed down and shoved out of the way and I was halfway there when the strength and size of my shield started to shrink. Little by little it started to go but I figured there was enough to get me to where I wanted to go. I was almost there and I really believed that I was going to make it.

Then all those thoughts and beliefs stopped when I felt a hand wrap around my ankle and was tugged down to the ground with so much force that my wand went flying out of my grip and the wind got knocked out of me so badly I felt paralyzed trying to breathe again. And me being on that ground practically paralyzed was all the opportunity they needed to get me in a binding spell and drag me somewhere that I couldn’t see; though I figured it out real fast when I was tied to one of the posts of the auditorium.

In a blink of an eye Sarah and Mary were standing in front of my with all of my classmates and friends behind them, and they were all smirking at me like they had won and technically they had. They got me and now were going to do only they know what to me. Still Sarah stepped up to me, getting real up close and personal, before she leaned forward and whispered, “See I told you, you didn’t stand a chance.” Then skipped right back over to Mary.

“What do you think we should do to her Sarah?” Mary asked, smirking her face off.

“Hmm…” she trailed off pretending to think, “How about we get rid of her for good.”

“Sounds absolutely perfect.” She exclaimed before she looked into the crowd and then motioned someone forward. It took me a minute to see them but when I did my stomach dropped. How could they do this, it was just sick and twisted.

“Just leave them alone!” I pleaded but their smirks just grew.

“Why should we when they want to do this.” Mary said innocently before turning to Robin, “Don’t you Robin?”

Robin smiled evilly while he nodded, “Of course, who wouldn’t want to get rid of this abomination.”

I knew it wasn’t really him saying these things; that it was just a crazy potion making him act like this, but it still broke my heart, especially when he took out his bow, loaded an arrow onto it and then aimed it right at me.

“Robin, please don’t do this.” I begged but he never wavered, his eyes and his arrow were both locked on me.

Ready to kill me…

“He can’t hear you remember. He wants to do this, he wants to kill the girl who broke his poor little heart.” Sarah reminded me, but I didn’t care what she said I had to try. I had to.

“No, my Robin is still in there.” I said confidently even if I didn’t exactly feel that confident. It also didn’t help that they both just laughed at me.

So while I tried to plead for Robin not to shoot me with an arrow Mary sobered up and just said, “Shut her up and just do it already Robin.”

He just nodded pulling back the draw string.

“Please Robin don’t do this. You’re not yourself, Mary and Sarah have you under a potion! This isn’t you, you wouldn’t hurt me!” I said frantically, just in a last ditch effort to put a stop to all this. But again Robin didn’t waver.

“Robin I know somewhere in there you can hear me. Just hear me now when I say remember when you told me to believe in myself and my abilities, well I do, but I also believe in you and your abilities and you’re a fighter. So fight this off because I know deep down inside you don’t want to do this!”

“Sorry Blue.” He smirked with that evil glint in his eye, and I knew right then that no matter what I said my efforts were useless. I was going to die by the hands of the guy I love because I couldn’t get him to shake off an evil potion.

So I nodded, closing my eyes and leaning my head back against the post, accepting my defeat. I tried I really did, it was just they were stronger and had an army of my loved ones on their side. Now they’re going to get away with this and go take over the world and all because I was too weak to stop those maniacs and save my friends.  

I was a failure and all this was my fault, if only I had seen this coming, if only I could’ve put it together in my head, if only I could have remembered sooner maybe then there could have been a fighting chance to stop all this. Accept it didn’t happen that way as much as I would have liked it to.

If only…

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” I whispered to myself while tears rapidly fell down my face.

The tears not for me and the fact that I was about to die, but for everyone I let down, my friends here in Legend High, Stacy and Leo, my mom, the other Legends, and basically the world. But God I was especially sorry to Leo and Stacy and all my friends here, I promised them and myself that I would save them, that I wouldn’t let anything hurt them, that I would come out of this, return back to them, that my friends would never dream of hurting me, and that if anything went wrong I would try my best to get out and get to safety. Just too bad I loved my friends to much to turn my back on any of them.

Now that I think about it it’s kind of funny. At first I didn’t want this magical life, I wanted a normal one, then I got it through amnesia, and now here I am about to die fighting for a life I just now realized a few days ago I actually wanted.

God, irony you are such a bitch!

“Goodbye Blue.” Robin’s voice snapped me out of my final thoughts, making my eyes open and stare right at him.

He was still as handsome as ever with his brown hair, strong jaw, awesome muscles, and grey blue eyes that took my breath away, even if he did have an evil smile on his face. My heart belonged to him, always will, and I knew that he was mine and I couldn’t help but smile warmly at him for the last time for at least knowing and believing that without a shadow of a doubt.  

“I love you Robin.” I said softly, but loud enough for him to hear.

Then I closed my eyes again and prepared to die.

Not a second after my little proclamation I heard the sound of Robin letting go of the bow string, the arrow whizzing through the air, the laughs of Mary and Sarah, and finally the sound of my loud high pitched scream…


So how about that shocker huh? I mean who really saw that coming?

But yeah another cliff hanger. I think that's like 3 in a row but hey it's gotta happen or else you guys will know what happens all in one go and what's the fun in that? 

Anyway how about 15 votes and 12 comments on what you thought of Sarah and Mary's plan, if you really think Robin killed her, or any questions for any of the characters for the next chapter! 

But I got deal for all of you! If you guys get me the 15 votes by this upcoming Wednesday I will give you the next chapter for this book and a sneak preview of the prolouge and the first chapter in that book I mentioned in the last chapter. And if you guys like it then I'll continue if not then oh well on to the next idea!

Either I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm so happy that you guys are reading this far!

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