Unexpected Love

cortnee31 által

3.3K 63 2

A troubled teen moved far away from her hometown for a new start. Can she reset her life? Will meeting certai... Több

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
author not

Chapter 38

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cortnee31 által

I have been in hiding. I have only talked on the phone with the boys, I refused to skype. I haven’t seen them in months, they will be home tomorrow. I miss them, but I couldn’t show my face on skype. Why you ask? I am pregnant. I don’t want to tell liam because I don’t want him to be mad. But there is one person on the tour that knows. Luke. I told him, even though he was mad I chose Liam, he is the closest friend I have out of them. I was closed to all of them but luke always called.

I am  4 and half months pregnant. Liam would text me and asked to video chat. I came up with a reason that I couldn’t. But its tomorrow, I have to go to the airport with a very small pregnant belly. I wasn’t showing, you really couldn’t tell. “Auntie,”Cody shouted from upstairs. “Dinner!” he added. I got up from my bed and slowly went up the stairs.

“How are you feeling?” Savanah asked as I sat in the seat. “Sick,” I sighed. “Nerves?” CJ asked. “Yeah, I don’t want to lose him” I pushed around my food. “You wont” Savannah said. I took a few scoops of food, then I heard baby Diana cry. Savannah was about to get up. “I got it” I stood up and went to the living room where Diana was sleeping in the play yard. “Hey beautiful” I lift her up.

I sat in the rocking chair, I softly sang Diana. She slowly fell asleep as I sang. “See, you will be a wonderful mom” CJ said, he gently picked her up from my arms. I let out a yawn. “You better get to bed, you have a early morning” He helped me up, “Goodnight” I said at the basement door. “Night” I walked down the stairs and crawled into bed. I slid on Liam’s jumper on and look at my phone, there was a picture of me and him. Niall took the picuture. We were kissing at the beach. I smiled and kissed the phone and placed it down on the nightstand.

I only fell asleep moments later.

My alarm went off, 4 in the morning. I stretched and rubbed my eyes. I got out of bed 5 minutes of trying. I wasn’t going to take a shower, I took one yesterday afternoon. I took off my clothes, I was half asleep and I didn’t even want to be awake. I slid on a bra and my clothes. I looked in my mirror, I probably should be wearing something cuter, I haven’t seen my boyfriend in months. I brushed my hair out and put a beanie on my head. I slipped on my ugg slippers. I yawned again. It’s not like I can get starbucks for energy, no coffee when youre pregnant.


I slowly went up the stairs and grabbed an orange juice. I opened the door and notice the brisk winter air. I shut the door and went in the mudroom closet and got out a jacket and slid it over my body. I walked back outside. I got into my SUV and noticed how freezing the leather seats were. I put the heat on, full blast. I waited for the car to heat up. I turned on the radio and put the Pandora app on. I put my one direction radio on. Judge me, I listen to my boyfriend sing daily.

I slowly drove off, to the airport. No one was on the road. I was alone on this world. I laughed at my thought. Water started to hit my wind shield. Great, its raining, it might turn to snow. I sighed I hate snow. It only took my 10 minutes to get to the airport.  The airport was definitely packed.

I put up my hoodie and slowly walked inside, I probably looked horrible. It was 5 in the morning, no one better judge me.

I was surprised to see there were no paparazzi here yet. I went in were you meet people that were landing. I sat down, and looked down at my phone. I let out a sigh looking at the picture of us. I opened up the messaging and sent him a message. “Hey, I cant wait to see you” I felt a tear well up into my eye. I don’t know how he is going to react when I tell him. I heard the loud speaker say that his flight was landing. I felt the nerves build up again, please don’t get sick.

I felt the baby move, for the first time. Not now, please. I felt myself shake. Calm down, you cant get nervous. I keep talking in my head. I saw the first boy, I think he moved fast so he could be first. Luke. “Cortnee!” he shouted. “Lukey bear!” I stood up and gave me a tight hug, “Oh, sorry little one” he whispered. The baby kicked him. I looked into his blue eyes, “Cortnee, don’t cry” he told me. “Im not” I sniffled. “He will be here any second” he whispered. “You don’t even look pregnant” he said softly. “Sh,” I hushed him.

Calum, Mikey and ashton came into view. “Hey,” I said to each. I hug them all. “Don’t you look lovely” Ashton smiled. “No, I look horrible” I yawned. “What time did you go to bed?” Mikey asked. “Midnight.” I answered. “Where are those 5 idiots?” I asked them. “Pressed stop them, they stopped us first but luke ran” Mikey chuckled. I looked at luke. He had a dumb smile that showed his dimples.

Harry and Louis showed up. “Hey beautiful” Louis kissed my cheek. Harry kissed my hand. “Where is my boyfriend?” I asked them. “He was very dead last out, and is still looking for his bags.” Harry said. I shook my head. Niall and Zayn were next. Zayn looked like me, exhausted. Niall looked peppy. Zayn hugged me gently and then Niall kissed my cheek and hugged.

They were all talking, and I wasn’t focused. I felt tired and down. I yawned and sat back down. I put my head in my hands. “You okay?” a familiar voice said. I looked up to see smiley liam. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Happy to see you too, baby” he chuckled into my neck. His arms went around my waist. Kick, kick. Shit. I let go of Liam. He knew, I could tell. I felt like crying. “So whose flat?” Louis asked. “I wanted to go to mine.” Zayn yawned. “Bye,” he left the grouped. “I need more sleep too,” Mikey said. “Plus we have another flight to go on” Calum reminded him.

I hugged those 4 boys good-bye. “Call me when you are home” I told them. They left us. I felt Liam’s hand roam my back. I let out a yawn, “Tired?” Liam asked. I slowly nodded my head. “Looks like we will all hang out later than” Harry said. “We can take my car, and ill drop you guys off at your flat.” I told them. “Cortnee let me drive,” Liam said. I nodded my head. We all walked outside. I showed them to my new SUV, “Nice,” Niall chuckled. I slowly got into the passenger seat. I closed my eyes as the boys piled into the car.

They were talking about something, but I just drifted to sleep as the car started up.

“Beautiful” Liam’s voice was hushed in my ear. My eyes flattered open. “Liam,” I muttered. “We are at my flat,” he said. When my eyes were opened I noticed I was laying in his bed. “We need to talk,” he said quietly. “About what, baby” I was still half a sleep. “You,” I felt him pull me closer. “Why didn’t you tell me?” his hand went up my stomach. “I didn’t know how  you would take it,” I felt tears welled up. “Don’t cry” he sat up and hovered over me. His lips went on mine. The first time in 4 months. I kissed him some more and pulled me down. “I missed you” he said. “I think I missed you more” I giggled. “Impossible” he chuckled.

He cuddled up next to me and we drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up from the noises from the living room. I crawled out of bed and sleepily walked down the hall. “Well, sleeping beauty” Louis said. “Where is liam?” I rubbed my eyes. “He went to store with Niall.” Harry said. “So you boys are here? Do they know?” I asked. “Does that matter” Zayn chuckled. “Nope” I smiled. I sat on the sofa at the end and rested my head on the arm rest. “You know you can go back to bed” Harry said placing his hand on my side. I felt nervous that he would feel the baby. I sat up quickly. “No, I am fine.”

I tried not to fall back to sleep as I watch the boys play fifa. I let out a yawn and before I knew it I was sleeping.

P.O.V Liam

“We’re home!” Niall shouted. “Shh!” The 3 boys hushed us.  “What? Why?” He walked move into the flat. We both walked into living room to see Cortnee, in a ball on the sofa. “Aw,” he said. I smiled at her, she shouldn’t of gotten out of bed. I walk over to her, “Baby,” I kissed her cheek, she started to mumble. “Yeah,” she stretched. “Why don’t you go back to bed” I helped her up. “No,” she rubbed her eyes. “Babe,” I said. “Im fine” she sat up fully.

I sat down next to her and pulled her close. “What did you buy?” Zayn asked. “Tons of food” Niall chuckled. “Ill put them away” Cortnee stood up. “Babe you don’t have to.” I grabbed her hand. “I want to help.” She smiled and left the room. “I’ll help her” I got up and followed her. She was sorting through the bags. “Babe, you really need to relax” I wrapped my arms around her.

“Im fine” she smiled. “I want you to relax” I kissed her lips. Her back was resting on the counter, I lifted her up to sit on the counter. I slowly kissed her lips and her hands intertwined with my hair. I deepen the kiss. She groaned into my lips. “Baby,” she moaned. She nibbled on my lower lip. “Get a room,” Harry said at the door. She pushed me away and slid off the counter. “Sorry, Liam why don’t you go play” she pushed me out of the room. “This isn’t over” I whispered in her ear. Her face got redder.

P.O.V Cortnee

I sorted everything out and placed them in the empty fridge, freezer and cabinets. I hope that’s where everything goes. I walked of the kitchen, realizing they were probably hungry, I knew I was. I walked back in boiling the water. I got out pasta and some vegetables. I cut up some chicken and placed in oven. I boiled the pasta and vegetables. I cooked the alferdo sauce in the microwave.

“mm, something smells good.” Niall walked into the kitchen. “You got a strong nose” I giggled. “Can you set the table for me” I smiled at him. “Of course,” he kissed my cheek and grabbed 6 bowls and 6 glasses. “Please take it one at the time” I asked. “Yes,” He put 6 forks in the top bowl and left the room. I grabbed 5 beers for the boys and I pour some water in a glass.

He grabbed the 5 beer bottles. “I got the water” I told him and he left it on the counter. I mixed the sauce with the pasta and the vegetables as well. I place the bits of chicken on top. I made sure it was mix equally. “Dinner is ready,” I placed the bowl in the middle of the table. They all came running in, “Didn’t I say to relax.” He was the last one in. He kissed my cheek. “I thought it would nice” I smiled. They all sat down and Liam pulled out a chair next to him for me. “Thank you” I sat down and he pushed in the chair gently.

“Thank you” they all said, when they were finished. “Youre welcome.” They all kissed my cheek and left the room. Liam was still sitting there. “You really don’t need to cook for us.” His hand went on my leg. “I wanted to” I smiled. “I usually do it at home, and I thought since you have been traveling, you could go for a nice home cooked meal” I kissed his cheek.

The baby started to kick again. “oof” I huffed. “You okay?” he asked as I stood up. “Yeah,” I sighed. “I think I need a shower.” I said, “Okay baby” he pecked my lips and gave me a nice hug. I went outside to get the bag I kept in my car. The car air brushed over me and made me shiver. I ran outside bare foot. “Are you crazy?” Liam yelled from the door. “Get you ass inside!” Harry shouted after. The baby powerfully kicked, “Ow,” I stopped at my car. “Cortnee!” Liam rushed over. “You okay?” he asked. “Yeah,”

“Please, get inside” he got the bag out my car and helped me in. “Are you fucking crazy?” Harry shouted. “Maybe” I smirked. Liam placed my bag into the bathroom. “We are going to be watching Netflix, when you are done come join us” Liam kissed my lips. “You want to join?” I bit down on my lower lip. “In the morning” he winked at me and closed the bathroom door.

I turned on the shower and waited for to heat up. I stood infront of the mirror. I saw a little bump. Not really noticeable unless you know. I took a deep breath and got into the shower. I let the water relax my body, I heard the bathroom door open. The glass door opened and I turned to see Liam. “Babe,” I said. His arms went around me. “where did the boys go?” I asked. “They went to get ice cream” he whispered.

He looked at my body and his hand went over my bump. I went on my tippy toes and kissed his lips. I slipped and he caught me. “Love, be careful” he lifted me up and  my legs wrapped around his waist. My lips attacked his.  I giggled into his lips. “I missed this” he said as he places me down. We cleaned each other and he got out.


I penned my wet hair into a messy bun and slid on my pajamas. When I opened the door I heard tons of laughter. When I got into the living room they were playing twister. The whole living room was a mess. I stood at the archway watching them. “Cortnee, come join” Harry winked. “No thanks” I giggled. I wanted to but I couldn’t. “Come on” Louis whine. “I cant” I gulped and left the room.

I went in to liam’s room and laid in the dark. I left my shirt up a bit to look at my stomach. I rubbed over the small bump. There was a knock at the door and I quickly pulled my shirt down. “Come in” I said. Niall and Harry came into the room. “Hey,” I said, “Bed already?” Harry chuckled and flicked the lights on. “Maybe?” I looked at them as they sat on each side of me. “Come on” Niall picked me up bridal style. “No, please put me down!” I whined. “Cortnee stop being a loser.” Niall carried me out to the living room where Liam, Zayn and Louis were sitting down. “What are you doing to my girlfriend?” Liam stood up.

“She was in bed, and didn’t want to play” Harry pouted. “Please put me down,” I kicked my feet. Niall placed me on my feet. I ran over to Liam and he sat down and gently pulled me on his lap. “Oh, Liam wont protect you.” Louis smirked. I clung on to liam. “Yes he will,” I pouted. Louis, harry and niall started to tickle me. “Stopp” I screamed. “Guys stop” Liam voice was stern and it was scary. “Whoa, calm down” I ran out room after Harry’s words.

I could hear liam following me when I got to his door I turned to see him standing in the hall. “We need to tell them” he said. I shook my head. “Cortnee, we have too” his voice was serious. “You can get hurt if we don’t tell them” he walked closer.

“Tell us what” I heard Louis’ voice. “nothing,” I said fast. “Cortnee,” Harry said. Liam turned to face them and I turned my back to them. “Tell us” Zayn said. I heard someone walk closer to me. “I know what it is” Niall voice was soft but really close. “Niall” I turned to him, “No you don’t.” I was defeated. “She’s pregnant.” Niall said. The tears welled in my eyes. I went into Liam’s room and shut the door and locked it.

“Cortnee,” Liam’s voice was soft. “Im going to bed,” I said. “Unlock the door then” I unlocked the door and ran to the bed. No one opened the door, I heard the footsteps vanish down the hall. I couldn’t stay here. I grabbed my bag and went out the bedroom window. I ran to car, it was probably 20 degrees(F) outside. I got into my car and turned it on quickly and drove off.

I turned my phone off as I drove. I tears burning in my eyes, I really should pull over but I just want to be home. I was getting to the stop sign, I pressed on my brakes quickly, I slowing down but I went on ice and couldn’t stop. Crash! Everything went black.

P.O.V Liam

I really should of joined Cortnee in the bedroom but I think she needs some alone time. “Did you know?” Zayn asked. “She told me this morning.” I told them. “How far along?” Harry asked. “I don’t know about four months.” I answered. “She doesn’t look pregnant.” Louis said “How did you know Niall?” Harry asked him. “Yeah, how did you know” I looked over at him. “She told luke, and I saw the message.” He told us without looking up. “Wait what!” My voice was loud.

“Why would she tell him before me!” I stood up. “Is it his!” I added. I stormed down the hall and opened my bedroom door. She was gone. “Where the fuck is she!” I yelled. Harry opened the front door. “Her car is gone.” He said. “Fucking serious” I pulled on my hair. “I’ll call her brother.” Niall said. He pulled on our flat phone and dial his number. “Hey, is Cortnee there?” He asked. “Oh, well she left without any of us noticing.” She wasn’t there. “Thank you, please call when she does” he hung the phone up.

“Where could she be?” Louis asked, I shrugged my shoulders and went to my room. “Im going to bed” I plopped in the bed and fell asleep.

“Liam wake up!” I getting yelled at. “What!” I opened my eyes. “Shes in the hospital” it was harry. “What?” I was still half a sleep. “Your girlfriend in the hospital! She was in a horrible accident” I jumped out of bed and slid on my shoes. “I’ll drive!” Louis said when I past him. Louis rushed out of the house and got into his car. I got in the front and the 3 others got in the back.

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