Cømpletely Different (Book-2)

By DopeXD

32.2K 1.3K 672

This is the sequel to Completely Different (Johnnie Guilbert) More

Completely Different (Book-2)
Interviewing Black Veil Brides
Liams New Word
Confusing Dream
Sleepover With Kate
Silver Bracelet
The Dark
Hi please read
The Last Short Chapter

Warped Tour

1.5K 69 35
By DopeXD

*Dylan's POV*

"mama where's daddy?" Liam ask me as he just finished showing me his drawings

"he's sick so he went to see the doctor" I say

"is he okay?" Liam ask

"let me ask him" I say
I take my phone out and text Johnnie.

Dylan>>Johnnie: Liam wants to know if your okay ??

After a minute he texts me back

Johnnie>>Dylan: no but tell him yes I'm fine

"Liam daddy is alright" I tell Liam

Liam smiles at me then goes back to drawing his picture

Dylan>>Johnnie: do you know when your gonna be home ??

Johnnie>>Dylan: I'm on my way home now

I set my phone down and play with Liam. Liam hands me a piece of paper and it's another drawing. "what's this?" I smile

"our family" he sits in my lap "see, there's me, you, daddy, auntie and uncial" he points them out

There only stick people but it's a awesome drawing. "it's a awesome drawing" I tell him

"thanks mama" he says
He gets up off of my lap and sits back on his floor but he leaves the drawing on my lap "I'm gonna out this on my wall" I tell Liam

He smiles and goes back to whatever he is doing. Soon Johnnie gets back cause I could hear them downstairs "Liam stay right here okay" I say

"okay" he says

I get up and go down stairs. I give Johnnie a hug "Liam back now?" Johnnie mumbles

"yea" I say "but see him later you need to rest" I add

"I wanna see him now" he says

"k. Come on then" I say

Me and Johnnie go upstairs and he sees Liam. Johnnie sits on the floor in front of him "hey daddy" Liam gets up and sits on his lap

"hey Liam. How was your first day of school?" Johnnie ask

"fun. Want to hear my new word I learned?" Liam ask

Oh god "yea" Johnnie says

"dick" Liam says

Johnnie laughs "Liam don't say that" I say

Johnnie still laughs "daddy likes it" Liam giggles

"Liam" Johnnie giggles "don't say that" he adds

"what does it mean?" Liam ask

"Just don't say it around people" Johnnie says

Johnnie coughs in his own arm "Johnnie are you okay?" I ask

"mmmhmm" he says "Liam I'm gonna to go lay down for a little bit" he tells Liam

"a nap?" Liam ask

"yep" Johnnie says

"me to" Liam gets up and goes to lay in bed. He covers himself in his blanket

"we'll have a good nap" Johnnie tells Liam as I help Johnnie up on his feet

Me and Johnnie leave Liam's room and I help Johnnie in bed. I have nothing to do now, Angelina and Bryan went somewhere, Johnnie and Liam are now going to bed so I'm left doing nothing "I'm very sorry that we can't hang out" Johnnie tells me

"it's fine, next time" I kiss him. Me and Johnnie were gonna do 'things' cause we haven't in a very long time and something very embarrassing, I'm um kinda horny

"horny uh?" Johnnie giggles

"ugh did I say that out loud again?" I ask

"yep" he says

I need to learn how to think inside my head and not out "okay. Well I see you later" I say and walk out of the room to leave Johnnie be

I go down stairs and I guess I'm gonna make a video for YouTube. I just tweet out some questions for a Q&A and then I wait. I turn my camera on

"hello people, today I'm doing a Q&A I already tweeted out the hash tag" I look down and my phone "1st question is, where is Johnnie right this moment" I read. I then look at the camera "he's in bed cause he's sick" I say "2nd question is-

I answer a bunch of questions then now I am editing the video. I feel the spot next to me sink in just a little bit. I look over and it's Johnnie and he's looks not as pale as he was just a little bit ago "are you feeling better?" I ask

"yea a lot better" he smiles

"are you like high or something?" I feel his forehead

"no, why would you think that?" he ask

"I don't know maybe because the smile was wired and creepy" I say

"we'll I'm not high, I'm just not feeling sick" he says "but I'm not gonna have sex with you yet cause I don't want to get you sick if I still am" he adds

"I understand but please don't say that word" I say

He giggles "is Liam still sleeping" he ask

"yep and I was bored, I had nothing to do" I say

"your always bored" he says

"I know" I say

He leans his head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around me "Warped Tour is in a few weeks" he says

I sigh "I'm gonna miss you" I say "but let's try and be happy for the couple weeks we have" I add

"okay" he says

-3 weeks later-

The cab is in the driveway with Angelina and Bryan, Angelina is saying goodbye to Bryan. I'm also outside saying my goodbyes to Johnnie. "bye daddy" Liam hugs him

"bye Liam" Johnnie bends down and hugs him real fast then stands back up. Johnnie brings me into a hug "I promise you we will doing 'things' when I get back" Johnnie whispers in my ear

"okay" I say
He kisses my cheek once more "bye" I tell him

"bye" he says back

"Johnnie let's go!" Bryan says

Me and Johnnie pull from our hug, he gives me a faint smile but I just don't have the strength to give him one back. He gets in the cab and leaves, Angelina pulls me inside as I hold Liam in my arms, he's getting really big to hold so I better do It now while I have the time "mama I go upstairs" he wiggles

"okay, be careful" I put him down on the floor and he runs up to his room

I sigh as I sit on the couch next to Angelina "you'll be fine without Johnnie" Angelina says

"he's gonna be gone for a few months though, when he went last time it was pretty hard on me just imagine me now since we're even more closer" I say

"hey me and Bryan are married but I'm gonna be fine" she says

She just doesn't understand that Johnnie is literally my life, he helps me though everything, me being me I would've given up my life years back but he is part of my only happiness in my life. If Angelina was me she would understand why I need him so much. Johnnie is like the oxygen to my life, that's how much I really need him
"your right" I reply anyways even though she isn't right

"to get your mind off of him, let's just talk about stuff" Angelina says

"like what?" I ask

"I don't know.... If you can travel anywhere, where would it be?" she ask

"I would travel to my bed" I say

She giggles "okay then.. What's your favourite food?" she ask

"I hate food" I say

"how come I never knew that?" she ask

"because I never told you" I say. I thought she knew that I dislike food, I don't eat much only when I need to

-skip a few days-

I haven't gotten to talk to Johnnie at all since he left but in about a few minutes he should be calling me. Soon he does call me

"hello" I answer my phone

"heeyyy Dylan" Johnnie says

"hi Johnnie" I smile to myself "how are you?" I ask

"ummm I need to tell you something" he says

"uh.. What's that?" I ask
He's quiet "Johnnie, what do you need to tell me?" I ask again

"I um well. Therewasthisgirlwhokissedmeandikindakissedherbackdylanimsosorry" he says very quickly I can't understand

"I didn't understand you, say it slowly Johnnie" I say

He sighs "okay.... There was this girl who kissed me and I kinda kissed back, I'm so very sorry" he says

"who was the girl?" I ask

"a friend well was a friend" he says

"why'd you kiss her?" I ask

"umm" he says

"be honest" I say

"because I kinda liked her" he says

I feel tears well up in my eyes. Am I to boring for Johnnie "why are you telling me this, like why didn't you keep it a secret?" I ask

"I just needed to me truthful with you" he sighs
I stay quiet as the tears run down my cheeks. He kinda just cheated on me by kissing the other girl "Dylan I'm so sorry" he says

"do you even love me?" I ask

"yes I love you so much, I just had a very small crush on mary the girl. She means nothing to me. I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking" he says truthfully

"look I believe you.... But please just don't call me for the rest of the time, I want to forget this" I say

"I understand" he says

Whoever this Mary girl is I dislike her "bye" I say

"bye" he says and with that we both hang up

I wipe my tears away. I'm sure I will be calling Johnnie in a few days cause I still love him very much and hopefully he still feels the same to me.


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