Somewhere Closer To Fine

By littleWolf95

60.3K 1.1K 103

Nicole Haught moves to Purgatory to escape her home life and disturbing past, not expecting to meet anyone wh... More

Chapter 1: Changes
Chapter 2: New Girl
Chapter 3: fears
Chapter 4: Fire Light
chapter 5: Morning After
chapter 6: That Girl
chapter 7: Willa
Chapter 8: Family Secrets
chapter 10: Performance
Chapter 11: Who you are
Chapter 12: Insecurities
chapter 13: Rumors
Chapter 14: Drunken confessions
Chapter 15: No expectations
chapter 16: Into the Inferno
Chapter 17: Happiness
Chapter 18: Testing Waters
Chapter 19: Falling out (of the closet)
Chapter 20: Sisters
Chapter 21: Half Sister
chapter 22: the hanged man
Chapter 23: Fears
chapter 24: Unspoken
Chapter 25: Truth part 1
Chapter 26: Friendship
Chapter 27: Late Night Conversations
Chapter 28: Case Files

chapter 9: Lunch Plans

2K 47 2
By littleWolf95

Nicole knew something was wrong when she saw Waverly the next day during classes. Dark rings were under the smaller girl's eyes as if she hadn't slept at all the previous night, not to mention how her eyes were also bloodshot and swollen, as though she had cried long and hard about something.

What on earth could have made her so upset?

Nicole wondered, trying to figure out if there was some way she could get her to open up about whatever had hurt her so much. But Nicole didn't feel like it was her place to nosey around in her business, especially since she had just met her.

However when Waverly had chosen to sit beside her at lunch, despite having her own group of friends.

"Do you mind if I sit here? I mean, you have more in common with my sister but..."

Her voice was hollow, Nicole noticed and it broke the redhead's heart.

"Hey, I'm your friend too. Or at least I hope I am."

Nicole answered, noticing the slight smile that briefly ghosted across the brunette's face.

"I would like that."

Nicole noticed a few things about Waverly as they sat there in a heavy silence, one being that the girl packed her own lunch which contained something that she had no name for.

The second thing she noticed was that Waverly had really pretty eyes.

"Not being nosey but what the hell is that stuff you're eating?"

She watched as color flushed across Waverly's face before she answered.

"It's called Pinto Posole. It is usually made with pork but you can substitute beans if you don't want meat." Waverly answered, earning a nod

"You're vegetarian?" Nicole asked, making a mental note to Google what a Posole was later.

"Vegan actually. It used to drive my aunt Gus crazy. Wynonna's better about it, although her sense of humor..."

Nicole didn't need her to finish that sentence, she had a good idea that Wynonna had quite the warped sense of humor at times.

"Hey, I already know how your sister is. As soon as I introduced myself she started cracking jokes about my last name."

They talked about random things for the next few minutes and Nicole found herself noticing little thing about the other girl, tiny details that offered a hint about what the girl was feeling.

Like how her eyes sparkled when she laughed at something stupid she recalled happening or how her brow scrunched up whenever she was thinking about something.

And Nicole thought it was adorable.

And Nicole wanted to kick herself for thinking that. after all, she didn't want to freak Waverly out and there was a good chance that she was straight, in which case Nicole would feel like a complete ass if the other girl thought she wanted to change her or something.

And it wasn't like it was just something she could bring up over coffee!

"Earth to Nicole?"

She snapped out of her thoughts, nearly spilling soda on herself in the process.

"Shit! Sorry! I guess I just got lost in my own world there." the redhead stated, earning a giggle from Waverly.

"No kidding. You had me wondering if there was something about that sandwich that couldn't be seen by the naked eye."

Nicole rolled her eyes at that before letting out a chuckle.

"Sorry, I just was thinking about a lot of shit. How about I make it up to you some way?"

Again Nicole wanted to slap herself for sounding like a complete idiot.

Great now you sound like you're asking her out. Just go find a hole to crawl into and become a hermit.

She mentally scolded herself.

"Sorry, That came out so weird. I did not mean that how it sounded!"

Waverly laughed again although the look she was giving Nicole was unreadable.

"Actually I wouldn't mind hanging out sometime. I mean, if you want to?"

Nicole could see her eyes dim as those words left her lips as if there was something that was left unspoken, something that she wanted to say but couldn't.

"I would like that."

Why does she seem afraid to just ask to hang out? What on earth am I missing here? Nicole wondered although she knew better than to bring it up.

Before either of them could say anything else the bell rang, earning a groan from Nicole.

"Well looks like I better get to geology...the most boring class they could have signed me up for. How about we meet up after school and talk more?"

Waverly grimaced at that.

"Can't. I have a cheerleading thing...But I can meet up after?"

"If you want, I can hang around to drive you home after the competition? I mean, Wynonna will probably be there and everything but..." Nicole began to say, however, Waverly cut her off.

"Even better."

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