Dragon's Fire

By Monique2703

1.6K 172 8

( Completed) There has been a war between two species for generations. Dragon Masters... born from the blo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author Note
Sneak Peak

Chapter 29

25 2 0
By Monique2703

    Mernique was silently, weaving through the thick crowds. "Well I should have known you would be here. You're always were your not suppose to be." He didn't even sound annoyed but relaxed.

She wondered how much time he sometimes get for himself... He is always busy saving everyone and everything she wondered why it hasn't drove himself insane yet. "And here I thought you missed me." She purred and she felt him grin from behind her.

"I will miss those few moments of silence and peace. " Mernique stuck out her tongue at him and earned another shake of his head.

 She glanced at Raymond who was scanning everyone in the crowd... searching for any sign of a glamour or suspicious activity. He looked extremely hot in the clothes he was wearing even if he wasn't a mortal.

She must have been staring for Raymond suddenly asked," What?" Mernique blinked heat flooding to her cheeks now. "Nothing." She mumbled wanting to sink in the floor.

"Then why were you staring?" He didn't turn to meet her gaze but she knew he was monitoring her from behind him. "I wasn't staring..." She shot back her eyes scanning everyone as well. "Yeah and I am a Dragon." He wanted to fight with her.... Everything is back to normal. "I just noticed the clothes... they look good on you." She said feeling the heat on her cheeks again.

 Did she just...compliment him? He snorted waving off the compliment," You must be high if you think I look good in this...ridiculous is the right word," Has he not seen himself? He looks anything but ridiculous... why is he dismissing the compliment? "Ridiculously hot..." She muttered under her breathe but he turned around." What?"Mernique felt her cheeks flaring.

She really hoped he didn't hear what she just whispered and is not acting that he didn't. That sounded more like him."Nothing...So you don't like it in the human realm?" She asked quickly but she saw him watching her suspiciously. "It is beautiful... almost like our planet.

The people here are friendlier than I expected them to be," He said deciding to drop the question he had in his eyes earlier. "At least my friend made some effort to make the night enjoyable for you." She said couldn't help keeping the bitterness out of her tone.

 Raymond blinked at her and she walked a little faster. He soon fell in step beside her." Yes, your friend is nice but... also talks to much. She reminds me too much off Charlotte." Mernique tried to keep the smile from her face. "It didn't look like it." She muttered and again he shot his head towards her and she pretended she was looking at some wildflowers. There was silence between them.

Only the laughter of people and the music could be heard. "Where did you disappear off to for so long?" He asked as they passed by another group of people. She swallowed maybe she should tell him... would he freak out." As long as you don't freak out at what I am about to tell you." She asked and she saw his eyes flare with a promise that is not a promise.

Good enough," I was trying to reach my Aunt again when... the Draco King appeared for the second time in front of me today." Raymond stopped so suddenly she nearly crashed into him from behind. "The Draco King was here?" He snarled the sound more inhuman than human.

 She nodded," The guy Elaine said I was talking to... Taylor. That was his name before he became the Draco King. He was a childhood friend of me and Markus and became the Draco King after he though we both had died. He... he wanted to remind me of a deal he would make for me.

The first encounter was just that a reminder but the second encounter... he wanted to tell me that he wasn't the enemy. That he wasn't responsible for the attack on the shield.General Fang... Kelly's father wasn't his General. 

His General was busy stealing the scroll..." Mernique spoke seeing the fury in Raymond's eyes but he listened...carefully. She took a deep breathe," The other General belonged to another King."Raymond went pale at that and shook his head," There is only one Draco King."Mernique shook her head," You only think there is one for his family was the only one to reveal them to you.

He said each kingdom had a glamoured Dark Forest. They are working in the shadows and will only reveal themselves later.Taylor said he was the King of Draco Kings.

He told me also that the reason his spy is here for word had spread of Draco's walking in daylight and some Draco changing back into Dragon Masters," Raymond's whole body was tensed and he was staring at something in though.

She then told him of the story her Aunt told her behind the reason of the light festival. About the powerful healer she descended from who created the first Kevari partners. That they believe that same powers flow through her veins and want to capture her. There was cold silence between them.

 It was a big shock to her but to him? "The Draco King... he could be lying to you... tricking you," Mernique shook her head for she also though the same thing," He isn't. He was right about the Draco Spy that was here and he told me he would tell me these things to prove he...loves me." The words sounded weird in her mouth.

Like ash... it didn't belong there. "He can't love!" Raymond roared anger sizzling of him dangerously. "He told me that we don't know everything about them." She whispered seeing people turning to them.

After that they didn't speak for a long time. Just scanning the crowds looking for anything.This is a big place... it would take forever to find him without powers.

 She titled her head up at the moon that was full and round tonight. It's pale light shining on the Earth. Her dress was rustling on the grass, it tickling her feet.

She hasn't seen her Aunt still... Raymond was walking ahead getting more tense by the minute. "Why don't you try to... get another lady?" She asked and regretted it minute it came out. Raymond looked utterly shocked and baffled.

She has never seen him... speechless before.He was silent when his words came out as thunder," Why do you care?" She could hear the edge in his voice and she knew it was something sensitive. "Don't you ever get lonely? Don't you miss to have someone to laugh with, be with? Not to have to wear a mask of how you feel.

To have someone take the weight off your worries." He whirled around to her and she saw the fury in his eyes," No,because the minute you have something like that... the minute you lose it. It is gone forever and you have a hole inside of you. "She knew he wasn't directing his anger at her but at the wound still healing inside his heart.

 Mernique understood... the minute she finds someone that special to share it with... she would also be afraid to lose it. For she loses everything that she loved most.Maybe, because of that she slowly placed her hand on his cheek. The fury was gone... just utter shock remained in his eyes.

How long has it been since someone touched him like that? "Yes, it is true but for that short time... you deserve to be happy Raymond. Out of everyone you deserve to be loved and cherished.

To be happy and free. "His eyes softened incredibly and there was an emotion behind them she couldn't read. He reached out his hand and his fingers grazed her cheek lightly where he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear that has fallen to her face thanks to the cold breeze.

That touch send a spark through her. He was staring into her eyes his hand didn't move from her face. His thumb lightly stroked her cheek with such gentleness. Raymond might be hard and cold but always seems to be gentle with the things he loved.

 "Mernique..."  The way he spoke her name made fireworks explode inside her. He was slowly leaning his head towards hers. She could feel his breath on her face sending goosebumps everywhere on her body. Suddenly there was a snarl ringing through their ears.They both whirled around and saw a tall slender guy bare his teeth at them and his eyes changing to red. The Draco Spy.

Raymond had his sword in his hand a heartbeat later and was taking off full speed towards the thing. Mernique was reaching behind her back and kicked off the beautiful shoes for better grip when something flashed behind her eyes.

Her Aunt was cornered by two Generals and an army of Draco's." Where is she?" The one snarled and her Aunt just growled her eyes turning yellow. She blinked...they found her.

 She needed to go help her Aunt. Raymond can take care of the Draco Spy. She whirled ready to run home when something suddenly tackled her to the ground. She smacked into the ground with such force her teeth rattled and she felt her elbows scrape. It took her a few moments to register what was on top of her.

A Stinger. It bared its teeth at her. "I have been looking a long time for you Princess. " He sneered as his claws dug in her shoulders painfully. Her blades were pinned against her back. She needs to free herself even if it is just for a few moments." You would be a fine prize for my king." She remembered what Raymond had done in a similar situation once.

She slammed her head against his... a terrible aching pain spread through her mind. It snarled and fell back giving her enough time to reach her blades. He snarled and leaped for her but she rolled to the side. Her bare feet were tickled by the cold grass.

 Her blades didn't spark. The magic is too weak... to channel even a kernel... He lunged and she blocked with her blades. His teeth a few inches from her face. She kicked him back and pushed her power... pushed it to the service. He staggered but regained his balance.

She backed away...trying to find anything she can use as a weapon.It suddenly vanished and as she turned to block him... he struck her fully in the stomach.

She sailed through the air and her back slammed into a tree. She gritted her teeth as she fell to her side on the floor... her blades falling away from her hands. Her head was pounding and now her body was aching. He prowled closer... roaring with laughter. She willed ice to come. 

She pushed and pushed as his footsteps came closer. He towered over her...smirking when she reached her hand out and ice blasted from it.

He went flying into a tree... the frost spreading around him in an icy cage. He snarled and tried to fight the rising ice. It soon traveled up its body until he was fully covered in ice. Mernique was glad she was sitting on the grass... her breathing ragged. It took more energy than she though.

She struggled to her feet and reached for her blades. She seethed them behind her back and took off in a blazing speed. She didn't have her super speed but she was still fit thanks to Raymond's training.

She focused on her breathing as she willed her legs to run like the wind. She was soon out the park and ice cold cement met her feet. 

She has to get there...Mernique...where are you? A familiar voice spoke through the walls of her mind. Looks like Raymond can still use his mind abilities. She was passing a few houses now. Did you catch the Draco Spy?

She send back not stopping to catch her breathe. It wasn't a second later when a reply came...Yes, but where are you? You were right behind me. He almost sounded worried. He wasn't alone... he had a friend with him and he attacked me but I took care of him. Your present might be frozen on a tree.

She could almost see his head shaking with a slight grin. Their never alone. I am impressed that you can use your powers on this planet. Even I struggle a bit. She saw her Aunt's house near her vision maybe she should tell him... or just make sure it was just a stupid dream and that her Aunt was fine. I did struggle... To think how much...She didn't finish her sentence when she felt she slammed into something. 

She screamed as her whole right arm burned on impact and send her flying towards the street. She slammed into the cement pavement, her bare arms and legs cut on the small rocks and hard ground.

That impact knocked the breath out from her and her teeth were nearly knocked from her mouth. The pounding headache became worse and her vision had black spots everywhere.

She was numb everywhere... feeling a light shock when she moved one of her body parts. Her dress was torn at the knees and her hair was coming loose. She looked at her arm and hissed at the pain in her head and the fierce red mark that was spreading on her arm. She lifted her head and saw something glimmering before fading.

A shield. Of course... without her powers on full strength she couldn't sense the shield around the house then ran right into it. Mernique are you alright? I sense that you are pain. Mernique was surprised that Raymond could sense her pain... Could he also sense her emotions? I ran... I ran into a shield. I can't move anything...She struggled to focus even in her mind. 

She felt something brush against her mind as if trying to sense where the pain was coming from. To see what caused it. Mernique willed her mind and replayed the last few moments ago and felt the pain worsen.

She felt something tight tug on her the wall of her mind. No... it was Raymond...tensing. Where are you? His voice was sharp and almost sounded like he was panicking.

He knew what those shields do... he knew who put them there. She was staring at the star in the skies. How can she break this barrier? She can't do it alone...she needs to get to her Aunt. I am at my Aunt's house... I had a...vision that she was in danger and this dome is proof... She forced herself to her knees.

Pain spread from her leg up her body but she gritted her teeth... hoping there was some small part of her powers that could heal her wounds. Charlotte, Gabriel and I are on our way... Mernique was glad but... it would be too late. Raymond can't jump which means... by then she would be gone.

 She trailed her eyes for the blades that clattered from her hands. Everything has a weakness...Raymond once told her in one of his lessons. This dome must have a weak spot she could sneak through. Something glinted in her eyes and she saw the blades discarded a few miles away. She went to retrieve the blade and when she picked it up she had an idea.

Her powers might be stifled but... not her blood. She made a small cut on her palm but just a small prickle of blood drop on her blades. They were lit in fire but... the fire was light...flickering as if it was also being stifled.She gritted her teeth, forcing her feet to move one step at a time. Her bones were screaming in agony, protesting.

She placed the tip of her blade against the shield... energy rippling ready to bounce off but she jabbed it in the shield. It created a small opening and she smashed the other twin blade against the wall making it roar in protest.

 The hole grew.Timing... she has to time right... one second too late the dome closes on her... snapping her in half and one second to early... she will meet face first with the street once again. 1...2... She began counting when a voice interrupted her.

Whatever you're going to do I suggest you wait. We're almost there... Mernique's arms were starting to cramp with the force. I can't wait... I am sorry.  

She really was but... she couldn't risk it...risk her Aunt. She jumped a roar in her head echoing the jump before the wall snapped closed.

She slammed on the ground rolling on the grass. She blinked the pain only appearing after a moment later. She hissed... and stood up.

She was through...the dome was there and then vanished looking up on the street. She dusted off the leaves and dust clinging to her dress. Raymond? She tested but only found a black wall. 

No voice or sound from that familiar warm voice. Even if it complained and scolded at her half of the time it still...made her not feel so alone.... But as she stared up at the house... no lights, no sound or any sign of movement.

This spelled a trap with a capital T. She was now on her own.

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