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By Paranormal

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The Faceless Girl Part 2

470 34 1
By Paranormal

Told by @daniiii_08

Part 1 can be found here.

 A couple days after my ceiling fan fell from the ceiling, workers came and replaced it and patched up the rest of the ceiling. The landlords did a walkthrough with a contractor and found no faults in the foundation or anything so they just ruled out that the mounting of the fan was too weak. 

Anyway, we've been living in the house for about a year and a half now, and I still continue to have the dreams but less now, maybe once a month. The faceless girl sort of became a familiar "face" and I stopped being so afraid of her. 

However, backing up to about 10 months that we were living in the house, the activity continued but it seemed stronger now. Doors would slam shut during the night, and all of our clocks would all stop at midnight. One night in particular. I was awake in my room when our alarm system went off. It's a system that goes off (when it's engaged) if any windows or doors are opened and the police are called. Of course I was freaked out, my heart was pounding and I was thinking someone was trying to break into our house.  My brother opened my door with a baseball bat in his hands and told me to stay where I was while he looked for any intruders. A few minutes later, he came back into my room with my mom and other siblings and told all of us to go look at the back door. Lo and behold, there were scratches running down the door. They actually made imprints in the wood of the door not just the paint, meaning something or someone strong did that. My brother just told us to go back to bed and that he'd sleep in the living room to make sure everyone was safe.

A week or two after the alarm incident, I woke up in a cold sweat, obviously from a nightmare but I can't remember what the nightmare was. My arm was burning, so I turned on my phone flashlight and found two vertical scratches running down my arm. They weren't deep enough to draw blood  but they were deep enough to scar. 

One night, my older sister was home alone and was in the kitchen when she heard footsteps above her. She was confused since no one texted her they were coming home and she didn't hear anyone come in. She went upstairs and found me sitting in her room on her bed and when she asked me what I was doing, I didn't reply and just smiled at her. When she asked again, I just hopped up from her bed and walked quickly away. When she tried to follow me, she couldn't find me anywhere. She decided to call me and ask where I went and when I answered I wasn't home, she decided to leave because she was too scared.

My mom contacted a priest which is ironic since most of my family are atheists but it just shows how afraid we were in this situation. He blessed the house and gave us bags of herbs that are said to fend off bad spirits and entities to hang above our doorways. When we spoke with the priest, he said that demonic entities sometimes manifest themselves as something innocent like little girls but they do feed off your fear, which explains why the little girl was in my dreams and was so creepy. He also told me that the scratching on my arms was either the entity trying to manifest itself in me or it was just trying to harm me because it was evil. Ever since the priest blessed the house, nothing has really happened other than my occasional dream and some knocking on our walls but otherwise everything has sort of been resolved (hopefully).

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