uzumaki shira | naruto

By __akahana--

366K 13.4K 5.3K

➷wherein Uzumaki Naruto would never trade Uzumaki Shira for anything else. To him, she was that constant in h... More

Act 1: "Nee-san!"
Act 2: "Can I sleep in instead?"
Act 3: "Ah, it's Pervy-san."
Act 4: "Sorry, nee-san!"
Act 5: "You're a boy?"
Act 6: "Can't we get some rest?"
Act 7: "I'll go insane at this rate."
Act 8: "From bad to worse, great."
Act 9: "It's the Snake Sannin, great."
Act 10: "Some exam this was."
Act 11: "I'm here for you, nee-san!"
Act 12: "Give me a break, 'ttebane..."
Act 13: "Damn everything."
Act 14: "Give me a month to sleep."
Act 15: "I'll be stronger, 'ttebayo!"
Act 16: "For nee-san!"
Act 17: "I hate you, nee-san!"
Act 18: "Don't catch a cold."
Act 19: "Don't leave me."
Act 20: "I love you."
Act 21: "Did we hear you right?"
Act 22: "Do I have to?"
Act 23: "Ground, eat me up."
Act 24: "I snapped, so what?"
Act 26: "why can't things stay the same?"
Act 27: "all good things will end"
Act 28
Act 29
Act 30
Act 31
Act 32
Act 33
Shippuden Act 1
Shippuden Act 2
Shippuden Act 3
Special Act
Shippuden Act 4
Shippuden Act 5
Shippuden Act 6
Shippuden Act 7
Shippuden Act 8
Shippuden Act 9
Shippuden Act 10
Shippuden Act 11
Shippuden Act 12
Shippuden Act 13 (1)
Shippuden Act 13 (2)
Shippuden Act 14 (1)
Shippuden Act 14 (2)
Shippuden Act 15
Shippuden Act 16 (1)
Shippuden Act 16 (2)
Shippuden Act 17
Shippuden Act 18
Shippuden Act 19 (1)
Shippuden Act 19 (2)
Shippuden Act 20 (1)
Shippuden Extra 1
Shippuden Act 20 (2)
Shippuden Act 21
Shippuden Act 22
Shippuden Act 23
Shippuden Act 24
Shippuden Act 25
Shippuden Act 26
Shippuden Act 27
Shippuden Act 28
Shippuden Act 29
Shippuden Extra 2
Shippuden Act 30 (1)
Shippuden Act 30 (2)
Shippuden Act 31
Shippuden Act 32
Shippuden Act 33: "what a drag"
Shippuden Act 34: "resentment"

Act 25: "Snakes suck."

4.6K 177 49
By __akahana--

Shira had Naruto carry her for the rest of the way after that little... incident. She made Naruto lead the team to the Hokage's office. Now that the redhead thought about it, they traveled for eight days towards that ruse of a kingdom. Then, Shira was unconscious for two days after they were ambushed and another three days after the mission.

And then, even though they hopped on the trees as they went back, they still had to stop from time to time, slowing them down because of her rather pitiful state. So they traveled longer this time, about ten days. So, all in all, Team Seven was gone for almost twenty-three days from the village.

Naruto barged into the office like he usually did and his voice boomed in the silent office. Once again, they found themselves surrounded by ANBU's with weapons. Team Seven jumped from shock while Shira lazily waved a hand at them. "We're back, ANBU-san." The redhead swore she heard one of them click his tongue before they went back to position.

Lady Hokage rubbed her temples and it was certain that Naruto irritated her so before she could lecture her twin, Shira hopped off of Naruto's back and knelt in front of her. "Lady Hokage, my team and I are here to report about our mission." Only then did she remember that they had gone out on a mission.

Troublesome, our own village leader forgot about us. The redhead deadpanned.

"Stand, soldier." Shira did as was told and stood straight in front of her.

"A couple of miles out of the nearest small village, three Chuunin attacked the carriage but were quickly dealt with by my team. We traveled for a week and we only encountered several bandits but no more ninjas. However, around day two, I had concluded that something was wrong and the client was, indeed, being held hostage with the help of Sakura.

As we near the kingdom, we were ambushed. Two days later, I found myself in an underground prison, and my team nowhere in sight. The man behind it all is a person from my past." Lady Hokage raised an eyebrow and motioned for her to continue on.

"This person is the accomplice of a man I killed years ago when I was kidnapped. The submitted report of that incident must still be there despite the person... that saved me became rogue." Shira's gaze lingered on Sasuke a bit when she said that and he instantly understood as he formed a fist with his hands.

From the corner of her eyes, Naruto gritted his teeth while Sakura frowned in concern. The redhead once again faced the Hokage. "Once I was able to escape, I used Hiraishin to find my team. When I saw the state Naru and the rest were in, I went berserk. I massacred the entire enemies until no one was left."

After she said this, Shira bowed in front of her. "I apologize for losing control even though I was to remain calm as the leader of this mission, Hokage-sama." There was silence in the air before the old hag spoke. "Raise your head. I expect a written report by tomorrow afternoon from every one of you, understood?"


"Team Shira, you're dismissed."

The team left the office and a tense silence between Shira and the rest of the team formed. "Nee-san... is it true that you were... that you... were kidnapped that time? Why didn't you tell me?"

Naruto felt his heart sink as he remembered her words. "Because if I told you the reason why, you'll never forgive yourself, Naru-naru." He closed his mouth. The redhead inwardly cursed and thought that she should have just kept quiet. "Shira, is it true that... that man was the one who saved you?" It was Sasuke now who questioned her. 

"I just left the dango shop after purchasing some and when I passed an alley, someone grabbed me, mistaking me as the jinchuriki." Shira felt her twin's chakra flare-up while she sensed Sakura's confusion.

"We were halfway to the border when they mentioned killing the jinchuriki. At that time, it didn't exactly register in my mind. What did register is that they'll kill my brother, instead of thinking that they were going to kill me." The redhead took a deep breath and turned down the hall.

"I instantly killed the person holding me captive and I was about to kill the other one when 'he' arrived." Sasuke tensed up. "He snatched me up and knocked out the remaining kidnapper and went back to the village as fast as he can." They reached outside in a matter of few minutes. Shira turned around to face them.

"Are you disgusted that I killed someone as young as I was? If you do, then I could care less about what you think. I did what I had to do. They were going to kill my brother once they realize I wasn't the jinchuriki. I wasn't about to let them kill the only family I have left. I ask again. Are you disgusted?"

She expected Naruto or Sasuke to answer first but it had caught her off guard when it turned out to be Sakura. "No. I mean, you did what you think was right but I'll never understand how it is to be in your situation so I don't really know how to answer. Um, you're my friend and I see you as someone smart, strong, kind, talented, and many more, and what you did doesn't change that."

Sakura looked away with an embarrassed expression while Shira looked at her with wide eyes. She never knew the pinkette thought of her that way. The redhead sent her a grateful and thankful look as Shira looked at my twin brother and best friend.

"Nee-san, I... I feel horrible that you have to go through that because of me." His eyes teared up but he was determined not to cry, the sight made his twin's heart clench. "And... And I could never truly hate you or be disgusted by you, ttebayo." Naruto... I'm relieved. 

Shira faced her best friend. He was deep in thought and the silence made her nervous. Suddenly, Sasuke grabbed her wrist and said to the blond, "I'm gonna borrow her for a while, dobe." Sasuke picked her up in his arms, startling the poor redhead, and hopped from roof to roof. Naruto screeched for Sasuke to take his twin sister back.

Shira remained silent as Sasuke stopped on the roof of an inn. He put her down but never let go of my hands. Against her will, Shira felt flustered and nervous about the situation. His hand felt large compared to hers and despite training endlessly, his hand was smoother in comparison.

The silence was suffocating but Sasuke spoke at last. But what he said made Shira's beating heart beat faster than it was already. The red on her cheeks became more evident. Her stomach churned but not in an uncomfortable way. His words sounded with pure emotions and she didn't know what to actually say. He was blunt and didn't beat around the bush.

"I like you."

And smoke steamed out of her ears before blacking out from embarrassment.

Sasuke chuckled, chuckled, as he supported Shira's unconscious body. Honestly, he didn't expect this kind of reaction from her. She had always been so cool and calm that Shira becoming a blushing mess is near impossible to make.

The next day, Shira found herself in her bed, with Naruto snoring beside her. There was a bubble of snot in his nose that made the redhead cringe at the sight. "That's so gross, troublesome brother." She muttered to herself.

She furrowed her eyebrows. How did she get here? What happened last night anyway? They reported to the Hokage, then she told about what happened years ago, and once they stepped outside, she asked if they were disgusted by her.

After that... after that... Sasuke took her away....

Shira's face exploded in a blush as she remembered what happened last night. "I like you." those three words echoed in her mind. Shira glared at nothing and pouted. "Troublesome feelings." She grumbled in annoyance. Deciding to take a minute-long shower, she stood up, grabbed a pair of clothes, and did her business.

When she finished, she found her brother still snoring away, the bubble of snot still there. Shira shivered in disgust before stepping out of their apartment. She strolled around the village, marking places with her seal. Just in case another attack happened or something terrible needed to be eradicated, she could flash to that location in a blink of an eye.

And then, her feet led her to the cenotaph where their parents' names are carved. She sat there, alone with her thoughts. This was the place where Itachi had seen her that time. The redhead sighed so deep that anyone could detect the heaviness of it.

«What are you doing?»

Shira instantly shot up to her feet. Her eyes surveyed her surrounding but found no one and sensed no chakra signature near her. The voice sounded familiar. Where had she heard that voice before?

«Leave the village. Become stronger. Go to Orochimaru.»

The redhead bent over as her hand gripped the side of her neck. 'The curse seal! It's throbbing again! ' She thought in alarm. Now she remembered where she heard that voice from. It was when she and Naruto had an argument in the tent.

'Shut it, you disembodied voice! '

«Go to Orochimaru. Become stronger. Annihilate this village!»

Shira groaned in pain and panted. She closed her eyes in pain and wished for the pain to stop but it didn't. It didn't stop. When she opened her eyes, there were marks adorning her left body as she started being hysterical.

'Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! ' "... p it! ... top it! Stop it! STOP IT!" She was about to claw at her marked arm but a hand grabbed her wrist and stopped her from inflicting harm on herself. "KAI!" A voice canceled the genjutsu attacking her. "Shira! Snap out of it! It's just an illusion! A genjutsu!"

Sasuke held her wrist tightly in his hand. Who casted the genjutsu?! If he finds out who it is, he'll bring hell upon them for hurting Shira! She started calming down, much to Sasuke's relief. He knew Shira was weak when it comes to identifying genjutsu but her prowess in casting one surpasses even him.

"An... illusion?" Her voice shook and it sounded so weak. Sasuke gently nodded. "You were under a genjutsu. Whatever you saw or heard, it wasn't real. Whatever you felt, it wasn't real." Sasuke frowned, no one in the village would do this kind of thing. So, some outsider that managed to enter without being noticed?

The Uchiha clicked his tongue. It was too early for this and too soon. They just got back to the village. He carried the silent Shira on his back and ran towards the Hokage's office. He barged in through the window and he found himself surrounded by weapon handling ANBUs.

All ANBUs sighed. It was them again. Couldn't they just stop barging in so suddenly?!

Tsunade dismissed her ANBU's and raised an eyebrow at the Uchiha with a certain Uzumaki on his back. Kakashi, who just got back from his mission, became alert once he sensed Shira's restless chakra. "What happened?" Tsunade quickly questioned.

"I was looking for her and found her in front of the cenotaph. She was screaming nonstop about something to stop. I found her under a genjutsu and I quickly helped her out. Whatever she saw and heard made her hysterical." The Hokage was deep in thought.

"There had been reports about the barrier being dysfunctional for the past few days. This must be connected to that. Cat..." An ANBU with a cat mask appeared kneeling in front of the Hokage. "I want all available ANBUs to do a thorough search in the village ASAP!"

The ANBU disappeared once he nodded as Tsunade faced the other occupants of the room. "Bring her to the hospital. Kakashi, I need to have a talk with you."

Once Shira was admitted to the hospital, Sasuke decided to go and inform her brother. At the very least, he could tolerate the blond when Shira was the main concern. There was nothing to be heard in Shira's hospital room except for her soft breathing.

This silence, however, was broken when four figures silently appeared in the room. They towered over Shira's sleeping form.

"Her chakra levels are outstanding."

"It's strange how her curse seal is maturing at a rapid pace."

"How're we going to convince her? She's not even power-hungry enough to leave."

"Simple. We feed her lies or continue tormenting her with genjutsu."

The occupants smirked at each other as one of them performed a weak genjutsu that will only grow stronger as it feeds on the unconscious girl's chakra.

They soon vanished without a trace.


Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed for the thousandth time today. A baby's cry resounded throughout his house as he held a blonde baby boy in his arms. "Minato, I hope you're happy. Your children are making me suffer instead of paperwork."

The dark rings around his eyes were more prominent than ever as little Shira kept crying for countless nights.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed once more. "I hope she would get used to your other chakra soon, Naruto-kun. Your sister will be a formidable sensor in the future if she could sense the anomaly chakra inside of you."

Naruto gurgled and pulled on his nose, making him wince.

Yes, these two make him more miserable than doing his paperwork.

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