Fallen Disaster

By EXTREMEmusiclover

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This is a rewrite of an old old story of mine. Drake and Carolina hate each other due to their families past... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7


11 1 0
By EXTREMEmusiclover


It all started in 1700's. I was one of the lucky ones that wasn't separated from my family. I remember picking cotton with my triplets, Zac and Abigail. We were near my parents and my 3 other siblings Ben, Charles and Mary Ann. My fingers where burning and bleeding, and the sun was unbearable. Regardless, my siblings and I were joking as we picked the cotton. Our jokes where about our Master Jacob being ugly and dumb.

"Y'all remember when he burned himself trying to on the stove?" Mary Ann asked causing Abigail and I to crack up.

"HEY!" A voice screamed. My siblings and I all looked at each other knowing what that meant. "You know what! Come with me!" Suddenly, I was snatched from my spot and dragged across the field. Seeing my families worried looks made me sick to my stomach. Feeling the rocks against my spine ache, but there was nothing I could do. Once we arrived to the house the master pushed me against the wall and muttered "Since you want to be disrespectful and rude." He put his lips against my neck causing a shiver to go down my spine. Suddenly there was a sharp pinch against my neck. I could feel my blood dripping down my neck, which he just licked up. Once he was done, I felt the world spin behind me, and then I dropped to the floor.


"JACOB WHAT DID YOU DO!?" A high pitched voice yelled.

"Do you remember that witch from Salem? She casted a spell on me that made me immortal. So I made all of our best slaves immortal," A deeper voice answered.

"THEY LOOK DEAD!" She exclaimed.

"So did you when I first turned you. They"ll be fine. If worst comes to worst we buy more slaves, it's not a big deal," He replied, but this time his voice sounded farther away.

"I don't want to waste our money on more nergros Jacob," She replied, her voice sounding farther away as well. I heard a door shut and then opened my eyes and sat up.

I was in the barn surrounded by other slaves who very much looked dead. No one was moving, and everyone had two holes in their necks. I frantically searched for my family, and felt relieved when I saw my older brother Ben. I shook him, but he didn't budge. I sighed and held on to his hand. The presence of my older brother made me feel safe. I could also see his chest moving up and down, which meant he was alive. I laid down, closed my eyes, and went back to sleep.


Everyone in my family had been turned into vampires. We of course escaped Master Jacob's hold with the help of Harriet Tubman. Now, that is an important part of our story, but that isn't where our story begins. We're going to fast forward to the 1960's, We were living in Washington when it happened. My sweet triplet Zac had fallen in love, with a white girl. Her name was Marybeth. She had luscious blonde hair and blue eyes. Zac was head over heels over that girl. They had meet at school and just hit it off. But of course interracial dating wasn't allowed. I remember him coming home everyday with the biggest grin on his face.

"What happened today?" I remember asking him every day. And each time, it was something small. It ranged from "she smiled at me" to "we brushed hands on the way to class."

You can imagine my shock when he told me "I proposed and she said yes!"

My jaw dropped to the ground. "What do you mean? You haven't told anyone else about her other than me? How is mom and dad going to react, you know their lowkey racist. And being with her is illegal! Zac what are you going to do!"

"We're going to leave to Canada to get married!" He said. Hearing this broke my heart. I could not imagine being apart from my triplet. But this wasn't about what I wanted, this was about Zac's happiness.

"Will you promise to keep in touch?" I asked him.

"Of course," He said squeezing my shoulders. "You all mean a lot to me. Of course I'm going to keep in touch with you all. I love you." I buried my face in his chest and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back and sighed. "I'm going to miss you."

"Maybe we can talk our parents into moving to Canada," I suggested.

"No, they love America," Zac said. I sighed. This was true. Despite everything we had experienced, they had hope that America would truly become the home of the free. They saw potential in America, especially after Martin Luther King Jr. He had touched them.

"Are you going to tell anyone else? Abigail?" I asked, knowing our sister would be devastated.

"Hell nah!" Zac exclaimed. "I only told you because you're the only one that would be supportive." I nodded. I was the hopeless romantic in the family. "I do plan on writing letters to you guys from Canada."

"Good! Please call when you can too!" I said squeezing my brother.

"Of course baby sister," He said softly.

The love story between Zac and Marybeth had a tragic ending. They made it to Canada, and successfully got married. Zac had turned Marybeth into a vampire on their wedding day, so they could be together forever. What we didn't know, was Marybeth was a werewolf. Nothing changed for her when she was transformed. She just developed a craving for blood and that was all according to the letters from Zac. Marybeth's family on the other hand, lost their mind and was actively searching for her. They figured out about Zac, so they attacked my family, in wolf mode. It was a terrible, bloody night. Everyone was hurt, and the found one of my letters. They used my letter to track down Zac and Marybeth, and killed him. They killed him in cold blood simply because he was black. They made up a story about him kidnapping Marybeth and raping her. I know that didn't happen. Marybeth and Zac where in love. They had sent me wedding pictures, an ultrasound and more. They were a happy couple, expecting a child, and Marybeth's family took that all away. Marybeth shortly committed suicide, but if you ask the Smiths what happened, they'll say Zac murdered her. Zac didn't have a mean bone in his body. Harming Marybeth was something he was not capable of.

My family was broken, all thanks to a racist, terrorist family. 

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