Songfic oneshots - Sean & Kay...

By where-we-are

29.6K 556 93

This book is gonna be filled with song inspired one shots and it's gonna be a Sean and Kaycee story Every ch... More

Leave in some suggestion
You're special|Part one|
••Silhouette in polaroid••
Night time
[Drabble]••Frisson de la vie••
Treat you better |warning|
As long as you love me
Infinity (mature & warning)
Can you hold me |part two|
After tonight
••Flowers bloom••
••Do they know?••
••Theres nothing but lights when i see you.••
••Violets are blue••
••Happiness is a warm gun••
••Love is the strongest••
Couple of kids |1/3|
[Unfinished] Get you the moon |2/3|
First man
Swimming pools |mature|
Authers note
To the moon
Authors note


936 28 12
By where-we-are

Walking down 29th and park
I saw you in another's arms
Only a month we've been apart
You look happier

Sean's p.o.v
His eyes were downcast on the sidewalk in Los Angeles. Sean felt his heart constricted in disparity as he reminisced that one day after his 19 birthday, him and Kaycee walking down the block to a local park that's closed to Sean's home, laughing and kissing lovingly not even caring about the consequences back then.

Walking down the 29th and park, heard her laughter not too far from where he stood, after hearing it for the first time in a long two month of not having any contact with one another.

his breath hitch achingly as he saw her in another mans arms.

'God you still look beautiful Kaycee' Sean thought loudly in his head as he watch the couple laughing like they used to do before he fucked everything up.

'You look happier liàn rén'  "oh yes you do" he whispered that last four words to no one but himself and the wind that kissed his skin in icy cold evening.

Saw you walk inside a bar
He said something to make you laugh
I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours
Yeah you look happier, you do

He didn't even want to get out of his bed and his apartment but his friends are persistent when it comes to their concerns for their friend, who's been depressed for 5 months now.

Ever since the big fight and break up with his long time girlfriend.

Now he is at the bar with his best friends, fake ids in hand that Julian gotten them for 'special' occasions, Sean saw her with the arm of another's mans closeness, walking inside the bar with her lover.

Sean was sitting on the stool at the counter at the bar while his friends dancing and laughing on the dance floor, saw them as 'he said something to make Kaycee laugh'.

Than I saw it, 'I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours' did my heart swell with longing and the remedy of my broken heart, seeing the glimmer in your beautiful forest like eyes.. my love

'Yeah you look happier, you do ricebowl' my thoughts said quietly in the back of my mind.

Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you
But ain't nobody love you like I do
Promise that I will not take it personal baby
If you're moving on with someone new

The first encounter with her was soul crushing moment as I saw her in dance class that I haven't seen her in for a long time now almost 7 months but I knew she traveled too, to different conventions and workshops across the United Kingdom.

We danced together like we used to do until everything went to shits between us, not because of her but because of me and my selfishness.

After class was over everyone went home except for me and Kaycee, she smiled at me in the duration of the class, she talked about the adventures she made with her choreographed routines that she taught in the uk, me telling her the same thing too.

"I'm proud of you ricebowl!" I said softly to her, seeing her stopped what she was doing on her phone, seeing the tighten jaw and emotional bubble in her throat. But she hidden it by thanking me even if I saw right through her like an opened book.

"So how long have you been dating him for?" I asked with curiousness and timidly, her smile was small as she answered me with "6th months now...t-two months after we broke up shamu?!" She softly said to me with apologetic expression that she shown me.

I nodded my head while my gaze was downcast to the hardwood floor of the studio.

"Wanna dance?...for old time sakes!" Kaycee asked me with cheerfulness. I chuckle as I agreed,

We both got up from the floor, dusting ourselves off, I quickly went to the aux cord to the speakers, trying to find a song to danced too, than a thought came through with an idea of a song to dance too.

Biting my lip nervously as I finally found the song I'm looking for.

Let me down slowly came through the speakers, as I turn myself around to face her, who's eyes were on me too, with surprises and suspicious look, than we stood right next to each other as we both moved to the music and through the routine that Erica choreographed.

We danced as our bodies go along with the routine like before, our muscle memories remembered everything about this beat, about the connection we used to have, still do have in some ways.

After dancing for, like I said for old time sake, as we gulped down our water bottle after the almost intense choreo. We both sat back down in exhaustion, not looking at one another just letting the quiet soothe our hearts down in calming motion.

Than I look at her with admiration and solitude of a heartache, she kept running her fingers through her hair in a nervous gesture.

"Kayc? I know that 'ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you' Ricebowl, just know that I care about you and always support you in your creative ways liàn rén... but ain't nobody love you like I do'... I 'Promise that I will not take it personal baby..... If you're moving on with someone new' I'll always support you no matter what" my honest words spill over as the quiet became too deafening for us both. Kaycee looked up, staring at me with an aching emotions that went across her eyes before it went away quickly.

She nodded at my words "okay...likewise shamu likewise, you're always gonna be my best friend, MY true best friend and I know it's awkward now but I want us to go back to before we even dated Sean, you're always important to me John as much as he is now" Kaycee confesses her heart out to the boy she used to love...still love wholeheartedly.

They both left the studio and walking down the sidewalk, Kaycee waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up and told him to meet her at the cafe close to the studio complex, they made quiet conversation so the atmosphere won't be dull and awkward for these two young adults.

He hugged her for a long time in front of the cafe, with eyes lingering on their skin, they both chuckle happily as they hugged for a few minutes until he picked her up, him guiding her into his vehicle driving off not before Kaycee rolled down the window and said "it's nice to see you again Sean, my shamu and I'll see you around okay...bye" while waving and smiling kindly at him, before rolling up the window again than driving off to god knows where.

Cause baby you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too
And until then I'll smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you

Months past and the broken friendship make amends with Sean and Kaycee, now talking and texting here than there for life advices when they needed it the most especially before workshops and conventions they both attended.

Their friends were surprised by how well these to carried themselves with nothing but supportive actions and emotions more opened than it was 9 months ago.

Kaycee was still happy and going strong with her relationship with Julian, her old friend that she lost touched with ever since he became an actor and a musician.

"Cause you look happier, you do." The lyric sang sweetly in the empty room in Sean's home, as he went through portfolios of him and Kaycee saving up all their memories together as a duo and as a couple through the four and half years, inside the trunk that was hidden away in his room.

I sighed out in the not so clarity of my own thoughts as 'my friends told me one day I'll feel it too'. Doubting I'll find another love like hers, of how I used to love her earnestly. I did try going on blind dates that my friends and sibling tried to set me up with, but nothing click for me. Not like it did with her

'And until then I'll smile to hide the truth but I know I was happier with you.' I smile softly as an incoming FaceTime call came through from Kaycee.

I accept it is talking like we used to do before we even dated. Laughs and serious talks and encouragement were said in the not so dull moment of the bedroom.

Sat in the corner of the room
Everything's reminding me of you
Nursing an empty bottle and telling myself you're happier
Aren't you?

Sitting on the couch in Kaycee's house for Easter holiday, watching the couple with longing and happy emotions as he whispered in her ear, making her blush sweetly, her gaze went towards me and shyly smiled at me, I returned it too.

We ate food and played games with the kids and younger generation of dancers, we all talked and laugh even if my laugh was fake most of the time.

I should hate him, I should feel bitter about their closeness, I should find any flaw with the guy kayc' fell in love with....but I can't because he's taking care of her, making her laugh and being a gentleman so why should I be mad when I can see Kaycee's happier with him.

The night came as the black sky blanket everything outside the house. Stars blinked here and there.

I 'sat in the corner of the room' after the party over and done with, god 'everything reminding me of you kaycee' as I remember her sleeping in that bed in the corner of the room as I remembered her playing cards with me in front of the couch, as she kept beating me at it, Also remembering kissing and leaving touches of desire as I kept 'nursing an empty bottle and telling myself you're happier....aren't you?'

Finally making my way to my bed after sitting there for an hour, having deja vu moments.

What I didn't know was that in the house I left earlier in the night, was Kaycee and her boyfriend arguing about nonsense about his accusations on his and Kaycee's friendship that they got to rebuilt again after months prior to their breakup.

Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you
But ain't nobody need you like I do
I know that there's others that deserve you
But my darling I am still in love with you

A year past since the breakup with Sean and Kaycee but they reconciled their friendship and making their partnership strong again, it still hurts him when he's around whenever they kissed in front of him but he dealt with it, growing numb to it.

Sean and Kaycee were in Europe having workshops and convention to attend too, their partnership and work ethic make everything worthwhile again. Dancing is what their passionate about, they still have the passion for it still have the uniqueness of this once powerful duo.

Julian visited them every once in awhile when he's not busy with acting and interviews.

I still reminded her of my confession to her I made a year ago.

"Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you but ain't nobody need you like I still do Kayc" as we took a break from learning a new choreo that I made

"Yeah?... that might be true in some ways Sean but you know that every relationship has its ups and downs right?!" Kaycee than said seriously as she brushed her hair away from her face. Even when she's all sweaty, is exhausted I still think she's the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on

Than I thought through what she said, it was true in what she implied and

"Yeah but...I feel like our fight was too much that time Kaycee and I know I should forget it but I can't seem to ever want to forget ya know?" I told her as I played with the strings on my sweatpants. My eyes downcast to the hardwood floor of the dance room.

"Yeah...I know shamu but what should matter is that we're taking classes together for the first time Sean and I love that everything we've accomplished this past year Ken Adams as partners and as friends" Kaycee said with genuine happiness

'I know that there's others that deserve you
But my darling I am still in love with you liàn rén' my thoughts said loudly as they tried to crowd my mind again.

We went on with our choreography like old times when we were younger.

But I guess you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'll feel it too
I could try to smile to hide the truth
But I know I was happier with you

After touring around Europe with Kaycee, it was a feeling I would never forget or ever regret our accomplishments, especially when I got to do it with my best friend and my soulmate.

And you know what.... I'm glad we've broken up not because i wanted to break it off with her but because after thinking through my mistakes and the aftermath of our broken relationship, we've become closer again as best friends, as well partnership goes and as sportsmanship too.

Yeah I still feel the heartache but we grown up from our mistakes which is the pressure of dating young, and yes I know it's honestly okay to date young but we never took things slow with it all. Peer pressure was on our shoulders, after we announced our relationship to the world after New Year's Eve 2019.

I'll support her whenever she had a fight with Julian, I'll support her through her achievements and happiness even if it's not with me entirely.

Sometimes I still shed a tear when the lonely gets too much for me, when I just want tell her I love her still wholeheartedly 'but I guess you look happier, you do ricebowl' I said softly against her temple as she fell asleep on my shoulder after our flight took off to Toronto Canada to do a workshop there for 4 days.

Julian, Kaycee's boyfriend came to visit us at our rented apartment since we're staying here for 4 days as I said before, I'd let them be alone together, as I came to my room to work on one of my old choreo that I did when I was 15 which is too going home.

A year ago my heart shattered completely when things took a turn for the worst for the both of us, than two months later. I saw them hugging and laughing carelessly on the side walk of la strip and my heart and mind screaming at me, and my close friends and family gave me sympathy and pity, as they watch her be happy with someone else that isn't me.

Than 'My friends told me one day I'll feel it too' yeah I felt it and it was with the girl I've fallen in love with since I was 15 years old and 'I could try to smile to hide the truth' at that time and my mind still reeling with the residual feelings on my heart, on my best friend
And I used to say

'But I know I was happier with you kayc' that's what I used to feel but now i can feel the clarity of my broken heart mending back together slowly but surely loved again someday with someone else and not my best friend, not with my soulmate.

"Yeah you look happier with him ricebowl' I told Kaycee as we sat on the couch after rehearing our duet and our own dance. She look up at me, away from her phone to focus on me. Kaycee than smile genuinely as she hugged me tightly on the couch with her arm wrapped around my neck while mine stayed on her waist.

"Thank you sean for always being there for me even after our break up. Just so you know your truly my best friend no matter what life turn for the worst or the better shamu.

Baby you look happier, you do
I knew one day you'd fall for someone new

Once our tour in Canada was over we both went back to California. To our own respectful houses. But not before hugging and saying bye and to see one another sooner or later.

I've been in bed for two days because of jet lag and me wanting to stay home after being not home for months at a time, after traveling across Europe and Canada with my partner, with my best friend.

She called me on FaceTime with a glint in her eyes which shows when she's happy. I smile too at her

"Hey ricecake what's with that smile?" I asked with curiousness as I munched on steak that I cooked not too long ago.

"Hey Sean guess what?" Kaycee said in excitement as she jumped up and down slightly. I chuckle at her behaviour as I asked what in the same excitement as hers to mock her playfully.

She glared at me and jutted out her bottom lip, now pouting at the camera, at me. I laughed out loud as I took a sip from my water bottle.

"Heey sstop Shamu, stop making fun of me" she said still pouting at me. I calmed down as I asked her what happened.

"Julian asked me to go to premiere with him for his movie that he did couple months ago?" She said with pure joy, I smile softly as my heart swell with her beauty and pure happiness.

"That does sound exciting Kayc' and tell him my congratulations to him okay ricebowl" I said as I finished my food. "Tell me how it goes and everything after words!"

"Will do and now I'm going to bed, this jet lag is killing me right now so goodnight Sean" Kaycee said with a yawn, which made me yawn than we both yawn at the same time, laughing afterwards. Saying goodnight.

Disconnecting our FaceTime call.

'Baby you look happier, you do' and 'I knew one day you'll fall for someone new' someone that isn't me anymore.

But if he breaks your heart like lovers do
Just know that I'll be waiting here for you

Few weeks went by since the last time I saw or talked to Kaycee. It's not like we have our disagreements or anything like that but it seems like she's avoiding me for some reason.

She wasn't in class not that I knew of, of course so I start getting worried slightly but not too much since her family told me she's doing fine and nothing is wrong medically.

I decided to go on Instagram just to past time in my empty house. After I visited my parents earlier today.

A few dms came through, when I say few I mean 50+ dms from friends and fans, I didn't want to check it now so I decided to scroll down and liking s few pics, videos, commenting here and there, than I got a dm from a fan telling me to see her post so that's what I did to see what's the urgency.

Than I saw the post she dm me. It was a series of pictures of Kaycee and Julian arguing at after party, in what seems like the movie premiere they went too. Just few days ago.

I quickly exit out of the app than calling Kaycee, she's not picking up probably ignoring it or busy with something else.

I asked her sister what bad happened and kylie said she doesn't know, saying that Kaycee refuses to talk about it. I hanged up after hearing a knock on my front door, so I got up from my bed, towards the stairs than to the front door, opening it to see the girl I've been trying to call.

I saw the sadness in her eyes as she quietly came inside my house and sitting down on the couch in the living room. Playing around with the strings of her sweater and not meeting my eyes, avoiding it like the phone calls I've made to her.

"Hey kayc' a-are you okay?" I ask calmly yet nervously for some reason, as I sat down on the coffee table in front of her, I rest my hands on her knees, she flinch slightly but didn't pry my hands off like I thought she would've done after she flinched.

"N-no I'm, I'm not okay Sean?" She said as I watch her sniffle quietly, her tears fell down on her hands, I wiped her tears away from her cheeks. Gently lifting her face up towards mine, as my eyes swept across her features to see a small purple print on her right cheek.

My eyebrows were furrowed as I turn her face to the left to see if fully, quickly grabbing a wash cloth from her kitchen than sitting back down in front of her, wiping the foundation off her face gently so I wouldn't hurt too much.

"God Kaycee what happened?" I ask seriously as I felt the need to go out and find this son of a bitch and have a peace of my mind for hitting Kaycee, for hitting a girl for that matter. She wince slightly as I accidentally rub her skin hard, my fist were clenched up in anger. But softened up and said sorry, putting the cloth on beside me.

My hands were above hers squeezing it tenderly, waiting for her to say something to me.

"After the premiere of his movie and watching it in the theatre, it was night so we all went to the afterparty and you already seen the pictures right?" Kaycee said and sighed out sadly, I'm guessing still upset about what happened afterwards.

"Y-yeah I've seen the pictures just 30 minutes ago kayc' but i didn't know what's going can you tell me what happened?" I ask her seriously, concern for her.

"Uh well after we had a argument about me not being there for him most of the time, even if he knows I've been touring around with you, and I've tried being for for him when he needs it, ya know and he said I'm being disrespectful and that I should be grateful for making me more "famous" than I was before. Like that shit just doesn't make any sense to me, well I didn't want to listen to him so I left the after party. Back to my apartment." She said while shaking her head at her boyfriends childishness.

"Than next day came and I was cleaning my bedroom since it was a mess, I found a phone that wasn't mine so I got confused as to why there was a phone in the first place so I checked it, unlocking it I went through the messages to see who is it from. To see that it was from Julian and a text came through and saw someone else's number was in, it was from a now you can guess what I found... and it turns out that he's been cheating on me for the past 6 months" she said as the tears fell down again as broke down crying, hiding her face in my chest as I pulled her to me.

We hugged for a couple of minutes till she sat back and continued talking "he came down to my apartment in the evening, so I confronted him and another argument, another tears came as I throw his phone across the room and told him to get out of my apartment and that we're through.... we pushed and shove as the words turned violent one... I-i didn't know when or how it could've turned out like that, but yeah he slapped me and I told him to leave or else I'll be calling the cops or my brother so he can deal with him...and,and he finally left than I just broke down crying in the living room?!" Kaycee said as the tears keep falling.

Sitting down beside her and pulled her to me and let her cry into my chest. "I'm so so sorry Kayc' you shouldn't go through that!" I said honestly as I kissed her forehead and just holding her to keep both of us warm in the somewhat cold house. "It- it's okay Sean and I've been wanting to break up with him anyways after I came back from Canada?!" Kaycee confessed to me, I was in shock at her words, so I said "really how come?" Curious was laced in my words as I said that.

"Because, because I don't love him like that and I thought I did for a long time but my heart was already in someone else's hands.. he made me happy and feel loved for the first 7 months into our relationship but I just couldn't go on like we weren't having arguments for no apparent reasons and misconceptions about the most little things and he wasn't too happy when he found out we became friends again, he got jealous for awhile shamu" Kaycee said my mind was reeling at the implications of 'my heart was already in someone else hands' I look at her in question as I played with her curly hair, letting her talk about her feelings like we used to do a year and half ago.

"You asked me a couple months ago that I look happier with're wrong Sean it's it's always been you. My best friend, my partner and my soulmate and no one can make me happier then you can sean and I know what happened a year ago was a huge mess but it was nothing compared to how Julian treated me. You only did one big mistake but he make tons of mistakes so I'm telling you now sean, shamu I'm still madly in love with you and only you my love" Kaycee said as she look up in my eyes to see tears in them but for a different reason this time. My heart swell with happiness and love as I let the tears fall too because what she said the words I've bee longing to hear for a long time.

So I kissed her softly, just letting our lips danced together but not going further than that even if I want nothing more just to touch and loved this girl wholeheartedly, Kaycee smile against my lips as she quickly turn her body and straddle my lap, kissing me passionately so I did the same kissing deeply as my arms wrapped around her petit waist.

'But if he breaks your heart like lovers do
Just know that I'll be waiting here for you' my mind said loudly in my head as I finally get to love this girl again.


After finally have any motivation to write another one shot and I write this story in three days so I'm sorry if there are spelling errors and little bit confusion this one.

I was supposed to write this one shot 2 or 3 months ago so I'm sorry if this is long overdue and this request is from @lovewriting14 so I hope you like and I'm sorry it took me a long while to write this one shot but I hope you don't mind and like it as well.

Ps I have a lot of one shots that's in my draft to write and I'm working on a one shot that is slightly mature so just a heads up when I finally post that.

Just a side note:  this is a detached and reattached one shot, because if you're in a relationship for a few years and that other person is kinda too much for you. It can lead to fights and misconceptions on what they're doing and who they're with. Even if you trust them wholeheartedly and you know they won't do anything to hurt you but maybe unintentionally hurt you. After you take a step back from the relationship you can see how you actually needed an alone time even if that person dated someone, even if you may think they still don't want you back. If it comes down to it than be patient, be there for them.

So in this short story. Becoming friends after the breakup can be the most awkward and rewarding thing ever, especially when it comes down to your partner work, work ethic, sharing your dreams again with the person you loved before. A great relationship start with friendship than partnership and sportsmanship than it can sometimes fall back into the relationship you've missed so much.

Word count 4879

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