Marvel Imagines

By Dingus-Dilingus

21.7K 435 77

This is just a book of imagines. (note that these are old! definitely not the best quality.) More

Steve Rogers x Reader
Rhodey X Reader
Sam Wilson x Reader
Avengers x Reader
Clint Barton x Reader
Steve x Reader x ex!Tony
Sam x Reader
Clint x Reader
Pietro x Reader
Clint x Reader
Bucky x Reader
father!Steve x baby!Reader
Steve x Reader
Nick Fury x Reader
Steve x Reader
Steve x Reader
Tony x Reader
Steve x Reader
Clint X Reader (request)
Avengers x Reader
In sickness and in health (Tony x Reader)
Things you fight about (DDM)

Clint x Reader

551 16 0
By Dingus-Dilingus

Words: 1192

Warnings: None


You were sitting in a small Cafe reading a book about a girl getting trapped in a fantasy realm when everything went downhill.

"Hello sug'! How may I take your order?" An older lady with graying brown hair walked up to the table you sat at with a pen and notepad.

"One coffee and blueberry pancakes, please." You smiled at the woman as she wrote down your order and walked off. You returned your attention to the book in front of you. You heard someone walking towards you and figured it was the waitress so you closed your book and looked up. What you didn't expect to see, was a man with a build like Steve's leaning against your table eyeing you down.

"What's a pretty lady like you sitting here all alone?" His brown eyes looked at you through his eyelashes and his brown hair was slicked back. He had quite the attractive face but to you, it was nothing on Clint. He must've caught you looking because a smirk plastered on his face. "Like what ya' see?" He winked at you and it took you everything in your power not to get up and walk away.

"I will say you are quite the attractive man," You paused to let it sink into him. He must've thought his charms were working on you because he grinned at you. "but I have a loving boyfriend waiting for me at home and I assure you I'm much happier with him then I would be with you." You tried not to sound bitchy but it came off that way.

The man scoffed and scrunched his nose up. "If he is as great as you make him out to be I'm sure he'll find someone better than you in no time. Fucking whore." He stormed out of the small Cafe and went out of sight. You sighed and thought about the man's words. Clint was an amazing boyfriend and you loved him to death but you couldn't help but feel like a toy to him, you weren't as talented as him and you certainly weren't as pretty as most other girls were. You knew what Clint would say if he were here, Something along the lines of 'You're the love of my life. I couldn't imagine being with someone else besides you'. You were brought out of your thoughts when something searing hot fell onto your pant-leg.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Sug! Let me grab a towel!" You grimaced at the pain you and tried to fan off the heat with your hands, but to no avail. The waitress came back with a towel soaked in cold water. You pulled up your pant leg and she set the towel down on your burns. She proceeded to tell you how sorry she was and you said it was fine. She gave you the pancakes for free and tried to give you more Coffee but you denied it and said to give it to someone else.

 You hadn't noticed until you were getting ready to leave but some of the Coffee had landed on your book and it was completely ruined. You sighed and threw it into the trash bin before going to your car and turning the key...And of course, It wouldn't start. You tried again, and again, and again and again but it wouldn't turn on. 'Okay, no big deal. I'll call Clint and he'll pick me up." 

You reached into your bag and grabbed your phone. You punched in the password and went to contacts. Right as you were about to hit Clint's name, the screen turned black. "Oh, you've gotta be fuckin' kiddin' me right now." You groaned. You forgot to charge your phone before you left and now you were stuck walking home. You stuck the phone back into your bag and slinging it over your shoulder. "Guess I'm walking then," you said to particularly nobody. As you made your way to the tower, a car sped by you on the road...And hit a rain puddle.

 You were now soaked in muddy water and your bag and everything in it was now wet. Which also meant your phone and wallet. You stood there emotionless before you began walking again. When you made it back to the tower you were relieved.

You thought everything would be okay when you got inside of the tower but you thought wrong because not even 10 feet into the tower you slipped and fell. The janitor walked into the room with a 'wet floor' sign and snickered slightly before saying sorry. You didn't even respond and you raced to the elevator. You got in the elevator and was about to press a button when someone walked into the elevator with you. You wanted to be nice so you let them go to their floor first. What you didn't know was that they were a shield agent and had just finished a mission. They were headed to Fury's office which was almost at the top of the tower. That would've been okay if they had taken a shower prior to going to talk to Fury. The man smelled of mud, blood and a few other smells you couldn't quite make out and since he was going to the top of the tower you were stuck for a good ten minutes with him making small talk about the mission. You weren't an agent yourself so you had no idea what he was talking about but you played along.

 When he made it to Fury's office he waved you goodbye and you pressed the number to go down to Clints' floor which took around eight minutes. When you made it to the floor you noticed he wasn't home so you decided to go take a shower. You stripped naked and turned on the hot and steamy shower which you desperately needed and stayed in for about thirty minutes. When you got out you walked into Clint's room and slipped on some of your underwear you had kept at his place and one of his t-shirts. You threw your old clothes in the washer and then flopped on Clint's bed. As you were drifting off to sleep you heard the door open. Not really caring who it was, you didn't move. You felt a dip in the bed along with a hand touching your back.

"Bad day? You look pissed and it's not even 12:00." Clint chuckled and soothingly rubbed your back. You sighed and nodded. He frowned at the burn mark on your leg. "Aw...What happened, baby?" You explained everything that happened at the cafe and on the way home. Sometime when you were explaining he began massaging your back and legs and you didn't even notice.

"Can we just stay in bed all day?" You asked. He kissed you behind your ear and laid down next to you.

"Of course." He pulled you into his side and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You left a soft kiss on his jaw as a 'thank you' and cuddled further into his side before slowly falling into a deep slumber.

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