hurricane ↣ joshler oneshots

By nicosniners

27.7K 1.1K 1.3K

A collection of oneshots written by yours truly ©nicosniners More

Heartbreak Girl
Real Life
Three Wishes
Three Lights
Fatherhood (Part 2)
Stockholm Syndrome
Lab Rat
Who Do You Love?
The Greatest Show
New Perspective
Epilogue for Blossom
Marry You

Stella (part 2)

1.1K 49 55
By nicosniners

In which Tyler and Josh have a kid (part 2)

age 13 - eighth grade

"Stella Peyton Dun what did you do?" Tyler asked in a whisper as he walked into the principal's office of his daughter's middle school.

"Mr. Dun, I presume?" The principal cleared his throat and Tyler looked over, giving him a sheepish smile. He stuck his hand out.

"Yes, sorry. I'm Stella's father. You can call me Tyler though," he waited for the principal to shake his hand but it never came. Instead, he sat in his chair and motioned for Tyler to do the same. He glanced at the name plate on the perfectly organized desk and saw it said Mr. Harmon

"Is it just you coming, Mr. Dun?" He asked, distastefully looking at Tyler's paint stained clothes.

"Yeah," he nodded. "My husband couldn't make it he's stuck at work. I'm an artist and I was painting before I got the phone call so excuse my attire."

"Are you aware of what your daughter did?" Mr. Harmon asked as he jumped straight into why they were there.

"I mean the phone call was very vague–"

"She had another one of our students pinned against the locker. Stella managed to get two punches to the face before our SRO stepped in."

Tyler looked directly at Stella, his eyes wide. She just turned her head to the side and crossed her arms in front of her chest insecurely. "I'm so sorry," Tyler sighed. "She's never done something like this before. Is there anything she can to do soften her punishment? Is there anything I can do?"

"No," he replied in an strict tone. "We have a zero tolerance policy for violence. Stella is suspended for three days not including today," he told Tyler. The brunette just sighed. "This will go on her record."

"Okay, I really am sorry," he offered, not knowing what else to do since this had never happened before.

"Stella will be allowed to get her things only if escorted by the SRO."

While she was doing that, Tyler filled out the paperwork necessary for absent work and such and once she returned they walked out together in silence.

As soon as they got in the car, Tyler began driving away from the school. His knuckles were white as he drove down Parkview Boulevard. Stella knew her father was pissed and she was scared to break the silence, but she did anyway.

"Are you going to say anything?" The eighth grader spoke up. Tyler didn't reply as he slowed in front of a stop light. "Papa?"

"What the fuck was that?" He finally spoke, his voice only slightly raised. Stella's eyes widened. In the thirteen years she's been alive she has never heard Tyler say 'fuck'. "Huh? You have never acted out like this before and all of a sudden you're beating up some girl at school? Your father and I raised you better than that," he pressed on the gas as the light turned green.

Stella instantly burst into tears which would've left Tyler surprised as well if he hadn't been so angry. She rarely ever cried. "I'm sorry," she told him. "I just... I heard Brittany Harmon talking about you guys behind my back and I had enough. She's been saying stuff about our family for months and she always gets away with everything just because she's the principal's daughter and I snapped."

Guilt instantly surged through Tyler. He felt horrible for not even asking what had happened and instantly believing his daughter was in the wrong. He should've known better. He's known her since she was a month old. "What did she say to you?"

"I don't wanna tell you."


"She called you and Dad faggots multiple times and said I was a freak that didn't belong. She told me I was gonna be screwed for the rest of my life because of you guys," Stella paused to wipe her eyes. "She's said a lot of stuff too but that's mainly what I remember and I couldn't handle it anymore. Her whole family is homophobic and I was scared the principal was gonna say something to you when you came in. I'm sorry, Papa." 

"No, I'm sorry, baby. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I know you're a good kid and doubting you was not okay. I wish you would have said something sooner. We can transfer you to a new school if we need to."

"No," Stella shook her head. "I've got a few more months before high school I can handle it. I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart," Tyler pulled into their driveway and parked the car. He gave her a kiss on the forehead before opening the door. "I just hope your dad doesn't have an aneurysm before we can explain that to him."


age 14 - ninth grade

"Okay now for this one I want Jude to wrap his arms around Stella's waist," Josh ordered as he kneeled down to get a picture of the two teenagers.

"Daaad," Stella groaned. "We're just going as friends you don't have to make this weird."

"I know. That's the exact reason I'm making it weird," he replied looking at the camera screen to inspect his picture. "He's not gonna try anything if you guys are just going as friends," he turned to his husband. "Ty, the picture's blurry again."

"That's why I always take the pictures. I've always been better at avoiding making their faces blurry," Tyler laughed as he kissed Josh's cheek and took the camera from him. He gave a wide smile to Stella and Jude. "Say homecoming!"

"Homecoming..." they simultaneously replied in a monotone voice as they both fake smiled.

"Are we done now?" Stella asked, adjusting the top of her dress.

"One more," he turned to Jude's dad. "Hey, Bren will you get one of Josh and I with Stella?"

"Only if you get one with Sarah and I with Jude," Brendon replied with a smile as he stood up and set his beer down. Josh and Tyler have been really close with Brendon and his wife, Sarah, for a long time and were really excited when Tyler and Josh got approved to adopt a few months after Sarah found out she was pregnant.

"Deal," Tyler handed him the camera as he took Josh's hand and led them towards their daughter.

"Please don't do anything embarrassing if you're gonna show these at my graduation," Stella joked.

"Oh we're only using the embarrassing ones at your graduation," Josh replied, wrapping his arm around Tyler's waist.

"Smile," Brendon said and the three did as they were told. He took a few different shots and Tyler had to approve them before the other family took their pictures.

Once they were finished, the kids said their goodbyes. "Jude have my daughter home as soon as the dance ends and don't try anything on the way home either   Just because you can drive doesn't mean you can–"

"Tyler I swear on my life I won't try anything with Stella. She's just my friend. Besides, I have a girlfriend and the only reason I'm not going with her is because she has mono," Jude smiled at his friend's dad, mostly in assurance.

"Wow thanks for making me feel special," Stella rolled her eyes playfully.

"If you guys wanna go do something after go ahead just be back by midnight so we can kick your parents out of the house," Josh told them. "Have fun."

"Hey!" Brendon called making everyone laugh.

"Bye guys, love you!" The two teenagers called before walking out the door and leaving the parents alone.

"I can't believe my daughter is going to her first school dance with an older boy," Tyler dramatically wiped a fake tear from his eye.

"Ty," Sarah laughed. "He's just in the grade above her."

"I know but it's different when your only child is a girl. You guys still have Axl and he's only in sixth grade," Tyler sat down the couch next to Brendon. "Time flies y'know. She's gonna be leaving for some fancy college before we know it and Josh and I are gonna be by ourselves."

"Babe," Josh sat down next to him. "We still have four years and those are gonna fly by but that's still a long time. Stop being a sap, it'll be okay. I promise," he smiled reassuringly.

"Yeah yeah," Tyler waved him away. "Just go get the cards so we can entertain ourselves while we wait for them to get back so I can interrogate their son."


age 16 - eleventh grade

It was a Saturday morning at nine thirty as the Dun family sat around the table, eating the breakfast that Tyler and Josh made together. Josh was replying to emails on his phone, Tyler was reading some news article on his phone, and Stella was texting someone on her, well, phone.

"Do you have any plans tonight, honey?" Tyler spoke up, setting his phone down since he finished the article.

"Yeah, actually," Stella replied as she locked her device as well. Josh did the same, not wanting to be rude to the rest of his family.

"What're you up to?" Josh asked, taking a drink of his orange juice.

"I have a date."

Josh almost spit out his orange juice and began coughing on it, prompting Tyler to take the glass from him and hit his back lightly. Once he had calmed down he looked at his daughter with wide eyes. "You have a date? You've never had a date before. Who's the date with?"

"A girl named Reagan."

"A girl...?" Tyler gave her a surprised look.

"Yes I said she was a girl. Don't make it weird," Stella took a bite of her bacon.

"Well, honey we just didn't know you were..." Josh began.

"Bi. And I didn't think it was a big deal. I mean you guys are two married dudes. I didn't think it was necessary to come out," she replied once swallowing her food.

"Well no it's obviously not a big deal," Tyler said. "We're just a little taken aback with how casual that was. We're happy for you honey. Thanks for telling us."

"Mhm," Stella stood up and took her plate to the sink to rinse and load it. "She's coming to pick me up at 7. We're going to go get pizza and then we're gonna go to the End of Summer Festival in town since it's supposed to be nice out tonight."

"Do you need any money?" Josh asked.

"Yes, please," Stella loaded her plate into the dishwasher and sent a smile to her father. "I don't wanna make her pay for everything."

"Yeah of course, here," he stood up and got his wallet off of the counter. "Will forty be enough?"

"Josh that's kind of a–" Tyler began.

"Shush honey it's her first date I'd give her a million dollars if I could now that we know she's not totally repulsive."

"Dad!" She gasped, trying to hide the smile on her face as she took the two twenty from his hands. "Now I'm not bringing you back change," she called as she began walking up the steps to her room.

"Good maybe you can buy a new attitude with it," Josh yelled back making Tyler laugh.

"I hate you!"

"I love you too!"


age 22 - adulthood

"Oh my God it's so good to see you, baby," Tyler brought his daughter into a hug as she stepped through the door. She was coming to visit her fathers for their weekly dinner but Tyler was going insane without her in the house even though she's been gone for five years, four of them states away in a college in Florida.

"Hey, Papa," she hugged him back just as tight as he held her. She wouldn't admit it but she missed them just as much as they missed her.

"Don't steal all the love," Josh cut in, pulling his daughter away from his husband. "Hey, honey. How are you?"

"Same as I was when you called me yesterday after work," she laughed, tucking a piece of blonde hair behind her ears.

"Shush. At least I care about you," Josh waved her aside. "And don't let me forget my favorite person in the whole world," he hugged the man that had been standing next to Stella.

"Hey!" Stella and Tyler said at the same time, making all four people laugh.

"How are you, Lance?" Josh asked.

"I'm fine thank you," the mentioned replied. "It's always nice to see you."

"Same goes to you, kid."

"Dad stop trying to steal my f– boyfriend," Stella said, a slight blush appearing on her face.

"What? He's cute," Josh joked.

"Joshua!" Tyler hit his arm playfully before walking into the kitchen, Josh following.

"I'm so sorry for what you got yourself into," Stella smiled at Lance.

"No I love your parents they're way cooler than mine," he assured.

"You're just saying that cause you want pus—"

"Don't finish that sentence!" Tyler hollered from the kitchen making the two young adults laugh. They walked into the room as well, instantly hit with the smell of Stella's favorite food.

"Did you really make pizza rolls? Hell yeah!" Stella said excitedly.

"Yes I did because I honestly didn't wanna cook so dinner is pizza rolls and salad bon appetite," Tyler explained as he carried over a bowl of salad and tongs.

"Is water okay for everyone?" Josh asked from where he stood by the cup cabinet. The whole room chorused 'yes' and he went to work filling up four glasses with ice water.

Once everyone was sitting down, they began eating, Stella making sure to keep her left hand in her lap. About halfway through dinner Lance nudged his girlfriend and she cleared her throat. "Dad, Papa, I have some news for you," she began. They instantly looked at her with wide eyes.

"Are you pr–" Josh started.

"No! God, no!" Stella quickly shook her head. "We are not ready for kids. I still eat pizza rolls we are definitely not ready for kids."

"What is it then?" Tyler pressed.

Stella grabbed Lance's left hand with her right (the pizza rolls grease already wiped off on a napkin) and stuck her left hand out. The two men noticed the band around her fourth finger with a small diamond adoring it. They both gasped at the same time and Tyler even put his hand on his heart. "We're engaged," Stella smiled happily.

Josh's heart melted at the sight. Stella and Lance had only been dating for three years, the two meeting in their sophomore year of college, but he knew as soon as he met the boy he and his daughter were soulmates.

"Dad, are you crying?" Stella asked softly.

"No," Josh sniffled and wiped his eye. "I just have an eyelash in my eye," he cleared his throat.

"Dad," Stella laughed and got up to hug him. "It's okay."

"I know I'm just so happy for you," he replied, hugging her back.

"Tyler are you okay?" Lance asked his fiancé's father.

"Yep," he replied shortly, tears welling in his eyes. "It's just dry in here," he coughed.

"You guys are the worst," Stella shook her head jokingly.

"We love you too," Tyler and Josh said simultaneously, smiling despite the tears in their eyes. Their daughter really had turned into the woman they always wanted he to be and they couldn't be more proud.

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