My Stupid Senior (Troyler AU)

Por SoobinsEuphoria

565K 21.3K 20K

Would you know that you and another person are meant to be if he lived in the same room as you? In most cases... Más

Chapter 1//Troye
Chapter 2//Troye
Chapter 4//Troye
Chapter 5//Troye
Chapter 6//Tyler
Chapter 7//Troye
Chapter 8//Tyler
Chapter 9//Troye
Chapter 10//Troye
Chapter 11//Troye
Chapter 12//Troye
Chapter 13//Troye
Chapter 14//Troye
Chapter 15//Troye
Chapter 16//Troye
Chapter 17//Troye
Chapter 18//Troye
Chapter 19//Troye
Chapter 20//Troye
Chapter 21//Austin
Chapter 22//Tyler
Chapter 23//Troye
Chapter 24//Troye
Chapter 25//Troye
Chapter 26//Troye
Chapter 27//Austin
Chapter 28//Connor
Chapter 29//Troye
Chapter 30//Tyler
Chapter 31//Troye
Chapter 32//Tyler
Chapter 33//Troye
Chapter 34//Troye
Chapter 35//Troye
Chapter 36//Troye
Chapter 37//Tyler
Chapter 38//Troye
Chapter 39//Troye
Chapter 40//Troye
Chapter 41//Tyler
Chapter 42//Connor
Chapter 43//Troye
Chapter 44//Troye
Chapter 45//Tyler
Chapter 46//Troye
Chapter 47//Troye
Chapter 48//Troye
Chapter 49//Tyler
Chapter 50//Troye
Chapter 51//Troye
Chapter 52//Troye
Chapter 53//Troye
Chapter 54//Troye
Chapter 55//Troye
Chapter 56//Tyler
Chapter 57//Troye
Chapter 58//Troye
Chapter 59//Tyler
Chapter 60//Troye

Chapter 3//Troye

15.2K 447 446
Por SoobinsEuphoria



I'm lying on my bed scrolling through Tumblr, for the moment, forgetting about Tyler. I'm laughing at the funny posts snuggled up in my blanket. That lasts about twenty minutes before Tyler decides to make an appearance.

I hear the rattling of the doorknob and I hope that it's Connor because I need to talk to him about this situation. Connor always knows what I need to hear. He knows how to access the situation and come up with the best possibilities.

A familiar purple quiff pops through the door and crushes my dreams. Why do I have to share a room with him? Four classes are already too much. This is going to be a long year.

"Hi Troye." Tyler says pulling his laptop out from under his bed. That's an odd storage place. He looks up at my screen and I close my laptop not wanting him to see my Tumblr. Who knows what could pop up on my dashboard? I don't want Tyler to think I'm some porn addicted freak.

"Hi Tyler." I say in a not to friendly voice, sitting up and pulling my laptop onto my lap so it's facing away from him. I open my laptop again and he smirks at me, this boy, too attractive for his own good I swear to god.

"Why are you hiding your Tumblr? Do you think there is too much porn for me?" he asks looking up at me smiling. I blush bright red not replying because I don't know how to. Damn I need to talk to Connor about how to talk to Tyler. "I'm a Tumblr person, too. No need to worry, Troye Sivan." My heart has a weird reaction that I don't like to him calling me by two names. What the fuck is wrong with you, Troye? This is not you. What the fuck is this stupid senior doing to you?

"Sometimes I wonder if you hear the things I say to you." I mutter and I flinch as his loud laughing rings through the room. Why does he have to be so appealing? Okay maybe that laugh isn't all that appealing but still. I don't want to let myself feel anything for him. Maybe we can be friends, maybe.

"I definitely hear everything you say to me. I just choose to ignore some of your requests." he looks at his screen for a few minutes curling up in his blankets. Okay he looks kind of adorable. I kind of just want to snuggle up next to-. Troye stop. "So are you just going to sit there and stare at me or are we going to talk?"

Tyler looks up at me and I frown in displeasure at his somewhat demanding tone. I wonder why he is so persistent. Why does he want to talk to me? I'm just a sophomore. A choir and Theatre need no less. Tyler Oakley and I might as well not be the same species when looked at by our schoolmates. Sure he is a part of my theatre and now my choir but he has other groups of friends.

"I'm not too keen to talk to my roommates after what happened last year. Who knows what you'll use against me? Especially since you're head of the school," I don't look at his face as I talk to him. I study the pattern on my blanket. It's a pretty nice blanket. Trusting him is going to be a hard task if I ever decide to do that. I feel like he might be the kind of guy Marcus is minus the beating the crap out of people. Tyler uses his words not his fists...well most of the time.

"I know those ass hats you paired with last year broke your promise but I am not them. I understand if don't want to tell me things because you don't like me but I am always here if you need help. I look out for my roommates, especially ones who are younger than me. I know you don't want to trust me because of my horrible reputation with guys but I swear on my lilac hair dye-"

"Oh shits getting serious." I interrupt . He rolls his eyes and continues as if he wasn't interrupted.

"That whatever you tell me in this room stays between us and vice versa." Hmm he seems genuine but just in case I'm not telling him anything too secretive. I don't want the whole school to know any more about me then they already do. They already know too much.

"Alright then let's be completely honest with each other until the dinner bell rings." Tyler looks up at me trying to judge if I'm serious or not. It's not like me to start something like this, I think i surprised Tyler . I can tell he doesn't believe me so I ask him, "Why do you need help in maths?"

"Did you just say that plural? It's math, Weird Australians." He mutters then thinks for a moment. Why does he have to think about this? Is he coming up with some clever lie? "It's just never been my strong subject. I'm much better at English and science. I'm guessing you and I are math partners then?" I nod and he nods back like this is important information. Tyler Oakley knows every rumour and piece of gossip in the school. He knows everything there is to know about what is happening at JMA. "How far have you gone with a guy?"

"Hand job." I say after a few minutes of deliberation my face heating up and changing shades. I shouldn't have told him that but it's not like I told him who gave it to me. That's something worth telling. I hear a little huh leave Tyler's lips. He thought that I've never done anything sexual. He's almost right. I gather myself and ask him, "How many people have you had sex with?"

"You're not going to believe Me." he says running a hand through his hair. Has he slept with so many people that he thinks I won't believe his number? I raise an eyebrow at him telling him to try me. "Four."

"I can think of at least fifteen people that have said they have slept with you." I say looking down at him in total disbelief. I thought we agreed to be truthful. Everybody knew Tyler Oakley  for his player persona. That is what Tyler's reputation runs on. If he didn't have that he'd be a theatre nerd like me.

"Are you going to let me explain or are you going to interrupt me?" he looks a bit nervous fiddling with the edge of his blanket. Does his nervousness mean he's lying? Or is he nervous to tell me the truth?

"Please enlighten me." I say sliding down so I'm on Connor's bed and at the same level as him. He fiddles with a piece of his hair that won't go into place and takes a deep breath. I have a feeling whatever he is about to tell he hasn't told anyone else. I feel like he isn't going to lie to me.

"I have had three relationships that I thought were serious, Jason Mencer, Travis Hall and Austin Rance. I had sex with those three guys and Austin Moore, who took my virginity. I'm sure you know at least a few of those people. I haven't had sex with anyone since November 21st of last year. All those people that have had sex with me haven't. I'll date them and have a good make out session but I don't have sex with someone unless I care about them." he looks over at me trying to gauge my reaction. I don't look too shocked because I've had lots of practice with managing my facial expressions. I like to eavesdrop on people's conversations so I have to be able to keep a straight face when they are talking about what I heard already. "I go along with it because it helps my reputation and theirs even if they end up heartbroken sometimes. I don't like doing that to people but it's inevitable."

"People like me wouldn't think you were such a jerk of you just told them that." I say meeting his eyes for a second before they flit away to the walls. I feel vulnerable when I say that for some reason. I feel small and unprotected. People would still love Tyler if he told people that. I mean Tyler is attractive and has a great personality when he's not being super popular Tyler. I've seen him let his guard down a few times.

"People like you?" he questions and I look into his eyes confused before I answer him. It took me a moment to realize what he meant. He doesn't understand that unpopular people think of themselves as a different kind of people.

"Not popular people. People who stick to themselves for fear of getting beat up and harassed." Tyler gives me a look that looks like he's concerned and he moves around under his blanket. Why does he look so concerned? It's his friends that are doing it.

"No one has harassed you since you got here, right?" Tyler asks sitting up straighter. Why does he look like he cares so much? I keep a calm face that says 'I don't care' and answer him.

"People are whispering when I walk by but nothing bad has happened." I watch Tyler shift positions relaxing back against the wall. He looks like he's thinking hard about something. I don't want to know what he's thinking about.

I hear the dinner bell ring and Tyler tries throws his blanket aside but he gets tangled up in it earning a laugh from me. He smiles at my laugh and I force my face into an angry pout as I walk out of my room. I don't need Tyler freaking Oakley staring at me like that.

I find Connor in the dining hall and sit next to him as I begin to fill my plate. How do I explain what the dining hall looks like? I guess as stupid as this sounds it's kind of like at Hogwarts. We have long tables and the cooks set lots of different foods on the tables. It's still like your typical high school cafeteria though. The cliques all have their sections of tables or tables.

"Why is Tyler Oakley staring at you?" Connor asks pointing at Tyler, who is sitting at the other end of our table, with his fork. Connor takes a huge bite of Macaroni and looks at me for a reply. Does he think I have the answer to this?

"Tyler is our roommate. I have four classes with him..." I explain to Connor what has happened between me and Tyler today leaving out the stuff we said in our room. I want to honour the promise I made even if he doesn't. I don't want to be that guy. I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of that. I look over to where Tyler is sitting. He's sitting with five people I have heard quite a lot about.

Joe Sugg is the only person in the entire JMA student history that can hang out with whatever social group he wants and not get tormented. He doesn't join clubs related to certain social groups to avoid conflict. He somehow managed to have peace with everyone. No one knows how he does it but there are a lot of conspiracies.

Sitting on Tyler's right is his best friend, now that Marcus is gone, Zoe Sugg. She is the literal definition of fashionista. She hangs out with the popular kids but she also likes the theatre kids. She helps us with hair and makeup for our productions. She's quite fond of me for some reason and she always tells me I have beautiful hair and eyes, She's a sweet girl.

Sitting next to Zoe is Alfie Deyes. He is the nicest guy you will ever meet despite being one of the most popular kids in school. People like to refer to Zoe and Alfie as Zalfie. They are the ultimate power couple and everyone talks about them all the time. Zalfie is the most talked about couple followed by anyone Tyler's with. The students here like to make up ship names for the couple's. What would Tyler's and mine be? Tryler? Tyroye? Troyler? EW no Troye stop.

Next to Alfie are the Harries twins, also known as Jack and Finn. These two boys are the definition of over achievers. They are captains of the soccer, cross country, basketball and tennis teams. They are juniors taking all AP classes while still being part of the student council and president of the two leader ship clubs. How they make time to sit with Tyler Oakley for dinner I have no idea.

"I think Tyler might have a thing for you, Not just a Tyler Oakley thing either, A real thing." I feel like that would make no sense to anyone else. It makes perfect sense to me though. Connor thinks Tyler has a legitimate crush on me not just a fuck it then Chuck it thing. Has Connor been taking some new medication that makes him delusional?

"Whatever you say, Con Da Bon." I say shaking my head as I take a bite of my macaroni. I don't want to get my hopes up because I know they'll end up crushed. I hate romance so much but at the same time it's all I want. Ugh why do emotions have to exist?

"No but the way he's looking at you and his refusal to leave you be. That has to mean something." Connor takes a drink of his chocolate milk, the only thing he every drinks at dinner time. Yep Connor is definitely on some new medication he hasn't told me about. This boy is tripping balls.

"Connor we haven't even had our actual first day yet. I'm not going to do anything about this. I'm just going to ride the wave and see where it takes me." Connor rolls his eyes at me and I change the topic asking him about his day. I'm distracted by the purple quiff in my peripherals as Connor speaks to me. Shit Connor's going to notice.

"Troye will you stop worrying about Tyler Oakley and listen to me for a minute." he says as we leave the dining room together. We walk outside into the cooling August night and I blush at Connor catching me.

"I am not worrying about Tyler Oakley." I say doing my best to sound offended. Connor thinks I'm at least a bit genuine because he continues his story from earlier. He's telling me about some party he went to in Italy this summer when we walk into the room.

Connor looks over at Tyler's bed then at the bunk bed. He looks at his blankets on the bottom bunk and says, "Troye will you trade me bunks?"

His lips fall into a pout as he wraps his blanket around his shoulders. He looks so adorable I can't say no to him. I take my things off the top bunk and throw them on the long bottom bunk. It's one of those bunks that are wider than the top one so I'm not complaining.

"Are you going to do the stupid first night lake run?" I ask Connor as I pull pictures out of my suitcase to hang on my wall. There is this tradition here at JMA where the most popular people and their roommates swim in the lake at midnight. Here's the catch though. Swimming in the lake at any time other than the designated times was forbade by the DA. Every year they find a new way to sneak down to the lake. There is only one person that even tries to stop them anymore. That's the ground keeper, Tim. He's a mean old man who loves to make kids miserable. If he catches any of us that person will most likely get expelled. it's worth it though.

"Maybe, Depends, if Oakley asks us to come or not." Connor says making his bed. When he's finished he looks down at my face. Is he a fucking an idiot? He could get expelled. Connor loves JMA so much. Why would he even think about risking it?

"You could get expelled!" I say in a harsh whisper as I tape a picture of me and my little brother, Tyde, to the wall. I look up at Connor and he shrugs. I roll my eyes and go back to my task. It's about fifteen minutes before Tyler walks into the room. He gives Connor a pointed look to get down on the same level as us and Connor scrambles down the ladder.

"You both know about the first night JMA tradition right?" Tyler says a little louder than a whisper. He doesn't want to get caught by the DA. We nod our heads at him. Everyone knows about the first night lake run even the freshies. "Well you know it's the most popular people and their roommates. So you guys are coming whether you want to or not. I don't want to be the loser who couldn't convince his roommates to come."

We nod at him and he gives us approving looks. He looks at me for longer than he looks at Connor and I feel my heart start to do that annoying fluttery thing again.

"You aren't as lame as I thought you were." Tyler says a small smile playing on his lips. "You guys have to be the most daring with me. It's a big competition between rooms and we have to win. It's my senior year. You have to help me win."

"Okay." Connor and I say in synch still looking at Tyler. A few thoughts cross my mind but one sticks there.

Guess I'm going midnight swimming with Tyler Oakley.



What's going to go down at the night swim?????


I'm going to try something new!! I'm going to be recommending a Troyler fan fiction whenever I have a good one for you!!

So I found 'Friends With benefits' by 6isit6 here on Wattpad a few months ago and I fell in love!! It is the most amazing fanfiction I have ever read. It's really smutty obviously but it is also really deep and emotional too. It's really really really amazing and you should check it out!!

Another note: I have another fanfiction called '50 Shades of Slay'. if you haven't read that it's finished and you should check it out because that would mean the world to me.

Love you sugar lips!!!


Edited at 10:09AM


by cydneyjanexx

Twitter: @hipster_sivan

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