The Knights of Grimm - Act 1...

By Cosmic_Fictions

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Team RWBY are reunited at Haven Academy, planning their next move against Cinder and Salem, when a new enemy... More

Chapter 1 - Haven Academy
Chapter 2 - The New White Fang
Chapter 3 - Kassius Locke
Chapter 4 - Rebellion
Chapter 5 - Fury
Chapter 6 - Mistakes
Chapter 7 - The Meeting
Chapter 8 - Fear and Loss
Chapter 9 - The Fable of the Four Knights
Chapter 10 - Memoriam
Chapter 11 - Punishment
Chapter 12 - Searching for Winter
Chapter 13 - Callows
Chapter 14 - Corvi Et Mortem
Chapter 15 - Family
Chapter 16 - Parents
Chapter 17 - Fallen Idols
Chapter 18 - Extinction
Chapter 19 - The Cowardly Lion
Chapter 20 - The Battle of Mistral - Pt. 1
Chapter 22 - The Battle of Mistral - Pt. 3
Chapter 23 - An Eye For An Eye

Chapter 21 - The Battle of Mistral - Pt. 2

95 3 4
By Cosmic_Fictions


His scythe digs through the black feathers of the Nevermore and he yells, his arms nearly ripped from their sockets as he is yanked from the collapsing ground from the warzone. Qrow roars in anger, holding onto the murderer of his beloved, the one he never realised was the Knight of Death at the time...just another Creature of Grimm at the time.

The Nevermore flaps its Lancaster Bomber sized wings with force, crushing buildings down as he flies. Death slashes his sword like talons at Qrow and he yells in anger. Qrow pulls down with his Scythe, all of his might being yanked into the handle of his Scythe, dragging the titan down with him. The Nevermore screeches, dropping down from the sky and crashing straight into the town beneath them.

Qrow rips the curved blade of his scythe clean from the gut of the Grimm, landing on his two feet. His Scythe transforms back into the huge sword that he carries and fights most often with. The Nevermore smashes straight through an entire street, the huge wings slicing through and toppling whole houses onto the ground. Black smoke erupts from the dark feathers of the enormous beast as it scrapes along the ground.

The body shrinks down, the bones crunching and feathers falling from the body as it morphs into the Knight of Death. Death drags the blade of his sword into the floor, the grassy decorative floor around him rotting away into dead blades of grass. His blood red eyes focus on the Huntsman who stands there. "After all of these was you." Qrow snarls, staring right at Death. Death rises, spinning his sword through his fingers as he stands there.

"The Summer Rose...You and she were joined..." Death chuckles menacingly and sadistically, if he had a face he would be smirking right now. Qrow grits his teeth, scowling straight at the Knight as he glares at him. He tightens his grip on his sword as he stands there. Death looks right at him, emotionlessly staring amidst the chaos. "You cannot stop extinction, Corvus." He says, calling him by an ancient translation of the word crow which sounds like an insult as well, since he refers to him as an animal, not as a human being. Qrow lifts the blade of his sword up, staring straight into the burning red eyes of the Knight of Death, anger in his red eyes.

" Qrow Branwen." Qrow growls. "You took Summer from her daughter...her stepdaughter, from her best friend...from me. I may not have known you were real at first...but I don't care about what the stories say." Qrow explains with animosity in his voice, still pointing his sword at Death across the road from him, Qrow's red cape blowing in the wind and Death's black one also blows as they have their standoff. "I will kill you for what you did." Qrow promises. Death chuckles menacingly, his wings spreading from his wings as he glares at the Branwen.

"Come then...Qrow Branwen..." Death snarls, holding his sword back to fight, armoured boot a step forward and his other hand clenched into a fist. "...have your resolution." He challenges coldly.

Qrow and Death glare at each other, both exceptionally skilled warriors, knowing that one of them must strike first to begin this fight. Qrow and him begin to circle one another as they walk; Death has precise footwork, as does Qrow. Thousands of years of combat have lead to this moment. Qrow and Death approach each other slowly and they both begin their bout. Death swings the blade of his Black Blade straight at Qrow and the Huntsman brings his sword directly up, creating a loud clang upon impact.

Death holds his sword, named Ferrum Arctus, the Sword of the Night. Qrow slashes the blade of his sword straight at Death, causing him to immediately counter it, lifting the blade coated in shadows upwards to deflect his attack, kicking him in his knee. Qrow grunts in pain but he immediately spins the sword across his feet. Death jumps up to avoid it, giving Qrow the time to avoid Ferrum Arctus as he drives it into the floor. Death bellows with animalistic rage, using the forces of nature itself to smash his sword into the ground, cracking the floor with force like an Earthquake is attacking the ground.

The Knight kicks Qrow straight in the chest, knocking him back on the ground and he throws Ferrum Arctus in the air, catching it by the hilt, pointing the sharp serrated edge down at him. Qrow rolls aside as Death stabs at the ground to kill him, but Qrow keeps on rolling and crawling back. The blade makes deathly bangs, smashing and penetrating through the tarmac with force, cracks spreading across the ground like ice being forced down.

Qrow performs a graceful back-flip, kicking the Knight up the chin, making him grunt as he staggers back. Qrow lands on both feet, turning to look at his sword on the ground. Qrow runs to the sword, grabbing it and now he has the upper hand, slashing the blade horizontally at Death, cutting across the armoured body, black smoke erupting from the wound. Death staggers back and he snarls in displeasure. Qrow immediately slides the blade right up Death's chest, but as always, every wound placed upon him is repaired immediately from his regeneration abilities.

Qrow presses the button that allows the cogs to gear into motion, making the blade fold down, the shotgun inside pointed right at the Shadow Knight. He launches a shell straight into his chest; the explosive round creates a powerful blast that sends him flying across the road, smashing straight through a parked car.

Death spreads his wings out as he lands, his feet dig into the road, tearing up the tarmac as the metal boots push further in the ground. He clenches his gauntleted fist tight, still staring at Qrow. He swings his wings to launch himself at the Huntsman. He ducks down and his semblance is finally helping him as a Fire Hydrant detonates when he flies towards him. The jet of water knocks him out of the air and now he falls towards Qrow.

Qrow pushes his sword upwards as Death falls at him and Death's wing meets the blade. The blade carves straight through, the feathers tearing and ripping as the huge sword slices straight through, the black smoke like blood as it pours from its lesion. Death crashes into the ground, covered in Hydrant Water. He pushes his sword into the ground and he looks up at Qrow.

The plates of metal covering the skull quiver slightly as he stands there, revealing some kind of weakness. He is unstable for some reason; the floating plates of metal that make up his body are quivering slightly. And then he looks at the lamppost that is flickering from the damage it has suffered. The light is shining upon him and as it does, the armour quivers, showing a weakness in him.

That's when it all comes together...

Death was weaker in the fight with Summer and him because it was during the day, and when they were fighting, Qrow saw a weakness in his back where the metal plates quivered exactly as they do here...And when he was destroyed when he and his sister fought him, it was by Summer unleashing a bright light upon him which destroyed him, and it was night time when they fought him as well.

His weakness is light itself, he is made up of darkness. Qrow looks at the light and then at Death, seeing him step out of it and back into the shadow of the night, the red eyes glowing brightly. "That's interesting." Qrow chuckles with a smirk.

"What did you say?" Death snarls demonically, his eyes glowing brighter with fire erupting through the gaps of the armour, showing that he does have rage like Fury, but he can control it, it is not constant like it is for him. Qrow smirks.

"Bad luck." He says, launching himself straight at Death, kicking him in the side of the head and back into the light. Death growls and the armour quivers, the shadows recede and Qrow begins his attacks, slashing at him over and over again as he stands in that light. Death blocks some attacks with his sword but Qrow slices across his chest plate. The blade cuts deep, and now darkness spills from the wound, at least while he is in the light.

Qrow continues to slash his sword at Death, carving the blade across the armour, golden sparks erupt upon impact, causing Death to grunt in anger form every attack. Death batters his blade against Qrow's, causing the huntsman to stagger slightly. Death continues to attack Qrow, swiftly swinging his sword at him, the huge blade slicing through cars as he walks towards him. Death scoops his hand underneath one of the cars and he lifts it up with ease. Death vociferates with vigour as he launches the car straight at Qrow. Qrow's eyes widen and he rolls out of the way, the heavy car crashes straight down into the floor with force, making the ground shake upon impact.

Pieces of metal snap and slide away from the impact radius, making Qrow place his hand on the floor. The bang from the crash landing of the car echoes through the street, Death stands tall, he has marks formed on his armour but he has stepped back in the shadows, darkness has regenerated his wounds. He is strongest in the dark, whilst in the light he is weak. His wings rise up from where they were, the darkness repairing the damage done to his wing. The feathers flex out and he stands tall.

Death throws himself high in the air, spinning round and throwing the fatal feathers down at Qrow. Qrow cartwheels backwards to dodge the spear like feathers as they plummet from the Fractured Moon that hangs in the sky. Qrow stands tall and one more comes flying towards him. Qrow catches his sword, bringing it forward with full force behind it, the blade carves straight through the feather, slicing it in half and causing the feather to fly right past him and smash straight into the building behind him. The imposing warrior smirks at Death the Knight lands before him. "Impressive." He admits to him, genuinely sounding impressed by him. "You actually put up a fight." He says.

But Qrow stops taunting Death with his smile, seeing the monster that took the love of his life away from him. Qrow stands ready, staring straight at Death. "I will kill that Silver Eyed girl." Death promises.

"You took her mom; you will not take her as well. If you want're gonna have to kill me as well." Qrow states, staring straight at the unending Grimm. Death points his sword to him as an honourable knight should, waiting for the fight to continue, that is what he does, and he wants a fight.

"Do you truly believe you can survive this?" Death scoffs as he looks at him.

"I know we can." Qrow snarls. Death chuckles, tipping his head back.

"Throughout the thousand years of my existence...all you Humans and Faunus are the same. You all think that you are the pinnacle of evolution, that your time has no limit, and that you can live forever!" Death scoffs. But then he just stands there, holding his sword forward. "The Dinosaurs thought so, too." He says coldly, creating one chilling picture for Qrow, as he is right.

Nothing lasts forever.

"It doesn't mean we can't die trying." Qrow snarls. Death chuckles.

" the whole point." He says. Death launches straight at Qrow, detonating the ground under his heavy boots, leaving a pair of craters in the tarmac. Qrow readies his sword and he jumps at Death as well, the two soar towards one another, continuing the fight.


Blake holds Gambol Shroud tight, pacing through the destroyed streets, and she sees her target. Vengeance flowing in her veins. Fury stands there, grabbing Yang by the throat and lifting her off the floor. Yang struggles, her aura being worn down by the flames on the monster's hands. The burning eyes glare straight at her, lava dripping from his jaws. Blake spins her sword through her fingers, staring at the monster that holds her best friend up by the throat, starting to actually burn her neck.

She clenches her hand into a fist. "Fury!" She yells at the top of her lungs. Fury stops, looking over his shoulder at her and a smirk forms on his face when he sees her, his eye still twitching from his uncontrollable anger.

"Belladonna..." He snarls.

He throws Yang aside, dropping her onto the floor, Yang coughs, catching her breath back. Fury drops his flaming tomahawks because he wants a good fight with her. Blake scowls at him, seeing the monster that murdered her parents right in front of her. She walks past the cars and Fury growls with a mad smirk. That smirk fades as the glowing red teeth of molten rock grit together and his eyes scrunch up as he barks in anger, accelerating into a jog and then into a full sprint as he charges like a Berserker at her.

He punches entire cars out of his way, engulfing them in fire, the ignition reduces them to dust and whatever was inside of them, embers floating away in the wind. Blake starts to run at him as well, that anger fuelling her as well. She vaults over the bonnets of cars to go after Fury and she jumps off the bonnet of a car, arising to jump at him with Gambol Shroud firmly in her hand, fire in her eyes.

Fury's flaming cape transforms into the huge burning wings of the Wyvern form that he can transform into. He swings his wings downwards, the thrust shatters the tarmac under his superheated body and he soars into the air, towards the young Faunus Girl.

He is so much bigger and stronger than her, he grabs her and she yelps, grabbing a hold of her as they both plummet into the abandoned cars beneath them. Fury smashes into a car, flattening it upon impact and he throws Blake across the street. She crashes into the road and tumbles, Gambol Shroud sliding out from her reach across the round. The ground cracks upon impact and Fury stands across the street from her, pressing his magma filled foot down on one of the roofs of the cars, the heat melts the metal and he pushes it down, staring at the dizzy girl as she stumbles around after doing many flips through the air from when she was thrown.

Her cat ears scrunch down when she stares at Fury, flashes of her parents being killed by him over and over again in her eyes. Fury creates an enraged laugh as he scowls at her. "Come on, kitty!" He roars across the street from her. She looks across the road and she sees Gambol Shroud there. She turns and she sees Fury stepping off from the car and he jogs towards her. But before he gets to her, she just stands there. He goes to grab her but she vanishes as his hand swipes through the Shadow Clone of her body.

Confused, he looks around in confusion. Blake shrieks with rage, jumping at Fury, landing on his chest and stabbing him in the chest over and over with Gambol Shroud. Fury grunts and he staggers back. She stabs him over and over again with the blade, cinders and lava bleeds from his wounds but the fire starts to repair them. He then collapses down when she stabs right into his head. She stabs him over and over again with great force, smashing him into the road, creating loud bangs from each impact. The ground cracks from the impacts.

Blake grabs him by his burning face, so much adrenaline in her that she does not even feel the burning that is hurting her as well. She pushes the blade through the side of his head, hoping to kill him. But he chuckles menacingly after she rips it out.

Lava drips from the side of his head, solidifying into obsidian. He glares right into her eyes. "Your mother fought harder than that!" He taunts with an unhallowed bark. Blake's eyes widen in anger and she screeches with vengeance to stab him in the head again, despite the fact that it has not done anything to him. Fury launches his knee up into her chest, partially knocking the wind out of her and actually making her body bounce in the air.

He immediately grabs her by the back of her neck, standing up and he whirls round, hauling her along with him. He howls as he throws her straight into a building. The windows shatter upon impact and the lights inside flicker out as she lands inside. She bounces across the floor inside, coughing in pain. Fury growls and he jogs towards the building, his Wyvern Wings spreading out, launching himself up the side of the building to get to the crater where she was thrown into.

He lands inside the building, looking around with furious eyes. He slowly walks into the apartment, his eyes examining the rooms. The bed has been flipped over from where the wall completely collapsed and he takes every step slowly. The floor begins to set on fire from the steps he takes; the carpet is flammable from the presence of a burning monster like him. He opens his fire coated hands and there is a vortex of fire formed in his palm, shaping into the form of his burning Hatchet.

He catches it; the same occurs with his other hand. He starts going into a frenzy of manic violence, slashing the molten axe blades everywhere, cutting the bed in half, and therefore igniting it. All this to just find Blake. Blake sneaks round him, holding Gambol Shroud close to her body, her feline amber eyes watching him as he walks around, smashing the place up. The fire dances around, consuming the entire room that they are inside of. But when he is not looking, Blake runs at him from behind and she jumps onto his back, pushing the blade of Gambol Shroud into his spine.

He erupts into rage, staggering around, slicing his axes around the room as he tries to find her. She pushes both feet against his back, performing a back-flip. She catches the Magnum attachment of her gun on the Katana. She fires the gun at his back, sending the bullets straight into his spine as she lands on both feet. Fury turns with animalistic furore in his glowing orange eyes, turning round and bringing both axes towards her. She ducks down as they cut clean through the desk beside her and narrowly missing her long black hair. He continues to thrash at her and she jumps onto his forearm as he smashes the axe into the ground, causing the floor to ripple and buckle upon impact. She runs up his arm and she slashes her sheath across his face and then pulls back on his neck.

Fury roars in anger, but they both unexpectedly feel the floor crumble underneath them. The floor collapses and the two of them plummet into the other floor beneath them. Blake manages to push away from Fury before he crushes her when landing on the ground. He stands back up, setting the whole place on fire as his wings erupt from his back, cutting through the walls as he stands there. He slashes round, the sharp wings act as Katanas, and he nearly cuts the room in half from his aggressive attack that shoots a stream of flames towards Blake. But luckily she ducked down at the perfect possible moment, the bolt of flames burns straight into the wall behind her.

Blake sprints at him as he stands there and she goes to drop kick him, which was a rushed decision made from the environmental effect his presence has on people, making them make hasty decisions. He catches her by her ankle and throws her through the window. The glass shatters and she falls right onto a car. She dents the roof down, shattering the glass on impact. She moans in pain, grabbing her side and feeling blood, only now does she see her purple aura wearing off. It will come back eventually...but she doesn't have eventually.

Fury drops down from the apartment that they were just inside and he tightens his grip on his axe as he approaches her, lifting it up in the air to kill her. "Why don't you join them?" He snarls in aggression.

But to her incredible surprise, a red blade suddenly slashes up the wrist of Fury, cutting his hand clean off and he explodes into agonised rage. He staggers back and stares at who did it.

The man stands tall with his black trench coat and the red rose on his shoulder. He wields Wilt and Blush in his hand and he glares at Fury. Fury stares back at him. Blake's eyes widen...either from shock, confusion or anger. She can't tell, but right now he had just saved her life. Yang runs over and she gasps when she sees Adam stood there, and she has a similar reaction, one of which where she does not know what to do about this. Fury stands there and his hand begins to grow back, fire erupting out from the stump, forming the cracked obsidian hand of Fury, clenching into a tight fist. "Adam?" She questions in utter bewilderment, he was the last person she expected to save her. Yang runs over to Blake, helping her up.

"Traitor..." Fury growls in rage.

"You have been slaughtering my people." Adam growls, pointing the tip of Wilt and Blush straight at Fury, gritting his teeth. "That is not something I am going to let you finish." He snarls. Fury chuckles maniacally.

"Then you can die with them!" He roars in rage. He sprints straight at Adam, slashing one of his Axes at him after forming another in his hand that has just regenerated. Adam steps aside, swinging Wilt and Blush up the back of Fury, making Fury growl in pain and anger, his eyes widening from rage as he staggers forward. Adam looks at them, noticing Ruby and Weiss running over.

In the background, Ren, Jaune and Nora are fighting a bunch of Grimm with Neptune shooting his rifle from where he is laying on the truck, still trying to fight. Winter battles them as well. Fury stares at the four of them and then at Adam.

"We can discuss things later." Adam states.

Yang stares at him in anger, clenching her cybernetic hand into a fist but Ruby grabs her arm. "He can help us take him down, and if he wants to help, we should at least hear him out." Ruby explains. Fury takes a step back, fire erupting across his body, repairing the wounds around his body, returning his form back to full functionality despite the battle that Blake just had with him.

"He took friends from me too." Adam says, clearly referencing her parents and she gets back up, and her aura is starting to regenerate. She picks up Gambol Shroud. In an unexpected turn of events, Adam stands with Team R.W.B.Y to fight Fury. The loss of so many White Fang members has brought something Blake believed to be long gone in the man.

A soul.


The young man sprints with Kassius and Sun; as he ducks down to avoid the slash of a Beowulf's claws. He immediately spirals round and smashes his cane right across the huge Lycan-Like monster's face. It staggers back from that impact, thick black smoke flows from the wound it has suffered with an aggressive snarl. He spins the cane round and he stabs it straight through the beast's ribcage, which finally delivers the killing blow. The Beowulf roars in pain as the cloud of smoke pours like blood from the wound it has suffered.

Oscar turns his head when he hears the terrified screams of the civilians that are under attack from Fear right now. His very presence is enough to poison their minds with nightmares. "Keep moving, Oscar!" Kassius says, bounding over the bonnet of a car as they run with him. Oscar has sweat beading down his face as he runs as fast as he can. "Don't stop!" Kassius shouts when he sees Loss sprinting across the Rooftops to their left, shooting arrows at them every now and then.

The arrows dart past them, slamming into the ground, vibrating erratically as the hit the ground, the Nevermore Feathers that help them travel flutter on the end of it. Loss leaps off the edge of the building, landing down in front of Oscar, cracking the tarmac in front of him, making him stagger but he keeps on running, feeling tears leak from his eyes as he runs past the Knight of Sorrow, despite the fact that he is not scared. Loss grabs her bow, taking it in both hands and pulling it in half.

The Bow is actually a pair of Tonfas connected together that she can use in close-quarters combat. She slashes them straight at Oscar as he runs and Kassius slashes Lash Equinox straight at her. She lifts her bladed Tonfa up, clanging upon impact. She scrapes her blade up, sparks erupting up from the two blades scraping and she kicks Kassius in the chest. Oscar keeps running, looking back as Kassius and Sun fight Loss.

"Get to the civvies!" Sun yells to Oscar as they battle against the Knight of Loss.

Loss ducks back when Sun swings Ruyi Jingu Bang at her in staff form. He flicks it and it comes apart into the Nunchuck form, firing the Shotgun Shells at her. She takes a couple rounds into her back and she spins round, slicing her Tonfas at him, the impact launches Sun backwards, his Aura not yet eviscerated.

She kicks Kassius across the face, knocking his Stetson from his head and he groans in annoyance. "I love that hat!" He yells, firing his Vulcan Nox at her. She slashes the Tonfas across his chest but she retreats, she is more effective at long range than in close quarters combat.

She turns and she warps into the form of the Mourning Dove, flying away from the fight. Sun and Kassius look at each other, and then they realise...she only attacked them to split the three of them up.

It was a trap.

Oscar sprints to where he heard the civilians and he looks around, and his eyes widen with confusion. And then it changes to horror when it hits him...

The civilians...

Are already dead...

The screams they heard were either survivors, or something far more menacing. That is when he hears the screams yet again, as he turns the corner and sees so many dead bodies scattered on the ground. Slashed and carved by the scythe of Formido Falcem, some with Crossbow Bolts lodged into their bodies in places. But there is no sign of Fear, but the sounds of those screams now do not sound natural.



Like it is mimicking the sound of their screams. And that is when he hears the chilling laugh of the Knight of Fear that echoes through the air. "Oh dear...looks like you walked right into my trap." Fear chortles menacingly as Oscar looks around, his hands are shaking with terror with Ozpin's cane in both his hands.

"What have you done?" Oscar screams with anguish in his voice, never feeling so defeated in his life.

Fear laughs softly, deeply intimidating him. He approaches the edge of the town, the trees of the woods are not very far away from him now. He pants, feeling his lungs on fire as he runs, but he doesn't notice his hairs standing on end from the adrenaline that is pumping through his veins. "I freed these good people from the shackles that bound them to this world – and now I will take that precious little cane in your hands." He whispers around him, which raises questions for him.

"What could you possibly want with it?" Oscar questions, but Fear chuckles again.

"Seems dear old Oz didn't tell you, did he? What hides inside that cane?" He asks him curiously.

But before he can continue, Oscar gasps with terror from what flies towards him. Suddenly the massive undead bat form of Fear comes flying through the clouds towards Oscar, shrieking deafeningly loud at him, nearly bursting his eardrums. He huge rotten membrane that comprises his wings wraps around the body and the horrific crunching sound of bones snapping erupts from it. He spins through the air as his beastly bat body mutates, humanoid legs and arms stretching out from where they hid in his form, and his head folds out from between his shoulders and the Bat head splits in two, forming his shoulders with the skull and jaw bones. The wings form the robes that he wears, the poncho of rotten flesh in fact.

The Knight lands right in front of Oscar, scraping across the road, grabbing his hood and pulling it over his head. Carrion flies buzz around his body and he grabs his Scythe in his back, ripping it out and swinging it straight at Oscar with a maniacal laugh. Oscar crawls back in fear as Fear approaches him, his golden eyes glaring down at him.

Out of the blue a bullet clips the side of Fear's face, making him stagger backwards. The Knight barks in anger, turning to see Kassius and Sun returning to help Oscar. "Take cover, Oscar!" Kassius calls, throwing one of his Lash Equinox Blades into Fear's shoulder, piercing straight through the skin robes that he wears. But as he staggers round, he grabs the Crossbow on his back, pointing it at Kassius with one hand, firing the bolt straight at him.

The bolt explodes at his feet, creating a blast of fear gas that throws him into the air. Kassius bounces across the ground and he shudders. Fear grabs Lash Equinox in his arm, throwing it on the floor. Oscar does as he said, hiding underneath a car as he battles Sun and Kassius. Sun smashes Ruyi Jingu Bang across Fear's face, but it has little effect, just making him stagger and he roars in anger, thrusting his skeletal hand forward, unleashing a swarm of flies towards him.

The flies start shredding his Aura down. Kassius tries to fight the hallucinations from the gas by shooting Vulcan Nox at Fear but he launches the flies at him as well. Oscar shakes in fear as Fear stands there. The bat wings suddenly fold out from his spine that can be seen amongst the rotten skin. Fear creates a haunting howl as the black smoke surrounds him as he lifts into the air, transforming back into Bat form, and flying away from the scene. The two collapse, weakened from that one attack that Fear has just placed on them.

Sun groans in pain, blood leaking from his mouth as the flies abandon him. "Oscar...get...get out of here...quick..." Sun begs. Oscar stands there, but he hesitantly leaves them behind, turning and running to the woods as fast as he can.

The very same place they told the civilians to go.

If any of them are still alive.

When he runs, he looks at the Fractured Moon, shuddering when he sees the Bat circling back around, the shadowy outline passing across the moon to come back at him, the golden eyes fixed on him.

"Oh no...oh no!" He stammers in fear.

"Keep calm, Oscar." Ozpin advises.

"That's easy for you to say!" Oscar argues as he runs past the trees. The Bat glides towards the woods, the wings smashing some of the trees down as he arrives, transforming back into his Knight form. He lands on the ground, looking around with his glowing gold eyes. He smirks maniacally.

"Ooh...a little game of hide a seek, huh? I like a fun game." He snarls. "Ready or I come." He says, walking around the woods. Oscar hides behind one of the trees and his hairs are still on end as Fear walks around, hunched over and using his Scythe like a walking stick. The sound of the bones moving is horrible, like crunching rocks constantly being scraped across one another from every movement. As Oscar listens, he can hear the faint screams of terror of the souls of those who have been claimed by him under his raspy breath as he walks. "Come now...don't be shy...step into the moonlight." He advises, looking around. He snarls deeply as he walks. He takes his staff and slices a tree clean in half to see if he is there or not. He looks over the stump and finds nothing.

"He's on your left." Ozpin whispers.

Fear stops as Ozpin says that and a smile curves across his face as he slowly turns around. "So Ozpin is definitely alive?" He chuckles. "Good thing we tortured young Cinder as punishment." He says. He can hear the voice of Ozpin in Oscar's head, and it is attracting him to his position.

"He can hear you!" Oscar whispers to himself.

"Indeed I can, and you are very, very noisy." Fear says, slashing another tree down with his scythe, cutting it clean in half. Oscar stays low, terrified of the monstrous Knight. Help come soon, please come help...

Oscar never signed up for any of this to happen. Fear looks around, sniffing the air to try and catch onto his presence. "I can sense your fear, boy." Fear speaks as he walks around, listening to the whistling gales through the hills and trees. Fear looks at four trees in front of him and he places his hand on his putrid chin, scratching it with his long claw like nail. "Eenie, meanie, miney, moe..." He mumbles. "Ah, screw it." He scoffs, slashing with one swing, cutting all four trees down. He is keeping the slashes relatively high to not behead Oscar, for whatever reason, he wants Oscar alive. He groans in annoyance.

Oscar keeps his head down to try and keep out of Fear's view. The Knight stands only a couple feet from him, looking at the trees to try and locate him, but it is likely that he knows exactly where he is. He smirks as he looks to the side with one glance of his eyes. He suddenly points his Crossbow straight at him with one hand. Oscar screams in terror, shielding his face with his hands. "Please no!" He begs. Fear laughs grievously at him as he stands there.

"I don't want to kill you, at least not yet.'re gonna come with me." He says. Fear grabs him by the scruff of his neck and he screams in fear. Sun and Kassius have partially shaken the feeling off and they run up the side of the hill, seeing the winged Knight rising off the floor, holding the terrified Oscar Pine by the back of the neck.

"Help me!" Oscar cries out. Kassius aims his Vulcan Nox at Fear as he rises into the sky.

"By the time you fire, I would have moved the boy into the path of your bullet!" Fear shouts from the sky.

"Your bluffing!" Kassius barks back.

Fear smirks. "Suppose I am...take the shot." He challenges as he holds his hand out. Kassius legitimately considers it but Sun stops him, pushing his hand down.

"He's not bluffing." Sun says to him and Fear smirks.

"We will find you! I promise!" Kassius yells. Oscar looks at them helplessly, just as helpless as they are. Fear laughs maniacally.

" won't." He says. Fear transforms into the bat, grabbing him with his torn feet, carrying him away. They watch in horror, unable to save Oscar from the clutches of Fear himself. He flies away from the, carrying the boy and the Cane.

They've failed...

All they can hope for now is that Salem will be merciful.

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