Macarona x Male!Reader - Love...

By Vainya_Was_Taken

739 10 4

Red symbolizes love. Why? Who knows. All that you know is that it is constantly on the face of a dear friend... More

Lovely Red

739 10 4
By Vainya_Was_Taken

I do not own Macarona or anything else from The Gray Garden. They all belong to Deep-Sea Prisoner. I only own the added characters for the story.

"Class dismissed."

With those words said, the students shuffled out of the class, minding their own business with the exception of several others who decided to stay for a bit more. You were one of those students, resting your head on the desk. 

"Let's see...Ms. Esme's, Ms. Greif, Mr. ......zzzz." You snoozed off trying to recall which teacher gave you homework. You sat there for a bit, enjoying the well-received rest that you wanted until someone tapped your shoulder. 

"(Y/N)?" Ms. Esme called to you. You didn't react, still napping. 

"Mr. (L/N)." She called once more, in a more stern voice. No reaction.

*Whiff* *Whiff*

You immediately shot up from your desk after getting sprayed by water straight to your face, the liquid was trickling down your glasses. 

"Do I have your full attention?" She stated. 

"Uh-yes ma'am..!" You replied, realizing that you accidentally slept in school. 

"Unless you would like to get locked up in here, I suggest that you return home." She exhorted. Some of the remaining students chuckled at you, not as you minded anyways. 

"Yes, ma'am." You sighed, packing the remainder of things that were still on your desk into your backpack. You walked out of her class, heading to the entrance. Esme turned over to the angels and demons that were still in class. 

"Well?" The students hastily did the same, leaving her class with their bags on their back. 

When arriving at the crossroad that was beside the school, you decided to head to the beach for a bit for some fresh air. Placing your backpack beside you, you sat in a fetal position facing the sea. 

As you were about to close your eyes once more, you heard footsteps coming your way for a bit then stop. You knew who it was judging from the footsteps. The angel was about to turn away from you before you called her name.

"Macarona." She visibly flinched at you calling her name, her hands started to sweat. She turned around to face you. You signaled her to sit down next to you. When she did, you struck a conversation with her. 

"Rawberry's not available?" You asked the brunette angel. 

"Well...she's at" She replied.

"Making bug food again?" 


The two of you remained silent, letting the ocean waves take over on the conversation. This wasn't awkward silent to you, it felt...peaceful. You feel at ease when you're with her, but who knows how it is on her side. 

*Ring* *Ring*

Your phone rang. You pulled it out of your pocket, wondering who it was. 

"Yosafire..?" You mumbled as you answered the call from the green demon. Hearing one of her friend's name has made Macarona also interested in the call.

"Psst, hey (Y/N). Can you put your phone on full volume?" She whispered. 

"What for?" You questioned back. 

"Just do it..!" She exhorted. You blindly did what she said and paid for the consequences very dearly. 

"Macarona and (Y/N) sitting in a tree! K.I.S.S.I.N.G!--"

You hung up on the call, wide-eyed with your cheeks slightly red. Macarona's face was also like that, only it was 5 times redder. A bush behind both of you then shuddered, catching both of your attention. 

"Whoopsgottago!!" She fled away from the scene at astounding speeds. 

"Y-Yosafire!!" She yelled as sprinted after her, the sand kicking you in the face as she went. You didn't know what to say or do. You were staring at where she went for a bit before snapping back to reality. 

You looked over the reflection on your phone. Your face still had hints of red remaining. You also realized that she accidentally kicked sand onto your face judging from the small amount of sand on your hair and glasses. Maybe that's enough of beach time for now.

You got up from your spot, subsequently brushing off the remaining sand off your hair. You grabbed your bag off the ground and went straight home, in desperate need of a nap.


"I was helping you!!" Yosafire said, still sprinting like a mad man-er demon.

"Get back here!!" She yelled, ignoring what she had just stated. The game of cat and mouse kept going until they reached Apple Forest where Yosafire trip on an apple. 

"Waitwaitwait!" She panted, raising her arms in front of her whilst closing her eyes, expecting something to come her way. 


Yosafire opened her eyes to the sight of Macarona also lying down on the ground. Her face was red from the exhaustion of needing to run that fast and from embarrassment. For a moment, the only thing that can be heard was heavy breathing. 

"Don't you like him?" She asks her timid friend, getting up from the ground.

"I-I-I....." She stuttered, struggling to answer.

"See, you do like him..!" Macarona remained silent. "Just go tell him." 

"What?! There's no way I can..." 

"Oh c'mon..! You saw his face when I was teasing you two." She pointed out. She knew that she was right, but her anxiety got in the way every time she wanted to confess. 

"Don't worry, I'll help you." She stated, offering her a hand for her to get up. Macarona took her hand and got up. 

"Thank you, Yosafire!" She thanked, shaking her hand a bit too violently.

"Don't mention it." She replied, letting go of her hand, rubbing her arm. 

*The Next Day*

*Knock* *Knock*

"Ugh..." You groaned, sitting right side up due to the noise. 

*Knock* *Knock*  

"I'll be right there!" You yelled as you groggily get off your bed, walking yourself to the front door. You open the door revealing a brown haired angel, a nervous expression painted on her face. 

"Good morning." She greeted, waving slightly. 

"Uh-yeah...good morning." You greeted back. "Something wrong?" 

"Ah, nothing just wanted to pay a visit." 

"Oh...well make yourself at home then." You invited her in. 

"I'll be back in a bit." You said as you went into your room, refreshing yourself.  Macarona went ahead and sat down on one of the chairs that were vacant. 

"Alright now check out his house." A voice told her.

"I can't just poke through his stuff without his permission..!" She whispered back to the voice.

"Well, how are you going to able to chat with him?" The voice replied. Macarona didn't reply back and did so. 

She walked around the living room, carefully inspecting the things that were there. The books that you had on your bookshelf seems to be slightly collecting dust. Out of curiosity, she grabbed one of them. 

"How to curse your Enemies" 

She hastily placed the book back into its original, acting like she never read that. 

"Something wrong?" The voice questioned. 

"Nothing..!" She went back to her seat. 

"What is it tell me?" 

The door opened, revealing you wearing a (F/C) jacket with a white shirt underneath and dark pants. 

"Sorry for the wait, Macarona." You apologized. "Um...would you like something. Maybe tea?" You added. 

"T-that would be fine." She replied. You then went ahead to the kitchen to prepare it. 

"So how have you been?" You turned over to her and asked as the kettle was warming up.

"Just fine." 

And so you two chatted while the tea was being made, making small talk about both of your friends, some books that you two found interesting, and studies. There are times when she attempted to flirt with you, it didn't go that great. 

"Hey (Y/N)." She said, her hands start to sweat even more. "I think you" Her cheeks had hints of red in it.

"Yes?" You were staring at her, waiting for her to finish her sentence. 

"I-uh never mind." She turned her head down to her lap out of embarrassment. 

"Okay then..." You murmured, fixating your eyes to the kettle, waiting for it to boil at any second now. I need to get a new stove...


A green haired demon can be seen looking at you and Macarona through the window with binoculars in a nearby bush, wearing headphones. 

"Awkward..." She mumbled to herself.

"What are you doing..?" Froze asked, seeing her friend gawking over a person's house. 

"Just helping Macarona out." She replied, looking through her binoculars. 

"Helping her with what?" She joined in with her in the bush. 

"Dating (Y/N)." Froze remained silent for a bit, staring at Yosafire before saying:

"Do you even know how dating works?" Yosafire took off the binoculars of her eyes, her head turned over to Froze

"Pssh! Of course, I know!" She puffed her cheeks. The pair continued to focus on both of you and Macarona in silence, sharing the binoculars and headphones. Soon enough, they were both staring at you pouring tea for the both of you. 

"Here you go." You placed the tea in front of her, sitting to the chair next to her. This made her a bit more tensed, straightening her posture. 

"T-thank you." She said, staring at the aforementioned tea before sipping it. She was a bit taken back that it was quite delicious, not that she expected it was to be terrible or anything.

"When did you learn how to make these?" She questioned.

"A long time now, probably a couple months back." You answered. "I got the tea leaves east from here. It's a long trip but it's quite worth it." You took a sip of the tea that you made. 

You continued. 

"As for how I know on how I made the tea, there's a cookbook over in that bookshelf with some other books that I don't exactly read anymore though I do plan in re-reading one book." 

Macarona patiently listened to every word that you have said, somewhat interested.

"Maybe you both can get those tea leaves together. You know, just the two of you." Yosafire added with a teasing tone through her earpiece. Her cheeks heated up at the thought. 

"Yosafire, you shouldn't be teasing her, you should be helping her..!" She lightly smacks the top of her head. 

"I couldn't help myself!" She exclaimed, rubbing her head. 

"Maybe I should be the one that gives the advice..." She sighed.

"I know what I'm doing..!" 

"What'cha up to? ♪" Rawberry popped behind the two of them, startling them. 

"Bah!" She shrieked, facing the pink demon looking at the two of them with curiosity. "Rawberry! Don't pop out of nowhere like that!" 

"Aww, why not??" The two bantered for a bit, not helping Macarona with her 'date'. Froze sighed once more at the two, wearing the headphones and taking the binoculars. She eyed through the binoculars into your window, welcoming her to a sight of you getting a little bit too close to Macarona's face. 

"You two, keep silent..!" She yelled, catching the attention of the two demons. Yosafire turned over to her, about to question her before she shoved the binoculars to her. She gasped at the sight of both of your cheeks being red.

"Did they..?" She mumbled to herself before Froze took off her headphones and said:

"No..." Yosafire turned her head to her best friend, raising one of her brows. 

"Wait, what do you mean by 'no'?" 

"We have been compromised." She got out of the bush, brushing off any leaves that were on her.

"Oh..." She murmured, sweatdropping as she followed her with Rawberry behind her. The group walked over to your house, opening the front door. They were greeted by the sight of you sipping your tea and Macarona with her face as red as ever.

"I believe that this is yours." You said as you toss the earpiece to Yosafire, barely managing to catch it.

"Hehe" Yosafire nervously laughed, scratching the back of her head. 

"Sorry..." Macarona apologized, twiddling with her fingers.

"You don't have to, Macarona." She persisted. 

"So then," You asserted "how about you all sit down for some tea." 

"It is what we are here for." She said as she sat into one of the vacant seats. The two demons soon followed with Yosafire sitting next to Froze and Rawberry next to Macarona. You went ahead and grabbed more cups from the kitchen. 

"So how lovey-dovey did you two went?" Rawberry asked the brunette angel. Macarona's cheeks flush red once more, covering her face with her hands.

"I'm guessing that it was very much~.  ♪" She teased her best friend as you place the cup in front of her, pouring the tea afterward. The newcomers took a sip of it, the same reaction was painted on their faces.

"Woah, this is really good." Yosafire said as she took another sip. Froze nodded in agreement.

"I feel like there's something missing..." Rawberry mumbled to herself. This caught your attention. 

"Really? What is it then?" You ask her.

"Oh! I know!" She got up from her seat and ran out of the house at high speeds. She later came back with some sort of jam with some bread and a butter knife.

"Is that what I think it is..." Macarona murmured to her. Her suspicions deemed to be correct when Rawberry answered:

"It's caterpillar jam with bread! ♪" She spread the jam on the bread with the butter knife. 

"Want some?" She said as she holds the jar towards Macarona.

" thanks." She replied. Rawberry then faced towards you, her face told the same question. You were quite curious about how these things taste like so you agreed to taste it. You had a strong stomach so if it's terrible you should still be able to not throw up, or at least you thought

You took the jar that off of Rawberry's hand and used a teaspoon to scoop a bit of it. You hesitated for a bit when it was about to enter your mouth but you did it regardless. 

You now stood in front of the sink trying not to throw up even more with Macarona beside you patting your back. 

"Breathe in, breathe out." She cooed repeatedly, rubbing your back, her eyes showed worries for you.

"Oh well, more for me then.  ♪" She chimed as she grabbed the jar to spread it on her bread once more. Yosafire only stared at her, wondering at how she could eat something like that when you just threw up from eating just a bit of it. 

The rest of the afternoon went on normally with all of you chatting until it was time for them to depart. 

I should be heading now." Froze stated as she got up from the chair. "Thank you for the tea, (Y/N)." 


She then walked out of the house. The room was filled with silence for a moment when she left. Rawberry was staring at the empty jar of jam that she had finished. 

"Hrnnn..." Her face showed to be upset by the fact that she ran out of it. 

"Hey, Macarona. Wanna go get some bugs after this?" She asked her best friend. 


"I'll go with you Rawberry!" Yosafire said as she dragged Rawberry off from her chair to the entrance but not before winking at Macarona. The two then fled the scene, leaving you and Macarona alone. 

The two of you sat in silence for a bit before Macarona opened her mouth.

"Say, (Y/N)?" Macarona starts to fidget with her hands. "What do you think of me?" 

"What do I think of you?" You mumbled. You held your hand onto your chin, thinking a bit too deeply about it. 

"I think of you as an anxious person, panicking even in the tamest of moments." She slightly frowns at your statement before you continued. "But you are willing to steel your heart for the people that you care about. That is something that I admire." 

"O-oh, thank you very much." 

"Since you brought up this question, I might as well ask you back." You clap both of your hands, a small smile formed on your lips. "So Macarona,"

"What do you think of me?"

This was it. A perfect time to tell you her feelings. To tell him how much you dear to her yet she couldn't piece her words together. She couldn't force the words out of her mouth, she could only sit there in agony, choking. 


with one sentence. With one sentence that was left from your mouth. All of that was washed away. 

"I love you."

Her cheeks went rosy red. She was at lost for words. Wasn't she suppose to be saying that? 

  "I love you."  

Her heart was pounding. Her mind couldn't comprehend it. If this was a dream, she didn't want to wake up.


She snapped out of her thoughts when you waved your hands in front of her face. You sighed in relief. 

"I'm glad to see I haven't broken you." You smiled, your cheeks were also red. 

"I-I-I'm sorry!" She said as she stood from her chair, bowing slightly. 

"You don't have to be sorry." You raised your hands, trying to calm her down. You managed to calm her down after several moments, getting her back to her seat, cheeks still red.

"S-so how long have you been..?"

"Well..." You rubbed the back of your neck. "Maybe several days after I figured out you liked me..?" She flinched. 

"Was it really that obvious..?" She mumbled to herself. Things got a little silent for a bit too long. You decided to close in on the distance between the two of you, her face gets redder with every inch that was lessening. 

"You two kissed yet?" Another voice inserted itself before you could make any further progress. The two of you turned to face the demon that interrupted the intimate moment. She slowly backed away, closing the door. 

"Haha...I-I'm sorry abo-" Her words soon turned into muffled sounds as you placed your lips onto hers. Her heartbeat went to another level, her whole face had gone red. You pulled away from the kiss, maybe a bit too brief but it was what Macarona could handle at the current moment. 

She touched her lips, halfway not believing at what had just happened. You simply smiled at her. 


The both of you flinched at the sudden shout. A pink blur went over to Macarona, grabbing her hand and spun around with her around the room.

"Macarona has a boyfriend, Macarona has a boyfriend!" Rawberry chanted repeatedly with glee. Two more people walked through the door.

"Rawberry, come ba-" She stopped talking when she saw what the two best friends were doing. Base on what she was chanting, it was a success. 

"Let's have rat burgers to celebrate!  ♪" 

"No thank you." The four of you said at the same time, not wanting to eat that for obvious reasons. 

You yawned whilst watching the rest of the group congratulating Macarona, resting your head onto the table. Your eyes slowly began to close, losing your consciousness slowly and slowly until you fall asleep. 

The group soon turned around to face you before staring at you fast asleep. Macarona seemed to have an idea judging from when she went inside your room. 

"Macarona, where are you..." Froze questioned before she realized what she was about to do. Macarona soon came out with a blanket that was on your bed and laid it on your sleeping figure. 

"Ohoho Macarona-" Yosafire teased before a hand plastered itself onto her mouth, causing the rest of the sentence to be muffled. 

"Let's go, Yosafire. We're done here." Froze stated as she dragged the green-haired demon to the door. "You too, Rawberry." 

"Aww, but I wanna-" The blonde angel grabbed the pink demon by the hand and dragged both of them outside the door, leaving you and Macarona alone once more. 

The angel was quite close to your face, softly blushing. She moved closer, kissing you on the forehead.

"I love you too, (Y/N)"


By the gods, this took me so long but it was worth it I guess...

This marks the first One-shot of many more I'm going to make and no, I'm not taking any form of requests if there are any.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing: 

Lovely Red

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