Paper Hearts.

By kudzoko

8.3K 515 190

come away with me, and I'll never stop loving you. More

Chapter one!
Chapter two!
Chapter Three!
Chapter Four!
Chapter Five!
Chapter Six!
Chapter Seven!
Chapter Eight!
Chapter ten!
Note! Important..?

Chapter Nine!

356 29 8
By kudzoko

Thomas felt... cold. Or lonesome. Either way, it was his fault. He got over attached, too fast. But Newt kissed him, so he just assumed— No. he was just too blind. Too naive. And Newt was shallow.

He should've known.

A hand landed on his shoulder quite heavily, and he looked up to see Teresa, appearing worried out of her mind. "Tom..? Are you okay?"

Thomas merely shook his head. He could feel more tears welling up in his eyes, threatening to spill every time he took a breath. Teresa pulled him into an embrace, that he eventually gave into, grabbing her tightly. He choked a sob into The girl's neck, wetting it with tears. He didn't even care what people thought at this point. He already looked like a complete fool.

So many thoughts troubled his head. Mostly the same thought over a hundred times, muffled by others. Like a house of screaming children.

I'm so stupid

His knuckles twisted at harsh angles, holding so tight that his hands were deathly white, into Teresa's shirt. She didn't seem to mind. But it was what Thomas didn't see. That was what really mattered.

Thomas didn't see Teresa's evil grin, being sent directly towards Newt, who looked to them with pleading eyes. Thomas didn't see the fresh tears that fell over the swelling under newts eyes. Or the middle finger Teresa shot at the blond boy. He was blind to it all, completely sure that Newt hates him for no good reason. 

But Newt just caught on. And dear god, he wanted his Tommy. Teresa was keeping them apart. This must have had to do with the notes.. and his ruined locker. And the notes he'd received. Was she behind it all. Was Teresa behind their whole, extremely problematic, one-day relationship?

Teresa pulled away from Thomas, and he quietly whined at the loss of support. He leaned on the locker, due to his legs feeling limp and useless. Just like the rest of him, he supposed. Just limp and useless. Unlovable. Rejected. The girl brushed a hair out of his face. "Hey, It's Okay."

Thomas whimpered, opening his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. His vocal cords felt fried from the horrible sobbing. "I-I know. Thanks, Resa," he coughed out, barely audible.

Farther down the hall, Newt threw his head into his balled fists, so angry and uncontrollably sad. He'd never felt so bad. He felt dirty, for a reason he couldn't quite understand. And he felt depressed. And horribly lonely. A loneliness he'd never felt before.

A loneliness where, no matter how many friends you have, you feel all alone, like the world and everything in it is crumbling around you, and you're the next thing to fall. A terrible feeling, really.


Lunch break. Usually, Thomas loves lunch break. A break from classwork, and a chance to hand out with Minho and Teresa. But not when you're all alone at your locker, and Newt is walking right towards you.

Thomas took a breath, seeing Newt in his locker mirror. He turned to face the blond with a small, extremely fake smile. One that quickly faded when he really looked at Newt. He looked almost worse than Thomas himself.

The bags under Newt's eyes were unbelievably puffy and rimmed with dark red. Tear tracks stained his face, and his knuckles were bitten and bloody, a nervous habit that Thomas knew Newt had. "Hey, Tommy.."

Thomas didn't want to talk to him. Though Newt's voice sounded sincere, and he was a complete wreck, Thomas didn't want to let himself trust the blond again. But he talked. "Hello." He closed his locker, leaning on it with all his weight.

The other boy bit his lip, apparently nervous. "I uhh.. can we talk..?"

"Is there anything to talk about, Newt?"



"Follow me."

With a blink of an eye, Newts hand was on Thomas's and he was pulling the brunet into the library. Newt sat down at one side of a small table, and Thomas obediently sat at the other end. In order to stop any awkward silence, Newt began right away.

"Look, Thomas, I don't know what's going on. But whatever airplane notes you've got. I didn't send them. And my locker— the note, the shredded paper and messed up books, I hope to god that wasn't you, and it was Teresa like the rest of it. Because it was her. I know it was. In the hall earlier, when you hugged her. You were oblivious when she taunted me mercilessly. Because she wants you, and you thought the notes were from me, so she got mad."

Thomas was speechless. Teresa couldn't have.. could she? In the end, it made sense. That's what she got so mad when Thomas kissed Newt. And she up and left every time Thomas talked about the blond.

He felt stupid for not realizing sooner.

"Oh god, I'm so dumb.." Thomas threw his head into his hands, whining loudly.

Newt still stared at him, and Thomas peered back between his fingers. The blond drew closer over the table, pulling Thomas's hands away from his face. Now they were face to face.

And Newt's lips were like magnets. He wanted to resist but he couldn't. Because he loved newt.. or he thought he did. This could just be a cover for everything Newts done, but Thomas didn't care. Their lips collided for the second time, and sparks flew. Nothing else mattered.

If life was a dream, neither of them would want to wake up.

Because right now, they have each other.

And that's enough for them, even if now never lasts forever.

Because sometimes a head full of now's is better than an eye full of forever.

Chapter by @bxbblegxms_

Wow. So this happened. I wrote this chapter within an hour, so yeet. I'm buying an inflatable hamburger to tie Teresa too, so we can all send her out to sea and stop her from ruining the Newtmas. I hope this chapter was okay, even though my other writers are gonna be mad at me again for starting stuff XD thousands of hugs!

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