8 Letters- A Why Don't We Sto...


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Meet Jonah, Daniel, Corbyn, Zach and Jack. Life is amazing for this group of five but what happens when it ta... Еще

We're taking over
Girl drama
Love's quarrel
Chains or death
Freddie's house
Choose 🖤
Blood lust
Stranger danger
Safety first
Unwanted visit
In Too Deep
Bro code???
Who are you?

An escape

90 5 0

The dining room setting was eerie, no small talk. Just silence. Jonah, Zach and Jack sitting across from Daniel and Corbyn. David was on the left hand side at the head and Klaus was at the other. Placed in front of them was take out Chinese food that David had ordered earlier, he had no choice Klaus had made himself comfortable in their home. 

Chopsticks were being hit idly against the table and plates without a word but Corbyn had enough. He took a sip of water "Didn't mean harm but you killed a man" he glared coldly towards Klaus. A smirk was plastered on his face immediately at his comment "Problem lad?" He stared at him making intense eye contact, Daniel tried to stop him but Corbyn refused to listen while everyone looked on, Zach's jaw hanging open while Jack raised it back up and they both look towards Corbyn and Klaus. It was at this point Daniel typed one word on social media before looking on at the two again.

"Yes I have a problem" he did an air quote "Niklaus" Klaus was taken aback by this but he didn't let it underestimate him like the boy wanted. "You just waltz in here and make yourself home, you have no place being here. What exactly do you want?" Klaus lips formed a smile "You're questioning me in your own home is that right?" David cleared his throat, Klaus looked at him and then back at Corbyn. 

"You're aware that your partner there is a hybrid" Corbyn nodded. "He was attacked by a werewolf and a vampire which gained him the abilities that he has, the power" Klaus looked at Daniel "I too am a hybrid and an original, the only one that can help you through this" he directed to Daniel. His blue eyes twinkled staring into Klaus's. "What are you suggesting?" he asked him. 

"I need you to come to Mystic Falls with me, see the surroundings" but before Daniel could answer Corbyn did for him. "Are you out of your mind!!!" he spat at him "YOU CAN'T TAKE HIM AWAY FROM US LIKE THIS" Suddenly Klaus rose from the table and pounded his fist on the wood making Zach and Jack jump and the dinnerware clatter, Jonah drank a mouthful of water. "You WILL NOT raise your voice at me" Klaus hissed at him. Corbyn got up from his seat and met level to level with him from across the table "Try me" Daniel knew he was being serious and could sense that he was hurt but couldn't understand why. He got up and placed a hand on Corbyn's shoulder "Don't do this" he mumbled to him listening to his heartbeat, it was beating rapidly, fire boiling in his veins. Corbyn shrugged away and glared intensely at Klaus before walking away and going into his room that he shared with Jack and Daniel and slammed the door. David got up but Daniel gave him a look that said 'Don't go after him, I will" He shook his head and fled off to the room closing the door behind him. Klaus smiled at the other three boys seated, they were terrified and he knew that. His attention was now on David "I'll be back for the boy, it will only be for two days" With that said Klaus sped off and within a second he was gone. David looked at Jonah, Zach and Jack "Go wash up" he said sighing staring at the table of unfinished dinner with his fists clenched. 

Daniel was seated at the edge of Corbyn's bed, his eyes flashing yellow and then back to its original color. "Calm down" Daniel told him, he sighed looking at him "Why are you like this, why were you like that towards him?" Corbyn sat up "So I'm the only one seeing something wrong with you going off to some town like that?" he stared at Daniel, he was about to answer but said something else "No Dan this is your home, L.A. is, you're entering a supernatural world that you have no idea about. You don't know what you're dealing with, it's Klaus, what if you..."

"Kill?" Daniel eyed him. "Yeah" he agreed "Klaus does have his ways but I won't let him do that to me, that's not who I am. He did say he's going to help, I am a hybrid after all and he's just like me, finally someone like me"

"I'm just worried"

"I'll be fine" he gave him a hug and looked at him "Not a word to Kaylen alright" Corbyn grinned and saw that he was serious "Alright alright" he said shoving him off the bed. They both walked out and saw Jonah washing the dishes and Zach and Jack drying them. They headed over to the table clearing the remains and went over to Jonah smiling. They formed a group hug at the sink. Daniel Seavey was going to be oka

*Mystic Falls*

Daniel and Klaus entered the town standing before what looked like two buildings put together.

They walked up to the building "Wait isn't this the Salvatore house?" Klaus smiled "You did your homework" Daniel scoffed at the mention of this, he rather be home back in L.A. than be in creepy Virginia Mystic Falls or whatever they called it. Instead of ringing the doorbell Klaus walked right in "Wow" Daniel said not amused "You people definitely don't act normal around here"

"STEFAN!!!" bellowed Klaus in uproar throughout the house. He walked into a room two chairs before a nicely out fireplace crackling, Daniel followed behind "Why is there a fireplace lit indoors when it's like a smoking ninety degrees outside" he stared at the chair, what he didn't see was the person sitting in it with a glass half empty of bourbon

The handsome figure rose from the chair emptying the glass out and resting it down before facing Daniel and Klaus Mikaelson. He smiled at Daniel immediately "You're Daniel Seavey" he said softly "Residing in L.A. with your four other mates" Daniel looked at him confused. "I know my history" he said going past Klaus "You got your hybrid Klaus, what do you want from me?"

"Why do you assume I want something" Klaus answered "I simply brought the boy here for him to see you and the town, he's only here for two days" he paused "Well for now"

"I'm in flesh and blood" he looked at Daniel. He grinned "Wow a Salvatore, cool" he said amazed. "I adore you". Klaus didn't like his comment and was disgruntled. "Where's Damon?" he asked him. Stefan looked concerned "He's with Alaric, Caroline and Elena at Mystic Grill" he forced out the word Elena and Daniel noticed this and thought girl problems. "Off we go" Klaus turned on his heels "You do know how to use your speed ability right?" Daniel rolled his eyes while Stefan looked on in amusement. "By the way my fireplace inside is just how I like it no matter the weather" he winked at him.

*Mystic Grill*

Klaus flung the doors open of the café and walked in to see a chattering Elena Gilbert and Alaric Saltzman and Damon Salvatore nearby. 

"Oh my god" Daniel said giddily "She's something" Klaus looked at him and shook his head before walking in the direction of Elena. "Well hello sweetheart" he smiled sheepishly at Elena who could give a care in the world about him. "Klaus, what are you doing here?" she looked at Daniel "Oh" was all she said. Klaus looked at Alaric who didn't like the thought of him being around Mystic Falls "Alaric" he nodded. Damon walked up "Look who decided to invade Mystic Falls once again" he glared at Klaus sarcastically and smiled looking at Daniel "Hey there buddy, you made it" he grimaced "Guys this is Daniel Seavey, one of Klaus' hybrids"

"Just a hybrid, thanks" Daniel spoke up. Elena smiled "I like him" he looked at Damon who scoffed "Shut it Elena, you like everyone who strolls into this dump" she raised an eyebrow at him "Excuse me?" Klaus chuckled at lovers' quarrel "Well I'm just showing him around, carry on" as they turned to leave a blonde appeared in front of Klaus trying to go pass him but every move she made so did Klaus making it difficult for he to get by and he was  doing it on purpose. "Klaus quit it" she said frustrated pushing him away. "You're the one in my way" he called to her "Can you believe her" he said to Daniel but he only stared after Caroline. "LAD" Daniel quickly looked at him. "Let's go"

Caroline walked up to the small group "Someone tell me why Klaus is here" Damon smirked "Well he's here for you actually duh blondie" Caroline ignored him and looked at Elena "He has a hybrid with him, showing him around something like that" 

They left the café and went past  Matt's house and saw the light blue truck parked in the driveway with Matt Donovan in the driver's seat. He was now pulling out his keys when he heard his name being yelled from a car "MATT!!!!" he looked up and knew that voice anywhere and stared after the vehicle "Klaus?" he said to himself quietly. 

"We're not going to see the witch today, she has problems of her own" Daniel looked at him before looking out the window "You mean Bonnie Bennett"

"You take quite a interest in this place don't you" Klaus waited for answer but got none. They pulled up to a building assuming that's where Klaus stayed while he was visiting Mystic Falls. He parked the car and got out "It's quiet, I have a spare bedroom, you'll be staying there" They entered and Daniel was surprised to see how amazing it how on the inside, it was massive but yet alone Klaus remained. "Why did you bring me here?" he asked him "I mean Mystic Falls" he poured himself a bourbon and drank "You're still young" he spoke heavily "It's important to know your kind before things get messy" Daniel looked at him confused. "Messy?"

"Blood sheds kid, being a hybrid is pretty cool, you're powerful than many others because you have the combination of both supernatural beings but control is key" Daniel understood this "Why do you live here all alone?" he looked around "I mean look at this place"

"Well" he smiled "You're always welcome if you need a place" Suddenly the smile had disappeared and his thoughts seem to be racing. "Excuse me" he spoke before going into another room. Daniel walked around the room observing pictures that had no memory of Klaus's past. "Rebekah" his voice sounded with the use of his hearing ability "Please tell me you have buried our mother already" he hung up the phone with a press of the button. "Shit" he thought to himself "They killed their own mother?" He returned to looking at pictures when Klaus returned to the room. "Let me show you around" he said looking disturbed. Daniel was lead to a room with clean sheets "Towels are in the closet, training is tomorrow, we'll be in L.A. by nightfall. See you then" he told him upset walking out.  

*Los Angeles-AHS*

Kaylen walked up to Corbyn at his desk in Math class "Where is he?" he looked up at her "Whoa slow your roll girl"

"Corbyn where is he?"

"I can't give you that information, I'm sorry"

"You're talking to me, I'm no stranger"

"Yeah" he said without an inch of emotion " And I'm his bro, I'm going to protect him, I can't tell you where he is I'm sorry Kaylen"

"Is he cheating?"

"He would never, I know Daniel and he's not that type of guy"

"Then explain Caroline, I saw the tweet Corbyn, I'm not going to stand here and pretend that he didn't mention some girl"

"Kaylen" a voice was heard from beside her. It was Jonah "Let it go"  she turned and stared at Jonah who looked dashingly hot "What is wrong with all of you?" she was upset and took a seat in the back. "Thanks man" Corbyn looked at him worried again, Jonah did his handshake with him before sitting down.

*Mystic Falls-Day 2*

Daniel wiped his eyes walking out and going into the kitchen. Klaus was at the stove flipping eggs "Good morning" he said sensing his presence. He responded. "I'm not much of a cook" he said turning the eggs "I know a thing or two" he said sliding them unto a plate and sliding them in front of him with a glass of blood. Daniel gulped at the sight of the red liquid in the glass. "Drink up" Klaus said smirking "You'll need the strength" he was about to walk away when Daniel stopped him "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"I see something in you*

"You've mastered the basics" he said taking him in the courtyard "Strength, Speed, Hearing, Senses. I can so much as to tell you about the healing and immortality process" Their eyes met "Because you're a hybrid you'll heal faster, quicker from any type of injury that may or should come your way as for immortality you won't age, the same features you have now you'll have when you're say one hundred years old"

"So I'll be 19 forever?" he choked. Klaus nodded "It's complicated" Daniel felt on edge, he really didn't want to stay the same age his entire life, he wanted to experience what other humans experience, growing old, sounds strange but it's what he wanted. 

Klaus called out a girl from inside of the house that was their before Daniel arose "First we'll start with mind compulsion" he looked at her "Believe it or not she's under compulsion, everything I say, she does" he smiled playing with the girl's hair "It's quite simple, a stare in the eye, focus, tell them what you want them to do and it happens" Daniel noticed a bite mark on her neck but she was able to heal with his blood. He felt uncomfortable looking at it and solely focused on the sound of his voice "Bite her, compel her. Go" he said removing himself from the brunette.

"Quick question how come we're not burning to death?" he asked him out of curiosity looking up at the sun. He smiled "Clever lad, we'll get to that" Daniel took light steps towards the human and traced her neck feeling the blood pump through her veins and couldn't help but sink his teeth in and sucking on her blood. Once he had enough he licked his lips looking at Klaus who looked utterly satisfied with glee. Daniel turned and faced the girl and focused on her eyes, her mind. She had no idea what had happened, she was controlled. "You were walking in the woods and was attacked by an animal" he stepped back as the girl stared at him blankly and he turned towards Klaus "It's done, you forgot one thing" Daniel shrugged "Compel to her go, we don't need her anymore" Daniel did as Klaus told him and watched the girl walk away. "That's crazy but cool. I can totally compel Jack to give me the top bunk and Zach the new sneakers he just bought, rad" Klaus chuckled. "The only people we can't compel are werewolves and hunters, specifically one that hunts supernatural creatures so vampire hunter, werewolf hunter, any one that involves hunting down our kind, we could most definitely compel the vampires but werewolves. No". Daniel was interested in this "Why not supernatural hunters?" 

"Well lad, supernatural hunters, their instinct is to kill. They believe that we cause danger to the human existence, the bad ones do that is, they believe that we're all the same and there's not a inch of good in any of us so they set out to kill until we no longer exist but it's hard to track us at times, this angers them. Their main purpose is to wipe us out from this world so compulsion for them is hard, their mindset is solely to kill us all" Daniel thought about this for awhile until Klaus thought he was ready to move on. 

"Follow me" he told him walking back into the house and standing at a recliner.  "As much I hate the thought of you going into my head, I'm going to allow it only because you need to learn" he laid down on the recliner looking up at Daniel "Let me explain" Daniel's eyes was fixated on every word he said next "Dream manipulation, because of what you are you can control dreams, change them, the only difference is you can choose between reality and trapping someone in their own dreams" Daniel looked at him amazed "You're about to enter my head, do anything and I'll snap your neck" He couldn't tell whether or not Klaus was joking about snapping his neck after all he would still come back to life, he watched him slowly close his eyes "How do I...." his voice trailed off, it was clear that Klaus was already sleeping, it didn't take long. He stared at him immensely and before he knew it he was holding unto his hand emitting some sort of power from himself and soon found himself in a world strange to the unknown. He was placed in a green pasture and saw a younger version of Klaus sitting on a bench beside a young teenager, female preferably. He neared closer and noticed that the girl looked just like Elena Gilbert "What the fuck" he mumbled to himself  "Your brother..." the girl spoke "I understand Tatia, he's the one you want"


"NIKLAUS!!!" a voice yelled from behind "NIKLAUS!!!!"

"God, what now Rebekah" he stood up annoyed looking at her running towards them. "Excuse me" he told Tatia going stopping Rebekah in her tracks "What is it? Can't you see I'm in the middle...." his voice trailed off as soon as he noticed how burnt her dress was. "The village.... it's on fire...."

Within minutes they were all running towards the village where they lived and just as his sister told him flames came up from everywhere "What is the meaning of this?" he looked around, bodies were also slaughtered "Dad... he's the one that caused this tragedy"

"What are you people?" tears came from Tatia's eyes


A voice called from behind and that's when he saw him. At that very second Daniel took his hand off of Klaus, he woke up within seconds. The dream wasn't spoken of by neither.

The two were now outside again "You asked about the sun" Daniel nodded trying to shake the image out of his head of the dream he witnessed. "Hybrids can walk around during day unlike for vampires, sunlight kills them if they get too much" Daniel looked up at the light "That I knew"

"Due to the power that we have, we can stroll around during day like regular humans"

"This you're not going to like" he turned to Daniel "You're my sire bond" he looked confused "Your what now?"

"Sire bond lad. you're bonded to me because I turned you thus being I'm an Original with the powers of both a werewolf and vampire, what Damon or Tyler didn't tell you is that I can take the power of you turning into a werewolf away and I will. any one that I turn listen to me and no one else but me. Even though you won't want to go by anything I tell you, you will understood?" Daniel gulped, his voice was stern and husk "Um.." he scratched the back of his head "Yeah"

Klaus observed him, looked at him, studied him "Okay you don't have it in you but if by chance if you're going to kill even if you don't want to, you can control your emotions, switch it off, turn it on. I highly suggest if you're going to kill turn it off, it makes it easier, you feel absolutely nothing" Daniel nodded taking in this information. Would he ever kill? 

Klaus bit his lip "There's something called Lancathrope enhancement, that means you can use your wolf traits to enhance the full power that you possess" he smirked. "Also you can use your claws even in human form, you can very well use them on another hybrid and rip their heart out but you're not capable of that so don't worry about it, what I'm saying is you can still use your claws in human form"

He smiled once more "Lastly we're immune to silver,  objects that any one will use against us, we can heal from it however" Daniel gazed at him "Sounds cool"

Klaus walked around him "Of course there's bad stuff that happens to us for example to enter someone's house we have to be invited in, they have to tell us we can come in and then we enter. It's like when I asked you guys if I can come into your home that night" he ran his hand through his golden hair "We can be killed by witches, they hate us, know that" Daniel thought for a while "That's why you didn't want to see Bonnie is that it?" Klaus looked at him "Don't worry about it"


Klaus parked at the front of the condo "Thanks" Daniel told him "For everything"

"No problem lad, you're not bad at all"

"Um Klaus?" he waited "Did your father kill all those people?"

"I rather not speak of it. Good night" he said opening his door. Daniel stared at him and saw the hurt in his eyes before getting out and closing his door on him "Good night"

Daniel walked into the condo and went to his room with Corbyn and Jack, both boys appeared to be sleeping or so he thought. Corbyn raised up a bit and looked at him from across the room and mouthed "Welcome home" in the dark. They both were knocked out by morning.


Kaylen appeared in the hallway walking towards him upset upon seeing him and knowing of his return "Is that what you do? You suddenly ditch and go off with some random girl, is that it? Whose Caroline?" he held her by her shoulders "I can't tell you alright, it's hard to explain"

"Yeah cause that's what you told your buddies too right? None of you can't tell me shit" Jonah was appalled by her behavior and Corbyn was yelling "ouches" quietly. She scoffed "You're just like every other guy" Corbyn gasped "Alright I'm offended, we're not all the same"

"Butt out Corbyn". Corbyn took of his bag "Yo hold my shit" he shoved the bag in Zach's hand and Daniel stretched out his hand to stop knowing very well he was only messing around. Suddenly the school doors opened and a brunette walked in dressed in all black, she was completely flawless. While Kaylen yelled at him, his focus was on her and only her as the wind blew in her hair "HELLOOOOO!!!"  Kaylen waved her hand in his face "ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?" she notice his gaze towards the new girl and flashes of the scene in Klaus's dream surfaced, the words that Kaylen were yelling surfaced, the information Klaus told him appeared, the bodies appeared in his head. Jonah noticed his ability to comprehend anything that was going on around him and realized that he was about to black out and caught him immediately. "KAYLEN!" Jonah shouted at her "STOP!" she remained quiet. Jonah raised him back up to his feet "Hey man are you okay?" he nodded slowly. He blinked and looked at Kaylen who was obviously hurt "I'm sorry Kaylen, I-I- just want to be an escape" he said running off heading to the back of the school but before Corbyn or Kaylen could go after them Jack and Jonah stopped them both. 

Daniel headed under the bleachers holding his head, crying in pain as the different images appeared in his head flooding his thoughts. 

"I'm Kaylen" the voice sounded

"Witches they hate us"

"Tatia" Klaus' voice repeated

"I'll be okay"

"Music is my passion"

"Kaylen, Kim, Kaylen, Kim"

"Who is Caroline?"

"You're just like every other guy"

After sending the tweet out Daniel dropped to his knees below the bleachers and cried "Daniel" a figure stood before him, he looked up. His structure was thin but handsome. His body wore a black suit and a small smile was plastered on his face "My brother sensed you aren't doing so well, let me help you" he stretched a hand out. "You" Daniel mumbled "You're from the dream..." his voice trailed off and looked at Klaus' brother before him "Elijah?"










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