Aonachd - The Last Road [Edit...

By CelticWarriorQueen17

4.6K 85 48

Princess of the Highlands Trilogy Book 3 ~~~ THE STORM HAS BROKEN Having survived the most desperate of battl... More

Prologue: The First Bloom of Autumn

Aonachd - The Last Road

371 20 2
By CelticWarriorQueen17

For those of you who have read the previous two books, in this trilogy, Dìlseachd - A Forgotten Crown, and Neart agus Urram - The Coming Storm, this is the third and final installment of the Princess of the Highlands Trilogy. If you haven't read the previous two works, obviously I would encourage you to do so due to the fact a lot of things won't make sense. 

I hope you enjoy this story as much I do writing it. Feel free to let me know what you think!

~ Gwynnedd

Historical Note:

I may, may not have mentioned before, that this book, this trilogy, is not intended to be a strict historical fiction work. It is, in the style of works by Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, the Brontë sisters, and Elizabeth Gaskell, to be a period drama: in essence, it is to be a series set in a general time frame, but all characters, places, and events are nonexistent. If they bear resemblance to any real person, place, or event, that is completely accidental and coincidental.

This story is, therefore, intended to take place around 800-900 A.D., basically describing what life may very likely have been like during the age when the Danes and the Scots fought each other for control over the nation now known as Scotland.

The Lowlanders and Highlanders was not a thing until the time of the Jacobites. However, it is portrayed in this story for the reason of revealing the mistrust among the clans of the Scots.

The chieftain system was used, that much is true.

Accents: As you may have noticed, the Scots speak with Scots' English. The reason they speak this and not Scots' Gadhlig in this story is for the benefit of the reader. I do not speak or read Scots' Gadhlig myself, even if I can sing it, and I use the Scottish accent to show that the Scots are speaking their own tongue. The Danes, therefore, speak normal English as even if they spoke Scots' Gadhlig, they would have had an accent of some sort. The same goes for the Welsh later on in this story.

I hope you enjoy this story and if you have any other thoughts about the history and my story, feel free to let me know.

Editing status as of date, the 24th of November, 2019 A.D.

First draft: [Completed] (Writing the whole story out, etc.)

Second draft: [] (Editing grammar mistakes, plot conflictions, etc.)

Third draft: [] (Adding information, polishing story, etc.)

Fourth draft: [] (Possible edits as suggested by beta readers)

© Cheyenne van Langevelde 2018. All Rights Reserved. 

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