lovers ;; kalian

By midnightxmuke

4.5K 305 42

shitty kalian fanfic that i wrote 1-2 years ago ;-; - title before; the cute girl meets the bad boy status; c... More

1 ;; New Neighbor
FunNight ✔️
New BF ✔️
New Pet ✔️
Kalel's Ex ✔️
Ian + Hospital= :(
Oh No!
Flight Home
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Happy New Year!!

Gettin' Ready! ✔️

153 12 8
By midnightxmuke

Kalel's P.O.V

I woke up at 3:00am a saw a text message:


From: Dad

Hi Sweetie! Your mom and I went to New York and we bought your mom to the NYC NATIONAL HOSPITAL..


To: Dad


From: Dad

She gave birth to your baby sister. Can you call your brother Chris and his family to go to New York. You can go to. Please come stay here for a week.. Bye Sweetie!

To: Dad

OMG! Ok dad!! Love you bye!

End of text

I called my brother Chris which is in Canada right now.


"Hey Chris, dad said to go to Ney York right now. Mom's there now, dad bought her to NYC NATIONAL HOSPITAL."


"You'll know. Just go there tomorrow.. Dad said to stay there for two weeks.. Bye!


I woke up Ian and told the news and we started packing up.

I went up to vlog.

"Hi guys sorry for not vlogging for a few days.. I was busy.. I gotta new Boyfriend!! He's from Smosh.. He's Ian!! He's soo cute! I love him sooo much! He bought me a cute kitten calle Kabuki or Buki which means KalelBeautifulKitten. Um.. by the way it's about 5:00 am Saturday today.

We're getting ready to pick up Anthony were gonna go to NewYork! My mom gave birth to my new baby sis!"

I saw Ian eating a taco behind me.

"Ok lookie here it's my Ian!"

"Oh hi YouTube!"

"We'll come back later, we'll just finish packing. See ya later!"

"Kalel can you call Anthony, I have to charge my phone.."

"Ok." I answered with a smile.

Anthony's P.O.V

*How many fools can I kill today...*

My phone ranged while I was eating a sandwich waiting for Ian, it was Kalel

"Oh hey Anthony are you ready?"

"Yep, I've been waiting here for 10 mins."

"We'll be there in a sec."


I hung up after I said Ok.

I called my sister Antonette to take care of my pets Louisiane, Charlie, Aeloive and my newest pet the baby of Louisiane, Louie..

-After a 20 mins..-

Kalel and Ian arrived FINALLY!

"Hi Anthony, sorry were late Ian has diarrhoea he like stayed in the bathroom for about 3 mins." Kalel said.

I giggled and tweeted.

@SmoshIan has diarrhea!





Get well..

"Nah, just kidding I was just playing with my cat hehe!!" Kalel replied.


Guys false alarm it was just a joke..



Haha tricked by Ian..


Why did you tweet this get off the car were home..

Wait what? Wait Kalel?

"That's my new account!" Kalel said.

"U mad?" I asked.

"Nah.." Kalel said.

For a second there I thought I was dead!

"What time we leaving babe?" Kalel asked Ian.

"About 7:30 Tyler will be here in 2 hours it's still 5:40 so wanna continue your vlog?" Ian told Kalel. "YA SURE!" Kalel answered.

"Hey ya guyz I'm back with Anthony and Ian! We're waiting for Tyler to babysit our 4 darling pets! I see ya later after Tyler comes bye!!" Kalel said.

I kinda had a panic attack because I remembered that when I was 14 Tyler was my Bestfriend he babysat my pet dog Fred when we went to Hawaii when we came back we saw the house was ruined and my dog was dead!

"Oh my gosh, Anthony.." Ian yelled panicking.

"Do as what I do.." Ian said slowly. After that I felt better! "Thanks man!" I said. "Don't mention it." Ian said to me.


Tyler arrived and we went on to Target to buy snacks..


Hi guys and gals I was too lazy to put on a conversation.. By the way do you like it?



2015 A/N;

i suck at writing before, woah.

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