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By -softbae

861K 45.8K 105K

❝get out of my dms pls❞ ❝-and lemme get in yo pants instead ;)❞ in which a guy dm's a girl terrible pickup li... More



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By -softbae

"Hey Taeyong can you read the second paragraph in the text for me?" Lucas asked the boy beside him as he typed away on his laptop.

"You can't read it yourself?" Taeyong muttered. He had his head rested in his arms on the table whilst scrolling through his phone, "Must've gone blind from staring at your reflection in the mirror for too long."

"He's asking nicely, Tea. So do it, lazy ass." Yeona pushed his textbook closer to Taeyong, making him groan in response.

It had been three hours since the four had been in the library, working away on their project. Not a lot of small talk was made once they all got together, they could already sense the tension between Taeyong and Lucas. So the pairs only concentrated on their own work, hoping to get it done as soon as possible.

You could consider Jaehyun and Yeona to be that one pair in class everyone envied the moment they were paired up. They were bound to get the highest grade for that project, and they sure proved it. They both knew what they were doing, though they would help each other if the other was uncertain about something. Even so, Jaehyun was always willing to help Yeona, even when she didn't ask. His sweet and gentleman-like behavior made her swoon to the fullest.

Taeyong and Lucas on the other hand, weren't making any progress with their project. This mostly was because Taeyong wasn't being cooperative with Lucas at all, making him do most of the work and ignoring him whenever he needed help. And to Yeona's surprise, Lucas hadn't complained about it, not even once.

Taeyong lazily lifted his head up, slowly dragging the textbook closer to him. He skimmed the words on the page, before mumbling, "The French passenger ship Yukhei runs aground off the coast of Fuckboytopia, with 140 lives lost because dumbass don't know how to control his–"

"Woah woah wait, what the heck did you just say?" Yeona stopped him from continuing. She grabbed the textbook out of his hands and read the words off the page, "Wait– it doesn't even say that? The ship's name is Medusa."

She rolled her eyes, "Taeyong, it's your grade on the line too, so stop being a jerk and help him," Yeona slid the book back over to him, "What even is a Yukhei anyways?"

"It's actually my real name," Lucas replied to her, "I go by Lucas though, its just easier to pronounce."

"Wow, hehe... that's a cute name," Yeona giggled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Lucas smiled at her amusingly, "Not as cute as the boy himself, am I right?"

"You're like, a thousand percent right," Yeona blushed from the gorgeous smile he was giving her.

Taeyong scoffed at her, rolling his eyes at the two, "I mean the name is okay, it's not even that hard to pronounce."

"Okay? It's a very unique name, I don't know what you're talking about."

"It's pretty basic in my opinion, nothing special about it, just like the owner of the name."

"You wanna go Tea–"

"Let's fucking go Yawna–"

"Um I think you guys forgot we're in the library," Jaehyun whispered as he glanced between them worriedly, fearing they were actually about to pounce on each other.

The two slowly sunk back into their seats, their glaring eyes still locked.

"I think we should take a break, I'm pretty sure Lucas' fingers are about to fall off." Jaehyun suggested, which they silently agreed with.

"I mean you aren't wrong..." Lucas stretched his arms widely, just inches away from hitting Taeyong's head, "Oh haha whoops, sorry."

Taeyong sent him a side-ways glare before shuffling his chair slightly away from him.

"I brought some snacks for us to share, knowing we'd get hungry at some point." Jaehyun beamed as he pulled up his backpack onto his lap.

Carefully and slowly, he took out a few items and set it on the table, "Okay so I wasn't sure what you guys liked– well I do but I don't know what Yeona likes– so I just brought some strawberry macarons, a few yogurt drinks, and uh, some milk. Hope that's good enough."

Jaehyun pushed the goodies to the middle of the table for all to take with ease. Lucas grabbed a yogurt drink and two macarons, thanking his friend.

"Woah these are like, all of my favourite things– well aside from the milk." Taeyong's eyes glistened, mouth watering just looking at the macarons.

"Well we were friends, of course I would know about your favourite things..." Jaehyun mumbled to himself quietly, and to his luck the others hadn't heard.

"You know I hate strawberries too, so I don't know what made you choose that out of all the flavours," Lucas spoke up, stuffing his third macaron in his mouth.

Yeona lightly snorted at the sight, "It's like Jaehyun just got all of Taeyong's favourite snacks."

Yet Jaehyun remained silent, biting his lip as he picked at his milk carton. The other two boys didn't seem to notice his odd behaviour, unlike Yeona who was a little concerned for his silence.

"But thanks, Jaehyun. This was very sweet of you." Yeona gave him a heartfelt smile, hoping to bring his spirits back up.

He returned the gesture before looking back down at his laptop, hoping she wouldn't notice the slight tint of red glowing on his ears.


"So I'll proofread the rest and print it tomorrow night," Jaehyun closed his laptop, stuffing it inside the fabric case.

"Great, let me know if there's anything I can do to help," Yeona replied before looking over to Lucas, "Um sorry about Taeyong, I'm not sure what's up with him today."

The three looked down at the said boy, who was in the midst of taking a nap. He had been in the same position for an hour by most. Soft snores were heard as they watched him sleep, making them laugh quietly.

"It's fine, we're close to being done. I'll just finish the rest," Lucas let out a soft sigh, giving the girl a small smile.

She huffed quietly, "Don't worry, I'll smack some sense into him once he wakes up."

Yeona watched the boys pack up their belongings while gathering the few remaining treats left behind.

Jaehyun passed the last remaining yogurt drink to Yeona, giving her a subtly wink, "Enjoy it, love."

"O-Oh... thanks," The two boys waved to her before making their way out of the library. She dreamily watched them walk away, staring at them in awe as she held the drink close to her.

Once they were out of sight, Yeona let out a sigh and turned back around, only for her mood to instantly turn sour. She glared at the peacefully sleeping boy in front of her. She was quite disappointed in Taeyong's attitude towards Lucas. She thought that maybe, just maybe, they would get along for once. But of course, it was Taeyong we're talking about.

Yeona grabbed her pencil case that sat beside her and rummaged through it, picking out a marker. She leaned over the table and poked the top of his head multiple times, "Tea, tea, green tea, herbal, rooibos, wake up asshole."

He didn't budge, staying in the same position unbothered. Though he managed to mumble out "don't touch her" and "my name is better" as he snuggled his head deeper into his arms; which were unfortunately incoherent to Yeona.

She sighed, rolling her eyes before they slowly wandered to the marker in her hand. As if a light bulb lit above her head, she suddenly had an idea, an evil idea.

Yeona went through her pencil case again and got out her spare lipstick she always kept in her case– she never goes anywhere without it, a girl has to look good on the daily.

She then got out of her spot and sat down beside Taeyong. His face was now on its side towards her, giving her plenty of room to create a master piece.

She smirked, popping off the cap before bringing it towards his face and scribbling a few doodles, "A few whiskers here... a cute button nose...."

Yeona finished it off with a tiny heart next to his eye. She grinned at her work, closing the lid and carefully setting the lipstick back in her case.

"That'll teach him for being a jerk," Yeona mumbled, letting out a soft yawn. She rested her arms on the table, laying her head comfortably down as her eyes were fixed on Taeyong, slowly drooping into darkness.

No. She harshly slapped her self awake. She was not doing the same mistake Taeyong did, she can not fall asleep in front of him.

But, he looked like he was in a coma, seeing that he slept through her entire art class. She also didn't get much sleep the night before, getting 5 hours by most, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a five minute nap."

So Yeona gave in, closing her eyes and putting her trust into her conscience that Taeyong would not wake up before her.


Few minutes had turned into an hour, and Yeona's slumber was soon interrupted from what sounded to be light chuckles.

Yeona lifted her head from the table, rubbing one eye and opening the other to see Taeyong now fully awake with a huge smile on his face and his phone out in front of her.

He wasn't mad? Yeona was expecting to wake up to an angry Taeyong, fuming and raging at her for drawing all over his face. But from the looks of it, it seemed like he hadn't noticed yet.

"Morning whiskers," Yeona smirked, propping her elbows on the table as she stared at the boy, expecting him to react to his unusual nickname.

"Morning dickface."

Yeona raised her eyebrows at him, confused and shocked by his choice of words.

"Uh why...why did you–..." Yeona drawled, pushing herself up to an upright position. She was starting to get suspicious at his humorous state, watching him snicker at his phone before stuffing it into his pocket soon after.

That was when she spotted a familiar red lipstick now sitting on the table, the same lipstick she had used on him not too long ago.

Yeona instantly lunged for her pencil case, taking out her small compact mirror– how else was she supposed to apply the lipstick?– and scrambled to get it open, "Taeyong I swear to the lord up high, if you touched my face I'll–"

She cut off her words as she stared at her reflection, "You... you..." Yeona couldn't process any words as she stared at the horrendous giant dick on her cheek. It was detailed, too detailed that Yeona could throw up at any moment. He managed to add in little details as well, a squiggly mustache and a unibrow as if the tool wasn't enough already.

She slowly lowered the mirror, her jaw hanging low, "Dickface?? More like ball face! Why'd you draw them so big what the actual fuck?!"

Taeyong snickered, trying his best to not have a full on laughing fit since they were still in the library, "Just a little pay back for what you made me do a few days ago."

She gritted her teeth, glaring at the giddy boy in front of her. She couldn't believe he went through her case to grab the same exact lipstick and draw that on her. Out of all things? Could he be anymore childish? And how could he be so detailed while using her stubby lipstick??

She was starting to boil on the inside till she remembered he still hadn't discovered what she had done to him.

Yeona's frown slowly turned into a devilish grin, making Taeyong's giggle parade stop hastily, "Well, lets just say I was one step ahead of you, whiskers."

Taeyong couldn't understand why she emphasized 'whiskers' in such a way, not only once, but twice. It wasn't until something clicked in his head, his stomach dropping almost instantly.

He snatched the compact mirror from Yeona's hand and stared back at his reflection.

It was now Yeona's turn to laugh, this time not holding herself back unlike Taeyong from earlier. She watched him stare at himself, horrified, as if he was about to cry at any second.

"You turned me into hello kitty??"

Yeona snorted, choking on her spit as she laughed out loud, "Cute right? You already look like a kitty so I was just enhancing your features!" He watched her with tears brimming in his eyes ready to fall, until he spotted his art piece on her own cheek, making his lips tug up into a smile.

"So we're even, right?" Taeyong asked, his smile growing as he watched her wipe away her real tears.

After calming down, she looked back at Taeyong. Her smile slowly disappeared before she stared at him blankly, "I'm telling Eunmi on you."

With that, she jumped out her seat and grabbed her bag and pencil case before bolting out of the library.

"H-Hey wait! Don't!" Taeyong frantically stood up and stuffed as much as he could into his bag before following her out of the library.

He pushed the doors open and abruptly halted in place as soon as he stepped out. His heart was beating fast, not only from the adrenaline but from what stood before him.

There stood an angry Kun and a disappointed Jungwoo with their arms crossed. Behind them, a smirking Yeona with her phone out in front of her, ready to record the moment in front of her.

"Taeyong..." Jungwoo spoke in a low, warning tone, raising both eyebrows at him.

Taeyong scoffed, "Oh come on, its not my fault! Do you not see my face?!"

Yeona let out a fake whimper, "H-He did it to me first. I only drew cute things on him, and yet, he drew this and called me a–"

"Don't Yeona, I can't let you say that horrid word," Jungwoo interrupted her, he couldn't bare to hear that word being said from an angel's mouth with his own ears.

"Really? It's just a dick, if anything I was just drawing her self portrait." Taeyong shrugged casually.

Yeona let out another fake whimper, adding a sniffle for effect. Kun narrowed his eyes at him, rolling up his sleeves, "You h-hurt her, so now I hurt you."

"Funny, Kun. You know I'm just joking," Taeyong let out a laugh, waiting for them to crack into laughter and hysterics.

But his smile faltered when Kun's expression didn't change, seeing fists forming, "Uh... ha... uh Jungwoo? Tell Kun to calm down."

Jungwoo shook his head and sighed, "Go for it Kun, I give you permission."

Yeona hit record, cackling as she watched Kun chase a terrified Taeyong down the corridor, screaming for forgiveness.


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