Broken Pieces (Loki Laufeyso...

Par Padfoot_76Backup

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Cover by @thecatgurl (Y/n) pov~ Growing up in the palace was a blessing in many ways. Such as getting to... Plus

Chapter One-
Chapter Two-
Chapter Three-
Chapter Five-
Chapter Six-
Hey Fam

Chapter Four-

499 17 0
Par Padfoot_76Backup

     I don't know how to express what I am feeling right now. Fear? Anger? Like nobody is listening to be yet I am the only one making sense? Aha yes that's it.
    I don't know how many times I have told them how stupid this idea is. We are going to die. Is simple. We will show up and the frost giants shall slaughter us like that. 
    But no, (y/n) doesn't know what she's talking about. She's just a girl why would she know? She's only trying to protect us! Ugh!
    "Loki, perhaps if we turn back now then we will not be in as much trouble—" I lean forward and say to him.
     Due to numerical problems, two people would need to share a horse. And that person is often me. Mainly because everyone forgets about me. Everyone except Loki.
    "I believe we have a fair chance at this. If we just go at it—"

     "Is this some kind of game to you two? We seriously could get killed!"

"(Y/n), I assure you I won't let anything bad happen to you. I won't let you die." He states calmly.
"Yes, But it's not just me I'm worried about..." I mumble under my breath.
We then come to a stop, Loki and Thor both walk forward as the rest of us climb down from the horses and walk towards an awaiting Heimdall. Standing at his ready.
"Leave this to me." Loki sad to Thor with a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Good Heimdall--"

"You are not dressed warmly enough." Heimdall speaks, catching the rest of us off guard.
"Im sorry?" Loki asks, taken aback.

"Do you think that you can deceive me?"

"You must be mistaken--" Loki says with an embossed chuckle,"We were--"

"Enough!" Heimdall says, creating a silence and an awkward tension. Thor then steps forward as I look over to see Loki take a step back, and trying to hide his embarrassment.
"Heimdall may we pass?" Thor asks. The all seeing guardian shifts his gaze upon Thor before answering.
"Never has an enemy slipped my watch. Until this day." He says stiffly. "I wish to know how that happened."
I look over at Loki who looks back at me. His face gives me nothing to infer. I look back at Thor who is now speaking.
"And tell no one of where we have gone until we have returned. Understand?" He says more as a command than a statement.
With that he pushes forward into the bifrost, the others follow behind him.
"What happened?" Volstagg asks Loki,"your silver tongue turn to lead?"

"I hope you've thought this through." I whisper to Loki as I walk passed him. He doesn't respond, but instead follows closely after me.
I look around to see that the others have gathered at the front of the structure, standing at the ready.
Standing close behind them I take a deep breath. Were we really about to do this? Based off of Thors impulsive decisions? If that's the case then we are all dead men now. Dead men and women-- I mean.
Heimdall uses his sword to power the bifrost, causing lightning to surge through the place. The walls begin to spin and my stomach befins to churn.
Not from the spinning but from the nerves. Well I guess some of it could be from the spinning. You never know.
"Be warned." Heimdall starts from behind us. "I will honor my sworn oath to protect this realm as it's gate keeper. If your return threatens the safety of Asgard the bifrost will remain closed. And you'll be left to die in the cold waste of jotunheim."
With that said I know that the exact cause of my nervous stomach was in fact my current anxiety. Not the spinning walls.
"Can't you just leave the bridge open for us?" Volstagg asks.

"To leave the bridge open would unleash the full power of the bifrost and destroy Jotunheim with you upon it." He says warningly.

I swallow, trying to hide my fear.

"I have no plans to die today." Thor says with confidence in his voice. He doesn't even need to turn around for me to be able to tell he is smiling.
"None do." Is all Heimdall says before activating the portal and sending us all through it.
It was a tunnel of blinding lights which made it so I had to shut my eyes to keep myself from heaving anything I had eaten earlier.
In a few split seconds we retreated from the tunnel and flew down to the frozen planet at a great impact.
I don't know whether to call it luck or a bad break that I had just happened to land on top of Loki.
   "Oh my-- I'm sorry--" I say rolling off him quickly.

    "It's fine. You just caught me off guard." He says as he sits up.

    "More like you caught me." I say in a joking matter. Although it was hard to tell because of the constant worry in my voice.
    "That wasn't much of a catch..." he says as he pulls himself up, and offers me a hand to aid me up.
    "Come on. I don't plan on waiting for any set backs." Thor said as he began walking towards what looked like the old frost giant palace.
"Loki, I really think we should reconsider. This could really end up awful--" I say, grabbing his wrist and pulling him back slightly.
"(Y/n) are you sure you don't want to go back? If you are so worried then perhaps you should have stayed behind." He says without hesitation.
"No. I told you I would come with. So I am keeping that promise." I say. "Stand by each other forever, remember?" I ask, reciting our silly childhood phrase.
"How could I forget?" He says, taking my hand with his own and releasing my grip from his other arm.

      I follow behind the others, and struggle at keeping up. It's like they're not even cold!
      "Where are they?" I hear someone ask from In Front of me.

     "Hiding. As cowards always do." Thor says, leading us forwards.

     "You've come along a long way to die Asgardians." Said a voice that startled me, and caused me to grab on to the closed person to me.

     "I am Thor Odinson—"

     "We know who you are." They say once more.

     "How did your people get into Asgard?"

     "The house of Odin is filled with traitors."
     I look around at the group. My eyes land on Loki but he fails to return my glance.
     "Do not dishonor my fathers name with your lies!" Thor growls anger building up.
    " Your father is a murderer and a thief. And why have you come here? To make peace? You long for battle. You crave it! You're nothing but a boy, trying to prove himself a man."

    "This boy has grown tired of your mockery."

    Just then Loki steps forward and whispers something to his brother.  "Thor, stop and think. Look around you. We are outnumbered."

   "Know your place brother..." Thor says. Loki does not take this as a warning, but stays his ground.

     "You know not what your actions would unleash."

     "I do."

   The frost Giant who has been speaking to us scoffs,"Go now. While I still allow it."

     "We will accept your most gracious offer." Loki says putting his arm on Thor's shoulder, and taking a step back.  "Come on brother."
    We all turn around, and walk away from the group of frost giants.  Until...
    "Run back home little princess..." I look at Thor with my eyes wide as I realize what he's about to do. He spins around and begins attacking the frost giants. As it that was their plan all along.
     I stop watching Thor to realize that he is now not the only one being attacked.
     One of the giants lunge at me with his ice weapon, but I was lucky enough to have Sif grab me by my collar and pull me away from him.
     "Thanks Sif."

     "Oh don't thank me yet—". Is all she says before going at another one, leaving me alone.
     Better put that training to use. I pull out my sword and ready myself for defense.
     "Next! At least make it a challenge for me!" I hear Thor shout from a few yards away. "Ahaha, that's more like it!!"
    I avert my eyes from him as I swing my sword at the oncoming frost giant. I block him and am able to use his ice shield as a platform and jump over him.
    "Adieu!" I shout as I land on my feet and sprint away from him. 
    "Don't let them touch you!" Volstagg yells from a whiles away from me.
    "What?" I yell back just automatically, but no longer need an answer once I feel a searing pain shoot through my neck and shoulder.
    I turn around and see that one has his grip on me strong. Just in time for him to pull my arm at an awkward angle. Sending more pain through me.
    "Loki!" I shout at, as he is only a few feet away. He turns to look at me, his face filled with fear. He holds his arm behind him, as if to hide it from me.
    "(Y/n)!"He runs over and knocks the giant off me. Picking me up off the ground and putting my arm around him.
    Just then we hear another scream from one of our warriors. "Thor!" Sif exclaims finally. "We must go!" 
    "Then go! Run!" He says, not coming away from what it is he is doing.
We start to run but are slow due to the couple of us that were injured. I could barely hear what the others were saying due to the loud pulse beating in my ears.
All I know is that if we don't get out of here quick we will all die. Loki says something to me but I am unable to hear him due to the blood flowing through my head and the sounds of battle around us.
We're gonna die. We are going to die now. I still have so many things in life I have yet to do. But here we are. Man I really did not picture myself dying like this...
The dark is broken by the bifrost opening and Odin Allfather appearing from its light.
     "Father!" Yells Thor from behind us, "We'll finish them together!!"

    "Silence." His father shushes him.

    "Allfather. You look...weary." Laufey says stepping forward.

    "Laufey, stop this now." Odin commands. Looking sure that he will hold his ground.
     "Your boy sought this out!" Said the leader of the frost giants as he began to grow restless once again.
      "You're right. These are actions of a boy. Treat them as such. You and I can end this, here and now. before theres further bloodshed." Odin says.
      "We are beyond diplomacy now, Allfather. He'll get what he came for... war and death." With that the frost giants all began to close in on us again. Loki shifts and exposes my frost burn to his armor, causing me to groan.
    "(Y/n) hold on. I will get you out of here." Loki whispers to me. To which it sounded like the sweetest yet most scared he's ever said to me.
I just nod in agreement. Not able to make actual words with the pain Im dealing with.
My head pulses and I can hear my blood flow as Loki struggles to hold up my limp body. Within a flash of colorful light the bridge is opened again. I must have missed the last of what they said due to my current situation.
We land back in the bifrost and it is now that I am for sure I am about to throw up. Loki hands me over to Sif and whispers something to her. Which I am able to make out as, "Take her to the healers please. She is not doing so well."
Sif nods and hurriedly tries to help me back to the bridge so we can take the horses back to the palace.
"Loki wait." I say as I look back at him. "Please come with me—" I plead as I look into his eyes. He looks scared, probably even more so than me at this moment. But he just shakes his head.
"Sif, go." He says flicking his hand at us in a go away type motion.
    "Come on (y/n), we are going to the healers so they can help you." She says, guiding me to her horse.
She helps lift me onto her horse while making sure I stay steady. Because of my injured arm and burn I am incapable of doing it one my own. But man does it sting like Hell. This can't be just a regular sprang.
"What's going to happen to the others?" I say through gritted teeth.
"Don't worry about them right now (y/n), you need to worry about yourself." She says like a command.
I keep my mouth shut as instructed to, because I know that if I were to speak again it would only be to ask about Loki.

       The giant doors to the infirmary are opened, and out come some maids to collect me and take me inside.
     "Lady Sif, what happened? Are you injured as well?" The taller one on the right asked as she took me and helped me over to a bed.
     "No I am fine for the most part. I just need you to take (y/n). The others will be in soon and they too will need tending to." Sif answers.
     "Would you like to stay with Lady (y/n)?" Asks the shorter blonde one standing with Sif.

     "I would but I am afraid I have to go and check to make sure that the others are getting here alright."

     "Yes Miss. Well we will look after her for you." The blonde one says, nodding towards me.
    Sif gives a tight lipped smile before easing out the doors, leaving me alone with the maids.
    "Okay Miss (y/n), we need to to lay on this bed while we look over your wounds." The first one tells me as she lays me down on one of the beds.
     "I got-- a-- freeze burn--" I grunt, trying to explain what had happened back in Jotunheim. "They touched me-- and it burned through my--"

    "Hush now! You are obviously in too much pain to speak." The taller brunette said,"Now (y/n), My name is Hilda and I'm going to look after you. Now let me see your arm."
    She gently takes my arm in hers, inspecting the already bruising skin. She touches a few sensitive spots causing me to whimper at the searing pain in my arm.
"Oh dear..." the maid said, losing her plus expression,"I have some bad news for you Miss, well other than your already poor condition."
I look her in the eyes. My vision is blurry with tears,"What?" I ask through my teeth.

"Well I am afraid your arm is broken. I'm going to have to reset it." She says giving me a solemn expression.
"What? Well how bad is that going to hurt?" I ask. Regretting it because I know that's a question I do not want the answer to.
She ignores me anyways and turns to the maid behind her,"Can I get you to hold her down?"

"Hold me down? That won't be necessary!" I say leaning forward.

"I apologize Miss, I do. But this is our job. And it is necessary." She says laying me back down. 
    "Now," she says while the other is holding me down. "On the count of three... one...two..."
   They look at each other and nod. I feel the anticipation burning inside me while I wait for the jerking of my bones back into place.
     This was not how I had thought today was going to go...


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