Cheated Then Knocked Up By Ro...

By KimmyUB

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Chapter 1 - The Text ✔
Chapter 2 - Truth revealed ✔
Chapter 3 - Stupid ✔
Chapter 4 - Clubbing ✔
Chapter 5 - I want her ✔
Chaper 6 - I want you ✔
Chapter 7 - Who is he? ✔
Chapter 8 - Cancelled ✔
Chapter 9 - The Run In ✔
Chapter 10 - Dinner Invitation ✔
Chapter 11 - The test ✔
Chapter 12 - I'm Pregnant (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 13 - I'm Pregnant (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 14 - Surprise visitor ✔
Chapter 15 - Who the hell are you?! ✔
Chapter 16 - I'm bleeding ✔
Chapter 17 - Hospital ✔
Chapter 18 - Two of them?! ✔
Chapter 19 - We having Twins?! ✔
Chapter 20 - Our Home (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 21 - Our Home (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 22 - Meeting the "In-laws" ✔
Chapter 23 - Family Drama ✔
Chapter 24 - The Dinner (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 25 - The Dinner (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 26 - Missing ✔
Chapter 27 - Why are you doing this? ✔
Chapter 28 - I'm Coming ✔
Chapter 29 - I Got You Baby ✔
Author Note
Chapter 31 - I'm Fucked! ✔
Chapter 32 - I Owe You The Truth... ✔
Chapter 33 - Manipulative Bitch ✔
Chapter 34 - Barbeque ✔
Chapter 35 - Surprise Guest ✔
Authors Note
Chapter 36 - Loose Ends (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 37 - Loose Ends (Part 2)✔
Chapter 38 - Date Night ✔
Chapter 39 - Proposal ✔
Chapter 40 - Doctor's Appointment ✔
Chapter 41 - Gender Reveal Dinner ✔
Chapter 42 - Surprise Birthday Party ✔
Chapter 43 - Labor Pains (Part 1) ✔
Chapter 44 - Labor Pains (Part 2) ✔
Chapter 45 - Welcome Home ✔
Chapter 46 - Christmas Day ✔
Chapter 47 - Girls Night ✔
Chapter 48 - Marry me NOW! ✔
Chapter 49 - Rehearsal Dinner/Brunch
Chapter 50 - Wedding Day (Part 1)
Chapter 51 - Wedding Day (Part 2)
Chapter 52 - Honeymoon
Chapter 53 - Explosion
Chapter 54 - Delivering The Bad News
Chapter 55 - His Awake
Chapter 56 - Released From The Hospital
Chapter 57 - I'm Done...!

Chapter 30 - The Doings in "The Mafia Mansion" ✔

10K 351 35
By KimmyUB

3 DAYS LATER - (Fri, 28 April 2017)

Kiara's POV

Waking up with a jolt, I looked around only to find Stephano sleeping peacefully beside me with soft light breathing, he really is beautiful. I can't help but stare at him, his hair is hanging over his forehead and his mouth is parted a little with little soft snores escaping through his parted lips, his so handsome even in his sleep. We are just here at "the Mansion" which is the Mafia Mansion. I haven't looked around the place yet as Stephano has me practically locked in this room, the girls was here a few days ago but had to leave due to work but promised to come to the Estate tonight to spend the weekend with me, and the guys of course is already staying with us, so when we go back home tonight, the place won't be so empty and quiet, which I'm thankful for.

Eventough I feel much better Stephano insist on me staying in bed and not leaving my side, as much as it annoys me, it is rather sweet seeing him so attentive and caring over me, he makes it harder to not fall in love with him more and more everyday. We have spend all our time here in Stephano's bedroom and we talked a lot, learning a lot about each other and the more I learn about him, the more I see that his actually nothing like the rumours, granted he is ruthless when it comes to business and the Mafia of course but his a sweetheart in reality or maybe it's just with me, Gio and Dante's words not mine, they were teasing him just yesterday about how whipped he is...

"Good morning beautiful" I was startled out of my thoughts by Stephano's husky voice. "How long have you been awake?" He asks coming to lay closer to me with his head in the croak of my neck, whispering in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Not long, I just woke up a few minutes ago. My body is so sore of all the laying down, I couldn't sleep anymore" I say to him, hoping to get out of this room.

"Tell you what, I'm going to take care of a few things and then I'll take you home and we can have a barbeque with our friends at the Estate, maybe by the poolside if you want?" He asks.

"So what must I do until we get home? Can I walk around the mansion while you work?" I asked with excitement as I can tell he doesn't want me walking around this place, where there is so many men around so I'm trying my luck.

"No you should rest Kiara" I knew he was going to use that excuse.

"I'm well rested already Stephano! I can't be cooped up in here any longer! It's driving me crazy, don't you understand. God! I'm not asking to leave, all I'm asking is to walk around the mansion, maybe take a walk outside get some fresh air while looking around you're "work place"?" I said with a sad expression, hoping it will make him give in.

"Fine! But, you will go where I go understood?" He says and I don't even care as long as I'm out of this room.

"Yes! I promise I'll stay by you're side, thank you!" I said kissing him.

"Now this is how I want to wake up every morning" he says with a smile as we pulled apart and licking his lips, man his hot! I was going to tease him a little but his phone interrupted us.

"Yeah?" Stephano says and for the last few days I've never once heard him answer the phone with a greeting it's either "Yeah? or what!" Men! I think rolling my eyes at him.

"What?!" Stephano says jumping up from the bed and turning his back on me.

"I'm coming!" He says hanging up and rushing to the bathroom without looking my way.

When Stephano steps out of the bathroom with just a towel around him, he still didn't give me a glance, he seems to be in his own world, he looks pissed and I'm not even sure he remembers me being here or that I'm sitting here watching him as he shuffles around in his draws looking for God knows what and then he goes into his walk in closet and when he returns his fully dressed in a white t-shirt and black jeans, looking hot as always but still with an angry scowl on his face, I wonder what could have pissed him off this much?

"Baby why don't you go and take a nice long bath, while I go down and take care of something important that just came up unexpectedly? I promise I won't be long, I'll be back in an hour tops and we can go for breakfast together and take you on your tour around the house?" He asks all in one breath, his clearly in a rush must be something big going on that has him so stressed and I don't want to add to it so I just nod and kissed him.

"Okay I'll be back before you even get out of the bath, I love you okay!" He say as his making his way up the stairs to leave the room without waiting for me to respond, weird.

I didn't ponder much on that, I'm sure whatever is stressing him out, he will handle it so I'm not going to let it stress me out one bit. So I made my way to the bathroom and started running the bath and rummaged through my toiletriesbag for my set of Jasmine bath products which I'm addicted to, adding some bath salt and bath oil and filling up Stephano's amazing tub, I was ready for a relaxing bath. Putting on some slow jams and undressing myself, I got into the hot water and just signed, this is what Heaven must feel like.

After and hour an half of relaxing, I got out of the bath. I'm sure Steph is probably waiting for me, it amazes me how patient he can be sometimes with me, even though we all know his a very impatient man. After getting dressed in one of the clothes Steph had Laura pack for me and send here, I couldn't help but stare at myself in the full length mirror in the bathroom, my bump is really starting to show, eventough I'm only 7weeks along and it's like I'm glowing, I love it... I feel and look beautiful.

After admiring myself in the mirror for a couple of minutes and taking a few pictures of my bump, I was ready for my tour and I'm kind of excited to say the least, as I really wanted to know what they do here at "the Mafia Mansion" I'm really curious. Walking out the bathroom door, I don't see Stephano anywhere and looking at the time his been gone for over 2 hours now, I guess the problem was pretty big then, if his still not back and I'm starving already, I guess I could wait a few more minutes for him, I'm sure he'll be here any minute.

I have been sitting here playing around with my phone for over an hour and Steph has been gone for nearly 4 hours, without a word or even someone checking on me, it's like I have been forgotten and I feel in my gut something isn't right, I mean he has been so attentive these past few days, something really important must have happened that it needed all his focus, so I guess it wouldn't hurt going to find some food by myself. So I got up and made my way up the stairs and to the bedroom door, opening it I looked down the hall only to see no one there that I could ask or send for food, shrugging I made my way out the door closing it behind me and I walked down the hallway to the staircase getting there, I see Elijah on his way up, oh thank God! Now I won't be lost.

"Hey you, I was just on my way to Steph, where you off too?" Elijah says when he notices me on the top of the stairs.

"Oh, well I'm looking for him myself... I have been Waiting for him for almost 4 hours, we were suppose to go for breakfast together and then he was to show me around this house but I still haven't heard from him or seen him since he got a call and said he has something important to take of it." I said feeling kind of stupid for waiting for him for so long as he clearly had an emergency to take care of.

"I haven't heard of anything that needed his attention but okay, maybe it's because I kind of just woke up an hour ago" Elijah says chuckling. "Why don't we go get you something to eat, I'm sure Steph will be back soon" he says holding out his hand to help me down the stairs.

"I would like that very much as I'm starving I have been waiting for Steph to come, even though he said he will be back for me in an hour and it's been 4 hours already! Would you take me to him first?" I ask with smile taking his hand and we made our way down the steps.

"Sure, I'm sure if his here then he would probably be in his office or the conference room, we can go check if you want. Let me just check with the front gate gaurds to make sure his on the premises." he says and I nod so we stopped at the bottom of the stairs and he took out his phone and a few seconds later he hangs up and smile at me.

"Well it seems his still here and he never left, so I'm sure we'll find him somewhere." He says smiling and then says to follow him which I gladly did as I'll get to look around.

"Where the boss at?" Elijah asks one of the gaurds that was just passing by us.

"In the sitting room and does not want to be interrupted" the gaurds says with a weird look on his face and walked away. Turning to Elijah questioningly, he gives me an obvious fake smile but you could see the pissed look he has.

"What going on Elijah?" I asked because something is up.

"Nothing let's go get you something to eat, while Steph finishes his business, atleast we know where he is" Elijah says all of a sudden changing our plans as we were first going to Steph and then have breakfast?

"Elijah take me to Stephano please" I say with all seriousness as I can tell there's something wrong, I hope Steph is okay...

"You should go get something to eat first and feed those babies, you know Steph will flip his shit if we don't feed his bundles of joy first." He says with a forced chuckle, only raising my curiosity even more.

"Firstly, Stephano can't 'flip' over anything as he was suppose to feed OUR babies 4 hours ago, So take me to him or I'll just find him myself as this place isn't as huge as the Estate I'm sure I'll find him somewhere." I said harshly which I really didn't mean but I'm starting to lose my patience bit by bit.

"Okay! Geez woman, relax I'll take you, we wouldn't want you wondering around a Mafia house all by yourself, then Steph would really kick my ass." He says chuckling again and it sounds for real this time.

So we made our way down the hall, passing a few guys sitting in what looks like a bar room or something and then I see Elijah taking out his phone again and starts typing fast on his phone without looking up and then we walk to a staircase and before we make our way down, I see Elijah pressing a last button before putting his phone away and then I hear a phone going off as we took half of the stairs down and it pulls my attention in that direction and I see it's Stephano's phone going off on the table but he ignores it as he isn't alone there and what I see stops me right in my tracks and I look at Elijah next to me and he just looks down shaking his head.

(Self-made image of Stephano and company on the couch 😂👇)

Understanding clearly what Elijah was trying to prevent me from seeing, I turn around and made my way back up half of the staircase I took down which isn't much so I doubt we were even noticed and I can hear Elijah behind me but I don't give a fuck at this moment, all that's going through my mind right now is how Elijah texted furiously trying to clearly warn Steph and that only puts thoughts in my head as to what really happens here in "the Mafia mansion" because from what I've noticed this far, is that all the guys are good at covering each others "Doings"!!!

"Kiara wait! That is not what you think it is" Elijah says real fast grasping my forearm to stop me, I'm sure I looked as pissed as I feel.

"What do you know about what I'm thinking huh? Which means you're clearly thinking something and believe I think the same way, fear not Elijah because it doesn't matter but you did show me just how loyal you are to Stephano whether his right or wrong, you should be proud" I said and turned my back on him trying to walk away, keyword being trying, as he stops me yet again but before he could speak I turn back around and speak for him.

"I don't want to hear anything you have thought of saying to make excuses for you're cousin or yourself okay! So why don't you make yourself useful and ask someone if they can bring me something to eat to Stephano's room please... I would appreciate it and not to worry, I can find my way there" I said and turned around and before I walked away I say over my shoulder. "And I'll do that BY MYSELF!" Then walk away down the hallway and when I get to a corner, turned around before I take the turn I see Elijah still standing where I left him.

"You're not what I thought you would be, but I get it you're loyal" I say shaking my head and walking around the corner and I'm actually surprised I didn't brake down yet as I just saw my boyfriend, the father of my babies snuggled close to his EX on the couch. The only thing on my mind right now is, does "cheat on me" stand on my fucking forehead or something? Can I ever be truly happy? I guess not...


Well there you have your update and I'm working on the next chapter as you're reading this, as I did promise 1kika03 a double update as she was really down that I didn't update yesterday because she loves reading my book when she takes a brake from her studying and I will try my very best to finish the update before I go to bed as it is already after 8pm in the evening, but I'll try even if it takes me all night. Anyways I hope you all liked the chapter and let me know what you think... Do you believe Stephano is cheating or do you think there's more than what meets the eye? Let me know and please don't forget to comment and vote.💜



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