Numb (Revising)

By Liber_Tee

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"Behind those eyes, there's a girl in there desperately trying to break free. A girl who needs to be wanted s... More

🌸Read Me🌸
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
🍻Discuss (Spoiler + Mystery Alert!!)
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 23

710 140 48
By Liber_Tee

Rooney Edwin.

"... Guy calm down! " I dragged Arthur back.

This was the fourth fight he was getting into in two days...

It was getting out of control now and it was infuriating that this was how he decided to let out anger.

"I swear, take a chill pill. " Dominique shoved Arthur and I stumbled a bit because he'd crashed into me.

"No. He should take the fucking damn chill pill, didn't he see me? He pushed me! "Arthur heaved out and took a swipe at the unfortunate A eight grader.

"I didn't push you on purpose! It was an accident. Why your blood too dey hot(Why're you so short tempered?)" He shook as he spoke, it was obvious this guy was heaving in anger.

This dude was way bigger than Arthur...

Like, Arthur you wan die(Do you wanna die?)

"Now you're shouting at me?! " Arthur dragged out his two hands, pushed me back and threw a direct punch at the guys jaw.


The A eight grader grunted and made an attempt to grab Arthur.. He stepped back.

Dominique instead grabbed the guy by his left hand and dragged him away.

Dragged him away to apologize on Arthur's behalf.

The small crowd that gathered around us in front of my class were chanting, yelling and just being plain stupid.

They were attracting lots of attention from other students in the floor.

I didn't need a teacher punishing me first thing in the morning.

Chiamaka walked towards us, whispered some bull in Arthur's ear and kissed him.

Okay, Arthur had explained to me.. In some sorta way, that she was helping him... 'cope' with his anger... Sexually...

I didn't understand what he'd said cause even he didn't understand.

I just knew that she was now his sex toy, whenever he wanted to let out some 'frustration'...

By choice!

Feminism in the mud because this ain't no women empowerment, this is women disempowerment especially with how Arthur said she was training him to be rough on her. On everyone.

How do you offer yourself up to be used like that?

Arthur pulled back and shook his head. She looked down and smiled... Then walked away.

The crowd suddenly decided to disappear with her..

Well, that's what I thought at first!

"Two of you. Hey! " A teacher yelled at us.


I couldn't make a run for it. Our class door was actually barely three steps away, but he'd already marked us out.

Fuck you Arthur.

We'd not even gone through first period and you'd already put me in some serious shit.

"Good morning boys. " Uncle Alex eyed us.

Welcome to Nigeria, don't greet an elder and you get mocked by that elder.

Being greeted by an older person was being mocked.

It was just a stupid way of saying you're being disrespectful to them.

"Good morning sir. " Arthur mumbled with his head down.

The weather was misty and cold... It'd just rained.

"Good morning Rooney. " Uncle Alex focused on me now.

I rolled my eyes in my head, eyed his long worthless cain and muttered a greeting.

"Were you two fighting just now? " He tapped the floor with his cain.

"No sir. " I murmured.

"Really? Explain his bursted lips... And the crowd that'd shamelessly ran back into their various classes like cowards! " Uncle Alex yelled out the word 'Cowards' and hit his cain against the railings.

"I fell down. And they'd shamelessly ran out to laugh at me... Like cowards. " Arthur smirked at me and I smirked back.

He sucked at his bleeding lip and I threw back my attention at Alex.

"Really? " We both nodded

"Well... Standing here won't get it healed. " I smiled and we both made a move for our door.

Two swipes across my upper back erupted a deep hiss from Arthur.

We both turned to glare at the foolish idiot... I mean, why was he hitting me? I wasn't loitering... And Arthur's lie was believable.

And I was about to walk into my class.

Some teachers can be really useless.

Having the audacity to hit me is a sign of uselessness.

"That's not the way to the sick bay. " Alex grinned evilly at me and I faked a smile.

"Right... Because you told us to go there. " I told him through my gritted teeth.

Wonder when you actually even told us to.

Alex nodded at us, we both walked past him and made our way to the stairs.

"That guy don craze(He's crazy.)" Arthur muttered.

I stopped walking and glared at him.

" No na you. You don dey craze(No,it's you. You're going crazy.)" he raised an eyebrow.

"Fourth fight in barely two days. "

"What? Everyone annoys me. "

".. Well,that's not how you cope with anger. You're not the only one who's going through pain. Don't be an ass. " His muscles tensed up.

"An ass? What the fuck, you don't understand me. You have no fucking idea how it feels like when your dad's missing. "

What the fuck? Did he just say that??

" Well, you're right. I have no idea how it feels like when your dad's missing. I have no idea how it feels like to at least have hope that your dad's still alive... I have no fucking idea how it feels like to know your dad might one day come back home safely? Or how it feels like to await your father so you could run into his arms every single day when he's back from work!... You know why? Do you fucking know why?! " I punched the wall...

In movies this is the part where the wall breaks and reveals how strong I am. But no, this isn't some movie this is my real life and now my hand was igniting.

Definitely just broke that hand

Thank you Arthur, thank you!

"'Cause mine is dead. Gone, buried and six feet under.. I grew up without a father and you're here picking fights just because your dad got kidnapped... Dude grow the fuck up. " My hand really fucking hurt...

Damn you...

I started walking in the opposite direction with my back turned.

"So, why don't you run over to the healing bay with someone who understands how it feels like when their dad's missing. "

"Guy, I'm sorry.. Mistake. "

"Whatever. I'm out. " I turned and continued walking...

I had no idea where I was going to, all I knew was I had to get away from him.

Before I'd say something I'll regret.


"Edwin! " I turned...

Who's now this one??

"Good morning sir. " I greeted our fine arts teacher through my gritted teeth and a fake smile plastered on my face.

"Good morning Edwin. I'm glad I just ran into you... I need your help. " I nodded.

His cane swiped the air and I was a hundred percent sure that he just carried that cane for fancy... I'd never seen him flog anyone.

At least not yet.

"With what?... Sir. "

"A star student.. She's flunking in my class and she is one of the best in her class... I need you to help her or at least teach her how to draw a plain circle for crying out loud. " I chuckled at the end of his sentence.

Well, I was talented... And I was helping a 'she'

Double ego boost.

"Okay. What class? " I smiled

"She's in your set. But she's an A student and you're a B student. "

That wasn't meant to be insulting but I felt a light jab at my ego.

"She's an all A student yet she can't draw... Pathetic. " I murmured out.

He heard me and sighed deeply.

"Look Rooney, not everyone has the gift you possess. Not everyone can craft and draw with their hands like you do, you have the skill doesn't give you the right to mock others. "

Here we go again...!

Things I don't care about!

"I'll tutor her. We've not gone far in our scheme.. Just the basics... A few diagrams here and there. Plain shapes and lines... I really don't know what I'm meant to be teaching. "

"Oh no. You misunderstand me. She's flunking in my class in arts aspect like you flunk in theoretical aspect. Teach her how to draw, she's among the selected pairs to represent our school in the competition I told you about few days ago. "

The Diamond Award.

"You chose someone who can't draw?! "

"I did, but then I had the idea that she would be the one to answer questions while you guys worked... I just got information that they'd be no theory work but practical only and it's too late.. I've already submitted the list. " I groaned.

"She's pretty. So see it as a blessing in disguise. A chance to interact with an angel. Besides I had this idea of her staying back in school with the excuse she fell ill, but she's hell bent on attending."

An angel that can't draw an ordinary circle!?

That was the only sentence that made sense to me.

Interact with an angel.

I smirked and looked down.

"Don't be shy my boy, I know all about your history in this school.. You're quite the young Casanova. " He could've ended there.

We would have both been happy.

But no! The spirit that compels everyone to compare and remind me with and off my brothers just had to possess him.

"Just like your brothers. But I think you're too young to be chasing skirts and gowns.. Put more focus into your school work and you'd find comprehension a lot easier. I still don't believe you read those books and summarized them, but then again I'm yet to find out who you paid. " I looked down.

I didn't pay anyone.

Arthur loved English and everything English related..


Getting him to help me was no task.

"Well, it's your life. She's in my office. I have a class to teach. Good luck, past drawings from the competition are on my desk... You can start there. " It was then I noticed the hard cover note book in his other hand and the marker and pen in his breast pocket.

"How much would I be paid? " I teased as he made a move to walk away.

"Higher grades... By five percent. " He walked away before I could utter an argument.

Only five percent?!!

Well, she better be hot.


"You?... " I whispered as my breath got caught in my throat.

Well, she was hot.

"Rooney." my name almost sounded like a moan from her lips...

Or was I that corrupt??

"Silvana... You're the one who can't draw just a circle? "

"Rooney... You're the one who's incredibly talented?? " She put the last two words in air quotes.

I blame you(Do I blame you?)

" Yes, were you expecting someone else? " I scowled at her.

I had no problem with this girl... She just talked too much sometimes.. And in seventh grade we shared a table together...

And unfortunately for us at that table...

She wasn't among those type of girls who 'watched their weight' but then again she didn't eat much either... And she hated spaghetti.

Nonso for some strange reason started hating on spaghetti too...

But who cares? All that boy did was copy people in 7th grade anyways.

"I was expecting someone who had brains at least... How are you intelligent and wise?? All you care about is food and girls. "

"Well, you're a girl.. So now I care about you. Wait wait wait! Are you saying I don't have brains or what?" she giggled.

Too much familiarity.

"I didn't say it. I implied it and you confirmed it. It's different from me saying 'Hey, you Rooney... You don't have brain.' Or 'Hey stupid man whore you're shameless because you don't have brain' instead I said..'I expected someone that had brains' which could mean two things..or totally nothing at all! Depends on how you want to see it like now-" I hissed at her.

"-Talkative! I'm not helping you again..." I groaned at her. This girl was a blabber mouth with a nice behind.

"Fine then, don't help me again... I'll just go there and disgrace our school. " She smirked

"Correction. Go there and disgrace yourself, we would deny you. " I sat on our teacher's office chair.

It was one of those comfortable office chairs that rotated and spined

"Fine, help me. " I stopped spinning and stared at her face.

Kissable lips... Plump and round

"On one condition. "

She rolled her eyes.

"I'll just report you to uncle... " I rolled my eyes this time.

"I'm the one who's incredibly talented... You'll just have to suck it up. " I smirked and let my eyes travel down to sample her bust

"Fine. What stupid condition? As long as it doesn't involve money because I made a promise to mum that if I spent less than five thousand this term I'd be allowed to buy some really cool L.T hair extensions and so I can't give you more than that amount or even spend such amount or lower than that on your head. L.T extensions are really super amazing and they look so real like..very much real hard to tell the difference and they just recently started and now there's a whole lots of branches all over Benin and Abuja and Lagos, even Delta State join.. "

Who now asked you all these ones!?

Who fucking gives a fuck?

I tuned her out and watched her lips.. Trying to determine when they'll stop moving.

And they stopped.

"How many guys have you kissed? " She pouted.

"So I've been taking since and you weren't even listening? Can you imagine? Because you've started sneaking to girls hotel I'm talking rubbish? "

Who now said you're talking rubbish?!!

Wait? Which girls hostel?

"I've never jumped fence oh. Silvana don't put me in trouble for nothing. " My eyes travelled down to her chest again.

"Answer me. How many lips has touched yours. " I leaned closer to her.

"None of your business. I'm just in eight grade do you really think I'm meant to keep a count of guys I've kissed? "

She stood up

"Well forget it. Don't help me any more, I'll get someone to replace you... She's also incredibly talented-"

"-That's not possible, no one's half talented as I am.. In our set. "

" Did you even hear your self speak? Well, she is. " Silvana smirked and walked out the door, I sprinted over the table and followed her.

There was no way, someone else was half talented as I was.

"Rooney stop bugging me. I'll tell uncle you helped if that's what your ish is. " Silvana said in front of me.

"No, I don't give a fuck about that.. Just five percent increase I stand to gain-"

"-Huh? "

"Never mind. I just need to see the 'she' that's 'better' than me. "

"I never said she's better than you... Your artworks uncle showed me are really great, just that she's also great too. " I forced a laugh.

"No one's as great as I am. "

She turned to mimic me with her hands.

"Do you hear yourself at all ? You're worst than that sales man I met in Lagos Mall last holiday.. Acted like he had the best concealers in the whole damn store, I really don't know why people act like that though? Can't you just acce..." I tuned her out again and watched her waist movement.

How the fuck did I not notice her curves?

"... Rooney! " She screamed at me and I stumbled backwards.

"You weren't even listening to me!"

"You talk a lot! "

Her mouth took up a pout and she eyed me.

"You talk too little!... She's in my class. The talented girl, she's a bit quiet so I'm sure she won't want you hovering around her in public.." I raised an eyebrow

"Excuse me? "

"No offense!"

"None taken! " I replied sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and continued

"Just that you have this weird influence on most girls in my class.. I get you're fine and you're related to your.. Brothers "

She mentioned them!.. Everyone just had to say something about my brothers in our conversation.

Why not you just go over and talk to them instead!?

".. I get all those... But you just have this weird effect on women and it is so very weird because I think I'm the only girl in my class who doesn't see it, what do they see in you? you are so so rude and rotten but I mean anyone who's also popular among SS3 is rotten like them and for some reason girls like these traits in you so if you enter our class right now... It's still eight twenty, no teacher would be in there yet. Every one is going to pause to watch you two.. And she doesn't like that kinda stuff"

Get straight to the damn point.

Without insulting me further.

I can accept calling me rotten, but me rude? That's where it lingers into insults.

I'm the nicest boy I've ever met. I've been training myself to pick up social cues that tell me I should apply empathy. It's a work in progress but at least it's still in progress!

"So come break time. Five minutes after the bell has been rung, our class would be empty by then and meet her. "

"And who told you I'd still care by then? "

"I just know things. Rooney Edwin. " She winked at me.


"Okay, sure. I just want to confirm no one's half as talented as I am... And definitely not a girl in A. " I stood in front of my class now.

My ego couldn't stand the idea of someone equaling to me.

Couldn't stand the idea of someone in that low valued class equaling my great talent.

Grade 8 A student being better than me?

"Get off your high horse. " Silvana snorted and walked into her class and I walked into mine.

"Munachi's the girl? "

Why didn't I think of her? Of course she can draw... Back then most girls cooed her over with sweet and dolls to do their plasticine projects for them. .. So crafting was easy for her.

"I'm surprised you didn't call her Numb. " Silvana smirked at me.

Munachi wasn't aware that we were watching her, she had her back turned to her school bag while she searched for something.

"Why would I? " I replied Silvana, Munachi turned and our eyes met.

She didn't react, neither did a smile form on her lips at my face... She just blinked and I found my self lost in her darkened brown eyes.

'What'd you want? ' The eye language was back again, just like the first time I'd bumped into her.

I smirked and walked into her class, Silvana suddenly seemed to disappear.... So did the few students in here.

It was just me a moth, moving to my flame.

"Hey." I smiled at her. She nodded and went back to searching for whatever she was searching for in her bag.

I sat on her desk and she looked up again.

"Hi." Silvana's voice removed the mini vignette I'd placed Munachi in.

And it was then I noticed the two boys at the back sharing their snacks, the girl with her head down and another boy drumming against his desk.

Munachi nodded at Silvana who smiled.

"I know this might seem weird, but Rooney's here because he doesn't believe you're as talented as he his and then again I need your help. " She raised her eyebrow the tiniest bit and stared at me.

'My help with what?' her eyes asked me and I smiled, I felt crazy for believing she was communicating with me with her eyes.

I nudged my head at Silvana who continued.

"I was selected for a competition"

"The Diamond Award. " I interrupted and Munachi nodded.

Silvana chuckled.

"Now here's the funny part, it's an arts competition and I can't fricking draw... "

"Not even a plain circle. "

Silvana paused and eyed me.

"Without a compass. And it's like a freehand thing. And then again it involves crafts, I noticed that you're really good at bead making and painting... I've seen you weave with a cane once and I need your help. " Munachi nodded, her hands were still locked in her black bag.


'Now what do you have to do with all these? How are you related to everything?' her eyes asked me.

I noticed Silvana gawk at the look Munachi was giving me.

"He was meant to tutor me. And as the jerk he is, he refused. So I told him I'd ask you cause you're super talented and the huge ego in him refused to believe some one else in our set was as gifted as he was. Boys are naturally that stupid. " Munachi's lips almost tugged upwards.

Boys are what?

"So, he's here to find out who-"

"-And now see prove. "

"Yeah and now see prove. If you agree to help me that is. " Munachi smiled.



"Will you be my friend if I agree?... My last friend got murdered" Silvana gasped and stepped backwards.

... I would never had understood what she meant if Arthur hadn't body shamed her a term ago.

"No, don't worry... It was a bee, he got stepped on. " Her voice brought a weird feeling to my chest.

She sounded so innocent and naïve ...

Silvana giggled and nodded.

"I knew that.. "

Sure you did.

You knew her friend was a bee.

"Yeah, I'll be your friend. " Munachi smiled again.

Was she Numb or just a lonely child?

Her eyes bore my soul again.

'Would you be my friend too? ' I grinned at her.

"Sure... I'll be your friend too. After you prove you're talented. " I added the last part after seconds had passed, she removed her hands from her bag zipped it up and dipped her left hand into one of the sides of her bags.

Silvana sat down besides her and it was then I realized, she sat alone...

There was no other bag beside hers.

"We were classmates. What other prove do you want?" Munachi muttered and brought out a packet of pen from her bag.

Silvana raised her eyebrows at me and I nodded, her mouth took up an 'O' shape.

Munachi placed the pens on the table, I had to come down from her desk and walk to the other side to sit besides her as I watched whatever she was about to do.

She smelt like sunflowers... Not like I'd ever sniffed a sun flower or any flower at all, but I was sure if I did, it'll take on her scent.

She unscrewed the pens and brought out the rubber inks in everyone of them, her frail tiny hands started moving quickly, tying them together after she nibbled on them...

This was way better than tapping currents from girls(Making out with girls)... It was a bit educative watching her create something.

I was in here break period watching a girl make something from the inks of pen.

Five minutes later she sighed and stopped. She moved the rubber inks to one side of her table... Stood up, took the parts of the pen she didn't use and stomped on them... The loud screeching sounds attracted looks from her classmates and I watched eagerly.

She stomped and sat back down, scooped them up, dropped them on her table besides the inks. opened her bag and brought out some industrial gum and a note book.

She applied the gum inside a page completely from sides to sides and placed the rubber inks at the center then sprinkled the broken pieces of her pens around that page.

She sighed again and leaned onto her seat... Indirectly leaned unto my outstretched arm.

"Proof." She grinned at me.

I found my self smiling... She had a nice set of teeth, two long incisors and a Timmy Turner type of teeth... They weren't sparkling white but they weren't pale yellow either, she had this milky white color that was attractive.

She had cute baby teeth.

I also found my self leaning in with every second that passed .... Until Silvana coughed.


"Wow... It's so beautiful."

Munachi snapped her head back to look at her.

"I'm not done yet. " She opened her bag again and brought out three different pens... Black, blue and red.

Then brought out a pair of scissors, sliced the inks of the three pens and blew air into them as she moved them round the broken pieces on her paper.

It now looked colorful.

This wasn't just a craft anymore... It was an artwork...

"Are we friends yet? " She blinked at me.

I nodded.

And smirked.

She smiled at me and I'm sure the world paused for a few seconds.

She was so cute... How could anyone label her numb?

Three girls suddenly walked into the class... Alexis, Elizzy and one other girl I didn't know.

Elizzy, Aka Lizzy smiled when she saw me and soon she was dragging Alexis with her as they walked over to Munachi's table.

"Hey Numb."

"Why're you greeting? Not like she'll answer. " Lizzy snapped.

"Shay! She's such a snub very rude and insultive-"

"-Is there a mirror near by? Why are you talking about yourself? " a tiny voice asked and we all turned to stare at the door...


Munachi tried to sit up straight but I dropped my hand over her shoulder. She turned to look at me...


'Don't." I whispered and Elizzy turned back.

"See eh, Jasmine I don't have your time today, no one talked to you. "

"I just hate liars. Munachi's not rude, don't mind them Rooney. " Jasmine walked towards us and placed her snacks on the table.

"I know. " I smiled and found my self leaning closer to Munachi.

"Whatever! " Alexis yelled.

"Rooney, this one you came to visit us today... What's up? "

"I came to see these two... Not you two. " I rolled my eyes.

Elizzy laughed and I frowned.

"Last last, we're all classmates my dear, you came to see us all. Are you hungry?... I'm sure you didn't go out for break... Wonder if you'll eat this nonsense that's on the table "


But, I am starving.

I nodded and two donuts in a white wrapper dropped roughly against Munachi's art.

I gasped for her and Elizzy apologized.

"I'm so sorry Rooney, I didn't know it was yours.. "

"It's not mine. It's hers... And it's beautiful, don't spoil it. " I raised up the wrapper and inspected the paper for damage...

"I'm sorry oh!" Alexis yelled.

"Rooney, do you want ice cream to hold in those donuts? I mistakenly bought them and its full of sugar and so many calories. "

How do you mistakenly buy something?

"Okay." I nodded and then a triangle shaped carton filled with vanilla ice cream dropped too, but not on the artwork.

"Don't starve yourself oh. Eat something... " Alexis smiled and they both walked away.

"You use to enjoy oh. " Jasmine sat in front of us and turned her back to stare at me.

"It's true. " Silvana laughed, I turned to look at those two girls and remembered Dominique first words to Arthur;

"Although you'll find some who'll sponsor your own break. "

Speaking of Arthur, he didn't say a word to me during classes.

I was beginning to worry about him.

"Are you hungry? " I asked Munachi, she shook her head and tried to pull away from me again.


"Well, I'm not. I just lost appetite. " I told her.

"Okay." She muttered.

"Well, eat... You look like a bag of bones... Eat, I don't want. "

"Neither do I. "

"Fine." I whispered. "I'll just feed you. "

Munachi quirked her left brow at me and stared up...


Everyone disappeared again and the focus was back on her, my beautiful flame.

I opened the wrapper with the donuts and divided it into two.

"I'm not eating. " she looked down and I stared at her lashes.

I leaned closer and whispered into her ears, something I was sure would make her eat.

"I can't be friends with someone who's as thin as you are." She looked up immediately.

And I felt guilty.

"I'll have Silvana." she looked down again. "I can't be friends with fools anyways." I almost didn't catch that but once I did I choked and erupted into a fit of cough.

"Rooney! Are you okay? " Alexis yelled.

I hit my chest and coughed out some more.

Did she just?

What the fuck?

She leaned closer to her desk, now free from my grasp as I coughed violently.

The vignette disappeared once again and I felt two palms hit my back.

I turned to see a frowning Lizzy and an almost sobbing Alexis who pulled her hands away.

"Are you alright? What happened to you baby?! " Alexis asked and she sat on the desk in front of me, her legs spread out a bit and her pinafore rode up her thighs.

"Baby?? When did that one sta-" A girl shouted outside the door, interrupting Alexis at once and giving her a reason to immediately run outside.

Wow, she loves me... Sarcasm.

If I was about to die.. She'd left me.

Elizzy followed suit and Silvana did... Jasmine stood too and so did everyone in the class except Munachi.

"Did you just call me a fool? " I asked her with a frown.

Munachi looked at me and dramatically rolled her eyes, reminding me of that annoying two goody two shoes who played the recorder. "Did you just try to emotionally blackmail me? " She asked me back with a teasing tone.

Munachi sounded so much like Ariana Grande when she spoke and not sang, there was a husk in both of their voices.

I smirked and put my hand round her neck again, picked up half of the donut I'd cut and popped it into my mouth.

I faked a moan and chewed on it. She looked up again.

"I did some research... Are you aroused?"

I choked again and started another fit.

This girl would kill me.

"You don't just ask that. "

"Why'd you make that sound?... You said I should read ahead and I did, spent the entire evening prep in the hostel library two days ago. You moaned and moaning occurs when one is aroused. " She poked me and I groaned.

Then shifted her hand away.

Read ahead ko.

"Moaning isn't always sexual you know, it's a sound humans make in pleasure and good food can be pleasurable also, you don't just do that either. Especially in public. " An idea clicked into my mind.

"But if you take a few bites you can touch it again."

Of course I won't let her...

I just needed her to eat.

Thanks to me, she'd missed the first fifteen minutes of break.

Proving something I already knew.

"Promise?" I nodded.

Of course not.

She picked up the whole donut and then the ice cream carton.

Used her teeth to open the ice cream and sucked out of it, took a few bites and finished the donut.

Was she eating this quickly cause of what I'd told her? Or she normally ate this way?

"Woah, slow down. " I took the ice cream out of her hand, she glared at me. "Give me. "

I shook my head.

"No. Watching you eat made me hungry. " I sucked on the carton, savoring the taste of her saliva.

Or just the fact that her lips had touched this.

"Idiot." She muttered and opened her bag again and brought out her purchase cheque.

I was beginning to notice she cursed a lot, especially for a girl.

Almost like Chidinma, but Chidinma's curses were graphically descriptive while Muna was watered down but they both cursed frequently.

" Here you go. " I bit out of the half of the donut I had left and nudged it towards her lips.

I expected her not to take it since she had already tore out two hundred naira from her PC but instead she opened her mouth widely and I pushed the donut into into it.

Now, we were equal.

Her lips touched my fingers and I felt a shudder go through my body.

Something instantly changed in the air and we both felt it.

She stared straight into my eyes as her teeth grazed my fingers, I preyed my eyes away from hers and watched as she bit unto a side of the donut and used her teeth to pull the donut into her mouth. She leaned her head backwards a bit so her lips closed around my fingers and my eyes immediately returned to hers.


"—Rooney! " our perfect moment was ruined by the voice who'd shouted my name. I looked up to stare at Alexis.

"Arthur's fighting! He's seriously injured now! Kenneth needs you. " She screamed, I glanced down at Munachi, our eyes met.

And for a brief second she didn't just use her eyes to communicate... Her mouths moved.

"Go." and I was gone.




Who else is feeling our Munachi and Rooney's vibe?

They definitely need a shipname...

And I'm thinking Roonachi 😍..

Don't worry Arthur lovers☺...

You guys also have a shipname...

Munarth has this nice sound to it 😊...



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