All Over Again (Wildcat x rea...

By AlphaWolf0127

2.6K 54 4

Alyson Larson was 18 when she fell in love, 18 when she became pregnant, and now, 8 years later, she finds HI... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Another A/N

Chapter One

321 7 2
By AlphaWolf0127

"Momma?" My son, Tommy, shouted as he and his younger twin sister Abby ran into the living room. Tommy was tall and a spitting image of his father with the same short dark brown hair and beautiful crystal blue eyes he inherited from his biological father, sporting a fresh black eye. Abby was my twin but with long dark brown hair, and my emarld green eyes. I immediately placed my finger to my lips to silence them. On the recliner was my drunk and passed out husband Cass, my kids' stepfather. I looked back at my kids, "What's wrong?" I asked quietly. They came and stood in front of me,
"Can we go to Pax South?" Tommy asked.
"What is Pax South?" I asked. My son grabbed the laptop and pulled up a website for it, "It's basically a convention where you can play games and meet famous youtubers. We wanna go to meet our favorite youtubers, The Vanossgaming Crew." He said excitedly. I chuckled at the shear joy the thought of these youtubers gave my two kids. I glanced at Cass again, then looked at the twins, "I'm sorry but we don't have the money. You can't go." I said then silently and nonchalantly motioned for my kids to follow me. My kids kept emotionless expressions on their faces as they stood up to follow. They knew I only said that so Cass would think I wasn't taking them to the convention they were so excited about. My kids knew the drill, they asked, I said no, then we would secretly discuss it and I would give them my real answer. We walked into the kitchen and sat at the bar, "Where will it be?" I asked.
"San Antonio." Abby answered. I thought for a moment, then smiled at my kids, "I'll think about it.'' I said and they silently cheered, then ran upstairs, shouting rude and hateful things as if I told them no. I sighed and looked at the time, then began cooking dinner. As I was preparing the meal, Cass sluggishly came into the kitchen and grabbed another beer, then his phone rang, ''Hello?" He said and I could hear another woman on the other line. He grinned, "I'll be there soon, baby." He said and hung up. I stayed silent as I cooked and he turned to me, ''I'm going out, I'll be home late." He said and I slightly turned to him, "With who? Another one of your whores?" I asked bitterly and he chuckled, "Yep. Don't wait up for me." He said and turned away. I heard the door shut and him peel out and sighed again. I turned back to my stove and continued to cook. A few minutes later, a knock sounded from my front door. As I was about to go open it, Tommy ran past the kitchen, "I got it, Momma." He said and I smiled and turned back to the stove. I heard a voice speak and my son shout happily, "Momma, it's Aunt Shelby!" He said and I smiled, "Well let her in, Tyler." I called using my son's middle name and a few minutes later, my best friend, appeared and smiled, "Hey Aly." She said as she sat at the bar. I smiled at her, "Hey Shelby." I said then looked at Tommy, "Tommy, go upstairs and play with your sister." I said and he nodded and ran upstairs. Shelby watched him go, "He's looking more and more like Tyler everyday." She said and I nodded, "And acts like him too, they both do." I said with a chuckle as I turned back to the stove, "How is your brother?" I asked.
"He's good. Working on his youtube channel, and being-well-Tyler." She said and we laughed.
"Anyway, what brings you here?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Just wanted to visit you. I saw dickhead leave so I came over." She said.
"I'm glad. It's nice being near someone who actually loves us." I said and she walked over to stand by me, "Is he still doing it, Aly?" She asked and I nodded, "I can't see how Tommy still smiles and laughs like he does. Today, he failed to take the trash out before the truck came and so Cass beat him. I'm sure you saw his eye." I said and she nodded and I looked away, "I went to the room and cried for an hour because I couldn't protect my son. He came in there and comforted me. He comforted me, not the other way around. He's so strong and so brave at such a young age. I have no idea where he gets it, I'm not strong or brave." I said and Shelby hugged me, "He gets it from you and Ty. You are strong, you have endured all this pain so your kids have a roof over their heads and food in their bellies. And your brave because you can still smile through all this pain." She said and I smiled at her, "I just wish I was the only one he hurt and not my kids. I can handle the pain and abuse I go through but I can't handle it happening to my babies." I said and she hugged me. She spent a while calming me down, then helped me finish dinner. Once we were done, I left Shelby to set up the table while I headed upstairs to get the kids. I checked Abby's room and it was empty so I went to Tommy's room and heard them laughing and a familiar voice shouting. I opened the door and peeked in. The first thing I saw was someone running and shoot other people while dodging bullets. Jokes were said and my kids laughed as hard as they could. I smiled at them. "What are you guys watching?" I asked and they turned to me, "Hey Momma." They said in unison and Tommy answered my question, "Our favorite youtubers. They are playing Call of Duty Black Ops II Gun Game." He said and the familiar voice spoke again, "Goddamn it Brian, you cunt!" He shouted as someone ran up and stabbed him. The twins laughed some more, "Well dinner is done, come on kiddos." I said and Tommy paused the video, then they followed me downstairs. We all ate together and laughed as the kids talked about the youtubers they couldn't wait to meet at Pax South. Finally, Shelby said goodnight, hugged Abby and kissed Tommy's head, "I'm so proud of you two. Have a good night." She said and hugged me then left. I sent the twins to bed for the night and them I laid down and slowly dozed off.

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