It All Started With You

By Itx_rere

160K 3.3K 665

Azariah Williams, 16 years old with a 2 year old baby. At age 14, she gave her virginity to a boy named Phill... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 30 - Sequel

Chapter 28 : Wedding Day

3.2K 56 1
By Itx_rere

Azariah Williams

"Get up bitch. Its your big day." Morgan said jumping on me making me gasp. "Get up. Get the fuck up."

"Shut up bitch. And get off of me." I said acting like i needed air. She plucked my forehead making me gasp.

"Uh uh don't do to much." Georgia walked in the room with baby Zacarea. "when yo mama coming this kids irking my nerves

"ZALA!" I yelled and she walked in the room looking more like her self. As you know Zachariah killed Chance, but he let Zala do it and I hate to say it made her feel better.


"Can you watch Zacarea and the kids for me till my mom gets here." 

"Yea I will." She grabbed Zacarea and walked out the room.

"Welp, it's 7:30 and the wedding is at 12. You ready to get started."  Morgan said making me nod. I played with my engagement ring and I smiled. Nothing can ruin this day.

After taking a shower I walked in my hotel room and saw a big box on my bed. I opened it and seen a big picture in a frame of me and Zachariah back when we started dating. I smiled and kissed it.

"See you like it," Almuerzo said walking in my room. 

"You bought this or did he?"

"He did." He said laughing. "And he also got you this." I opened it and it was a necklace with mines and his wedding date. October 21, 2018.

I smiled and tears started falling down from my face. Almuerzo smiled and shook his head.

"Man up..." He pulled me into a hug. "Congrats sis. i see how happy he makes you."

"He really does."

"You deserve me. well Anthony ain't showed up so...whose walking you down?"

I looked at Almuerzo and cracked a smile, "Yes I'll do it. Thought you would never ask."

"when were you gone tell me about your pregnancy?" Almuerzo asked looking down at my stomach.

"Sorry." I said biting my lip. "I'm like 3 months if it makes you feel better."

"Still should've told me stupid ass." He said flicking my forehead. "But go on ahead and get dressed."

I lotioned my body then put on my robe. i walked in the living room and raised one eyebrow.

"I'm lotioned up, so whose doing my hair ? I only have 3 hours and some change left and I'm getting a sew-in."

"Excuse me cosmetologist degree here." Morgan said grabbing a black plastic making me smile.

"Let's go missy." We walked in the bathroom and she started doing my hair.

" ready?" She asked and I nodded to quickly.

"I'm ready for the honeymoon stage." I said sticking my tongue out. "I'm ready to officially call him my husband."

"I'm so happy for you. Do you mind if Jeremaine comes in here to see me?" She asked raising one eyebrow.

"Naw, I don't mind."

"Azariah." She said making me raise one eyebrow and say hmm. "Thanks, for not making it weird between us. I know you and Jeremaine dated at one point."

"Girl...It was anything to serious to make things weird between us. Thanks, for still being my friend and start questioning my loyalty."

She smiled and started braiding my hair for my sew-in, "No problem...I ain't going no where bitch. Our fave said congrats by the way."

"He's coming. He's not my favorite for no reason."

"So, does that mean your going somewhere else next year?"

"Pretty much." I said laughing. "I'll finish school here this year though."

Morgan sighed and bit her lip, "I'm not. I'm moving to Cali."

I nodded, "That's where we planned on moving anyway."

She let out a sigh of relief, "Good."

"wait what?" Georgia said walking in the bathroom. "Does Almuerzo know that?"

"No. Didn't tell him that. Me and Zachariah is stuck between Cali or his hometown. Either way I'm fine with it."

"What's his hometown?"

"Indianapolis. Georgia even though were moving doesn't mean we'll fall out."

"Oh bitch I know because we're gone move with you." I laughed and shook my head. 

"Shit, me to." Morgan said smiling. "I don't know I know where ever we are we'll keep in contact."

"Honestly." Georgia said nodding. "It's just gone be weird you know? Zachariah and Almuerzo not doing business together and Zachariah would have to build a separate empire where ever yall go."

"Can I just give you a quick weave? A sew-in is gone take forever." Morgan said.

"Yea that's coo. But it'll bring more money in."

"True." She said nodding.

"Where's my baby." I heard my mom say. She walked in the bathroom and gasped.

"Oh my gosh, I wasn't dreaming. This is really happening. Baby  you're so young, but I know you make smart decisions. I'm just so shocked." My mom said really quick. "I just wanted you to stay my little girl."

"Ma...can you do my toes." I said making her nod.

"I got a stylist for that." She said winking at me. "And Zachariah told me to get you this."

"All these gifts..." I opened the box and it was a infinity bracelet with our name and our wedding day. "I love him."


"Come on, Come on." My mom said hyping my head up as I gave her a twirl. "Your dress is so beautiful."

"Awwnnn..." Zaya and Zala said with tears in their eyes.

"You look so beautiful babes" Morgan said wiping her tears away.

"No no don't cry." Georgia said turning around walking out the room.

" look pweety." Zariah said making Zachary nod.

"Very pretty."

Zacarea just cooed at me making me laugh which made her laugh.

"Okay we're gonna go get set up...Almuerzo will be here very soon. Congrats baby." My mom kissed my cheek and left.

Zachariah Hill

"Where's the cake?" I asked busting into the living room with my suit on.

"Nigga you truly hood. Is that Jays?" My nigga Quinten asked laughing.

"Yea. Spice it up a little." I said giving them a spin. "How I look?"

"Fresh bro. Where's your chains?" Almuerzo asked laughing. "My nigga-"

I flashed them the matching necklace and bracelet I bought me and Azariah , "Change it up a little to."

"Bro you look nervous as fuck relax." He said making me nod.

"I am nervous as fuck what if I fucked up?" I asked.

"Did you?"

"No, but Haylee keep hitting my phone talking about she's pregnant. What I put Azariah through maybe she'll believe it." I said making him roll his eyes.

"My sister would be a dam fool to believe that shit. But aye bruh remember break my sister heart and that's yo life. And that's on yo bruh." Almuerzo said making me swallow my spit.

"Lets go y'all damn." Quinten said smoking a blunt. I snatched it out his hand and took a drag. "Bro give me my damn blunt --"

"I need this shit shut the fuck up." With that we walked out the hotel room smoking a blunt. You know why? Cause we them niggas.

"Bro pas--" Almuerzo said starting to complain, but I put my hand up.

"Can y'all shut the fuck up. It's my wedding my so it's my fucking blunt."


I watched as Azariah walked down the isle. It was like I only saw her and nobody else. Her dress was my my.

Picture of Azariah dress

The song was walking down on was Promise by Jagged Edge.

I was speechless as I seen her make-up and just her period. My baby didn't need all that shit on her, she was naturally beautiful.

She stood in front of me and she smiled when she saw my necklace. I licked my lips and grabbed her hand. She smiled back and it was the biggest smile in the world.

"We have come together at the invitation of Azariah and Zachariah to celebrate the uniting in Christian love, their hearts and lives. This is possible because of the love God has created in them, through Jesus Christ." The pastor started looking between us.

"Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly." This abundant life, for many people, is an impossible dream, yet God wants us all to have this abundant life and proved His love for us by giving His Son, that we might have this life." 

"Another way that God provides for this "full" life is creating those who will love us. Zachariah has found such a one in Azariah heart and spirits were drawn together before today by the Lord of all creation. Two lives are not united by ceremony, but only in the power, love, and grace of God." I smiled because our heart was drawn together the first time we looked at each other.

"Zachariah and Azariah are here to publicly declare that because of Jesus Christ's love, they too can truly love one another. As God demonstrated His love in Jesus, our Lord, Zachariah  and Azariah will demonstrate this God given love by giving themselves to one another and one for the other." 

"They have not reached this place alone, each has been given life by their parents. These, who gave to them life love, provision, are and will be, a vital part in their continued lives. Their love has borne fruit in Zachariah and Azariah . Love and respect for these will continue as they grow in their own love made possible by their parents." 

"I don't respect it." I heard someone say if I heard it I know Azariah heard it because of the way she looked. She tensed up and I did to because I knew that was Haylee.

"Anyway, who then has prepared this woman for marriage to this man?" The pastor asked.

"Her mother and I." Almuerzo said making me smile

" Zachariah and Azariah , no other human ties are more tender, no other vows are more sacred than these you are about to assume. You are entering into that holy estate which is the deepest mystery of experience, and which is the very sacrament of divine love." 

"Zachariah, will you have Azariah, to be your wedded wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony; will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only for her so long as you both shall live?" I didn't respond just so Azariah would think I got cold feet.

Her smile soon turned into a frown and Almuerzo nudged me.

"Got that ass. I will." She mugged me for a split second.

" Azariah, will you have Zachariah to be your wedded husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony; will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, keep yourself only for him so long as you both shall live?"

"I will, I will, I will." She said over and over making everyone laugh. I'm ready to tear that pussy up.

"Your vows?" The pastor said looking at me.

"I ain't even gone flex shawty when I first saw you I knew you was the one for me. Even when you had that stink ass attitude. I knew I could break that out of you and what did I do. Yea, I hurt you in the process, and yea I tried flipping that on you. But who taught you all the sex tricks I did." She hit me making me laugh. "No, everything that truly hurt you and even made you smile remember that all started with a real nigga. I knew we were gone last long, but I didn't think this long and I'm honestly happy. I found my home for infinity and I couldn't ask for a better rider. I'll remember all the bad times we had, but all the goods times balances that out. Our love doesn't get anymore Sincere. Yea we both said some fucked up shit to each other, but...we grew and our relationship only go stronger. I just want you and only you and lets have have them 10 kids."

"Your vows." The pastor said looking at Azariah.

"Yea I just wanna say, we're never having 10 kids." Azariah said laughing. "But naw baby...even though you hurt me hella bad in the past, I'm glad with figured it out. But your right all my bad habits and good habits started with you. I'm glad it did because I wouldn't want anyone other than you to teach me that.  My one wish is to be with you forever and continue to build our legacy cause I don't think I would stable without you. I love our relationship and wouldn't trade it for the world and I'm finally able to say that you have my heart and my trust if I lose you. Then my spirit is going with you. I love you past infinity baby and I always will."

"Zachariah,  what symbol do you bring as a pledge of that sincerity of your vows?"

"A ring." I said looking at Zachary as he stood there smiling.

"Please remember, a ring is more than a symbol of your marriage. It is a seal of the vow you have made to one another. The circle of the ring is, as far as human eye can see, a perfect circle--with no beginning or end--so God too, has perfect love for you and wants you to love one another in His grace--never, never ending. This ring is made of precious metal. You also are precious in God's sight and now in the life of Azariah . When you are absent one from another, the presence of the ring reminds you to be faithful and to fulfill your vows to Zachariah."  

"You may now place your ring on your bride finger." I grabbed the ring for Zachary pillow and slid it on her finger

  "Azariah, what symbol do you bring as a pledge of that sincerity of your vows?"

"A ring" She said in a duh tone.

 "Zachariah, this ring is a seal of Azariah vow to you. She presents this to you as a token of her submission to you in Jesus Christ. This is a symbol of leadership and privilege. God has placed you as head of the family. You must lead in worship, works and fellowship. As the weaker vessel she depends upon you for strength." I smiled and nodded.

"You may now place your ring on your groom's finger" The pastor said looking at Azariah. She hurried up and placed it on my finger making everybody say awn.

"For as much as Zachariah and Azariah have consented in holy wedlock, and have thereto confirmed the same by giving and receiving each one a ring; by the authority committed unto me as a minister of the Church of Jesus Christ, I now declare you husband and wife, according to the ordinance of God, and the laws of the state of Atlanta; in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen." The pastor said making everybody else say amen.

"Ladies and gentle I know present to you Mr and Mrs. Hill." Everybody clapped. "You may n--"

Before he could even finish she was in my arms and we were tonguing each other down

"Aye bro my moms watching." We pulled away and she stumbled a couple steps back making me laugh.

We grabbed hands and run down the isle together.

"Hold on Zachariah damn my heels." She snapped, so I stopped and carried her out.


I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I looked at Azariah and walked downstairs opening the door. It revealed the cops behind the door.

"Zachariah Hill?" 

"Y'all know who I am. Whats up." I asked leaning up on the door frame they looked at each other than next thing you know I'm pushed up against the wall.

"Aye bruh what the fuck ! Get the fuck off of me." 

"Hey!" Azariah snapped running downstairs tying her robe up. "MA! Let him go." 

"Ma'am stay back."

"why the fuck am I being locked up." They started reading my Miranda Rights. I looked ahead and seen Haylle car. sneaky bitch.

Next thing you know I heard gun shots from inside the house. I turned towards the direction and seen Azariah over someone body.

Azariah Williams

"don't be handling my damn step son like that or imma fuck you up!" My mama said getting in the cops face.

"mama chill we'll ride to the police st--"

"No fuck that don't be slamming him against walls like he ain't shit."

I seen the cop start to angry, "Mama stop."

"Fuck no it's the day after y'all wedding and you're telling me to chill. Baby girl you should be pissed. Imma fuck this cop up." 

"Mama, this is just gone make the situation worst I am pissed we're at our honeymoon stage." I mumbled rolling my eyes.

The cop pushed her back and next thing you know she started punching him making him draw out his gun. He aimed then shot. As I heard like 3 gun shots and seen my mom fall to the ground everything just stopped.

"NOOOO!!!" I yelled crying. I seen the cop car pull off making me cry this was to much. I just got married. 

I watched as my mom took her last breath and called Almuerzo."


"The cops came and took Zachariah away and mama was fighting them and now she's dead cause she shot him." I said quickly and as clean as I could. 

"Sis slow down what"

"T-they took him and shot her and she's dead." I said crying some more.

"Get back." I heard Zaya yell running downstairs. "Zala keep them back."

"Oh my gosh. Mama wake up." I said starting to shake her, but got no response. 

"Where's Zachariah?"

"The cops!!!" I yelled crying as I watched blood come out my mama clothes. I wanted to take her to the hospital, but I knew it was to late. "Call the ambulance, I gotta go get my man."


"why are you h-"

"Drug charge. I'll be in here for at least 2 years." He said making me sigh. "Who got shot?"

"my mom." I said looking up so he'll finally see my face. "The cops shot her cause she started punching him. And she died." Tears fell because we just married and he was just making love to me and holding me now he's in here. 

"Baby...I'll make it out of here." He said making me nod. "I want you to still go to school okay."

"I know we are. I can't hold you and kiss you." I said crying harder. "We just got married."

"I know baby. I'll set something up where we can touch okay."

"30 seconds." The cop said behind him He sighed and put his palm on the glass.

"I took the plead deal for 2 years. Keep yo head up shorty. I love you." 

"No baby wait..." I said putting my palm on the glass. "I love you to."

He smiled and hung up the phone. He got up and was taken back.

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