You're My Freedom

By HipstuhhLouis

485K 15.9K 3.5K

Yup no one likes me. I'm a burden but hey, I'm smart and I've got a future ahead of me. When I'm 18 I plan on... More



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By HipstuhhLouis

{RIP Robin Williams, he was honestly one of my favorite actors growing up and he made me laugh countless amount of times}

Madison's POV

Harry didn't want to tell me where we were going and he made it his mission to keep it a secret. Literally.

"Harry can I please know where we are going?" I asked.

He simply laughed and shook his head.

"How many times are you going to ask me that question?" He looked up at me.

"As many times it takes until you give in" I honestly replied.

"Babe I'm never gonna give in, you'll see where in a little" He said.

We walked past the parking lot and I sighed. I still had my bag on me and the books were heavy but, I couldn't complain.

Harry always calls me babe and it makes me feel slightly uncomfortable but, at the same time it feels like a compliment.

I started humming to myself as we crossed the road and I wondered if people would begin to wonder what I was doing out here and not in school during this time.

"Step one complete" Harry said and I looked at him weirdly.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him.

We went around this motorcycle and Harry got on it. Oh my god I'm not going to steal this. I put my hands up in defense and took a step back onto the grass.

"Relax, it's just a motorcycle" He said.

"I don't want to steal this babe" I used the pet name he gave me on him.

He rolled his eyes and dug into his pocket for something. When he got it out he had keys in his hands.

"Who do you think I am? This is mine" He laughed.

Eee. At least he wasn't offended by what I said. How could he afford this? Zayn also had one, I remembered. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and stared back at him.

"You want me to go on that?" I pointed.

"It's only my motorcycle. Are you scared?" He taunted me.

"No, I'm not" I defended myself.

"Come on then. Get on" He patted the seat.

I hesitated before getting on and I felt like we were way over invading personal space.

"Here" He passed me his helmet.

"What about you?" I asked him.

He didn't answer and I just put on the helmet. Suddenly he grabbed both my arms and wrapped them around his waist. I pulled away a little but, I realized there weren't any bad intentions here.

I interlocked my fingers together and I shut my eyes tightly and held on to him tighter. I heard him start the motorcycle and we were off.

It didn't even take that long, maybe 15 minutes and the ride came to a stop. Harry parked the motorcycle at this huge, wide building at a part of the city I've never seen.

Harry got off the motorcycle first and I took his helmet off. I quickly fixed my hair and passed him his helmet back.

I couldn't exactly get off this thing because my feet weren't close to the ground. I leaned over on one side of the motorcycle until my foot was flat on the ground and the other was way up and I ended up stumbling over to the side.

"Woah" I said when I caught onto Harry's arms.

"You lost your balance there" He said.

"Really? I didn't notice" I straightened myself out.

I looked at the building which looked as if it was abandoned. It looked pretty shady and I looked over at Harry who was staring at me.

"W-what are you staring at?" I asked him nervously.

My heart started pounding rapidly. Was this truly happening to me? Did he just bring me out here to kill me?

"You, you're stunning" He said.

His answer calmed me down a bit. He doesn't look too crazy does he? I studied him a little. He doesn't look like a killer although he had a killer side profile.

"Now what are you staring at?" He crossed his arms while smirking.

"Umm...nothing" I looked back at the strange building.

"Shall we go in?" He stood right beside me.

"What is this?" I scrunched my nose.

"Secret club, they only let you in when you walk in with a hot guy" He winked.

"Ohhh... so who did you first walk in with?" I tried to stifle a laugh.

"Funny" He gave me a sarcastic look.

He bit his lip and took my hand and we started walking towards the entrance. I tried to pull my hand away but, he only held my hand tighter.

He knocked on the door three times and a click was heard. Suddenly we were able to see the eyes of a man who was on the other side.

"Styles" He said before the clicking sound was heard and the door was fully opened.

There was man who looked about 30 and he had several tattoos on his arms. He had light brown hair and a piercing on the corner of his eyebrow.

Harry walked in and I followed although our hands were intertwined.

"It's nice to see you again Harry. Who's this?" The same man gave me a sly smile.

"This is Madison, a good friend of mine" He put his hand on my back and pushed me towards him so that my stomach was against his side.

"Ahh I see, it's been a pleasure" He made direct eye contact with me and I nodded.

The man turned on his heel and walked away. Harry let go and turned towards me.

"People can get very friendly here" He mentioned.

He continued walking down the halls and I thought about how weird of a club it was. There wasn't music blasting loudly or anything but, it's only the morning so I guess that justifies it.

Although this doesn't really look like a club too. The hallway we were currently walking in was super long and there were many people crossing where there was an intersection.

"Harry what type of club is this? It doesn't look like a club" I looked up at him.

"Madison if you ask me another question I think I'm going to have to shoot myself" He told me and I laughed.

I guess I was asking a lot of questions. Could you blame me, I was being curious.

We came across this really huge swimming pool and I gaped at the size of it. When I say huge, I mean humongous!

"Let's hop in yeah?" He asked me.

"I didn't bring a swimsuit" I waved it off.

"Skinny dipping" He said.

"No no no no no no" I kept repeating.

"I'm only kidding love, there is this little shop around the corner where you can get one. Just give the cashier my name and he'll put it on my tab and I forbid you to object for me paying" He said.

"Thank you Harry. What about you?" I didn't even try to object.

"I have my swimsuit in a locker" He said.

"Could you take this?" I handed him my books.

Harry acted as if my books weighed more than him and he dropped them.

"What are you carrying in here? Bricks?!" He joked.

"Close but, books" I answered him.

"I never remembered my bag ever being this heavy for my last year in that school" He wrapped the straps around his hands.

I shrugged and he pointed to the tiny little shop with things hanging on hangers. When in the world did clubs have shops and swimming pools inside? Seems like I need to get myself a fake I.D.

I laughed at myself. I would never get a fake I.D.

I walked up to the little shop which was super cute. There were plenty swimsuits to choose from here.

It's always cold or rainy here so I could not turn down his invitation to an inside pool. Even if it was from Harry.

Wow I'm sounding like such a bitch. So what it was from Harry. He isn't even a bad guy and it a plus that he's attractive. I don't understand why I'm so rude towards him.

I took a swimsuit off the rack and checked it out. It was green and it was my size. I took it over to the cashier and he asked me crash or credit.

I told him what Harry told me to do. I gave him his name and he eyed me up and down and I frowned.

"Ahh you're with Styles huh?" He said and gave me the suit in a bag.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said nervously.

"Nothing" He simply answered.

"Where are the restrooms?" I asked him

"Over to the left" He pointed.

I didn't even bother to thank the guy. I quickly changed and the swimsuit fit perfectly.

I walked out of the cleanest bathroom I've ever seen with my clothes neatly folded in my hands.

I heard a whistle and I turned my head to see Harry leaning against the wall. I felt slightly, okay more than slightly uncomfortable and highly insecure.

"Sh-sh-should we go?" And once again I applaud my ridiculous stuttering.

He walked ahead of me and I followed him. I didn't know how many tattoos Harry actually had. He had several on his stomach and I had to hide my excitement to see what each of them were.

I put my clothes on a chair and Harry was already in the pool. They were next to other people who were sitting down on both sides of my chair.

I walked over to the edge of the pool and let my feet soak in the water and I started kicking my feet.

Harry swam over to where my feet were and I stopped kicking because then I would have kicked him.

"Come in the water" He told me.

"I will...eventually. It feels a bit cold" I told him.

"Thank you for the swimsuit" I thanked him again, it was a bit expensive.

"I think I'm the one who should be thanking you" He grabbed my hand and plunged me into the water.

I came up for air and I moved my now wet hair away from my face.

"Harry!" I crossed my arms over my chest.

He swam to the other side of them pool and I groaned.

"You're hair looks like a mop" He yelled across the pool.

"Are those birds on your chest, you're so sensitive!" I shouted back and he frowned.

"Well that was rude" He snapped back.

"And you were mean" I argued.

I swam so I could get close to him.

"So...what courses are you taking in uni?" I asked him.

"Business of course. What are we playing 10 questions?" He replied.

"I thought the game was called 20 questions" I said.

"Well when have you ever finished a game of 20 questions?" He fixed his hair.

"Trueee" I answered.

I swam over to the shallow side because I was tired of keeping myself afloat. Harry followed and I sat on the steps.

"Last name?" He asked.

"James. Favorite color?" I asked.

"Favorite color? Did you just really ask me what my favorite color was?" Harry was laughing so hard he tilted his head back and his eyes were squinted.

"Okay fine, How did you meet El?" I rolled my eyes.

"Through Louis. Turn ons?" He asked.

"Too many to name" I answered truthfully.

"Name three" He said quickly.

"Hey that counts as two questions" I warned him.

"Whatever" He rolled his eyes.

I never really thought about it. I need to think quickly. I love when they have good hair, and oh hands and maybe lips but, abs are amazing.

"Abs, hands and personality" I answered.

"Turn offs?" I asked him.

"When girls are clingy and weird ears" He scrunched his nose.

"Money or sex?" Harry asked me.

"Sex" He is so inappropriate.

"How'd you afford to get your motorcycle?" I asked him.

"Parents. How do you feel about friends with benefits?" He asked.

"Too Hollywood" And I was very pleased with my answer.

I began to swim across the pool. I laughed inside my head because I honestly don't think Harry wanted the game to be over just yet.

He specifically changed the game into 10 questions instead of 20 so that the game could be finished.

I submerged from the water and I let out a small yelp to see Harry on the same side as me.

"What?!" How did you?" I kept looking at where he was just a few minutes ago.

"Where ever you go I go" He flashed a toothy smile.

"You're a big ball of flirt Harry" I pushed him away and began swimming until I was able to touch the bottom of the pool with both feet.

Harry followed me once again, shocker. He pushed his hair back, maybe it was annoying him.

"I'm the flirt? You're the flirt. You just put your hands on me" He tried to justify.

"Um yeah to push you off" I told the truth.

"Really? You didn't want to leave your hands on me longer? I know you want to" Harry grabbed both of my hands and pressed them against his abs.

He removed his hands away from mine leaving me free to move hands away but, I didn't. Oh my god why would I?

"I thought so" He said.

"Well this doesn't mean anything, I'm not being a flirt, you are. My hands are only here because you let them be. If I put your hands on my boobs and left them there will you remove your hands because I don't think so" I scoffed and put my hands on my hips.

"Then may I put my lips on yours?" He raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not really into this friends with benefits kind of thing" I pursed my lips.

"What will it take huh, ever since I saw you at El's house that day...I crave your body Madison" He whispered in my ear and I shuddered as I felt his breath.

I knew Harry was trouble the day I caught him looking at my bum. I guess it was normal for guys to sneak a glimpse of a girls bum but, I thought Harry and I's friendship were passed that so for him to bring something up like this made me feel disappointed.

"I like someone else" I shrugged.

"It's just hooking up, there isn't anything wrong when you hook up come onnn" He whinned.

"Harry Styles you're getting on my nerves" I frowned.

"Madison James what if I give you valid reasons as to why we should hook up right here right now?" He asked me as his hands were on his hips under the water.

"What would that do?" I laughed at his nonsense.

"It would convince you, silly goose. Okay so what do you like about me?" He asked.

Letting Harry play his little game was entertaining. This felt so weird and it felt stupid but, fun!

It was fun because I was able to talk to someone and actually get to know them. It was so exciting, I wouldn't know how to explain the feeling.

"I like your eyes they're pretty shade of green. Your abs of course, I like your tattoos" I pointed at his arm.

"Well I like your hair and you have a cute little nose and a body of a goddess" He grabbed my waist.

"Harry!" I squealed.

"Oh my gosh Madison stop we are only friends" He joked.

"Anyways back to my valid reasons, what do you not like about me?" He asked.

"You're ego is way too high and" I trailed off.

"Exactly, okay so I don't like how you're such a prude and that you act sooo many questions" He groaned.

"I'm not a prude" I argued.

"Whatever, do you find me attractive?" He asked me.

"But-No the question is do you find me attractive" He interrupted me.

"Yes" I said shortly after.

"And I find you highly attractive so I guess my points are proven. And our hook up is inevitable" Harry said before he licked his lips.


Yay I updated!

If you haven't noticed Harry is pressuring Madison into doing something she doesn't exactly want to do and he his just confusing her into thinking it's okay.

Qotf: have you ever been peer pressured before? And if yes how so?

I have and I was peer pressured by my friend into dating this boy in six grade and I ended up breaking up with him a month after because I found out the only reason he wanted to date me was for popularity. Jokes on him though because 1. I didn't like him, 2. I wasn't popular and 3. I broke up with him instead of the other way around lol

-Anna xx

oh and I start school on Monday so I can't really set an update schedule sorry.

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