Us Against The World - Jikook

By JikookSweethearts

912K 37.4K 12K

Park Jimin is a ruthless, yet well respected, Mafia leader. No one dared to cross him. Just the mention of hi... More

1. Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
2. You were right
3. Do you like it?
4. Time to take control
5. Mr. Sexy
6. You're mine
7. Take me home
8. Sugar Honey Iced Tea
9. Someone as precious as you.
10. Addicted to him.
11. Who has been protecting you?
12. I'll always be here
13. Made for me and I for him
14. I do it for the both of you
15. My knight
17. Kookie's cookies
18. He will never hate you
19. What about rough sex?
20. Call.Me.That.Again.
21. My Jelly Bean
22. One of Us
23. You two are having a...
24. I'm sorry Jungkook
25. I will look after you
26. It smells like them
27. I love you
28. Don't worry my love
29. Everybody is fucking today!
30. Uncle Park?
31. I forgive you
32. Yeah, good luck with that
33. It's all my fault
34. He's Perfect
35. My world
36. He isn't that bad
37. I love you Luka
38. This isn't happening
39. What needs to be done
40. No other
41. If that is what you want
42. He's the best!
43. Because I said so
44. My Uncle
45. That, was for my mother
46. The best in everything
FINAL: Them, Against The World.
Bonus: Until death do us part

16. Ex-boyfriend's fuck toy

22.1K 842 206
By JikookSweethearts


'The boy's surgery was difficult, but a success Sir.'

'Good. When do you think he will wake up?'

'It all depends on him now. We've done our part. It's time for his body to do his.'

'Alright. Thank you. My men will be posted all around this hospital until the boy leaves. No one comes in this room unless I say otherwise.'

'Yes Sir. But where will the boy go? He has no family. Wait- are you taking him?'

'As much as I'd love to take him, I can't. I'd be putting him back in danger. He has a very close friend. I've already called that family, they should be arriving soon.'

'What do you want me to tell them when they start asking questions?'

'The truth, him and his family were shot. But the boy survived. That's it.'

'I'm truly sorry for your loss. I know how close you and Mr. Jeon were.'

'I-It is like losing a brother. A very stubborn brother who didn't listen and got himself killed.'

'I understand. Again, I am very sorry. You better leave before the family arrives or the boy sees you.'

'Your right. I'll be back tomorrow with-.'


Groaning, I wake up to the noise of a phone blaring in the room. I tried to shift my body around, so I could bury my face under my pillow, but no luck. I was being held in place by a strong arm wrapped around my waist. I peak over to get a good look at the handsome devil behind me. He is still quietly snoring away.

How can he sleep with this noise?

I manage to spin myself around, now facing Jimin. I'm trying to think of a way to wake him up without seeming annoying when his arm tightened around me, pulling me closer to his chest.

"How long are you going to just stare at me?" Jimin asked in a deep raspy voice. Which was very sexy.

"I-I thought you were asleep." I blush. "I think that's your phone going off."

"I know. I'm ignoring it."

"But why?"

"Because I'm too comfortable to move." He said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

I giggle at his action. 

"As much as I am loving this, your phone won't stop and it is getting annoying. So, please answer it."

He groaned. "Fine." Rolling over, he finally answered his phone. 

"What?" He spoke, sounding irritated. "Okay. Send him in." Then he hung up. "I got a friend over. I'm gonna let him in then come right back."

"Okay. I'll be here." I smile at him and he gave me a quick peck on my lips before leaving the room.

Sighing deeply, I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. My dream, that was new. I have never dreamt that before, but I recognize one of the voices. I've heard it before. But from where? And seriously though, why am I dreaming it all now? Nothing is making sense. 

I rub my face in frustration. I'll just forget about it. It's no use on remembering that time in my life. What's done is done. I can't do anything about it. The people that killed my parents vanished without a trace.

Taking a big inhale, I sit up in bed only to be pinned back down. Immediately, I melt into a pair of warm set of plump lips. 

Pulling away he looked down at me.

"Time for breakfast baby. Jin is already cooking." After a quick peck, he stands back up holding out his hand to help me up, which I gladly take.

Taking a couple steps, I wince in pain that came from my ass. 

"Are you okay?" Jimin asked, looking a bit concerned.

"Y-yeah. Don't worry. It's not as bad as the last time. It still hurts, but it is bearable." I hope I sound convincing. I really don't want him carrying me around like last time.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm positive. Let's go." I grin to him. 

Thankfully he just nods, and we continue our way to the dining room. He kept a slow pace though. He is so considerate.

Reaching the dining room, we spot a man with tanned skin and platinum dyed hair making out with Jin, pinning him against the wall. I blush at the sight of them, not knowing what to do. Should we turn back? Say something?

"Can't you guys wait until after breakfast?" Jimin questioned, slightly glaring at the two.

Jin let out a cute little squeak upon hearing his boss speak. Quickly trying to bring some distance between him and the other man. I couldn't help but to let out a giggle from Jin's blushed face.

"M-morning Sir. Breakfast is ready." He bowed. Once straight up again he glanced at me with a smile on his face. "Wonderful to see you again Jungkookie." The smile on my face faltered, the joy I had for a moment disappeared. Jin noticed and furrowed his eye brows. "Did I say something wrong?" He looked genuinely worried.

Snapping out of my sudden depressing thoughts, I quickly shake my head. "N-no. Not at all. It's just... I haven't heard that nickname in years. It only took me by surprise, that's all." I assure him.

"I won't call you that again if you'd like?"

"No. It's okay. Really. I kinda miss hearing it." I smile to him.

"Okay. Jungkookie it is." He smiled in return.

"Hi." I look over to the other man who spoke to me. "The names Kim Namjoon." Placing his hand out, I take his into mine and shake.

"Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you." Releasing his hand, we all sat down in a chair except for Jimin. I watch as he looks around us, and then peaks down the hall we just came from.

"I'm going to wake up Nina. I'll be right back." And he leaves.

"So." Tearing my gaze from where Jimin disappeared, I see Namjoon eyeing me in amusement. "You're the guy that Jin has told me about. The teacher that got our good ole' Mafia leader smitten."

Blushing profusely, I just give a little nod. "Th-that's me... I guess."

He also nods. "All I ask is that you keep him happy. He has never let anyone into his heart other than Nina. Hell, he has never brought someone home before. If he needed a quick one nighter, he'd take them to a hotel then dispose of them like trash once he was done with them."

I didn't know what to think. I understand he must've had flings before me, but it still stung a bit. "I-I plan on keeping him happy."

"Good. 'Cause if you don't, and you end up hurting him in any way, shape or form, I will not hesitate to hurt you." He glares at me. I gulp and nod my head in understanding. "I don't mean to frighten you off. But what kinda friend would I be if I didn't warn you, yah know?"

"I understand. No need to explain." I reply.

Just as our conversation ended a little voice rang out from behind me.

"Uncle Joon!" Nina shouts and running into Namjoon's arms.

"How is my sweet girl doing?" He smiles widely to her, causing his dimples to really show.

"I'm good. Just hungry." She pats her stomach and at the same time it growled. We all laugh at her cuteness.

"Let's eat then." Jimin spoke. Already fixing his plate. I guess he is really hungry too.

- - -

It has been two days. Neither him nor I have left his house. We just hung around lazily, cuddle on the couch or his bed. Obviously, not so much around Nina. I don't want her to think I am stealing her dad away from her or anything. Every night though was filled with panting and moaning from both of us. We couldn't keep our hands off each other once our bodies hit the bed. 

I had Nina stop calling me Mr. Jeon and just Jungkook, since we will be seeing each other often now that I am dating her father. From hearing Jin call me Jungkookie, Nina came up with the nickname Kookie for me. And I like it, but she is the only one I will allow to call me that. Jimin can too, of course, but he still just calls me baby or baby boy.

I'm being driven back to my apartment now. Yes, my apartment. I feel a lot better going back now that Yugyeom isn't there. Once I get there I'm going to start searching for a new apartment, or maybe even a home of my own. Something small and cute. It is just me after all. 

It took some convincing for Jimin to let me go back to my place. He wanted me to stay. Of course, I would love to stay there. His home feels like home to me, it felt weird leaving. I don't know if it is just me becoming so obsessed with him, but I really want to stay. I just don't want to come off super clingy right at the start of our relationship, even though he didn't seem to mind. Jimin had to get back to his work, his phone kept blowing up from the 'office' the whole time I was there. I have yet to ask him questions about what he does exactly being a Mafia leader and all, but I am too afraid of what I'll hear. So, I try to stay away from the topic as much as possible.

Dan is the one driving me home, while this young guy named Len came along. Jimin insisted I take Len with me, as a bodyguard. I really don't think I need one. But what Jimin says goes. I couldn't argue my way out of it. I small talked with the two man in the car with me, nothing too big. They are really nice. You wouldn't know they were involved in any sort of Mafia business.

We pull up to my apartment building, but I don't get out right away. I stare at the building, not really wanting to go in. I guess Len saw my hesitation 'cause he spoke to me with slight concern in his voice.

"Is everything okay Mr. Jeon?"

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. And please, just Jungkook." I say to him. He only nods in response.

Stepping out of the car, I take a deep inhale. I thank Dan and Len before closing the door. I make my way over now, feeling more anxious than before. I really need to leave this place. I can't stand being here. Taking a mental note to call Tae, I want to ask to move in with him until I find my own place. No way can I wait and live here until I find a new one. I'm sure he won't mind. 

Opening the door with a shaky hand, I slowly walk in. I hate the feeling I got once I stepped in. It doesn't feel like my home anymore. It feels so foreign, so stuffy, so heavy. No way can I stay in here long. I take out my phone ready to call Tae when I heard someone.

"It's about time you come back. I was worried- Jungkook?" It was Mark standing in the beginning of the hall staring at me with wide eyes. Apparently, he wasn't expecting to see me. "W-where's Yugyeom?" 

"Not with me." I say bluntly. 

A rush of rage fills me. Visions of them appearing in my mind again. Don't get me wrong, I am way over that asshole. It is just the horror and embarrassment of it all. I was mocked as a fool, in my own home.

He cleared his throat. "Have you seen him? He said he was going to go talk to you a few days ago. I thought maybe you two left to make up or something." He couldn't even maintain eye contact with me. He just looked straight at the ground.

"Nope. Sorry. Haven't seen him." I stick with my monotone responses. I don't have time for this. "Plus, even if we did make up, it looks like he would've came right back to you, seeing as you are still in our apartment." My tone beginning to come out harsher.

"I feel guilty, I really do. I never wanted to hurt you. Everything sort of just happened. Please believ-" He pleaded, finally looking up at me. But I cut him off.

"Guilty? Really? I highly doubt that." I scuff, crossing my arms over my chest. "Tell me, when did the guilt kick in? Was it the first time you guys fucked? Or the second!? Or the third!?"

"Wait. How did you know-"

"Was it when you first fucked in our apartment!? Was it when I actually caught you!? Tell me Mark! Come on! When did it set in!" I was fuming now. My voice kept rising and I couldn't stop it.

"Never!" I was slightly taken back by his outburst. "I was never guilty! I know I should have, but I wasn't! I liked it! I liked the feeling of him coming to me! I liked the feeling of him calling my name! I liked hearing how sexually frustrated he was with you 'cause I knew that meant he was coming to me! I wanted him to be mine!"

I didn't realize I was walking toward him until I was right in front of him throwing a hard punch to his face. Mark looked at me with such anger. He threw his own punch at me. I stumbled back a bit before he tackled me to the ground. We both now wrestling each other around my living room, each trying to be the one on top to pin the other. He got a couple shots on me, and I got a few on him. We were so focused on each other that neither of us heard the pair of footsteps that entered the apartment. Each of us having a pair of arms pulling us apart.

"Let me fucking go!" Mark yelled to the person holding him back.

"Jungkook Sir, are you alright?" I look over my shoulder at the voice who is speaking to me. Dan. I give him a short nod which he followed up with releasing me.

Glaring back at Mark who is being held by Len I spoke. "Get him out of my apartment."

"Yes Sir." Len replied.

"Just wait Jungkook! You don't know who you are fucking with!" 

I just roll my eyes at him. Yugyeom said the same thing, look where he is now. With that, Len threw him out the door and shut it in his face before he could come back in.

Sighing in exhaustion, I threw myself onto the couch with my eyes closed. I was taking deep breaths to calm myself down. Not even a minute later I felt something cold being pressed to my left cheek. I slightly wince from the stinging pain being shot from my cheek to my head. I open my eyes to see Len holding a small towel with ice inside.

"Thanks" I mutter.

"No problem Sir. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I take the ice from his hand to hold it myself. I know he didn't mean to, but he was putting a bit too much pressure on my bruised cheek. I peak over his shoulder to see Dan on the phone mumble stuff to someone. I have an idea on who it could be.

"If you don't mind me asking Sir. Who was that?" Len asked with curious eyes.

I chuckled before answering him. "My ex-boyfriend's fuck toy. A nobody."


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