uncontrollable | ethma (e.d...

By chambjes

62.8K 949 153

story about two friends who fall for each other, unexpectedly. they manage to keep their relationship a secre... More

-o n e-
-t w o-
-t h r e e-
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-s i x-
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-e i g h t-
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-e l e v e n-
-t w e l v e-
-t h i r t e e n-
-f o u r t e e n-
-f i f t e e n-
-s i x t e e n-
-s e v e n t e e n-
-e i g h t e e n-

-t e n-

3K 34 14
By chambjes

Grayson's POV

As i walked out of the house, i had told ethan i was going to the grocery store, but i originally going to emma's house but then i realized i did need to go. I find emma in the same isle i was in. didn't expect that. i didn't know if she was still pissed or how she felt, but i started to feel my palms get sweaty. should i just tell her here? i go by her and try to start a conversation, yup, she definitely wasn't happy with me. she seemed short tempered at the moment. i genuinely missed being good, real friends with her. i feel like ethan really separated the friendship i had with her. we would talk about anything, and just be comfortable around each other. i could go over and hang out with her, without ethan being involved. i missed it all. but i couldn't tell her that, i never could tell her. i didn't want to sound like an emotional type of guy. i asked her if she was mad at me, and she kept questioning what i did earlier. i tried to apologize, but i couldn't be real with her. i walk away and i feel a grip on my hand, it felt weird. knowing it was emma, i take her hand off and continue to walk away.

i go to the register and pay for the few groceries i needed to purchase. i hear my phone go off and see that it was a call from ethan. as usual, i answer it.
ethan: "where the hell are you"
grayson: "at the store e"
ethan: "hurry up we have to film this weeks video"
grayson: "fine i'm on my way, peace.."
ethan: "peace"
when i arrived at home i put the few groceries away and hear footsteps behind my back.
"what do you want?" i ask.
"just looking at what you got bro, chill"
"i am chill" i say, under my breath. he rolls his eyes.
"you tell me the video idea, you know that might be helpful."
"oh yea, we're going to be tattooing each other with ones we pick out"
"um what?"
"it'll be dope, just go with the flow."
"ethan, i'm apart of the channel too, i'm not going to just follow along"
"no shit, grayson, you're not doing shit for the channel anyways" he said sternly. he grabs a glass of a water. i turn around, facing him.
"what do you mean.. 'not doing shit', you would literally be nothing without me.."
"grayson just stop"
"you fucking started this, you said shit first. stop acting like i'm the crazy one"
"whatever gray...just come on we have to film..."
"i'm not filming bro..."
he looks me in the eye and it was kind of intimidating, i look at him back.
"i know we don't agree on things, but we have to film it's sunday"
"i don't give a damn, i'm not going to act fake and hide myself for a fucking camera. i'm tired of all this shit e." ethan doesn't respond. he seemed kind of shocked of what i had said.
"ok then, just disappoint more people who are in you're lives." he looks at me again in the eye. "i'm going to emma's so have fun"
wow. he just replaces me like that. i felt like we weren't even twins or siblings anymore. we have been drifting apart over emma.

Emma's POV

i look around my room. wow. i need to clean it. i start to hang up some of my clothes and get interrupted by the doorbell. whoever was there kept ringing it. i open the door surprised to see ethan.
"why haven't you responded to my texts bitch?"
i look up at him. he looked kind of irritated.
"sorry, i've just been...busy."i lied. i didn't know how to respond to him. i needed time alone, to myself.
"fine but we need to talk"
"um ok" i sit the couch and wait until he sits next to me. when he sits, he looked into my eyes. woah. it's like he could see into my soil, it was weird. but somehow he has that ability.
"what is it," i ask.
"what are we right now?" i laugh, but he didn't laugh. he was being dead serious to me.
"are we dating or not because you're acting like you're not even interested anymore?"
"i needed time to myself, to think. i wasn't ready to have a significant other in my life and i didn't want to disappoint you et—." he grabbed my face and looked me in the eye, we were centimeters apart at this point. he licks his lips. he looks me in the eye and down at my lips. after a few seconds of staring, we locked lips. he leaned closer to me, and crashed his lips onto mine. was i dreaming? we haven't talked in awhile and he's just going for it. after about a minute, i push him away. he smirks at me. i could feel my cheeks getting hot. he seems to notice and smile at me.

"what was that for ?" i ask.
"don't act like you didn't want it" i roll my eyes and he winks. "good, now i can talk to you."
"we need to break up.."
"not for real, for fake you know?"
"ethan, i'm confused."
"recently grayson has been fucking weird and having this emotional rollercoaster and i'm over it. you're the main reason. so if we break up..." he pauses, "he'll get over this shit."
"that doesn't seem right."
"he has a crush on you, no doubt. if we 'break up,. he uses air quotes with his hands, "he'll be that little goofball everyone loves again" he says sarcastically, I couldn't help but laugh at that one. a crush on me? is that what he wanted to tell me on saturday. shit. i started to feel really bad.

"i don't want to hurt him though, he'll find out eventually and it'll break his heart"
"please babe, it's the only way." he looks me directly in the eyes again. i break a smile and turn my head, quickly. he notices and turns my chin, facing him once again. i slap his hand.
"stop e.." i say, still smiling. i get up to go and make a coffee. i definitely needed some. ethan gets up as well and follows me into the kitchen.
"i can make it for you, if you want.." he looked down at the floor. awww. i couldn't help but notice how adorable he looked.
"i'm fine babe." i grab the almond milk and turn on the coffee machine. i feel ethan wraps his arms around my waist. i push them off.

"i'm making coffee e."
"no shit, e."
i continued on making my coffee. ethan walked over and sat down, staring at his phone. "let's set things straight here.."
i turn around and look over at him, "what things"
"rules." he turns his phone off. "one, you cannot say a thing about this..o—or us. no one. i don't want anything to get in between us."
"damn..someone's controlling."
"i don't wanna loose you"

i felt my cheeks getting hot again.
"i don't wanna loose you either e"

"two, we also can't give out too much on social media, fans will get suspicious. i mean they already are but.."
"yea people think you're going to jail or some shit." i laugh loudly.
"see? we have to wait until you're officially 18, then we could actually announce it."
"ethan, it's literally september."
"i know this is why we need to go over this." he slaps his hand on the table. i chuckle. he puts his hands together and started using his hands while talking to me.
"three. no talking about grayson. when i'm with you, i come for you, not for him."
"babe what?"
"i think i get it now. but i care about him too. i'm tired of you guys arguing. i'm not going to stop asking about him, he hasn't been himself and i'm worried. we're friends. maybe you're just jealous that i care for him." i smile over at him. i grab my coffee and sit right next to him at the table.
"phsffff.. i'm not jealous." i kiss his cheek. i see him starting to blush.
"whatever you say" i take a sip of my coffee.
"i'm not, i just don't think he deserves you.."
i look down and get my phone out of my pocket. i check the time: 5:43 pm.
"can i stay over tonight?" he asks.
"well imma just pull an all nighter tonight but sure"
"i'll stay up with you too babe!" he seemed excited by the fact he was going to stay the night. his face lit up, which made me happy.

Ethan's POV

"wait! you have to get the whole experience, i'll make you a coffee!" she jumped off the chair and got to making a coffee. i missed seeing her. for the rest of the night, we just talked upstairs and watched some tv. after awhile i check the time, it was close to 3 am. emma started to get a little quiet.
"emma where's the remote?" i ask. i didn't hear a response and look over and see her starting to fall asleep. she usually can pull all nighters. she probably hasn't been getting any sleep. well just a reason for me to be close with her.
"come here babe.." i whisper. she rests her head on my chest. i look at her sleeping. she looked so peaceful and gorgeous. i really wanted to tell her. the last few days i couldn't stop thinking about her. everything about her was perfect. i wanted the world to know about us. i sigh. no one can. it's just too much to handle. she already gets enough shit. i've looked at what people have to say about her. she doesn't deserve the hate she's been getting. she's perfect. i needed to step my game up. if we're really going to be a thing, i have to be a real boyfriend. i began to think, and think even more. the caffeine soon started to wear off and i started to fall asleep.
i wake up to the sound of emma shaking me.
"what the fuck emma" i said.
"what is this?" she asks, holding my phone to my face. she turns it on and it was herself, as my lockscreen. she turns the phone around to look at, "ew i look terrible e" she cringes and starts to laugh at herself. "EWWWW! you have to change this.."
"no you look beautiful"
"i don't see me as you're lock screen..."
"fine. if that's what you want bAbE."
she looks through her phone for about a minute and blurts, "you look terrible in all of these ethan, you're not photogenic at all." she says, jokingly.
"you should already have like 500 photos of me since you stalk me and shit"
"bitch that was like a year ago."
"you're still obsessed with me though." i wink.
"fuck you ethan." she slaps my arm.

she gets up off the bed and walks into her closet.
"i'm going to fly to arizona today to see ellie." she seemed very excited.
"so you're ditching me..."
"you can hang out with grayson, he's you're brother."
i roll my eyes. she starts to go through some of her crop tops. she picks out a striped unif shirt. she finds some jean shorts on the floor and picks them up.
"when are you leaving?"
"in like two hours..."
"babe i'm gonna miss you.." i get off of the bed and walk over to her. she was finding a jacket to wear. i put my hands around her waist and she turns around. i kiss her on the cheek.
"i guess i'll miss you" she chuckles.
"that's mean"
"i'm just kidding ethan."
"fine, i'll make you some coffee." before she could stop me, i quickly go down the stairs. i plug in the coffee maker and grab the milk, a cup and a straw. a few minutes later i hear footsteps coming from the stairs. i see her turn the corner and she saw me staring.
"why the fuck are you staring."
"why the fuck are you so perfect."
"i don't know, guess it's a mystery." she flips her hair in a joking way.
"damnnnnn e" i said.
she covers her face, i could tell she was blushing.
"can we go to a cafe or something, i'm hungry." i ask. i haven't had an actual meal in a few days. it felt pretty normal to me. she nods and she goes straight to the door. i follow and we walk over to her car. i quickly walk to her door and hold it open for her.
"thanks bitch"
"you're welcome babe."
"stop making me blush" she hides her face in her hands again. "bitch."
"i'm you're first emma, i need you to know how you're supposed to be treated" i smile.
"why are you so adorable?"
she starts the car and grabs the aux cord. she asks me what i wanted to listen to.
"i don't know...travis scott?" i knew it wasn't exactly her taste in music. she gave me a strange look at played the first playlist that appeared. she turns down the volume a bit and grabs her glasses that had been in the cup holder. we both just watch the road.

"how are you going to hide this from gray? what if he finds out about this?"
"don't worry.." i pause. "it'll be fine, he's dumb as fuck he'll never suspect a thing." she looks at me and 'really?' type of look. she probably was tired of me talking down to him. he deserved it. he could've ruined everything i had with emma. she didn't respond. i know she deeply cares about him, she's always been like that with him.
"you know when gray said he was going to james' house?" i start. she nods her head lightly. "was he with you?" she looks back on the road and takes awhile to respond.
"yea but it's never been like that, we're just friends and you know that."
"so he lied to me..."
"you hurt him and he wanted to hang out with his friend."she said.
"did you guys like cuddle," i look out the window, "or like kiss or something"
"if hugging him is considered cheating..you're stupid."
"..but for how long through." i wait for her to say something sarcastic.
"ethan fucking grant..stop asking me shit."
"fine i'll stop."
"thank you!"

we ended up going to some random little cafe. when she gets out of the car i grab her hand. i intertwine our hands together. as we start to approach the door, a fan comes up to us. shit. i quickly let go of her hand and she starts to talk to the girl. she looked about fourteen and was emma's height, which i found pretty funny. she looks at me and hugs me tightly. i laugh awkwardly and hug her back. we had a quick chat and she asked for a picture. to be honest, i didn't want a picture of me and emma on the internet. what if grayson sees? or all the fans? we say our goodbyes and i exhale loudly. emma looks at me with her beautiful blue eyes and has a worried look on her face. i place my hand behind her ear and start to lean in closer, she pulls away. i almost forgot that we were in public. when we got inside, we decide to get a table outside. i pull out the chair for her to sit in. she pushes the chair back in and pulls it out for herself. she smiles at me. emma orders a iced almond milk latte with a blueberry muffin. i decided to get the same coffee with pancakes.
"what if that picture gets posted?" she asks.
"it definitely will, but it's fine."
i grab her hand and she shakes her head.
"ethan....not here." i sigh. i wasn't used to hiding our relationship yet. it was going to take some time.
i hear my phone buzz. i pick it up, looking at who it was a random number..
"answer it dumbass."
"fine." i exhale deeply and answer the phone.

"is this ethan dolan?" the voice was feminine.
"yes this is him.."
"we're calling you to tell you that you're brother is in the hospital..."
my jaw dropped.

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