Anything for you Chingu (Mitz...

By SoloBanana

13.6K 343 17

Mina and Chaeyoung are dating when Mina finds out her low-key crush, Tzuyu is questioning her sexuality. And... More

Mina's morning
Why Sana?!
Oh My God!
Here Goes Nothing...
What should i do?!
its time to start... i guess
Day 2 of happiness
Taking Things To The Next Level pt 1
Taking Things To The Next Level pt 2
Was This a Mistake

Don't Tell

1.3K 43 3
By SoloBanana

Tzuyu POV 

Well its a new day. After hearing what Mina said yesterday about her liking Nayeon, i feel closer to her, i don't know why but i just do. For a second i thought she was going to say she liked me but that would be weird. I thought all night about how Mina could help me find out if i actually am gay, and then the idea came to me, this would be risky but i want to see if she will be willing to do it. I  got out of bed and went our to the kitchen and saw that Mina was awake and eating breakfast with Chaeyoung. I walk up to them and greeted them a good morning, Chaeng just waved while she had food in her mouth, Mina said "morning Yoda, how was your sleep?" i gave her a warm smile and said "good, thanks for asking, how was yours?" Mina smiled at me and said "good, thanks for asking" i then remembered what the plan was and i had to ask Mina if she could to it. "Mina, can we talk privately for a sec?" i said, Chaeng got a weird look on her face, i was about to say never mind but then Mina said "ok, Chaeng don't worry we are just friends" i smiled and nodded, supporting what Mina was saying. Then Chaeng said "ok, go on" then with her permission we went to my room then i closed the door, Mina said "wow, door closed?" i turn to face her and said "we have to talk about me questioning if im gay" Mina then nodded and said "ok, what about it?" i got worried for a sec, its either she accepts to do the plan or i embarrass myself but sometimes in life we gotta take risks in life so i said "so i came with a plan to get the results if i really like girls or not, i just wanted to see if you were interested in helping" Mina nodded and said "yeah, im interested, whats the plan?" i looked down cause what i was about to say will probably make our friendship really awkward "so what im about to say may seem weird but just hear me out ok" i said then Mina nods then i said "maybe, we can possibly, kiss?"  

Mina POV

After Tzuyu said she wanted to kiss me i got soooooooooooooooo nervous and shocked and i could tell she saw it on my face cause she said "sorry if i made things weird, ill just go now" as Yoda started to leave, i spoke out without thinking "TZUYU, wait, i want to help, i guess i know why you chose me?..." then Tzuyu turned to me with a smile and said "yeah, i mean we are both friends and its not like you have a crush on me or something, it'll just be like a friend helping a friend" i smiled as she took the words out of my mouth. Although we were only doing this as friends, i was scared i would make it seem like more but this was going to be a once in a life time opportunity and i didn't want to let this chance to kiss Chou Tzuyu go so i said "ok, i'll let you kiss me" then with that Tzuyu slowly walked up to me. We are on centimetres away from each other and the closer our lips got, the more butterflies appeared in my stomach until our lips touched. Although the kiss lasted for 2 seconds, it felt like 2 hours and i was sad the moment was over, and when we look at each other after our lips separated, i could tell we were having a moment but as the moment was going on, we hear the door open. Thats when we both jumper then looked at the door to see it was Jeongyeon and even she jumped at the sight she walked in on but although it was already awkward enough she stepped in and closed the door behind her and walked up to us and said "are you kiding me Mina, if yous were doing what i think yous were doing then Chaeyoung would kill you both you know that!" i look down and as i was about to say something Tzuyu started talking "no, i wasn't like that, i mean we did but it was just as friends" Jeongyeon still looking the way she was said "what do you mean it was like friends?!" Yoda then looked down as she was going to tell the second person her secret "well, Mina was helping me, im questioning me sexuality" then with that Jeongyeon calmed down as Tzuyu started bursting out in tears  then i pulled her in for a hug to comfort her. Jeongyeon said "oh, so yous kissed to get the results?" because Tzuyu was too sad to say anything i decided to take it from here "yeah, but just in case, please don't tell Chaeng, i'll tell her when im ready" Jeongyeon nodded then Tzuyu and i separated then Jeongyeon asked "have you come up with an answer if you are lesbian or not?" Tzuyu nodded and said "i think i like both boys and girls" then Jeongyeon said "so you're bisexual, congrats!" so if Tzuyu is bi then she will probably try and get with Sana, then they will be a happy couple then i will never be with her. Little did i know Jeongyeon saw that i was sad then she said "hey Tzuyu, you should go tell the girls you're bi, maybe then Jihyo will finally make you favourite dinner to congratulate you!" Tzuyu then nodded and said "ok, see yous later, thanks Mina!" then she ran out not even noticing my sad facial expression. Once Tzuyu left the room, Jeongyeon walked up to me and said "hey, i know why you're sad, Nayeon told me you like Yoda" i looked up at her and started crying knowing she would know how i feel then through my sobs i asked "what do i do, she said she likes Sana so now that she knows she likes girls, she will try and get with her and then i will never be with her" Jeongyeon then said "well, i mean this from the bottom of my heart, i think its for the best that she dates Sana..." before Jeongyeon starts talking i cut her off "WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?!, I LOVE HER, AND I'VE LOVED HER EVER SINCE I LAID EYES ON HER BUT SHE LIKES SANA HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU LIKED NAYEON AND YOUS KISS THEN TO HAVE YOUR HEART RIPPED APART AFTERWARDS KNOWING SHE WILL NEVER BE WITH YOU AND INSTEAD BE WITH ANOTHER ONE OF YOU FRIENDS!?, its not a good feeling" Jeongyeon looked down in defeat and said "ok, Mina i get it, Tzuyu is a special girl and i get why you love her but let me remind you that you're dating Chaeyoung, you can't have both" as much as i love Tzuyu, Jeongyeon is right, i love them both but i can only have one".

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