Red Hot Hell (a Kuroshitsuji...

By LuuuuvmyGrell

38.3K 1.2K 123

Estelle is a unique vampire among her race.....she loves Kuroshitsuji! After a mysterious event lands her in... More

What Happened to My Coffin!?
To Work in the Morgue
Bloody Conversations
Life in A New Household
Another Problem (Sebby's POV)
Questionable Tactics
The Fun Part Begins
The Curry Contest and the Start of the Hunters' Season
Vampire Party
Queen of Hearts
A Wonderful Performance
Author's Note
Her Dam, Murderous
Some People Just Don't Get Any Peace
The First Victim
A Boring Night Gets More Exciting
Yet Again, The Plot Thickens.......

Midnight Murder Mystery

1.2K 45 2
By LuuuuvmyGrell

A.N: Dear Gods above, it's the first time I've encountered a hiatus with this story. Maybe because I am getting to the exciting part and then I won't be able to write about anything interesting anymore. After this, it's the Campagne, and then the boys go to boarding school and leave me all alone!

So I will lengthen this somehow, maybe involving my vampires and Earl Grey. Hmmm~ I have plans for him now.

Enjoy ladies!

Estelle calmly tilted her head at the letter, waiting patiently for alarm to settle in.

To Madame Estelle Darkmoor,

The Lord Cain extends his condolences for the recent passing of the Madame's sire, Countess Elizabet Bathory. To draw you from your current predicament, attend the party to be held in the Phantomhive manor tonight. Other interesting guests will be attending the small gala; perhaps you can find someone to catch your eye.

Meaning, he hoped that the vampiress would take this chance to have an fledgling to worry about after the party. 100 years was more than enough time to  create and implement a contingency plan should she turn feral like her dam.

The Lord and his attendant will look forward to your presence.

Sincerely, Cain of the Elder Council

"Well......." she sighed, "It seems I have an unforeseen complication on my hands." Then she looked out the window. "Oh, there'll be rain tonight."

Sebastian was duly made aware of the situation, and left alone for once to ponder the strange request. Naturally, it was not in her place to refuse an Elder, but one would have thought that her small show of brutality scant weeks ago caused them to keep a distance. Like the Death Dealer, the demon concluded that Lord Cain was planning something, and prepared accordingly.

That night brought the appearance of a new carriage that had never before graced the driveway of Phantomhive manor. It was pure black, as were its horses, and the crest depicting a sword and phial was in deep red.

Lord Cain was first to get out, dressed more formally in his clan colors of black and red. As the founder of the Tepes clan, he looked a lot older than his once youthful appearance. Francis, his loyal aide, followed suit. Handed down from the carriage like the lady she was supposed to be, Madame Darkmoor was last to descend.

She wore a shoulder-less gown in midnight blue and black, clan colors as was the custom. Her delicate arms were encased by black lace gloves to just below her shoulders, and black lace accented her dress. The lady's hair was piled into a seductive half-bun, with calculated strands falling invitingly to her neck. Like the lord, she looked slightly older than her usual visual age, 18 years, and red lipstick consolidated that age advancement. Sapphire drops completed the look. She did not look anything else but a proud vampire city-ruler.

The trio were welcomed by a fakely smiling Sebastian, and stood waiting in the foyer for the guest of honor.

Everyone but the writer were occupying themselves in some way, as the vampiress expected. Seeing Lord Cain and Francis in a deep conversation about clan affairs, Estelle politely turned away and sent a small smile of reassurance the poor man's way. He really should be a little less nervous when meeting Ran-Mao and the Earl later.

The man started and blushed with surprise. Unfortunately, her gesture only seemed to make him jumpier. Oh well, she tried.

Just then she witnessed the man's unfortunate first meeting with Lau and his 'little sister'. More specifically, Ran-Mao's bosom and the fact that her dress really did nothing for propriety. Taking the chance, Estelle lightly waved her fan at the Chinese bodyguard, and the girl immediately brought herself to bear on her one-day lover.

Holding a chuckle, the vampiress whispered, "Hello again, Ran-Mao." The buxom girl clung on mutely in response. Looking back at the branch manager, she saw that he didn't quite get what had just happened, and she gave him a smile full of meaning.

Ciel chose that moment to make an appearance on the staircase, having a little altercation with Lau on his way down. Estelle simply giggled and indulgently petted Ran-Mao's head, which she enjoyed. The human female had felt slightly forlorn when the vampiress left her wanting in the curry contest, but hoped that they could 'reconnect' after meeting again at the party. She was going to stick veeeery close to the woman unless her master needed her.

"After the dinner party starts I'll once again call upon each of you in order to exchange greetings. This includes both my regular clients and the ones I am meeting for the first time." Ciel paused in his little announcement and asked Sebastian, "The guest of the hour is not here yet?"

"With this foul weather, it seems his arrival has been delayed," the dutiful butler replied.

Before they could get on with the party anyway, the German guest and Earl Grey finally made an appearance. Ciel acted like the gracious host, and showed all the guests into the dining room where they all made to introduce themselves.

"The shrewdness with which his grandfather served the Prime Minister during his time was heard of even in Germany," Georg Von Siemens started. "He's just like his grandfather."

Carl Woodley of the Woodley Company continued, "If you're talking about Earl Grey, his family is so distinguished that even his name is attached to a flavor of tea. To think there would be a day I'd be able to greet him."

Estelle smiled in the slow, alluring way she usually did when assuming her noblewoman persona. "It seems that Lord Cain has finally met his match here in England." Her sultry voice was nicely tinted with the Romanian accent, steering the attention her way for a moment. Though Ran-Mao went back to Lau's side, the vampiress could still feel her gaze into her back.

"Because it has not been that long since I succeeded as Earl," the silver-haired man demurred, "Earl Phantomhive is more of an expert there."

"I'm not there by a long-shot," the boy returned. "The company wasn't founded until my generation, so if you're talking enterprises I think that Master Woodley is the most capable."

"It's still a humble business," the man drawled out with a nervous laugh. "And in any case, Lord Cain's global textile company has been in his family for generations." Lord Cain took the proffered opening gracefully.

"Indeed. However, the expansion of our company wasn't until my generation either, and my cousin Estelle has been instrumental in that project." And the vampiress simply nodded her head at the men in acknowledgement. "If it were not for her connections through the Russian ballet and opera, I would not have gained the footholds I have." Ciel was fascinated by this information about his vampire maid, but kept his composure and acted as if he knew this already.

"In any case, the technology for polishing diamonds will be the one to support the heavy industries from now on," Estelle continued, steering the conversation back the right way. "I have found that it's England's forte to colonize countries with diamond produce."

Georg nodded his confirmation. "Recently the heavy industries in my country, for example those involved with shipbuilding and or the steel factories, have been showing growth. The bank is thinking of lending our strength to these causes. Right now we're no match for England, but we'll definitely show you we can catch up." At this, Mr. Woodley good-naturedly guffawed and slapped Patrick Phelps' shoulder.

"Ahahahahaha! We better be careful Mr. Phelps." The nervous young man stammered an affirmative.

"Earl, would you like to introduce me as well?" Lau and Ran-Mao decided to join in.

"Of course," the Earl replied, and casually brought him before his competitor. Mr. Phelps seemed to know his business well, for he sounded apprehensive when he found out that Lau worked for Kunlun.

"To have a branch in England, you must certainly have a large network," the German mused.

It was at this point that Ran-Mao decided to clap her breasts onto his arm, with Lau making some sort of excuse about her being a pampered child. Estelle shook her head; the Chinese man had a strange way of currying favor with potential customers.

Behind their backs, the bodyguard paused in her simpering and sent the vampiress an apologetic look. Her employer needed this now. A small smile sent her way was reassurance enough.

"I'm sorry to disturb your conversation," a new voice interjected.

It was the theatrical producer Grimsby Keane and the opera singer, Irene Diaz. "Thank you for inviting us today," the man continued.

"Irene!" Estelle came forward and the ladies kissed each other's cheeks.

"Wonderful to see you again Estelle," the opera singer replied with a gentle smile on her face. Due to Estelle's real-life connections to the arts, she managed to get herself acquainted with many popular prima ballerinas and singers. Naturally, they were mostly Death Dealers in her clan.

"The fact that the plays you direct are a splendid fine art has become a topic of conversation even in Germany," Georg enthused. "I definitely want you to make a performance with Miss Irene in Germany. If it's a matter of financing, we can discuss that."

"That's reassuring," Mr. Keane said. "I have an idea for a set I'd like to put together at the Berlin National Opera House." Estelle checked on her vampiric superiors. Lord Cain and Francis looked quite interested in the conversation once it concerned anything about the arts. Vampire Elders were famous for being exceptional patrons of beauty.

"Since introductions are over, let's toast!" Earl Grey announced before the writer could insert himself.

Estelle then took the chance to back away from the crowd, preferring not to screw her tastebuds over with the application of alcohol. She rejoined the Earl, nodding to him in greeting, as both headed over to where the Wordsmith (as he and Lau began to refer to him as) was sitting alone with a flute of red wine.

"May we join you?" Ciel asked him. Replying an affirmative absently, it wasn't until the man saw a flash of color did he look to his left and right to see his chair buddies. Once he did so, he did a very humorous imitation of a jack-in-the-box.

With a flurry of words exchanged between the Earl and Mr. Wordsmith, things turned to his recent work which didn't seem popular enough. Estelle decided to steal the show again tonight.

"You'd think that the people of such an advanced country would acknowledge such freshness of writing," the vampiress said half to herself, scorn and frustration evident in her voice. Ciel nodded his agreement at the statement, causing the man to blush self-consciously.

"On the contrary, it's just a pretentious bit of writing done outside of my own specialty. I'm swept aside by specialists in the field of writing, saying that my content is too light or that the way I use their tools is wrong."

"It's fine if they're the ones saying it," Estelle returned. "You're target audience was the common people right? So long as the common people enjoy it, they're fine."

"I really want to write a historical novel," Mr. Wordsmith confessed, "but I've been turned down by countless companies saying that it wouldn't sell."

"Isn't it best to do those kinds of things after you make a name for yourself?" Ciel suggested. "Since increasing your returns means having lots of money, reputation, and contacts. If you've got authority, you're praised to the high heavens even though your writing is rubbish, which is often the case."

"Right! Exactly," Mr. Keane interjected. "I really can't stand for it! Even in our line of business, the stubborn old people causing trouble have taken over. I really can't allow it! Even an amateur can read a script out loud, don't you think so too?"

"C-Certainly," the young Earl replied shakily. Estelle was also surprised at the outburst, for all that she saw it coming. But it wouldn't be long until the first murder, she reflected, and that's when things will really get going.

Yes, this was turning out to be a fun party.

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