Pheonix Ascending(PA)


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This novel is not mine. For offline reading purposes only. Credits and acknowledgements goes to the author, t... Еще

Chapters 1-5
Chapters 6-10
Chapters 11-15
Chapters 16-20
Chapters 21-25
Chapters 26-30
Chapters 31-35
Chapters 36-40
Chapters 41-45
Chapters 46-50
Chapters 51-57
Chapters 58-69
Chapters 82-102

Chapters 70-81

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Chapter 70: Doubts

Recognizing Nan Xun’s voice, Jun Huang let out a sigh of relief. There was cold sweat covering her forehead. She couldn’t help but shiver in the cooled water.

She quickly put on some clothes and wrapped them tightly around herself before walking out from behind the screen. Nan Xun stood by the door with candlelight illuminating him from behind. “What are you here for so late at night?” she asked.

Nan Xun sighed inwardly. Of course Jun Huang would ask him this. He did need a justification for a social call at this time of day.

He cleared his throat. “I forgot to ask you how you are going to deal with Wan’er.”

Jun Huang’s shoulders slumped. She really didn’t want to think about this, but she had to. During dinner, Nan Guyue had also been trying to get a feel for Jun Huang’s intention. Jun Huang had deflected the questions. She didn’t expect Nan Xun to vault over the wall and sneak in to get an answer.

Nan Xun’s eyes were drawn to Jun Huang. She hadn’t dried her hair; it was still dripping water. She was showing the gentle side of a woman now. Her make-up free face held an aloof expression.

“I’ve told you that I can’t possibly marry princess Wan’er even if I want to,” Jun Huang said with a frown. She was getting tired of this.

Nan Xun sighed. “That said, I know what kind of a person Wan’er is,” he said seriously. “She doesn’t give up easily. If there’s no reason good enough to convince her, she’ll continue to chase after you for years.”

Jun Huang lowered her eyes and stared at the floor. She didn’t answer immediately. “Then I might as well tell her I’m a woman.”

Nan Xun frowned and loomed over her. “Don’t be absurd. You know Wan’er and Qi Chen are siblings. They have a close relationship. If she knows, it’s only a matter of time before she tells Qi Chen. What are you going to do then? Are you going to tell the world that you are princess Jun Huang of the lost Western Que?”

His tone was harsh, and his eyes were blazing with ire. He held onto Jun Huang’s hand with more force than he had intended. A pair of hands accustomed to wielding weapons knew not how to be tender.

Jun Huang grimaced in pain, her face going pale. Under the warm candlelight she looked as if she would disappear from the world any second. Nan Xun was startled and quickly let go of her.

“There’s no need for you to worry, Nan Xun,” Jun Huang said tiredly and took a seat. “I don’t know what princess Wan’er is thinking, but Qi Chen now knows my problem. I told him and Nan Guyue that I’ve lost my family and have to mourn for them. I won’t get married in three years.”

“I understand,” Nan Xun quietly said. He didn’t notice that Jun Huang wasn’t her usual self. “I’ll try to convince Wan’er.”

Jun Huang stared blankly at the floor. She was suddenly hit by a wave of sorrow. She had thought that she had forgotten about her hatred and despair, but the emotions had only been growing deep inside her heart. They grew and grew until they became a tree tall enough to reach the sky.

She closed her eyes. Tears trickled down her cheeks and dropped onto the floor. The sound might as well be as loud as thunder claps. Nan Xun was a trained fighter. He had better hearing than the average man. He heard the sound and looked over at Jun Huang.

She was sobbing.

All her suppressed pain and grief erupted from her heart and overwhelmed her. She had difficulties breathing under the weight of her emotions. Her tears ran nonstop down her face. Nan Xun had never seen a woman cry. He didn’t know what to do and what to say in comfort.

He had thought that someone like Jun Huang would never cry. Only now did he realize that her aloofness was merely a mask. When everything was said and done, she was a woman who had just lost her family.

“Don’t cry,” Nan Xun said helplessly. “Don’t be sad.” He took Jun Huang’s delicate fingers in his hands and knelt down to look at Jun Huang.

Jun Huang didn’t respond. Her sobs were the only sounds she was making.

The guards outside had heard her. They ran in and knocked on her door. “Are you alright, gentleman Feng?”

That snapped Jun Huang out of her outbreak. She took a deep breath and gave Nan Xun a look. Nan Xun nodded at her before jumping out of the open window, disappearing into the night.

Jun Huang wiped her tears away and smoothed out her clothes before rushing to get the door.

Jun Huang was known for her good look, but some of the guards had never really gotten a proper look at her. They were suddenly shy in face of her, especially since her hair was down and her clothes were dishevelled. She cut a bewitching figure.

“I’m fine,” she croaked. “This gentleman was thinking about the family I’ve lost and couldn’t suppress my sorrow.”

The leader of the guards looked up at her eyes. They were red. He looked over her shoulders and gave the room a good look. Jun Huang didn’t try to block his view.

The man cupped his hands. “We have intruded upon you.”

“It’s quite alright,” Jun Huang said, smiling a smile as beautiful as the moon in the sky.

“It’s late now. The gentleman should get some rest. These subordinates will leave you alone.” He took the team of guards away. Jun Huang was just about to close the door when she spotted Wei Qian.

Wei Qian stood alone in the hallway dressed in white. She looked at Jun Huang, then at the guards. Jun Huang could tell what Wei Qian was thinking. She smiled a little. “Nothing to be concerned about. They were just worried about the security in the manor.” With that, she shut the door behind her.

Jun Huang walked to the window. Nan Xun had long left. There was nothing but crabapple flowers outside. Beautiful, but utterly useless. The moon was distant and aloof. Her long hair flew in the winds. She closed her eyes and let the cold air wash over her.

As soon as Qi Chen woke up, he heard the housekeeper talking to a man outside. He put on a robe and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

The housekeeper bowed at him and ordered a maid to bring him some water. Qi Chen looked at the leader of the guards with a frown. “Why are you making a ruckus so early in the morning? Don’t you know the rules around here?”

The guard dropped down to the floor, his knees knocking against the bluestone floor with a heavy thud. The sound alone was enough to make one wince, but the guard didn’t so much as flinch.

“This subordinate has urgent matters to report. If I have offended Your Royal Highness, I beg for your forgiveness.”

Qi Chen’s eyebrows drew closer. He looked at the door behind him. He was worried that they might wake Nan Guyue up. He told the guard to stand up and follow him. They walked to the pavilion outside the front yard. Qi Chen placed his hands behind his back, waiting for the guard to speak.

The guard walked closer to Qi Chen and said in a low voice, “Last night, this subordinate was walking the parameter as usual. Once I reached the side building where gentleman Feng resided in, I heard a noise coming from the inside. This subordinate knows that gentleman Feng is Your Royal Highness’s confidante. I was worried that something might have happened, so I rushed in. I saw only gentleman Feng with his eyes red like he’d been crying. I asked about it and he said he missed the family he’d lost. This subordinate did hear odd noises coming from inside her room. There was, however, no one except for him when I got there.”

Qi Chen’s eyes went dark and narrow as he contemplated the issue. After a while he ordered the guard to bring Jun Huang here. The guard followed the order and left, leaving Qi Chen in the pavilion.

The first person the guard ran into at the side building wasn’t Jun Huang, but Wei Qian, who had been holding a grudge against him since last night. Before he could say anything, Wei Qian punched him in the eye. He cried out and staggered back.

He cursed. Once he saw who it was that hit him, however, he went silent. Everyone knew that Wei Qian was Qi Chen’s confidante, and she was given to Feng Baiyu weeks ago. Wei Qian was no ordinary woman. No one dared to get on her wrong side.

He pursed his lips. He didn’t know what he had done to deserve this.

Wei Qian stared at him with cold eyes. “You are an embarrassment to the prince. Don’t you know the rules in the manor? You know nothing about respect. You’ve forgotten your place. Maybe it’s time that you leave this manor.”

“This subordinate deserves punishment,” the guard said respectfully. “I have overstepped my boundaries.”

Wei Qian had no intention to let him in. The guard knew that he had made a mistake, so he didn’t say that he was here for Jun Huang. It was Jun Huang’s voice that finally broke the silence between them.

Earlier, Jun Huang had gone to the garden for a walk. When she returned, these two were in a staring contest with one another.

“What is this about?” Jun Huang asked.

Her voice was like a lifeline. The guard whirled around to face her. He was so relieved he could cry.

“The prince was looking for the gentleman,” he quickly said. “He ordered me to bring you to him.”

Jun Huang arched an eyebrow. Worries gnawed at her heart. It’s never a good thing for him to ask for me, she thought. She was dependent on Qi Chen, however. She couldn’t deny him his request. She nodded and threw a glance at Wei Qian. They didn’t exchange a word, but something did pass between them. Jun Huang followed the guard away.

She had made herself presentable before seeing Qi Chen. Her hair was held up with a white jade cap. She wore a violet silk robe with an old foldable fan in her hand. The calligraphy on the fan was cleary done by a master.

Jun Huang walked up to Qi Chen. Her robe brushed against the threshold, bringing dust up into the air. The sun shone on the serene garden. There were birds chirping in the trees. Some songstress in the manor had started practicing a new song.

Hearing her footsteps, Qi Chen turned around to face her. He smiled and beckoned her.

Jun Huang was worried, but it didn’t show on her face. She approached Qi Chen and greeted him. “What in the garden caught Your Royal Highness’s fancy today? It’s unusual for Your Royal Highness to wander the garden so early in the morning.”

Qi Chen waved a hand in the air. “It’s nothing. Someone was making a ruckus outside my door. I woke up to listen to a report. And now I can’t sleep.” He looked up at Jun Huang with sharp eyes. It was as if he wanted to see through her.

Jun Huang met his eyes with a faint smile on her face. She then looked around the garden. “Who is it that has interrupted your rest? Your Royal Highness should perhaps start cleaning house and kick those undisciplined servants out. They are more trouble than they are worth.”

“Brother Feng is right. I will give out the order tomorrow.” It was clear that Qi Chen was humoring her while he kept a close eye on her. Jun Huang remained calm, paying no attention to his scrutiny.

Chapter 71: Determination

Qi Chen sat down on a stone stool under the tree. There was a faint smile on his face as he asked, “How did brother Feng’s family pass away?”

Jun Huang didn’t expect this to be Qi Chen’s question. She thought that someone had seen Nan Xun entering the manor; for that she had come up with an excuse. This she didn’t have a ready answer for.

Noticing her hesitation, Qi Chen scoffed.Feng Baiyu really is hiding something from me.

“They died on the battlefield…”

That day, the palace of Western Que fell into the enemy’s hands. It was transformed into purgatory before her eyes. One after another, people were slaughtered like animals. To this day, she still couldn’t stop herself from shaking when she thought back to that night. There was a stabbing pain in her temples.

The once prosperous imperial city became blood soaked overnight. Anywhere she went, all she saw was red.

Qi Chen watched her closely. He could see the pain in her eyes. He shouldn’t continue to interrogate her, but he had always been mistrustful. How could he not get to the bottom of Jun Huang’s secret? He took a deep breath. “Is that so? So it’s not an excuse you came up with to turn Wan’er down?”

The garden was silent. Jun Huang’s head snapped up and the bird on the tree was startled into fleeing, flapping its wings hard. She twisted her lips into a bitter smile and laughed. “Without family, I have no roots. Without family, I have no home. This gentleman will never use the deaths of my parents and siblings as an excuse for anything. Does Your Royal Highness really think of me as someone so shameless?”

Qi Chen was rendered speechless. He didn’t know what to say in response. Jun Huang seemed like she was speaking from the bottom of her heart. He sighed. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, but there are… rumors about you. I hope you won’t hold that against me.”

She nodded.

Someone came to tell Qi Chen that Nan Guyue had woken up and was waiting for him to have breakfast. Qi Chen didn’t think it would help to drag this conversation on. He gestured at Jun Huang to leave first. She walked away after making a salute.

Blinding sun kissed the green meadow and the red flowers in the garden, adding an attractive glow to them. Jun Huang walked into the nature’s embrace, surrounded by a refreshing fragrance. With her eyes closed, she could imagine that she was back to the royal garden in Western Que. There, pleasant smell filled the palace all year long.

She felt drunk without drinking. Her dark hair flew in the air, framing her delicate features. From a distance, she looked like a god that accidentally fell into the mortal realm. No one knew when she would ascend back to the heavens.

She was far from carefree, however. Too many tragedies had struck. Her smile had turned bitter, and she was tired of dealing with Qi Chen’s suspicion.

She let out a soundless sigh. She had to be more careful. One wrong step could pave the path for a descent into hell. She may forever lose her control over her life.

Back to the side building, Jun Huang felt no urge to eat. She asked the servants to leave her and sat on her own in trance. She suddenly remembered how Nan Xun had looked last night. His light-color robe made him seem softer than usual. The candlelight added a touch of warmth to his sculpted features.

She remembered how Nan Xun had been focusing on Wan’er in their conversation. It puzzled her. She knew that the royal siblings weren’t as close with one another as they appeared to be. And Nan Xun didn’t bear the last name of the royal family. He was under a lot of scrutiny for holding control over the military. Jun Huang couldn’t figure out why Wan’er would get close to Nan Xun. She must know that her brother dreaded Nan Xun’s influence.

She couldn’t find an answer. In the end she decided to ask Nan Xun about it. She was stopped the moment she left the door.

The people here are becoming more and more troublesome! Annoyed, she pulled a long face at the unwanted visitors.

The men knew that they were intruding, but they were under Qi Chen’s order. In their eyes, Jun Huang was merely an honored guest. Even though she had been offering advice to Qi Chen, she was still an honored guest. Nothing less, nothing more.

Jun Huang had met enough snobbish men like them to know what they were thinking. “What do you want?” she asked harshly.

The leader of the group could see her annoyance. He gave her a wide smile. “Please don’t be offended, gentleman Feng. We’re only the prince’s messengers. He said that princess Wan’er is going to the temple to express her gratitude to the deity for fulfilling her wish. The prince however, is unavailable to accompany her. He therefore asks you to keep the princess company.”

Jun Huang paused. She thought she had made herself clear. She didn’t expect Qi Chen to create an opportunity for the two of them to be alone again. However, she was unable to decline. She nodded and said that she would leave shortly.

When the men were about to leave, the leader of the group added, “The prince also said that the gentleman should explain to the princess your feelings in person. It’s best if you are able to convince her to give up on you.”

Jun Huang stood rooted to the spot for a long time even after the men had left.

Wan’er didn’t know that Jun Huang would be going to the temple with her. She sat in the coach, dangling her legs in boredom. She pouted as she thought about Jun Huang.

When Jun Huang showed up in all her glory, Wan’er’s eyes lit up. She stammered and couldn’t form a single word. Her heart was beating solely for Jun Huang at this moment.

She jumped off the coach with her face flushed, startling the eunuchs and the maids. They rushed up to her, worried that the emperor’s most beloved princess might hurt herself. If she did, the emperor would have their heads.

Wan’er brushed away nonexistent dust from her clothes and told the troublesome servants to leave her alone, stomping her foot. “Get away and stay back! Don’t be an eyesore!”

Jun Huang stopped before her and gave her a cool and polite smile, her plain robe brushing against the meadow and flowers.

She bowed. “This gentleman is honored to meet the princess again. It is the most fortunate thing I’ve encountered in all three lifetimes of mine.”

Jun Huang was perfectly appropriate. Wan’er felt her heart aching.

He’s always so proper with me, she thought,but I have discarded all rules of proprietary for him.

This man said that he felt fortunate to have met her, and yet it seemed like there was a great distance between the two of them. It seemed that she would never be able to win Feng Baiyu over her whole life.

Nevertheless, human beings were greedy by nature. What one couldn’t get, one coveted even more. Wan’er was used to getting what she wanted. Feng Baiyu was the only thing she couldn’t win over. She wasn’t willing to give up. She swore on her life that she would become Feng Baiyu’s wife and stay with him until their hair turned grey.

Jun Huang frowned. Wan’er eyes never strayed away from her. The gaze was so direct it made Jun Huang nervous. Fortunately, the servants dismissed by Wan’er earlier had rejoined them.

One of the eunuchs whispered to Wan’er, “We should depart now, princess. It’s about time. If you leave later, you won’t be able to return tonight. That will be troublesome to gentleman Feng.”

The eunuch had a pair of keen eyes. He could see from Wan’er’s expression that she adored Jun Huang. But alas, the river didn’t return the fallen flower’s love.

Wan’er was going to scold him for speaking up, but his words rang true to her. She let him off the hook and pointed at the coach. “The gentleman should come sit with me. It’s going to be a bumpy ride…”

“There’s no need. This gentleman rode a horse here.” Jun Huang turned around and went back to where she had tied her horse. She untied the reign and got mounted, looking at Wan’er from a distance. She waited for the servants to finish preparing for the trip.

To avoid more interaction with Wan’er on their way to the temple, Jun Huang took the lead and stayed at the front. Wan’er rested her arms on the window sill and looked out at Jun Huang’s back. I never thought there would be a man who shows so little emotions himself while arousing so much emotions in others. I never thought there could be a man who would monopolize my every thought.

Neither of them talked. Once they arrived at the temple, the servants took the horses towing the coach and the horse Jun Huang had ridden on to the back to feed them, leaving Jun Huang and Wan’er on their own. Wan’er rushed to block Jun Huang’s way, looking up at her.

Jun Huang took a step back to put some distance between them. There was no expression on her face. She looked at Wan’er and waited for her to speak.

Jun Huang’s attitude pained Wan’er, but she forced herself to smile. “I’ve heard from second brother what the gentleman’s final answer was,” she said, biting into her lip. “It’s good that the gentleman wants to pursue a career. Wan’er isn’t opposed to that. I can even help the gentleman become one of the most respected official of this generation – ”

“If I am to become a respected official, doesn’t the princess think that I should turn your offer down?” Jun Huang cut in before she could finish.

Wan’er couldn’t say anything. It took awhile for her to recover. “Wan’er is willing to wait for the gentleman to achieve your goal before you marry me,” she said with her gaze fixed on the ground. “As long as the gentleman doesn’t dislike me, Wan’er is willing to wait for you.” Her eyes were adoring and her tone was careful. She acted so submissive it made Jun Huang helpless. How could she possibly be harsh to a woman like this?

Wan’er was determined. Jun Huang didn’t know what she should do. “Why must the princess do this to yourself? I told you that I’m mourning for my family and will not be marrying anyone in three years. Why doesn’t the princess take mercy on yourself and find someone better suited? This gentleman isn’t a good match for the princess. I hope the princess will – ”

Before she could finish, Wan’er threw her reservation and pride out of the window and threw herself into Jun Huang’s arms.

Wan’er was a little shorter than Jun Huang. She buried her face into Jun Huang’s shoulder and breathed in the faint fragrance coming from Jun Huang’s body. She couldn’t stop herself from trembling.

She slowly closed her eyes. A single tear fell from the corner of her eye and landed on the back of Jun Huang’s hand. The heat burned Jun Huang’s skin and she could feel it in her heart.

This will be seen as an great offence to Wan’er’s integrity, Jun Huang thought. She was worried that someone with ulterior motives might see them and tell Qi Chen about it. She would be doomed if Qi Chen then forced her to marry Wan’er. She tried to push Wan’er away.

“Just a little longer, gentleman Feng,” Wan’er said quietly. She was no longer the princess that looked down on other people, but a simple woman who had abandoned all her principles for love. The change was heartbreaking to witness. “Please don’t push me away. Let me stay in your arms for a little longer. I will wait for you to marry me. I will.”

Chapter 72: A Heartless Man

Jun Huang let Wan’er hold her, but she didn’t lay a hand on Wan’er herself. She knew she must not give Wan’er false hope. She was a woman. She could never marry Wan’er. Wan’er’s obsession must not go on.

Time went by. The ground was covered with fallen leaves. The blue stone stairs emitted a sense of calmness. The behemoth tree by the stairs shook in the winds. In the horizon was a mountain range, sitting at the bottom of the vast blue sky.

“You should go, princess,” Jun Huang said quietly. Wan’er nodded and let go reluctantly. She looked up at Jun Huang’s aloof face. She found herself unable to say anything sentimental now. She turned around, daintily lifted her dress, and entered the temple.

Jun Huang watched her go. A woman like Wan’er shouldn’t waste time on her, but she didn’t know what else she could do. Jun Huang was terrible with words when it came to love. She could only come up with excuses for so long.

She didn’t follow Wan’er in, lest they disturb the peace of the temple. She walked along the discreet path outside the gate, seeking hidden beauty in the world like people in the past used to do.

Her robe was elegant, and her fan dignified, while the bamboo forest and undiscovered trail were fascinating in their own ways. Did her robe contrast with the bamboo and make it more vibrant, or was it the other way around?

Not far away, Nan Xun was watching her. Every move of hers was made with a grace unique to her alone.

No one else was around to see Jun Huang. Nan Xun wanted nothing more than to keep this ethereal being to himself and prevent others from catching a glimpse. A one of a kind woman like her, however, would never be willing to be caged away by anyone. She was the chosen one. She was sure to achieve great things in her life.

The gaze on her was so heated it was impossible for Jun Huang to not notice. Under her broad sleeve, she took out a poisoned needle. Is it a friend, or a foe? She didn’t want to show her hand until she knew what was going on.

The owner of the footsteps came closer and stopped right behind her. She whirled around with the needle in her hand and barely stopped herself from attacking once she saw who it was. She let out a relieved sigh and put away the needle.

“What are you doing here?” Jun Huang wondered out loud. She brushed her dark hair back and smiled faintly at Nan Xun.

Nan Xun watched her without a word. Behind her, bamboo shook lightly. Jun Huang’s face was a little pale. Wind blew through the forest and brought her hair and the tail of her robe up in the air. She was like a piece of white jade standing tall and alone in this dark and gritty world. Funnily enough, if Nan Xun hadn’t known that Jun Huang was a woman, he would have questioned whether or not he was attracted to men.

Seeing that Nan Xun was staring at her silently again, Jun Huang frowned and waved her hand before his eyes. Nan Xun took her wrist suddenly.

For a moment, everything but the two of them faded away.

There was a rustle in the forest. Leaves fell from above their heads, none of which landed on them. Jun Huang looked up at Nan Xun and her mask of impassiveness fractured, showing a trace of her surprise.

The moment Nan Xun took Jun Huang’s wrist, he felt his heart skip. Her arm was alluringly delicate, but too thin to be healthy. Nonetheless, his heart was beating so fast it could burst out of his chest any moment.

Jun Huang suddenly felt like her skin was burned by something that wasn’t meant to be touched. She broke out of Nan Xun’s grip and hid her hand under her sleeves.

Nan Xun was charmed by her reaction. It was in stark contrast with her usual mature demeanor. He preferred this Jun Huang much more. She felt more real and less untouchable.

“If Your Highness is here for Princess Wan’er, she’s in the temple,” Jun Huang said cooly, breaking Nan Xun out of his trance.

Nan Xun chuckled and took a step closer, his eyes as dark as a bottomless lake. “What if I told you that I’m here for you?”

It may be that Nan Xun’s voice was deeper and hoarser than usual, it may be that he was standing too close to her – the moment their breaths tangled, Jun Huang’s face went deep red. She pushed him away, but she couldn’t stop her heartbeat from quickening.

“Alright, no more teasing,” Nan Xun said with a laugh. “I’m here to ask you about the situation with Wan’er. Qi Chen wanted you to talk to Wan’er in person and turn her down. How did that go?”

Jun Huang quickly regained control over herself, schooling her expression into one of impassiveness. She took a deep breath and shook her head. “I’ve tried all I can to convince the princess, but she isn’t willing to give up. I don’t know what else to do.”

Nan Xun sighed. He hadn’t expected Wan’er to be so determined to marry Jun Huang. If she wouldn’t let go, there wasn’t anything he could do, either.

They stood face to face silently, watching the beautiful scenery in the bamboo forest, but their minds were occupied with different thoughts.

Wan’er strolled into the temple palace. The gold-plated statue of Buddha stood tall and above everyone. A monk was playing a wooden fish1 as he chanted sutras. All her frustration seemed to drain away as she entered. She knelt down on a mat and put her hands together in prayer, her expression devoted.

“Wan’er is here today to pay back for my wish…” She spoke with her eyes closed and her head low.

Afterwards, she didn’t get to her feet immediately. Instead, she let Feng Baiyu occupy her thoughts. That man was like a god. Heartless, but philanthropic. Sometimes she was content with seeing him leading a happy life. Sometimes there was nothing she wanted more than to share a life with him.

She hadn’t realized how deeply in love she was. They were strangers who happened to cross paths. She had quickly fallen into a lonesome love, while Feng Baiyu remained distant and untouchable. Her heartache was hers alone.

When she opened her eyes, the palace was filled with veil-like smoke and the black silk curtains fluttered in the wind. The monk, who had been silent previously, opened his mouth and said, “The almsgiver has lost yourself to obsession. Why don’t you give up?”

“How can someone who’s possessed give up?” Wan’er smiled bitterly and bowed at the monk with her hands put together. She took her leave.

She walked into the front yard. The sun was blindingly bright. She blinked. It seemed as if a lifetime had passed, but in reality, she had only been inside for the time for an incense stick to burn.

Her maid had been waiting outside. She hurriedly support Wan’er with an arm and asked with a low voice, “Is the princess alright?”

Wan’er shook her head and looked around. Jun Huang was nowhere to be seen. She frowned. “Where’s gentleman Feng?”

“The gentleman said that he didn’t have anything better to do, so he went for a walk.”

Wan’er nodded. “I’m going to find him. You don’t have to follow me. Go prepare for the trip back to the palace.” She left in a rush. The maid knew her well. She went off to make preparations without any arguments.

Wan’er walked out of the temple. There was a discreet path leading to an unknown destination. She took to the path the way she took to loving Jun Huang – headfirst and without hesitation.

Sun shone through the bamboo leaves, casting complicated patterns of shadow on the ground. Wan’er made her way into the bamboo forest in her yellow dress with her hair in a bun. The decorations on her hair shook as she walked, making a bright sound.

Jun Huang lowered her eyes and said to Nan Xun, “Princess Wan’er must have come to find me. You should go. It’ll be bad if she sees you.”

Nan Xun gave Jun Huang a meaningful look. There were words threatening to fall out of his mouth, but in the end he decided to not say anything. He walked deeper into the forest.

Just when Nan Xun was going to disappear from her sight, Jun Huang said, “They all call me heartless, Nan Xun, but you know why I act this way, don’t you?”

Nan Xun turned to her with a wide smile. “There’s no point dwelling on what other people say about you.” With that, he vanished.

“What is the gentleman looking at?” Wan’er walked up to Jun Huang and followed her line of sight, but she saw nothing. She had thought that something or someone must have caught Jun Huang’s attention. It seemed that she had been illuded by her imagination.

Jun Huang gave her a polite smile. “Nothing. I simply enjoy watching the peaceful bamboo forest too much, so I had some troubles tearing my eyes away.”

Wan’er nodded and beamed, her eyes bright. “Let us return.” She pointed at outside the forest.

“Of course,” said Jun Huang.

When they went back to the coach, the servants had already been waiting for them. Wan’er invited Jun Huang to sit in the coach with her. Jun Huang didn’t argue. She hadn’t realized it when she was talking to Nan Xun, but her chest was hurting so badly it was almost unbearable.

Jun Huang leaned against the window, trying to suppress the pain. Wan’er kept her eyes on Jun Huang like she was appreciating a piece of rare art, but she didn’t notice Jun Huang’s discomfort.

When they arrived at the palace, it was already late at night. Jun Huang was about to walk away when Wan’er parted the curtains and called out for her.

Jun Huang looked back at her. “What else can I help you with, princess?”

Wan’er bit into her lip and watched Jun Huang in silence. Jun Huang waited patiently for her to speak.

Wan’er inhaled deeply. It took all her courage for her to get off the coach and stand in front of Jun Huang. She ignored the guards and looked up at her. “Wan’er has told gentleman Feng that I will wait for you to return after achieving your goal. I meant every word I said. I hope you won’t forget about my promise.”

Jun Huang hadn’t expected that to be the reason why Wan’er stopped her. “It’s late,” she said with a resigned tone. “The princess should let Consort Zhen know you’ve returned safely. Otherwise your family is going to be worried. This gentleman will take my leave.” Jun Huang turned around and leave without a glance back. She didn’t want to get involved with Wan’er again unless it was necessary.

When she returned to the manor, a servant was waiting for her at the door. He said that Qi Chen wanted to see her at once. Jun Huang knew what Qi Chen wanted to talk to her about. She followed the servant in without a word.

Qi Chen had just returned from the palace as well. He was still in his court attire. His eyebrows were drawn close together in worry. She wondered what he was concerned about.

“Your Royal Highness?”

Qi Chen was broken out of his thoughts and he looked up. He cleared his throat and invited her to take a seat before pouring her a cup of tea. Jun Huang sat down across from him without hesitation.

Qi Chen put a cup of tea in front of Jun Huang before taking a sip from his own cup. “Brother Feng has spent the day with Wan’er,” he said lightly. “What do you think of her? Is she not good enough for you?”

Jun Huang rushed to her feet and bowed at him. “This gentleman has neither fame nor success. I am not a good match for the princess, and I don’t deserve Your Highness’s favor. The princess should choose someone more suited to her. Among all the handsome young men in the imperial city, many will be a better husband than I ever can.”

Chapter 73: Outshining the Emperor

Qi Chen leveled Jun Huang with a meaningful look. He changed the subject and didn’t say another word about Wan’er. “I have been building connections in the imperial court as brother Feng suggested. What should be our next step?”

“I am the crown prince now, but everyone knows that Royal Father still holds the former crown prince dear to his heart. While I do have quite a lot of supporters in the court, Royal Father is still healthy and well and my youngest brother is maturing; I can tell Royal Father likes him. Royal Father has never mentioned anything regarding passing down the throne to me. I’m worried that if we do nothing, I may not be able to ensure my triumph. Tell me, brother Feng, how should I keep my position as the crown prince?”

Jun Huang hummed. “In my opinion, the reason why the emperor never speaks of passing down the throne may not be due to the former crown prince. It’s possible that he’s worried that Your Royal Highness won’t be able to look over the vast Northern Qi well. You have to remember that Qi Yin had been learning the art of ruling a country since his birth. If Your Royal Highness shows the emperor that you can be a good leader, he will trust you to govern Northern Qi.”

Jun Huang’s words made sense to him. Qi Yin had neither talent nor integrity. Why would the emperor keep him in his mind? Maybe Qi Yin had been long forgotten. Perhaps the emperor didn’t believe that he was capable enough to deal with affairs of the state. That was why he never got to do anything important. What he had to do now was to show the emperor what he could achieve and won his approval.

Jun Huang could see that Qi Chen was convinced. A fleeting smile appeared on her face and quickly disappeared before Qi Chen looked up at her.

“Is brother Feng willing to become an official? With your talent, you’ll be able to achieve great things. And you will be my greatest asset in the future. You are free to choose whatever position you want. I will make the necessary arrangements.”

Jun Huang scoffed inwardly. Qi Chen wanted to make her an official only because he wanted her to be of help to him in the future. She served as a strategist in the manor now, but she had never agreed to be Qi Chen’s obedient little pet.

“Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for your recognition. This gentleman is still in mourning, thus I should not take the position of an official. I want only to make up plans for Your Royal Highness. Besides, no one with great ambitions should resort to buying a position. Once my mourning period ends, I will attend the imperial examination and earned a title myself.”

Jun Huang spoke with such passion, it was as if this had been her lifelong dream. Qi Chen didn’t shy away from showing her his approval. This man I’ve chosen has such backbone, he thought. He is indeed a rare talent.

“Since brother Feng is so determined, I will not force you to go against your will,” Qi Chen said, waving his hand. “You must be tired. Go rest. If one day you want to become an official, just tell me.”

Jun Huang bowed at him with dignity and left. The pavilion suddenly quieted down. Nan Guyue showed up with a plate of snacks, supported by a servant.

She looked towards the direction Jun Huang had left in before turning to Qi Chen. “Guyue agrees that gentleman Feng will be of great help to Your Royal Highness if he becomes an official. Has Your Royal Highness really given up on the idea?”

Qi Chen sighed, keeping his eyes on Jun Huang as she walked away. “There’s nothing I can do. Feng Baiyu is a man of principles. While he is my honored guest, I cannot control him. We’ll see how far he can go on his own. It’s not necessarily a bad thing for him to gradually grow stronger on his own.”

Nan Guyue chuckled. “Your Royal Highness is testing gentleman Feng for Wan’er, aren’t you?”

“Nothing escapes my princess’s eyes.” Qi Chen turned back to Nan Guyue with a tender smile. He ran a hand down the bridge of her nose in an intimate gesture. Nan Guyue ducked her head shyly and placed the plate of snacks on the table.

“I can tell that Wan’er really adores her,” Qi Chen said. “No one has been able to convince her to give up. Brother Feng tried to talk to her today as well, but the result must have been the same. If he marries Wan’er, it’ll be worth celebrating. If he wants to gain fame and success on his own first, then so be it. It’ll be a learning process for him.”

Nan Guyue covered up a smile. “Wan’er is a beautiful woman. Gentleman Feng will fall for her in the end. If he becomes a respected official through his own efforts, Wan’er will lead a happy life after they get married. Your Royal Highness shouldn’t worry too much.”

Qi Chen nodded and left the pavilion with Nan Guyue at his side. The snacks were left untouched and covered in dirt.

Jun Huang knew that her repeated denials would make Qi Chen unhappy, but there was no other way for her. She didn’t want to make a mess out of the imperial court of Northern Qi. She wanted this country to be relatively in order when Qi Yun took over.

No country could be without unrest forever. Just when problems at the border had been resolved and people were satisfied, another administrative zone descended into chaos. The local officials were corrupt, and the people were taken advantages of like fish being sliced open on a cutting board. There were even men from rich families forcing themselves on peasant women. Lives had been lost.

The emperor almost coughed out blood when he read the report. His face was so dark it was terrifying. The eunuchs dared not say anything. They stood by the wall silently.

The next day, the emperor still held a severe expression on his face when he attended the court meeting. He told the courtiers about this issue, but the they ended up arguing among themselves without giving him a good solution.

“What the hell do you think your job is?” yelled the emperor. “You useless people can never figure out anything when real problems arise. Is it so difficult for you to personally attend to this matter?”

Qi Chen looked around. No one was willing to volunteer themselves. He remembered what Jun Huang had said. The emperor would approve of him if he could solve this problem. Perhaps the emperor would then be willing to pass down the throne to him.

Having made the decision, Qi Chen took a step forward and looked up at the emperor. He bowed. “Royal Father, this son is willing to go.”

That got a reaction out of the courtiers. Nan Xun frowned, his expression indiscernible. It was clear that he wasn’t pleased.

Looking at Qi Chen, the emperor saw no other options. After a moment of silence, he announced that the crown prince was going to take the responsibility. The rest of the meeting was spent discussing trivial matters that made no impact.

After the meeting, Qi Chen left with a pleased expression on his face. He was stopped by one of his supporters.

“You have done something foolish, Your Royal Highness,” the official said.

Qi Chen frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Those people aren’t merely men from rich families,” the official said seriously. “They are related to people with great power. If you don’t cover up their crimes for them, you’ll become their enemies.”

Qi Chen snorted. “People with great power? Ha! I will show them what power is and take care of them.”

He was a young man after all. He could be clever and thoughtful, but he still had many rough edges. Now he was trying to win the emperor’s recognition. He had forgotten that he should be trying to gather more supporters rather than suppressing potential allies.

He turned away and walked out. Nan Xun watched him leave with dark eyes. He needed to talk to Jun Huang.

Jun Huang wasn’t surprised when Nan Xun asked her to meet him. She knew Qi Chen had volunteered to take care of this can of worms no one wanted to deal with. She didn’t really care that much.

Seeing that Jun Huang was still enjoying tea as if nothing had happened, Nan Xun lost his usual calm and growled, “Don’t you know that Qi Chen is making troubles for you? He will take you with him. There is no telling what those powerful families will do when cornered. What’s more, I can’t go with you this time. What if you get hurt?”

Jun Huang took a sip of her tea and threw him a glance. “Why are you so worried?” she said with a chuckle, her expression calm. “I know what I’m doing. I was trying to find a way to diminish Qi Chen’s influence. I didn’t expect him to bring me the perfect opportunity himself. It’s a good thing. Besides, will those people really dare to hurt Qi Chen?”

Nan Xun didn’t know what to say. He sighed and looked at Jun Huang. She was always so stubborn. With potent poison in her system, she still insisted on putting herself in danger.

As Nan Xun expected, Qi Chen brought Jun Huang with him, which was exactly what she had wanted. Things were much simpler this way. They traveled to the county town closest to the imperial city to find out what exactly had happened. Qi Chen did not show anyone mercy. Everyone who was part of the crimes committed was thrown into prison. Relatives of the royal family and people of great power were no exception.

The local residents rejoiced and cheered, while the people in power cowered. They were worried that they would be the next one punished.

Jun Huang had asked Rou’er to send some of their own people to the town. They were tasked to spread songs praising Qi Chen among the peasants. Those songs soon made their way to the emperor’s ears.

The courtiers were now split into two factions. One thought that Qi Chen was only trying to better the country as the crown prince, so he was merely fulfilling his responsibility. The other thought that it was a threat to the emperor’s authority for people to praise Qi Chen as if he was their savior. If things remained unchanged, Qi Chen’s reputation would exceed that of the emperor one day.

The emperor watched the arguing courtiers with a dark expression, his fingers wrapped tightly around the chair arms. Qi Chen, however, was the crown prince he had chosen. He couldn’t do anything even though the people respected and supported Qi Chen more than him. He swallowed his pride and praised Qi Chen for a job well done. He even stated that he would reward Qi Chen heavily once he returned. Passing down the throne, however, was still left out of the agenda.

After the meeting, a eunuch who had been serving the emperor for decades accompanied the emperor on a walk in the royal garden. He could tell the emperor was not in a good mood.

“Is Your Majesty worried about the crown prince?” the eunuch asked.

The emperor stopped in his track and turned to look at the eunuch. “Scholar officials and military officials alike are saying that Chen’er’s reputation has exceeded mine, that the crown prince is more well-loved by the people than the emperor. Chen’er is the crown prince, yes. But I am still the emperor.”

He didn’t shy away from telling the eunuch what he thought. The eunuch had been with the emperor for many years. He knew it was better for him to not be decisive with his words and avoid speaking his thoughts on a matter that was far above his station. He offered some words of comfort with a smile. “The crown prince is nothing more than the crown prince. It’s true no matter how well-known and loved he is outside the imperial city. If Your Majesty is truly bothered, you can always put some distance between you once the prince returns. Don’t let anger harm your health.”

“Is that truly what you think?” the emperor asked.

The eunuch only smiled in response. There were things that didn’t need to be said. The emperor looked away, ruminating on his words.

Chapter 74: Waiting in the Dark

Qi Yin was arrogant, but he had never outshined the emperor. Qi Chen, on the other hand, stood out too much. It made the emperor feel threatened. He never expected himself to be jealous of his own son. It was a ridiculous thought.

Qi Chen was now in the county town, far away from the palace. The praise from the people made him even more eager to eliminate those immoral plutocrats. The next day, he received an unexpected royal decree.

The emperor showered Qi Chen with generous praises. At the end of the decree he asked Qi Chen to return to the imperial city. He stated that the county town was in a remote area; therefore, no one knew what could happen around there. Moreover, the problem had been mostly solved. For Qi Chen’s safety, the emperor had ordered an imperial commissioner1 to take Qi Chen’s place.

Qi Chen was flabbergasted. What did the emperor mean? Jun Huang didn’t give Qi Chen a chance to finish his train of thought. She smiled and told Qi Chen that he had won the emperor’s recognition, and that the emperor was only worried that Qi Chen might be unaccustomed to living in a remote area like this town.

Qi Chen wasn’t totally convinced, but in the end, he decided to take Jun Huang’s words for it. He planned to leave after the imperior commissioner arrived and the handover was done.

The palace had been quiet the past couple of days. Wan’er used to wander around making a ruckus. Now, however, she had settled down and started learning how to sew for Jun Huang. She swore to herself that she would become the perfect wife.

Qi Yun sat in the palace with a teacup in his hand, his eyes half closed. He listened to a songstress in white playing a song of great sorrow with a lute, filling the quiet place with a sense of desolation.

A string broke with a snap. Qi Yun opened his eyes to look at the songstress. The incident caught the songstress off guard. She rushed to kneel down before Qi Yun, trembling, ignoring her injured finger.

“Forgive me, Your Highness. Forgive me.” She cowered on the floor. Her whole body was shaking.

Everyone in the palace knew that despite Qi Yun’s usual gentle demeanor, he despised being interrupted when he was listening to a song, let alone interrupted because of a broken string. It was a bad omen.

Qi Yun let out a breath and put down the teacup before walking up to the songstress. The songstress curled her body further in at the sight of his white boots.

Qi Yun looked out of the window. It was a good day. The cloudless sky was a vibrant blue. The air was a little humid. It might drizzle in the afternoon.

“It seems to be the time for me to visit Royal Father,” he calmly said, his expression distant. He threw a glance at the songstress before bending down and helping her up. His lips quirked up.

He could feel her shudder so very clearly the moment he touched her arm. There was a panicked look on her face.

“You’re dressed in white. You’ll dirty your clothes if you stay like this. Go get your finger treated.” He let go of the songstress and left without a glance back.

The songstress stood rooted to the spot dumbly. Her finger was still throbbing, but she couldn’t feel the pain. Droplets of blood fell to the floor and splattered onto her white silk dress, dyeing the fabric red.

Qi Yun left his chamber. Outside, the palace seemed even more lonely. There were a couple concubines clashing with one another in the royal garden. They mocked and insulted the one concubine who didn’t enjoy the emperor’s favor. She was an educated woman with good manners. She lowered her head and meekly took the abuse.

Qi Yun was reminded of his mother. A woman like her always attracted jealousy from other people, and in the end, she was killed because of it. He clenched his fists. This was none of his business. There was always infighting within the harem. But today, he chose to step in. Maybe it was because he saw his mother in the bullied woman.

The concubines didn’t expect the fourth prince to leave his chamber and show up here. He was normally immersed in the world of poetry and songs.

Qi Yun greeted them with a soft smile. He was the perfect embodiment of a gentleman. “Greetings.”

Qi Yun didn’t enjoy the clear favor of the emperor, but he was the emperor’s son. The concubines fawned over him as anyone would have expected. Only the bullied one stayed on the sideline with a quiet smile.

He looked over at her. She nodded and curled her lips. Behind her was a turquoise lake, the color blending with her blue dress.

Once the other concubines had walked away, Qi Yun smiled and stopped the bullied concubine from leaving. She was new around here. The emperor granted her the title Consort Jing – the quiet one. She was born a woman who didn’t follow the mainstream, which was why she became a pariah.

“The consort is not suited for a life in the palace,” Qi Yun said bluntly.

Consort Jing smiled a little and looked at Qi Yun with gentle eyes. “Your Highness should take care not to let the emperor hear you. Otherwise he will get angry. Lately, the emperor has not been feeling well. He must have overworked himself. If Your Highness is willing, you should persuade him into taking some rest. You are his son after all. The emperor will listen to you.”

“If there’s nothing else I can help you with, I will take my leave.” She walked away with her maids, her dress brushing against the meadow. The dew wetted her dress without her noticing.

He watched the concubine leave until she disappeared at the corner of the white wall. He stayed there unmoving for a while before making his way to the emperor’s study.

The eunuch spotted him from a distance. He hurriedly came up to Qi Yun and gave him a servile smile. “Your Highness! Should this servant notify the emperor for you?”

Qi Yun nodded and cupped his hands. “Much appreciated, gong gong.2”

The eunuch waved a hand at him before entering the room. Qi Yun waited quietly outside.

Soon, the eunuch returned. With a smile, he told Qi Yun to go ahead and enter.

Qi Yun smelled the faint fragrance of medicine the moment he stepped inside. He frowned and quickened his pace.

Yellow silk curtains were lifted by the wind coming from the window. Smoke rose from the sandalwood incense on the desk and wavered in the air. The emperor was resting on a soft divan with his eyes half closed. It was clear that he was almost asleep.

Qi Yun tiptoed around to pick up a robe, but the emperor heard him and shot up from the divan. He looked at Qi Yun with wide eyes.

Qi Yun bowed at him respectfully. “This son has been careless. Please forgive me for disrupting Royal Father’s rest.”

The emperor waved a dismissive hand and sat up to look at the reports piling on the desk. He rubbed at the skin between his eyebrows. “Worry not. I’m simply tired and a short rest is quite enough. What is Yun’er here for today?”

“In half a year this son is going to move out of the palace into my own manor,” Qi Yun said earnestly. “I won’t be able to accompany Royal Father every day then. I want to spend more time with you before I move out. Moreover, I heard people said that Royal Father has been feeling tired recently. I came to check on you.”

The emperor sighed. Qi Yun had always been quiet and considerate. He never liked conflicts. He became even quieter after his mother passed away. He stayed in the palace immersed in his own world and had no intention to get involved with matters in the imperial court. It comforted the emperor. Qi Yun was the one that the emperor worried about the least among all his children.

He stood up and led Qi Yun to a seat. Qi Yun hurriedly poured a cup of tea for the emperor, which he accepted readily, pleased by Qi Yun’s attentiveness. He looked out of the window and let out a sigh.

Qi Yun drank the tea without a word. His silence was comforting to the emperor. The emperor had been worried about the mess with Qi Chen. Simply having tea with his son was a welcome change.

After they finished the pot of tea, the emperor asked, “Is your manor ready for you to move in?”

Qi Yun nodded. “Reporting to Royal Father, the construction of the manor was finished a few days ago. There are everyday items that haven’t been bought, but I won’t be using them for the time being. This son will have someone make the purchase when I’m moving in.”

The emperor nodded and put down the teacup. He sighed and lamented, “Children grow up so fast. Before I realized, all of you have moved or are moving out of the palace and into your own manors. There will be no one by my side then.”

“That’s not true,” said Qi Yun. “We have moved out of the palace, but we can always come back to visit Royal Father. It’s just that we won’t be able to be by your side as much as we used to. Besides, Royal Father has concubines as beautiful as the finest jade in your harem. Why will you be lonely?”

“You are the only one who cares to offer me any comfort. Many want nothing more than for me to die sooner.” The emperor’s tone was careless, but his words shocked Qi Yun and he broke out into cold sweat.

He dropped down to his knees facing the emperor. “Royal Father has scared this son. We all wish with all our hearts that Royal Father can live a long and healthy life. Why would anyone wish you dead?”

The emperor sighed and helped him up. “It’s just words. I didn’t mean it. There is no one but the two of us here. This is a conversation between father and son. You need not be so on edge. I know you have a pure heart.”

Qi Yun tensed up further. What did the emperor mean? He didn’t dare to ask, lest he angered the emperor. He could only speculate on his own.

After Qi Yun had left, the emperor felt even more exhausted. The room was dimly lit. He could not bear to stay here any longer. He got to his feet and inhaled deeply. Time to get some fresh air.

Seeing the emperor leaving the room dressed in only a thin layer of clothes, the eunuch jumped and jogged up to him. “Where is Your Majesty going? Why didn’t you put on something warmer?”

The emperor waved him away and walked down the stairs. The eunuch threw the servant next to him a look.

The servant rushed to get a robe from the room and handed it to the eunuch, who draped it over the emperor’s shoulders.

The front yard seemed almost lifeless. The emperor found his concerns draining away as chilly winds hit his body. He strolled along the pebble road. The eunuch followed closely behind him, worried that something might happen to the emperor. He didn’t dare let his guard down.

Walking past the royal garden, the emperor heard the sound of a flute playing. He frowned. He had not heard a performance like this for a long time. It made him nostalgic. When was the last time he heard this song?

“It must be someone new who doesn’t know the rules,” said the eunuch. “If Your Majesty is bothered, this servant will have someone educate her properly.”

The emperor laughed, the wrinkles on his forehead disappearing for a moment. He let out a wistful sigh, but a smile remained on his lips. “It’s not that she doesn’t know the rules. She must have felt lonely being on her own. Come, let us take a proper look at this woman.” He left for the Cold Palace.

The eunuch organized his thoughts. He remembered that the former empress was good with a flute. It had been her performance that had won the emperor’s heart and affection. After that she became the empress immediately. Over the past decades she had been the emperor’s loving wife. They were as close as regular couples who married for love.

Chapter 75: Hurtful Words

The Cold Palace was even more devoid of life. Concubines banished there either became so depressed they fell ill, or they slowly lost their sanity. Most maids took detours to avoid getting anywhere near it. Some were even terrified to the point that they fainted. Gradually, less and less people were willing to step foot in the Cold Palace.

The eunuch had heard about the rumors. He bunched his shoulders up nervously. The emperor threw him a glare. “If you can’t control yourself, get the hell away from here.”

The eunuch fell silent and followed the emperor without a word. The emperor traced the sound of the flute into where people considered to be the land of filth. The Cold Palace presented itself before him.

The ground was covered in wilted leaves. It was clear that no one had been here to sweep them. Concubines banished to the Cold Palace were crammed into the limited space. Many had lost their beauty as they aged. Because of the lack of sunlight, their faces were littered with hideous pigment spots. They looked at one another with unfocused eyes. The emperor couldn’t help but frown.

The empress was the first consort he had ever banished to the Cold Palace. He didn’t known it was in such a terrible condition. How could that prideful woman stay in a place like this?

It struck him where he was most tender. He covered his nose and mouth and pointed at the concubines. “Tell these people to leave.”

The eunuch readily accepted the order, but he was worried. He wondered if these concubines would lose control. He had underestimated these women, however. They were kept in the Cold Palace, but they were once daughters from important families. Despite how long they had been here, they had not abandoned their upbringing. They left after greeting the emperor. It was as if they hadn’t been the ones blocking the entrance earlier.

There was a room of which the door was always shut. It was where the sound of the flute was coming from; it must be the empress’s room. The emperor made his way there. He told the eunuch to stay outside the door before walking in.

The wooden door creaked open. The music persisted and didn’t waver. The emperor parted the silk curtains and walked further in. The empress was behind the screen.

There was no makeup on her face. Her features were as gentle and delicate as the first time they met. She wore a plain dress with a green jade flute in her hand. Every turn of the melody was filled with emotion. It seemed to be the same song she was playing that day long ago.

The emperor listened to the song silently. The empress had noticed his presence the moment he walked in, but she wasn’t willing to stop her performance. She wore neither her old phoenix robe nor the phoenix hairpin, but she had her head held high. At that moment, it felt just like old times.

The song faded into silence. The empress looked back at the emperor. Her hair was put into a bun like it had always been. Her relaxed brows and expressive eyes transfixed the emperor.

She put away the flute and dropped to her knees before him. “This guilty woman is honored to see Your Majesty. Forgive me for not welcoming Your Majesty in. I did not know you were coming.”

This woman had not knelt down before him ever since she became the empress. Her gesture now was a great irony. He was rendered speechless.

The empress was once the master of the harem after all. She hadn’t lost her backbone. She looked up at the emperor without flinching, her eyes welling up with tears. The emperor came to his senses and helped her up. Without waiting for her to talk, he pulled her into his arms.

“You have suffered, my beloved wife,” said the emperor.

The empress let out a quiet sob. She had been waiting for him to say this line for a long time. Some days, she wondered if she would ever hear a word of comfort from him before she died. Now her wish was granted; all her grudges and hatred for the emperor melted away, leaving only a great sense of sorrow. She sobbed harder.

The emperor patted her gently on the back and wiped her tears away, his heart aching. They held each other for a long time before they let go.

“This place is but a bare room with a roof. I cannot serve Your Majesty your favorite tea. These tea leaves are fresh, at least. If Your Majesty is willing, you should have some.” The empress poured the emperor a cup of cold Kuding tea.

He took a sip and almost spit it out because of how bitter it was. He watched the empress with sympathetic eyes. This was a woman who was used to having the most premium brand of tea. She had never had something this bitter and atrocious. He felt that he had wronged her.

It was as if he suffered a sudden case of amnesia and had forgotten about what the empress had done. He remembered only that this woman had lost her son. In his eyes, she was merely a mother who had lost everything she used to depend on.

He remembered all the good memories he had of the empress. She was still the same woman he had fallen in love with.

That night, the emperor stayed the night with her, listening to her playing the flute. The eunuch tried to convince him that this wasn’t a good idea, but the words flew right over his head.

When the emperor woke up the next day, he felt boneless and weak. The empress got off the bed and put on some clothes before ordering someone to bring her hot water. She helped the emperor out of bed, her face lined with obvious concern and her eyebrows drawn closely together.

“Your Majesty doesn’t look well,” the empress said worriedly. “You should skip the court meeting today. Have the royal doctor check on you. You shouldn’t risk your own health.”

The emperor waved a hand in the air and coughed. “I’m fine,” he said with a smile. “Don’t worry too much. The meeting must not be delayed. I will take my leave now. After everything is dealt with, I will take my beloved wife back home.”

The empress nodded with tears in her eyes. She leaned against the door frame watching the emperor leave. Her heart was filled with a bittersweet feeling.

The emperor had lost conscious in the morning meeting because of his cold. The news soon reached Consort Zhen’s ears. She was having tea when her maid barged in, for which she scolded the maid severely. When the maid delivered the news, Consort Zhen was so shocked that she dropped her teacup. Fear seized her by the heart.

The cup shattered into pieces on the floor. Her breathing quickened. She had used the poison Jun Huang gave her on the emperor for a few days now. Had the poison been too potent? The news that the emperor was sick pushed her into panic. It took some time for her to regain her calm. She had one of her confidantes leave the palace and arrange a meeting with Jun Huang.

Jun Huang and Qi Chen returned to the imperial city a few days ago. She had just woken up when the messenger sent by Consort Zhen arrived. She wondered what Consort Zhen wanted from her.

Once she reached their meeting spot, Consort Zhen asked coldly, “What are you planning, Feng Baiyu? Who are you exactly?”

Jun Huang tensed up. Had Consort Zhen found out about her identity? She maintained a calm expression and replied with a steady voice, “This gentleman doesn’t know what the consort means. Don’t you already know I’m the crown prince’s strategist? Why did you ask?”

Consort Zhen scoffed. “Explain to me why the emperor fell ill after taking your medicine. Did you do it on purpose?”

“That’s not possible,” Jun Huang said without hesitation. “The medicine I gave you will never make anyone ill.” She met Consort Zhen’s eyes fearlessly.

Consort Zhen gave Jun Huang a good look. She decided to give Jun Huang the benefit of the doubt. She took a deep breath before she said, “Then why did the emperor fall ill so suddenly?”

Jun Huang gave the question some thoughts before turning to the maid standing next to Consort Zhen. “Do you know where the emperor has been these past two days?”

The maid opened her mouth, then quickly closed it. She didn’t dare to look at the consort. Consort Zhen was a clever woman. She noticed the maid’s panicked expression.

“You know something, don’t you?” she demanded.

Hearing the anger in Consort Zhen’s tone, the maid became weak in the knees and she dropped down to the floor, trembling and cowering. “Yesterday the emperor went to the Cold Palace. Servants there said that the emperor even stayed the night in the banished empress’s room. When he woke up today, he started coughing non-stop. The emperor must have caught a cold.”

Consort Zhen flew into rage and kicked the maid in her torso. The maid didn’t dare to defend herself. She took the beating with clenched teeth, her eyes brimming with tears.

Consort Zhen clenched her hands into fists and ground her teeth together. Jun Huang was surprised as well. She didn’t expect the banished empress to regain the emperor’s favor even in the Cold Palace. And the empress was able to pull herself together after the pain of losing her dear son – she was not one to be underestimated.

Before Jun Huang could remind Consort Zhen to be careful of the empress, the consort said, “Tell Chen’er about this, Feng Baiyu. Tell him to take good care of Nan Guyue. Don’t let anything happen to the child. After the child is born, we will deal with the banished empress.”

Consort Zhen’s eyes were terrifyingly sharp and feral. Jun Huang nodded and gave her a meaningful look before excusing herself.

The empress was clearly thinking about gaining the upper hand again. No one knew what she would be capable of after she made a comeback. Nothing good, that was for sure. Jun Huang would have to pay more attention to the empress from now on.

There was also Consort Zhen. She may appear to be harmless, but she was much more careful than Qi Chen was. Jun Huang would have to be more cautious.

Once back to the manor, she went straight to Qi Chen.

On her way to the study, she contemplated the current situation. The emperor only caught a simple cold. He would recover in no time. The effects of the poison in his body, however, would start to manifest because of the cold. With some careful maneuvering, she would be able to make Eastern Wu her scapegoat.

Now was not the time yet however, Qi Chen’s position in the imperial court would not be easily overturned for the time being. If she was too hasty, she would lose the battle before it started, and she wouldn’t be able to help Qi Yun.

She had only one chance. She couldn’t afford to miss it. She must defeat Eastern Wu with the help of the Northern Qi army. She must avenge Western Que and its people, who had died an unjust death.

Qi Chen happened to be leaving the study when Jun Huang arrived. He was surprised by her visit. He hurriedly came up to her. It was clear that he was in a good mood.

“Has Your Royal Highness gotten some good news?” Jun Huang asked with a smile.

She had guessed right. Qi Chen was delighted and he gave her a bright smile. Jun Huang snorted silently. Did Qi Chen know that his mother and the empress were again competing for the emperor’s favor? Most likely not. If he knew, he wouldn’t have been happy because of something trivial.

“Someone from the palace came earlier,” he said, patting Jun Huang on the shoulder. “Royal Father is satisfied with what I’ve done this time. He sent in many gifts. Brother Feng should take two jade ceremonial sceptres for yourself. It’s thanks to brother Feng that I’m able to win Royal Father’s approval. If not for you, I wouldn’t have even thought about taking this responsibility. I would still be a crown prince with no real power.”

Chapter 76: Moving out of Prince Chen Manor

Jun Huang smiled in response and nodded. She waited until Qi Chen had calmed down from his ecstasy before saying, “Your Royal Highness, have you heard about the news that the emperor bestowed his favor on the banished empress last night? He caught a cold as a result.”

Qi Chen was startled. It was obvious that he was caught off guard. “Royal Father told me that I could stop attending the court meetings for a while. He said that I should rest after all the hard work I’ve done… Wasn’t Consort Ping’s title taken away already? Why would Royal Father show her any affection?”

“The emperor cannot be predicted. Consort Zhen asked me to tell Your Royal Highness that you should protect you unborn child at all costs. After the child is born, we can start figuring out a plan.”

Qi Chen nodded and gestured for Jun Huang to leave. She made her way to the garden since she didn’t have anything important to do.

At the entrance of the garden, she ran into Wei Lanying. Jun Huang cursed under her breath. Fortune never smiled upon her. She managed to pull her lips into a smile and greeted Wei Lanying, who scoffed at her in response, giving her the cold shoulder.

“Don’t you think it’s high time that you leave the manor, Feng Baiyu?” Wei Lanying said, her tone mocking.

Jun Huang arched an eyebrow. “Oh? Why?”

“You are a man, and yet you wander around the back of the manor so often. Do you know how many women there are in this manor? Who knows what you’re trying to do?” She spat the words as if she couldn’t stand the fact that a man like Jun Huang was breathing the same air as her.

Jun Huang didn’t know if she wanted to cry or laugh. She dressed like a man for her own convenience, and now this woman attacked her for being a man. Jun Huang huffed silently. Even if she had been a man, she would never set her eyes on a woman like Wei Lanying. Wei Lanying had greatly overestimated her own charms.

Jun Huang turned around and walked towards the side building. There was nothing she could say to Wei Lanying. Wei Lanying stomped her feet in rage.

Wei Lanying’s maid pointed at Jun Huang’s back and said, “Look at him, Lady Wei. He didn’t take your words seriously. And on top of that, he acted so rudely to you. He truly is a hateful man.”

Wei Lanying scoffed. “So? He is only an honored guest. Once the prince has no use for him, he will be kicked out. Go arrange for someone to follow Feng Baiyu. Teach him a lesson once he’s alone. Then he won’t dare to speak to me like that.” With that, she took off.

The maid pouted and caught up to her without a word. She didn’t want to anger Wei Lanying again.

Once back to the side building, Jun Huang picked up the cup of cold tea on the table and took a sip. She took a deep breath before sitting down. What Wei Lanying said wasn’t completely without merit.

Now, living in Prince Chen Manor, there was always someone watching her every move. Wei Qian, for example, was sent by Qi Chen to spy on her.

Recently, Qi Chen had needed Wei Qian’s assistance, so she hadn’t been staying in the manor. Jun Huang didn’t know what exactly Wei Qian was doing, and she didn’t particularly care. She was happy with not being watched by Wei Qian.

It doesn’t mean that I’ve lost Qi Chen’s trust if I move out, she thought to herself. On the contrary, I will have more freedom to do what I have to do. I won’t be restrained like I am now. And I won’t be seen by Qi Chen’s spy if I meet up with someone.

Moving out seemed more and more like a necessity, rather than a question of practicality.

Having made up her mind, Jun Huang shot up to her feet and walked outside after casually dropping the teacup on the table. She was stopped by the housekeeper in the main hall. He said that Qi Chen was talking to a guest in the study, so she wasn’t allowed to enter. Jun Huang could only wait for him to finish.

Not long after, the guest walked out. He was an official in the imperial court. Jun Huang recognized the face from Qi Chen and Nan Guyue’s wedding, but she couldn’t put a name to it. She greeted him with cupped hands, and the official returned the gesture. The housekeeper walked him out.

After that, Qi Chen walked out with Nan Guyue by his side. He was a little surprised to see Jun Huang since he and Jun Huang had just talked. Once Nan Guyue settled on the edge of the hallway floor, he asked, “Is something the matter, brother Feng?”

“Nothing important,” Jun Huang said calmly. “But there is something I’d like to talk to Your Royal Highness about.”

“Brother Feng should speak your mind.”

“This gentleman has been thinking that I may have overstayed my welcome here. I feel guilty for the intrusion. Moreover, there are many women in the manor. As a man, it is inappropriate for me to stay here. That’s why I think I should move out.”

Jun Huang didn’t beat around the bush and simply stated what she was here for. Qi Chen’s reaction was as she had expected. “Why would brother Feng think so? Have I treated you wrongly? Or has Wei Lanying said something to you?”

Of course Qi Chen would try to convince her to change her mind. He wanted to prove that he appreciated her talent.

Jun Huang waved her hand hurriedly. “No, no. Your Royal Highness treats me very well, and you have never taken advantage of me. Nonetheless, it’s inconvenient for me to continue living in the manor. It will be bad for the two consorts’ reputation if the news break out.”

Qi Chen turned to Nan Guyue with a frown.

It had occurred to Nan Guyue that it was inappropriate for Feng Baiyu to stay in the manor. She was now pregnant. There were many taboos during this period of time. It wasn’t a good idea for another man to be sharing a roof with her.

She had kept it to herself since Jun Huang was the one who brought Qi Chen and her together. Now that Jun Huang brought up the issue herself, Nan Guyue decided to speak up for her. It would be a win-win situation.

“Since the gentleman is so considerate, Your Royal Highness should let him go,” Nan Guyue said, trying to tip the scale towards her favor. “We can always invite the gentleman back when there are celebrations or matters that require his help.”

Qi Chen was still a little upset. However, it was clear that Jun Huang had made up her mind. There was no use for him to try to convince her. He sighed and nodded. “As you wish, then. Does brother Feng need my help in finding a good place?”

Jun Huang waved her hand. “There’s no need. This gentleman has – ”

“I call you my brother. There’s no need for you to be so formal. What about I tell the housekeeper to put aside some silver notes for you? Brother Feng deserves a good place to live in.” Qi Chen didn’t give her a chance to argue. Jun Huang acted like she felt guilty for accepting his help, but that was the opposite of what she actually thought.

If Qi Chen’s willing to pay, then I shall pick a good residence. She left with the silver notes the housekeeper gave her.

In the imperial city, every patch of land cost a fortune. Moreover, Jun Huang detested designs that were too extravagant. Hence a day of searching gave her no results.

Qi Chen took the initiative to introduce some brokers to Jun Huang. She accepted readily and followed one of them to a property he handpicked for her.

Qi Chen was familiar with Jun Huang’s preferences, and he had informed the broker. The man took Jun Huang to a place he thought that Jun Huang would like.

The house was located in a remote area, and it was clear that no one had lived here for a long time. Weeds had taken over the whole place, creating a eerie atmosphere. It seemed as if something was going to jump out any moment.

“This is no place for anyone sane to live,” Jun Huang said bluntly. She didn’t try to hide her disgust.

The man fumed in anger and retorted, “I won’t stand for what the gentleman said. I picked this place according to your likes and dislikes. If not for the crown prince, I won’t even offer you this option. I’m afraid the gentleman will never find a place to live in this city.”

The man’s words were biting, but Jun Huang would happily play tit for tat. She scoffed at the rundown front yard, “Oh? So your respect for the crown prince worth only so little?”

The man was stunned. The crown prince’s honored guest looked just like any frail scholar. But it turned out that this scholar had a sharp tongue and was proficient in spotting points of attack in others’ words.

He pointed at Jun Huang angrily, but he couldn’t form a complete sentence. Jun Huang leveled him with a calm stare before turning around to leave, ignoring the man’s tantrum.

Jun Huang felt much better after leaving the rundown house. She didn’t expect people here to be so bad at their jobs.

She was in a remote area, but there were still pedestrians on the street. She followed them back to the manor and lay down on the empress chair. Qi Chen showed up unnoticed not long after.

“I have heard the complaints from the broker,” Qi Chen said with a smile, walking up to her. He looked amused. “Brother Feng is still so stubborn.”

Jun Huang smiled awkwardly. The man must have put all the blame on her. “I have embarrassed myself.”

Qi Chen waved a hand in the air. “Don’t say that, brother Feng. You’re seeking a long-term residence. If you yourself do not like it, what’s the point of moving out? Don’t worry. Take your time and find somewhere you like. There will be a place for you in this large city.”

Jun Huang grew even more awkward. “It seems that this gentleman will have to stay a little longer in the manor,” she said with a sigh.

“So?” said Qi Chen. “Brother Feng is free to stay as long as you want.”

After walking Qi Chen out, Jun Huang made her way back to her room. She was tired.

As she was walking, Nan Xun sneaked into the manor unnoticed.

His subordinate told him that Jun Huang was trying to find a place to live. He happened to know a house that was out for sale. From what he knew about Jun Huang, he was sure that she would like the place.

On the brink of falling asleep, Jun Huang was jerked awake by faint footsteps. She widened her eyes and only relaxed when she saw that it was Nan Xun. She sat up and frowned. This is ridiculous. How can Nan Xun sneak in so easily in broad daylight?

Nan Xun curved his lips into a wolfish smile. He sat down on a stool, supporting his head with a hand. It reminded Jun Huang of the last time Nan Xun had snuck in. Her face turned a deep red.

Nan Xun remembered that night as well. His smile widened.

Chapter 77: Lovelier than a Flower

“What – what are you doing here?” Jun Huang stuttered, her face flushed. “Don’t you know what boundaries are?”

Nan Xun raised an eyebrow at her. “Oh? What boundaries?”

Nan Xun’s infuriating smile only stoked the frustration in her heart. “You know I’m a woman, and yet you’ve snuck into my room again and again…”

Nan Xun was even more amused, but he didn’t want to go overboard with his teasing. Jun Huang realized that she had been acting like a little girl and had lost her composure. Gradually, the blush on her face faded. She was again her usual aloof self.

She wondered if this was how women were when they were in love.

She is still young, Nan Xun thought. Why does she appear to be so mature? She smiles even less when she is dressed in men’s clothes, and her demeanor loses all its femininity.

They were both lost in thought. After the time to finish a cup of tea, Nan Xun cleared his throat and reverted back to his usual cold attitude. “I heard that you’ve been trying to find a place to live. With your unique taste, it must be difficult for you to find a house you’re satisfied with in this imperial city. I’m worried that you might have a bad impression of the city because nothing has caught your fancy. I happen to know a house that you might like. That’s why I came. I’ll take you there.”

Jun Huang nodded. “Then I’ll be in your care.”

“Good. I’ll wait for you outside. You should leave through the front gate. Or Qi Chen may get suspicious.” With that, he turned to leave without hesitation.

Jun Huang watched him go. The light-hearted teasing and easy smile seemed unreal all of a sudden. She tried to smile, but she couldn’t quite do it. She suddenly felt an emptiness in her heart. It was not a pleasant feeling.

She picked up the cup of tea on the table and took a sip. It was so bitter it made her frown. The tea had been cooling there for a while. There was no sweetness in its aftertaste. She felt the great sense of disappointment one felt when reality fell short of one’s expectations.

She soon sorted through her messy thoughts. She snorted. What had happened to her? She was a woman driven solely by revenge. She could never walk the same path with Nan Xun. Why would she have such unnecessary thoughts? If Nan Xun had known, he would have teased her for it.

She had a change of clothes before leaving the room. A maid stationed at the side building bowed at her and asked where she was going. Jun Huang knew she was an informant of Qi Chen’s. She gave the maid a polite smile and said she was going to check out a house. The maid didn’t say anything in response. She waited until Jun Huang had left before reporting back to Qi Chen.

Outside Prince Chen Manor, Jun Huang pretended to wander around aimlessly before she went up to Nan Xun, who had been waiting for some time. They exchanged a smile.

“What took you so long?” he asked, moving to her side.

“I had a change of clothes,” Jun Huang said openly. “I have kept Your Highness waiting.” Her expression was distant. She didn’t look sorry in the slightest.

Nan Xun shook his head in resignation and walked shoulder to shoulder with Jun Huang towards the house he had mentioned. They watched the never-ending stream of people as they walked.

Jun Huang never liked crowds. Even with Nan Xun at her side, she couldn’t help but frown when she bumped shoulders with pedestrians. She could never get used to the feeling.

She used to live in the palace surrounded by servants, Nan Xun mused. It’s only natural that she would dislike crowds. In order to make her feel better, Nan Xun – the well-respected prince extraordinaire of Northern Qi – acted like her personal bodyguard and shielded her from the traffic.

When they finally made their way off the main street, both their caps were knocked awry. Jun Huang smoothed the wrinkles on her robe and looked up at Nan Xun. He looked even more like a mess than she did. She covered up a smile and coughed before looking away.

After making themselves presentable, Nan Xun led Jun Huang into a narrow street and arrived at an area that was relatively tranquil, but not completely devoid of human activities.

Appreciation flashed through Jun Huang’s eyes. The compound was surrounded by pristine white walls decorated with green tiles. The dark red gate was shut, but she could see branches sneaking out from behind the wall. Her eyes were drawn.

A hunchbacked old man came up to them with a title deed in his hand. He gave them a friendly smile. “Your Highness has finally arrived. This peasant has been waiting for you.”

Nan Xun gestured at the old man. “He’s the broker in charge of selling the house. A good and honest man.”

Jun Huang greeted him with a small smile. The old man waved a hand in the air and grinned. “Your Highness is too kind. Come, let’s not stand idly here. I’ll give you a tour inside.” He entered the house. Jun Huang and Nan Xun followed him in.

The view inside surprised her. There was a front room for welcoming guest, and a back building for residence. The back building was split into the south wing, east wing, and west wing, connected by winding hallways. At the center was a peaceful garden surrounded by fake mountains.

The south wing was on the opposite side of the front room. There was a little garden next to it, where flowers could be planted. There was even a pond where she could keep koi fish. At the center was a pavilion. It was perfect for relaxing at a summer night.

The east wing and the west wing were closer in distance. The bigger garden sat between them. She could cross the garden to get to the other wing in addition to going through the hallway. The three wings were all composed of one main bedroom and two smaller rooms for servants.

The hallway was even more delicately designed. The pillars were etched with complicated patterns of lifelike flowers. It must have been the work of a master. The hallway itself was dark red, which contrasted well with the green leaves in the garden. There were also some octagonal lamps hanging from the ceiling. The screens of the lamps were decorated with paintings featuring beautiful women. It would be a wonderful sight when the lamps were lit.

They walked to the west wing and pushed open the decorative door. What caught Jun Huang’s eyes first was a sandalwood table with a tea set on top of it. The old man said the tea set was a gift for the buyer of the house. Near the window were two soft divans, where people could sit and talk about poetry or play chess. Further inside was a beaded curtain that dropped down to the floor. It swung gently in the wind without getting tangled. Behind the curtain was an impressive screen, on which lifelike animals and plants were painted. She could vaguely see what beauty awaited her behind the screen.

Further inside was a quaint bed, covered by silk curtains hanging from the top of the bed frame. Next to the bed was a desk for makeup with a copper mirror on top of it. Near the window lay a shelf for books and the like.

“Is the gentleman satisfied with the place?” the old man asked.

Jun Huang broke out of her trance and nodded with a smile. “This is good. The last owner must have been a man with great taste.”

The old man nodded. “Indeed he is.”

“If you like it, you should take it,” said Nan Xun. “It’s not far from Prince Chen Manor. Qi Chen will be less worried if you live here. This is also an area with a decent amount of traffic. It’ll be safer for you. You’re going to live on your own after all.”

Jun Huang nodded after a short pause. “It’s decided then,” she said to the old man, smiling.

“Alright! Let’s sign the deed outside.” The old man walked out in unhurried steps. Jun Huang and Nan Xun shared a look before following him. The old man put the deed on the table.

Jun Huang trusted Nan Xun to introduce her only credible people, but one could never be too careful. She picked up the document and read it through. She frowned when she saw the price.

“What’s wrong?” Nan Xun asked.

Jun Huang shook her head and cleared her throat. Her eyes were glued to the number: two thousand five hundred and thirty-six silver. Noticing the focus of her gaze, Nan Xun chuckled and whispered into her ear, “If you don’t have enough silver, consider this house my gift to you.”

Jun Huang’s head snapped up. “No, that won’t do! This gentleman does like this place quite a lot, even though I don’t have sufficient fund for the time being. If Your Highness is willing, may I ask you to lend me some money? I’ll be sure to pay you back.”

“Of course.” Nan Xun knew what kind of a person Jun Huang was. If he insisted on giving the house to her, she would find somewhere else to live. It was better to let her buy this place first. Whether he would accept her money back was another issue. They would have that argument at a later time.

Jun Huang relaxed a little. She put her handprint on the paper and took out the two thousand silver notes Qi Chen had given her. Nan Xun chipped in for the rest.

Satisfied, the old man handed the deed to Jun Huang and took his leave.

Afterwards, Jun Huang strolled into the garden with a light heart. The vibrant color relaxed her. There was nothing she wanted more than to move out of Prince Chen Manor right this moment and moved into her new house.

Nan Xun leaned against the door frame, watching Jun Huang walk among flowers and greenery. His eyes softened along with his heart. His usual stoic look gave way to a smile as tender as water.

The instance Jun Huang turned back to him, he schooled his expression into one of frosty indifference. It was a chilling look.

“What else do you need?” Nan Xun asked as he walked up to her. “It’s early still. We can go make the purchase.”

Jun Huang nodded. “There are many items I have to buy. Earlier, on our way here, I’ve spotted stores selling what I need. If Your Highness has nothing else to attend to, this gentleman would like to ask you to come with me. I’ll buy you dinner afterwards.”

Nan Xun nodded and went for the front gate. Jun Huang caught up to him after taking a deep breath.

The moment they stepped out onto the street, young women nearby were immediately drawn to them. Some even covered their mouth with a blush.

Jun Huang was dressed in a violet silk robe with an embroidered satchel on her waist. Her hair was held up neatly by a jade cap. She looked like the famous Pan An with her red lips and bright smile1.

Nan Xun, on the other hand, wore a white robe with dark patterns. There was a green jade pendant on his waist decorated with a red tassel. They both looked like young men from rich families who were used to the adoration of people around them.

Both of them, however, couldn’t care less about the attention they were getting. They went straight to their destination without sparing a glance for the onlookers.

The street they went to was known as the antique street. As its name suggested, the street was lined with stores selling antiques, both authentic ones and counterfeit ones. Vendors yelled at the top of their lungs trying to attract customers. The ground was paved with broken ceramic pieces, which were rumored to be of great value.

According to the rumor, the last emperor of the previous dynasty was a wasteful man who splurged gold like it were soil. He paved the road with the finest chinas that once enjoyed great fame. Right after he did so, however, his country was destroyed.

No one knew if the story was true. It could be nothing but a publicity stunt.

The vendors’ eyes lit up when they saw Jun Huang and Nan Xun. Some talked amongst themselves quietly. From the clothes the two of them wore, the vendors were convinced that they were from rich families. If the vendors were able to sell Jun Huang and Nan Xun a few chinas or jades, they wouldn’t have to worry about earning a living for at least half a year.

Chapter 78: War takes no Prisoners

“What is the gentleman looking for?” The owner of the first shop on the street came up to Nan Xun and Jun Huang with a servile smile.

“Nothing in particular,” said Nan Xun, his tone cool.

“Oh? The gentlemen should come in and take a look at my wares. I guarantee you that you’ll find something you like. Everyone knows that among all the shops on this antique street, mine is the most well stocked. I sell items the other don’t sell, and anything you can find in their shops, you can find here as well.”

Nan Xun turned to Jun Huang in question. Jun Huang nodded. She didn’t want to waste too much time trying to pick a shop. The owner was very confident. She might be able to get everything she needed for the house. They walked in side by side.

The shop was filled with a great variety of different items. The first thing that caught Jun Huang’s eyes was a lamp. It was finely crafted and would make for a good bedside lamp.

The shopkeeper was observant. He could tell from her lingering gaze that she was interested. He walked up to her and smiled. “The gentleman has a pair of keen eyes. This lamp is said to be from the destroyed palace of Western Que. I can assure you that it’s the real deal.”

Nan Xun was looking at other items on the other side of the room. He turned around when he heard the words “Western Que”. The shopkeeper was giving Jun Huang his best sales pitch and didn’t notice the changes in her expression. He drone on and on about how much Princess Jun Huang of Western Que loved this lamp.

Nan Xun was about to step in when Jun Huang opened her mouth. “The shopkeeper hasn’t been honest with me.” She curved her lips and lowered her eyes. The dark look on her face was replaced by a gentle smile – or her best imitation of a gentle smile. “If someone does buy the lamp, they’ll be paying much more than this is worth. Will you compensate them? Do you believe in compensating your customer tenfold?”

The shopkeeper gaped at her, stuttering. He couldn’t form a complete sentence, and Jun Huang didn’t give him the chance to try again. She walked out in big strides.

Nan Xun gave the lamp a final look before catching up to her. The sun was already setting, and the lamps on the street were lit one by one.

As they walked, Nan Xun looked at Jun Huang’s stoic expression and debated over if he should say something. In the end, he asked, “Why didn’t you buy the lamp if you like it?”

Jun Huang snorted like he had said something ridiculous. She paused and turned to Nan Xun, her eyes reflecting the lamplight behind him, giving her gaze a substantial weight.

“This gentleman has said that the lamp isn’t from Western Que,” said Jun Huang. “The shopkeeper must have heard someone say that there was a lamp precious to Jun Huang. He took a regular lamp and called it her treasure.”

Jun Huang had uttered the words at a rushed pace. In addition, they were surrounded by people, and the vendors were crying out to catch people’s attention. Despite his mastery in martial arts, Nan Xun didn’t catch every word. He frowned, unwilling to admit that he hadn’t heard what she just said.

Jun Huang turned around and looked up at the bright moon in the sky. “I promised to buy Your Highness dinner,” she said with a smirk. “I heard that the street food here is delicious. If Your Highness is willing to try, please come with this gentleman.” She made her way to another street without waiting for Nan Xun. This time, Nan Xun did hear her. He caught up to her, shaking his head in resignation.

The food stands street was packed with young people in the imperial city. Some were sons of officials. Others were daughters from rich families sneaking out to have some fun after a day in the boudoir learning needlework. They roamed the street tasting different food with their page boys and maids in tow.

The lamp had filled Jun Huang’s head with thoughts about her home country. She didn’t feel like eating anything despite the great variety of street food presented before her. If she ran into delicacies from Western Que, she wasn’t sure if she could stop herself from breaking down right away.

Nan Xun followed her around without a word. Jun Huang’s usually straight back seemed almost brittle right now. The violet silk robe accentuated her elegance, but it didn’t cover her sorrow.

They walked in silence for a good while before Jun Huang suddenly remembered Nan Xun’s existence. She turned to look at him and twisted her lips into a tired smile. “Has Your Highness wandered the city at night before? Have you had food like this? If there’s anything you want to try, just go ahead and tell me.”

Watching Jun Huang’s distant eyes, Nan Xun knew he must not mention anything related to Western Que. The palace lamp they had just seen was also a taboo.

The lamps behind her were bright. Jun Huang seemed so slim and frail at this moment, it was as if a gale of wind would send her flying. Nan Xun felt the urge to break her out of the cage she’d built for herself to maintain her pride. He took a breath before approaching her with a smile. He took her wrist and pulled her into the crowd.

Jun Huang didn’t expect that. She was a little startled, but she didn’t break out of his hold. Instead, she followed him to a stand selling dishes made from wild animals.

“Are there still seats?” Nan Xun asked at the top of his lungs. The busy owner turned around from the stove and glanced at Nan Xun. He pointed at the seats at the edge of the stand. Nan Xun could see there was another man making his way to the empty seats. His eyes narrowed, he let go of Jun Huang’s arm and rushed to the stools in a flash.

The man didn’t quite realize what had just happened. Jun Huang walked up to Nan Xun and gave the man an apologetic smile before taking a seat. Nan Xun smirked a little.

Soon, a server came to their table and exchanged some words with Nan Xun. Nan Xun made the order without much hesitation. Jun Huang was preoccupied. Her appetite wasn’t good and she had to stop eating after a few bites. Nan Xun understood Jun Huang’s pain. He put down his chopsticks as well.

“Hm? Don’t you like the food?” Jun Huang asked curiously when she noticed that Nan Xun had stopped as well. The dishes she had tasted were pretty good.

Nan Xun shook his head and looked up at the bright moon. A sense of melancholy suddenly filled his heart. He let out a wistful laugh and thought back to his past. “Do you want to hear about my time at the border station?”

Jun Huang nodded.

“The first time I went there with my soldiers, I couldn’t believe how barren the town was. There was nothing but yellow sand filling the air and buildings that might collapse at any second. Not even weeds could survive there. The residents wore tattered clothes and their faces were always covered in dust. Children too suffered the same fate. It was polar opposite to the imperial city, where people wear sachet and women put on makeup. At the border station, people wore nothing but dust on their faces.”

“What they lack the most is water. They dare not waste even a drop of it, let alone using it to clean themselves. It’s funny, when I first got there, I fumed in anger because of the living conditions. I am somewhat of a prince living a luxurious life in the imperial city, but at the border? No one cares if you are a prince. The water is vital to their survival. It’s not for anyone to waste.”

His heart seemed to have traveled to the border station. He looked so lost sitting at this bustling food stand. Jun Huang had long forgotten about her own concerns. She looked at Nan Xun with a heavy heart.

“You are a prince,” Jun Huang said after a moment of silence. “Why would the local officials be so harsh to you? Besides, it’s said that the local officials are the ones who are most corrupt. They should be welcoming you to their personal fortunes in order to get on your good side.”

Nan Xun chuckled and shook his head. “No, you’re wrong. Over the past few years, I have come to realize that the officials at the border stations are the least corrupt ones. They don’t exploit the people, not at all. Quite the contrary, they spend all their earnings on the people. Think about it, how do the local residents get water in a barren land covered in sand? Where does the water come from? Those officials pay out of their pockets to have water transported to the town from oases more than twenty miles away.”

Jun Huang fell silent. She didn’t know what to say. Instead, she waited for Nan Xun to continue.

“Life there is difficult. Sometimes we didn’t even have proper food. I was there during wartime. Those officials were assisting generals sent by the imperial court in defending the border from outside enemies. They didn’t have time to take care of me. I was already a general at the time, but I was young. The more experienced generals were unwilling to take me to the battlefield…” Nan Xun was lost in his memories. His expression seemed softer than usual, but his words painted a macabre picture.

Jun Huang had witnessed deaths and destruction. She knew what was left unsaid. She knew how those barbarians were. Soldiers of Northern Qi couldn’t have a proper meal; the barbarians couldn’t, either. They ate human flesh raw in order to appease their hunger.

They sat there for a long time without a word. When they paid for the food and left, the crowd had dispersed from the street.

In the river next to them, there were festive lanterns floating on the surface. The wind was a little strong; hence the candles in the lanterns had been put out, leaving only the lotus bases floating on the water. Another strong wind would have toppled the bases and sunk them to the bottom of the river.

Watching the lanterns, Jun Huang put aside her faint sense of loss. “It’s late. We should part ways here.”

Nan Xun nodded. The stars in the sky had become hidden behind the clouds. Only the moon still shone in the sky. Silver light covered the green stone path with a glow. Nan Xun turned around first, and Jun Huang followed suit. They went in opposite directions.

Suddenly, Nan Xun caught a glimpse of the reflection of moonlight coming from a sword. He also heard a succession of sounds of weapons being unsheathed. He stopped in his track, his heart suddenly seized by worries.

Not long after Jun Huang parted ways with Nan Xun, she heard people coming up from behind her. The men tried to be sneaky, but Jun Huang could hear the sound of feet stepping on fallen leaves.

Two men dressed in black appeared before her, blocking her way. She paused and turned her head sideway. There were more men behind her. They had their broadswords raised.

The men were all dressed in black, and they were masked, showing only their eyes. They were like ghosts hidden in the dark – or snakes and scorpions that struck when you least expected it.

Jun Huang looked at them with cold eyes and no trace of fear on her face, but her palms were sweating hidden under her broad sleeves. She was but a regular woman. How could she not be scared in face of danger like this? She couldn’t, however, let anyone see her fear.

Some people appeared more calm and collected the more scared they were.

She gave the men a good look. They readied their weapons. The next second, a man slashed at Jun Huang with his sword. Jun Huang barely dodged the attack. The sword hit the wall next to her, sending sparks into the air, illuminating the night.

Chapter 79: The Cavalry came

Seeing that the hit didn’t land, the man twisted his wrist and swung the sword diagonally at Jun Huang. This time Jun Huang was on her guard. She foresaw the man’s move and dodged the attack easily by propelling herself into the air with a push against the ground.

The men didn’t expect Jun Huang to be able to defend herself. One of them threw another man a glance before they lunged at Jun Huang together. The two swords were crossed like a scissor, making it impossible for Jun Huang to dodge sideways. Leaping up wouldn’t do her any good, either.

Just when the blades were about to bisect her at the waist, she dropped down and kicked one of the men in the stomach, causing the man to stagger back two steps.

She swept her leg and tripped her second assailant who was behind her. Clank! His sword fell onto the ground, while he remained unharmed.

The attackers quickly regrouped and surrounded Jun Huang with their weapons raised. They closed in on her little by little, causing Jun Huang having less and less room to maneuver. Panic slowly rose from her heart.

It was a hopeless fight. The men sheathed their swords and clenched their fists. They were going to fight Jun Huang with bare hands.

Without giving her any time to react, the man right in front of her threw his punch, making a swooshing sound with the velocity of his movement. The blow would have landed if Jun Huang was a second slower in dodging.

Her forehead started breaking into a sweat. She didn’t dare to relax her guard, lest someone else sneak up on her. She was one person against a whole group of men. The odds were not on her side.

The man right before her seemed to have read her mind. He became bold and struck a blow at Jun Huang again, splitting the air with his force. Jun Huang was able to dodge the attack, but she was hurt by the harsh winds brought about by the hit.

The other men didn’t intend to give Jun Huang any chance to rest. One after another, they struck Jun Huang with their fists. Jun Huang struggled to protect herself, but there was a limit to her agility. Finally one of the punches was going to land on her, and she was too exhausted to move out of the way. She clenched her teeth and braced for the attack with her eyes squeezed shut, but the pain never came.

When she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was white fabric. Nan Xun tilted his head and threw her a glance before turning back to the men in black, who were still in shock. Without any warnings, Nan Xun punched the man before him in the stomach.

The man grunted and stepped back, covering his stomach with pale face. The other men started to attack in earnest when they saw that Nan Xun was here to help Jun Huang. Jun Huang felt her heart spasming in nervousness.

Nan Xun kept Jun Huang shielded and blocked the punches with open palms. He seized the attackers’ wrists and crack! Their bones were broken.

They soon realized that Nan Xun was no ordinary man. One of the men was suddenly filled with murderous intent. He unsheathed his sword and stabbed at Nan Xun. Nan Xun’s eyes turned cold. He scoffed and stopped the sword with a pinch of his index finger and middle finger. The man could neither pull his sword out nor drive it towards Nan Xun. He was stuck in an awkward position.

The other men lost their composure and started attacking with their swords without any semblance of order. Jun Huang believed in Nan Xun’s ability, but their enemies were many. She joined in the fight and kicked one of the men in his hand. He lost his grip and dropped his sword. Jun Huang caught the sword as quickly as a lightning strike and fought the man off.

Their attackers were obviously well-trained. They didn’t possess the same mastery in martial arts as Nan Xun, but they were difficult to dispose of. They could keep someone occupied through sheer stubbornness. Nan Xun was surrounded by a handful of them and couldn’t break out of the circle for the time being. Jun Huang was thus faced with enemies on both fronts.

Jun Huang learned her rather limited skills in martial arts from Nan Xun, which were only intended for her to defend herself. It was difficult enough for her to fight against one man in hand-to-hand combat, let alone two men who were better trained than she was. On top of that, Jun Huang’s endurance wasn’t as good as these people.

She was used to fighting with poison. With Nan Xun here, however, she couldn’t use it. She knew how to protect herself against the poisonous fog, but Nan Xun didn’t. She wasn’t willing to let Nan Xun get hurt in any way. Thus she could only fight with force.

Fortunately, Jun Huang was an agile fighter. And she always had a few poisoned needles on herself when she went outside in case something happened. She couldn’t throw the needles because it was too dark at night, but the two men were trying to fight her in close quarter, which gave her the opportunity to hit them with the needles.

Nan Xun was stuck fighting four men, but he was not at a disadvantage at all. He was someone who could fight ten or even a hundred enemies on his own on the battlefields. Four men were not enough to trap him for too long. He soon spotted their weak points.

Every time the men attacked with their swords, their abdomen and feet were left unguarded. This time, when they raised their swords, Nan Xun dropped down and forced the men to step back with a sweep of his leg. He used this opportunity to pick up some sharp stones from the ground and hit the men in the stomach. Stones could be effective weapons when used well. A trained general knew how to apply his force. The men were flung backwards by a good distance.

They fell to the ground on their backs, bringing up a fog of dust. They grunted in pain. Jun Huang had also seized the chance to sting the two men’s neck with her silver needles. The men felt pain in their necks, but they thought they had merely been bitten by bugs and didn’t pay much attention to it. Gradually, however, their movements started to slow down and they gradually lost their strength. Their qi seemed to have been trapped inside their bodies as well.

Jun Huang walked to Nan Xun’s side. The men realized that their targets were no easy prey. It wouldn’t be pretty if they continued to attack Jun Huang and Nan Xun. The leader of the group leveled Jun Huang with a cold stare before waving a hand at the remaining men. “Let’s go.” The men carried the two men who had lost their strengths and left.

After they disappeared, Jun Huang finally was able to relax. She let out a deep breath and collapsed against the wall, cold sweat streaking down her neck and her back was drenched. She felt a little cold in the wind.

She shuddered. If Nan Xun hadn’t come to help her on time, she would have been knocked out.

Nan Xun looked at her pale face and unfocused gaze. He took a moment to think before asking, “Are you hurt?”

Jun Huang looked up at him and shook her head. “I’m fine.”

“Have you made enemies recently?” Nan Xun asked.

Jun Huang frowned. “What do you mean?”

“Those men are clearly not robbers. Why would they covered their faces if they were only trying to rob you1? The only explanation is that they were sent here by someone. They obviously were waiting for you. Before I stepped in, it was clear that they weren’t trying to kill you. They intended to only teach you a lesson…”

Nan Xun’s analysis was logical. Jun Huang thought back to the tense interactions she had with Wei Lanying the past couple days. Wei Lanying had always held a grudge against her. She might have hired someone to hurt her.

Jun Huang couldn’t be sure for now. She had never seen Wei Lanying dealing with unsavory folks like those men.

It couldn’t have been the other people in the manor. Wei Lanying was only a concubine, while Jun Huang was a strategist valued by Qi Chen. Those people would sooner suck up to Jun Huang than harm her to please Wei Lanying.

Jun Huang rarely crossed paths with Wei Lanying. Why would she hire people to hurt her? It wouldn’t do Wei Lanying any good if she was badly injured.

Jun Huang was deep in thoughts. Nan Xun looked at her without a word. It wasn’t until a chilly wind hit her that Jun Huang came to her senses. She looked at the boundless darkness before her.

She turned to Nan Xun. He broke the silence and said, “No matter what, you should be aware of Qi Chen. He might be behind this attack. Perhaps he has become suspicious of you.”

“I’ll be on guard. Those men have suffered a great loss. I don’t think they would strike again today. It’s late. Let’s bid each other farewell here. Goodbye.” Jun Huang cupped her hands and disappeared into the night.

Nan Xun watched her leave. He couldn’t help feeling concerned for her safety. He made a gesture at the dark alley. A shadow guard dressed in black robe emerged and greeted Nan Xun silently, awaiting his order.

“Follow him,” said Nan Xun. “If there’s any danger, help him. If not, don’t let him discover you.”

The shadow guard nodded and caught up with Jun Huang without making a sound. After a brief moment of silence, Nan Xun turned around and walked towards his own manor. He happened to pass the antique street on his way.

The first antique shop was not yet closed. After a moment of hesitation, he walked in.

It was late when he returned to the manor. The night watchman had already made a round. It must have been after midnight. Nan Xun was weary and weathered. His robe was covered in dirt from the fight earlier.

He carefully placed the item he bought at the antique shop on the cabinet next to him. He then had someone prepare a bath. Once everything was settled, he ordered the servant to wait outside the door and to let the shadow guard in once he was back. The servant nodded and left.

Nan Xun took off his clothes and let his hair down before getting into the wooden barrel behind the screen.

Leaning against the barrel, he thought back to the night he snuck into Jun Huang’s room. She was in a bath as well. There was a screen between the two of them. He couldn’t see her well. Nevertheless, he couldn’t help feeling drawn to her. He hadn’t seen how Jun Huang looked then, but he had noticed the fragrance in the room.

He got himself clean, feeling most of his fatigue draining from his body. He got out of the barrel and dried himself before putting on a thin layer of clothes. He stepped out from behind the screen.

The shadow guard had returned and was waiting for him in the room, staying so quiet he might as well be a lifeless statue. The window was left open. A stronger wind would have put out the wavering candlelight.

Nan Xun smoothed out his robe before walking towards the desk. He lightly knocked on the desk with his knuckle, musing about something without a word. The shadow guard silently waited for him to speak.

“Have you seen him return to the manor?” Nan Xun asked after a long pause.

The shadow guard nodded. “No dangerous encounters on the way back.”

Nan Xun thought for a second before saying, “Go find out who Qi Chen has contacted the past couple of days. See if he has talked to anyone suspicious.”

“Understood,” said the shadow guard with cupped hands. Nan Xun waved him out. The shadow guard shut the door behind him.

Chapter 80: Housewarming

Nan Xun sat there for a long time. The teapot on the table was now empty, but it was too late to have someone brew him fresh tea. He gave up and went to bed.

Back at Prince Chen’s Manor, Jun Huang found the place to be almost void of activity. The page boy at the gate greeted her with a shy smile. Jun Huang smiled in response and threw a glance at the inside. “Has everyone retired to their rooms?”

“Indeed,” the page boy said with his eyes crinkled. “The gentleman was late to return.”

Jun Huang nodded and exchanged some words with him before making her way to the side building. It was late. She decided to bid farewell to Qi Chen tomorrow before moving out of the manor.

The side building was even more empty. The birds perched on the tree took off into the air when they heard her approach and vanished into the night.

She pushed open the heavy door of the side building and was immediately faced with Wei Qian. Jun Huang startled. Trying her best to calm her heart down, she looked at Wei Qian with curious eyes. “Why are you here? Aren’t you away for a mission?”

Wei Qian pursed her lips without a word. Her silence made unsettled Jun Huang. Just when Jun Huang thought that Wei Qian wouldn’t answer her, she said, “I came back today. I heard the prince mentioned that the gentleman is moving out…”

“I am,” said Jun Huang, her tone casual. She stepped into the building with a calm expression and sat down in the garden. She poured herself a cup of tea and took a sip.

“You have just reported back to the prince about what the imperial commissioner has achieved at the county town, haven’t you?” Jun Huang said as she looked up at Wei Qian. “It’s late. You should go rest.”

Wei Qian lowered her eyes to look at the stone floor, unmoving and straight-backed even against the chilling winds at night. “The gentleman has decided to move out. Will you take this subordinate with you?”

Jun Huang was a little surprised. She arched an eyebrow and looked at Wei Qian’s downcast eyes inquisitively. She didn’t think a woman like Wei Qian would say something like this of her own accord. Was Qi Chen trying to test her through Wei Qian?

Jun Huang paused for a moment before she said with a faint smile, “Your are the prince’s confidante. I believe the prince still requires your help. If you come with this gentleman, the prince will have very few people he can trust around him. Of course, if the prince agrees to let you come with this gentleman, who am I to say no?”

Her words were perfectly appropriate and within the boundaries of propriety, which was exactly the most hurtful answer she could have given. The light in Wei Qian’s eyes dimmed, but her face remained impassive. She was Qi Chen’s confidante after all. She would not let her own feelings be seen.

No matter how bitter and pained she felt, her face remained calm and collected. Sometimes she was similar to Jun Huang. Jun Huang did smile from time to time, though, while Wei Qian never did.

Before taking her leave, Wei Qian said in a quiet tone, “The gentleman never drank tea at night in the past. You said yourself that it was bad for health. If so, the gentleman should take care of yourself better. Now please excuse this subordinate.” With that, she went into her room, leaving Jun Huang alone in the backyard.

Jun Huang looked at the teacup in her hand. Her chest had been hurting a little earlier. It might have been caused by the poison again. That was why she drank tea to suppress the pain. She hadn’t thought too much about her actions.

Wei Qian was right though. Jun Huang sighed and put down the teacup before going into her bedroom.

The next day Jun Huang woke up at the crack of dawn. She quickly packed her things and freshened up before going to Qi Chen’s building. She happened to run into Qi Chen when he was leaving for the court meeting.

“Brother Feng woke up early,” Qi Chen said as he smoothed out his sleeves. “I heard the servants say that you returned quite late last night. Why didn’t you sleep a little longer?”

Jun Huang’s eyes flashed. Why has Qi Chen been keeping such a close eye on my whereabout? Could it be that Nan Xun was right? Did Qi Chen sent those men to test me?

Jun Huang was too immersed in her thoughts to answer. Qi Chen frowned and waved a hand before her eyes. He gave her a bright smile. “Brother Feng is clearly distracted. Did you meet a beautiful woman last night?”

Jun Huang quickly regained her focus, but she didn’t know what she should say about what had happened yesterday. “The house is ready, Your Royal Highness,” she said with a smile. “This gentleman has stayed in this manor for a long time. I’m too ashamed to stay any longer. I therefore came to bid farewell to Your Royal Highness.”

Qi Chen looked surprised. “Why is brother Feng so eager to move out? Have I made you feel unwelcome?”

“That’s not it,” said Jun Huang. “It’s just that there are things I have to buy for the new place. This gentleman thinks that I might as well move into the house now. Then I’ll know what I need.”

Qi Chen was about to say something else when the page boy in charge of preparing the coach came. He reminded Qi Chen that he had to leave for the palace now, or he would be late to the meeting.

Qi Chen had no choice but to cut the conversation short. He told Jun Huang to take care of herself and tell him if she ran into any troubles. Jun Huang nodded in response. Only then did he take his leave.

After seeing Qi Chen off, Jun Huang returned to the side building for her things. Wei Qian was right at the door when she left her room. She nodded as a way of greeting. Wei Qian watched her leave, as silent and still as a statue.

Some people were never meant to be in the same world. Wei Qian knew that she and Feng Baiyu, who was known for his calm attitude and distant smile, could never be together. She didn’t dare to compare herself to Princess Wan’er. She could only keep her feelings to herself. It was a secret she would bring to her grave.

Outside the manor, the sun was blindingly bright. Jun Huang shielded her eyes with a hand. There were only a handful of people on the street. She wrapped her clothes tighter around herself and went to her new house.

The first thing she saw when she entered was the fallen leaves covering the ground. It looked a little bleak. On the fake mountain in the garden stood a sparrow. It flew away when it spotted her.

Jun Huang put her luggage on the stone table in the garden. Looking around, she let out a soundless sigh. She picked up a broom and started sweeping the fallen leaves in the pavilion.

When she was finished, her entire body was covered in sweat. She took a deep breath before making her way to the south wing with her luggage. For her, the quiet south wing was the perfect place to live in. Moreover, the wall at the back was taller. That would stop Nan Xun from going in and out freely like he had done when she was in Prince Chen Manor.

She arrived at the south wing and opened the door. It looked identical to the west wing. However, it seemed that the room had rarely been used before. It wasn’t as well-equipped. She couldn’t just move the furniture from other rooms here though. She would have to buy the furniture that was missing here.

She made a mental list before leaving the house. She was generous with her money and didn’t try to haggle with the vendors. She asked two bulky men to deliver the items to the house for her. She gave them some silver and started moving the items inside the room.

She placed the items where they should be. She had bought a silk emerald screen painted with mountains and rivers, a delicate bedside lamp, a light color silk curtain, a tea set, and other various things, including something big like a bookshelf, to something small like plants for the garden. She even paid someone to change the water in the lake and put a few koi fish inside. And she replaced the wilted plants with ones she bought.

It took half a day for her to finish setting up the garden. She entered the room, put the silk curtain on the bed, and replaced the blanket. Only then did she take a seat at the sandalwood desk and rest. She waved her foldable fan as she looked at the room she had made so much efforts in decorating. She felt an indescribable sense of achievement.

Someone knocked on the door. She frowned. She had announced that she would be celebrating her move today, but she didn’t think anyone would come so early. She walked out of the south wing to get the door.

Once at the front gate, she opened the red brown wooden doors. Nan Xun stood before her with a small smile. Behind him were a few people who dressed like servants.

Jun Huang pointed at them. “Who are they?”

Nan Xun threw a glance back and quirked his lips. “You must need servants in your manor. I bought some for you earlier in the morning.”

Jun Huang knew that couldn’t be the truth. Nan Xun must have picked the ones he trusted among the people in his own manor. She nodded and didn’t question him.

Nan Xun ordered a few men to move the items he brought into the house. Then he led some of the women inside with Jun Huang. They sat down in the garden. “Pick one as your personal maid. I assure you that they can all be trusted.”

Jun Huang nodded before giving each of them a good look. Her gaze settled on a young girl who looked to be at the age of fifteen or sixteen. The girl seemed like the honest sort. Jun Huang smiled and pointed at her. “I’ll have her.” Jun Huang turned to the girl. “What’s your name?”

“I don’t have a name,” the girl said quietly with her eyes on the ground. “May the gentleman give one to me?”

Jun Huang supported her chin with a hand and started brainstorming. None of the names she came up with seemed right. She might as well call the girl something easy to remember. “You look young. I’ll call you Little Girl.”

“Understood,” said Little Girl with her head bowed.

The “name” amused Nan Xun. He almost laughed. It was rare for Jun Huang to smile so genuinely. He was glad as long as she was happy.

Jun Huang ordered the rest of the maids to make preparation for the banquet at noon. Then she ordered Little Girl to boil her some hot water for brewing tea. They accepted the orders and left, leaving only Jun Huang and Nan Xun in the garden.

Jun Huang looked at the various flowers with a calm expression. She looked right at home in a place like this. Nan Xun watched her and didn’t say anything.

Not long after, the page boy who was told to watch the door led Qi Yun in. Qi Yun was surprised to see Nan Xun. He thought that he would be the first one to arrive. He didn’t expect Nan Xun to be here already.

“I didn’t expect brother Nan to come so early,” Qi Yun said in an indiscernible tone.

Nan Xun only gave Qi Yun a nod. No one knew if he did it on purpose. Qi Yun felt a little embarrassed. Jun Huang stepped in and invited Qi Yun to take a seat.

Qi Yun looked around at the classy design. He found the place to be comfortable. Curious, he insisted on having Jun Huang give him a tour.

Jun Huang knew that giving tours to her friends would be part of the celebration. She got to her feet, intending to take Qi Yun around. Nan Xun, however, didn’t seem eager to follow them. Jun Huang couldn’t stop herself from frowning. “Aren’t you coming with us?”

Chapter 81: Jealousy

Nan Xun shook his head. “You go ahead. We may have more visitors later. Someone has to keep watch. It’ll be bad if we all leave and no one is here to greet our new guests.”

Jun Huang nodded. Nan Xun had seen the house before, and it wasn’t as if he would never be able to visit her again. Besides, no manor was that special at the end of the day. There wasn’t much to look at. She let Nan Xun stay where he was and led Qi Yun towards the back of the manor.

Walking along the winding hallway, Qi Yun’s attention was drawn by the palace lamps hanging from the ceiling. His eyes were filled with surprise and delight like he was seeing something he had never seen before. Jun Huang couldn’t help but tease him, “I didn’t expect the fourth prince to be so curious about the items in this gentleman’s place. Has the emperor been treating you that badly?”

Qi Yun was caught off guard by her joke, his ears reddening in response. He coughed and suppressed his urge to look around like an overly curious kid. He thought back to the day he met Jun Huang for the first time.

Jun Huang wasn’t stubborn or snobbish like the other princesses. She was more educated and disciplined. She often had a gentle smile on her face, showing her dimples. Her eyes were bright like the moonlight and they drew you in. She had not been so coldly proper like she was now.

It was as if there was an insurmountable wall separating the two of them, widening the distance between them, making him feel like a stranger at times.

Jun Huang lowered her eyes to look at the carefree koi fish in the lake, her expression aloof. Her broad sleeves fluttered in the winds. Her dark hair wasn’t held up by a cap today, but instead covered her shoulders and fell to her chest. She brushed her hair back. Every move she made showed a commanding presence and an indescribable elegance.

Qi Yun watched her dumbly. The first time they met, she was a girl with her hair in a bun, wearing tassels on her hair and a silk dress. How could a different set of clothes transformed her so completely? She still had a smile on her face, but there was something mysterious about the smile, something she kept as a secret.

He kept his eyes on her long enough for Jun Huang to notice. She turned to him and raised an eyebrow. “What? Is there something on my face?”

“Huh? No.” Qi Yun was yanked back to reality from his memories. He didn’t dare to look at Jun Huang anymore for fear of letting slip what he had been thinking about. Jun Huang however was observant. She was good at reading people. Qi Yun’s sudden avoidance did not slip past her.

Her innocence had been killed that night when her home country fell victim to rampant slaughter. Jun Huang had only been hiding the fact she had changed. She was afraid that she might become someone heartless if she didn’t try to hold on to her past self. She was afraid she would turn into a different person.

As Nan Xun had said, someone other than Qi Yun and himself did come to visit. It was the Senior Grandmaster. He could be considered someone Jun Huang had handpicked herself. He used to be part of Qi Chen’s circle. He had abandoned the dark side and thrown himself under Qi Yun’s banner.

Jun Huang was surprised when the servant told her of his visit. She had only invited Nan Xun and Qi Yun. She didn’t tell anyone else. The uninvited guest made alarm bells go off in her head.

When Jun Huang and Qi Yun returned to the front room, the Senior Grandmaster was talking to Nan Xun. Nan Xun was the first to spot her when she approached. He stopped talking and turned to Jun Huang fully. The Senior Grandmaster followed suit and bowed when he saw that Qi Yun was with her. He said to Jun Huang, “This gentleman happened to hear about the gentleman’s housewarming celebration. I came to offer my wishes. This is a little something I’ve prepared for you. It’s nothing to write home about. I hope the gentleman won’t consider it beneath you.”

“You are too humble, sir,” Jun Huang said with a fake smile, spouting pleasantries bureaucrats tended to exchange with one another. “It’s a great honor for this gentleman that you came. This humble abode has brightened up because of your presence.”

A maid took the gift from the Senior Grandmaster and opened the box. It was a luminous pearl from the South Sea. Jun Huang widened her eyes. It was something rarely seen in Northern Qi. It was difficult to find in general. The Senior Grandmaster was an official with integrity. Jun Huang wondered how he got hold of it, and why he would give it to her.

As if reading Jun Huang’s mind, the Senior Grandmaster cupped his hands and explained, “This is a gift from the emperor. This gentleman has no use for one at home. If I keep it to myself, it will only gather dust in a hidden corner. Gentleman Feng is a man with good taste. I decided to bring it to you. If not for the gentleman’s guidance, pointing me to the right direction, I would still be helping a villainous man abusing the people. I will never forget about my debt to the gentleman. I hope you will accept my humble gift.”

Jun Huang was rendered speechless. She turned to Qi Yun. What does the Senior Grandmaster mean by this? He shouldn’t be praising someone else in the presence of his master!

Jun Huang’s mouth twitched. “You are too generous. The fourth prince has a great destiny ahead of him. He is bound to be a leader well loved by the people. As long as the Senior Grandmaster stays loyal to him, you will go down in history as a respected official with a kind heart.”

They exchanged some small talk before the maid told them that the food was ready. It was past noon. Jun Huang was going to invite the Senior Grandmaster to stay for the meal, but he had important matters to attend to and had to leave early.

She let out a relieved sigh once she saw him off. She couldn’t deal with such passionate compliments. When she was about to go inside, someone from Prince Chen Manor arrived at the gate.

Nan Xun and Qi Yun were both here. She couldn’t let Qi Chen’s people see them. Therefore, she had a servant tell the messenger that she couldn’t see anyone for the time being and send him away.

The servant came back with a delicate box. “This is from the prince, gentleman Feng. It’s to celebrate your move.”

Jun Huang took the box and opened it. Inside was a jade color tea set. She was a tea fanatic. Qi Chen was obviously catering to her interests.

She picked up one of the teacups and felt it with a hand. Her face was devoid of any obvious emotions. For some reason, Qi Yun was suddenly unhappy at the sight. He took out a box and handed it to Jun Huang, clearing his throat. “Take a look.”

Jun Huang looked at the box, then at Qi Yun’s hopeful look. She put down the teacup and opened the box. Inside was a dark blue jade scepter. She was pleasantly surprised. Normally jade scepters came in the color of emerald. Dark blue ones were very rare.

Qi Yun was passionate in literature and art, but also in collecting antiques. Jun Huang didn’t expect him to be so generous. She held onto the jade scepter, wondering what she should say to show her gratitude.

Seeing her reaction, Nan Xun grew a little upset. With a clap of his hand, a servant brought something inside the room. It was a lamp that looked awfully familiar to Jun Huang. She felt the urge to laugh when she got a good look.

“What do you think?” Nan Xun asked.

Jun Huang walked towards the lamp and sighed. “I didn’t expect Your Highness to buy it. I may not have been clear enough that day. The lamp was a counterfeit. It isn’t worth much. You’ve been ripped off.”

Nan Xun was a little embarrassed. Jun Huang tried to comfort him. “This gentleman does however need a lamp in the room though. It’ll be of use.”

The food was ready. Qi Yun didn’t say much at the beginning. After a few drinks, he said in a jealous tone, “Last night brother Nan told me that you were moving in today. He told me that this is a house he found for you. Why didn’t you come to me when you had trouble finding a good place to live?”

Jun Huang blinked. She didn’t think this was a big deal. She turned to Nan Xun, who echoed her confused look.

Qi Yun wasn’t finished with his rant. “Brother Nan spent most of his time at the border station. He only returned to the imperial city to rest his body and soul because there are no battles to fight for now. There are many things he doesn’t know about in the city. I stay in the palace most of the time, but I know the city. If you just need to find a good place to live, I can help you as much as brother Nan.”

In his drunken state, Qi Yun spoke like a little child. Jun Huang didn’t know what to say. She could tell Qi Yun was jealous.

“When I came here I could see that these servants are his people as well. I suddenly realized that in your mind, brother Nan must be more competent than I am.”

His words were incoherent. She had no clue what she should say in response. She was never good at dealing with interpersonal matters like this. Her usual silver tongue was useless at this moment. She looked at Qi Yun quietly. A thousand words were stuck in her throat in a lump.

Qi Yun was a friend she had known since childhood, and he was someone who was willing to help her when she was in trouble. How could she possibly hurt his feelings?

Nan Xun stepped in to save her from this dilemma she found herself in. He patted Qi Yun on the shoulder. “She was going to ask for your help, but as you’ve said, you normally stay in the palace. It’s not easy for her to meet up with you. Besides, Qi Chen is always watching her, which makes asking you for help even harder. That’s why she doesn’t go to you for trivial matters like this.”

Qi Yun cocked his head. Nan Xun was right. He would stay in the palace until he reached twenty. It was easy for him to leave the palace, but difficult for Jun Huang, who held no official title, to enter the palace. How did he forget about this?

He was a little embarrassed. He had used alcohol as an excuse to say what he normally couldn’t say. Nan Xun’s words had been a wakeup call. He was completely sober now. He couldn’t do anything but stare at the rippling wine in his cup.

Jun Huang didn’t expect Nan Xun, who normally solved problems through physical prowess, to offer such good arguments. She glanced at Nan Xun. Nan Xun smiled at her in response before taking a sip of his wine. Nu’er hong1produced in Northern Qi was divine. It was harsh to the tongue, but had a wonderful aftertaste. Just like a woman’s love that had persisted for more than a decade.

He usually drank strong liquor at the border station. It gave you the courage you lacked, but it also was so harsh that your throat felt burned. Nu’er hong was different. After the initial harsh taste came lingering tenderness. It was like a woman’s soft eyes and flushed cheeks with no makeup on.

“What are you thinking about?” Qi Yun asked when he noticed that Jun Huang had been staring into the distance without a word.

Jun Huang woke up from her trance, cursing herself for being absent-minded lately. She smiled and shook her head at Qi Yun.

“I’m fine,” she said, her lips curved. “I just remembered that you’re about to turn twenty and move into your own manor. I will be sure to attend the celebration.” Her eyes were determined, and her voice reassuring. A smile found its way to Qi Yun’s lips.

He knew that Jun Huang never liked crowds. He was the emperor’s son. Many people would be invited to celebrate his independence. His friends with whom he talked with about poetry and songs would be present as well. There would be a lot of guests. That was why he had never mustered the courage to invite Jun Huang. It was a surprise that Jun Huang brought it up herself.

“Do you mean it?” he asked carefully.


Chapter 82: TEASER

Chapter 82: Promise

Jun Huang nodded with a smile. “I’ll be sure to attend the celebration in person. I didn’t seek you out for help this time because of the circumstances we’re in. I’d like to make amends to you.”

Her explanation didn’t make him feel particularly happy, but the fact that Jun Huang was willing to show up was enough to brighten his mood. He put aside his negative feelings.

Nan Xun, however, frowned deeply. He looked at Jun Huang with disapproval in his eyes. Jun Huang knew what he was thinking. She, however, had promised Qi Yun. She would not break that promise.

Qi Yun was a rational person. Once his excitement faded, he looked at Jun Huang pensively and said, “Your true… you don’t want too many people to know about your existence, do you? That’s why you want to be nothing but a strategist. If you go to the celebration, you may be noticed by people with ulterior motives. They may try to find out more about you.”

Qi Yun kept his words ambiguous because he didn’t know that Nan Xun already knew about Jun Huang’s identity. He thought that Nan Xun was protective of her only because he considered Jun Huang a friend. Besides, Jun Huang was a great asset. Many were trying to win her support. Even though Nan Xun did not interfere with matters in the court, he might still want to befriend one or two strategists.


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