U N H O L Y - [Sweet Pea]

By curvaparabolica

559K 12.1K 2.5K

NO TRANSLATIONS ALLOWED "Pure sin, that's exactly what he was". Published II | II | MMXVIII More

A/N: Lesson in Unholy
A/N: Pause (No biggie)


6.4K 180 37
By curvaparabolica

      Kate pulled  up in front of the old building of Southside High. She shook her head as she saw the Serpents standing there. It was drizzling a bit and it was cold, yet they still stood there to protect something that once belonged to the Southside, their Southside. Kate turned the car off and took her keys out. She had managed to find some old blankets on the attic and figured they might needed them. Kate got out of her car and walked up to them. Sweet Pea grinned at her and she received some nods from the others. "Hey, Kate. You brought reinforcement?". Jughead greeted her. "Pretty much". She smiled. "If you don't want to eat, it's okay, but I'm sure you don't want to catch a cold either". Kate sternly said, making some of them chuckle, but they were glad to have a blanket around them. "Get in here". Sweet Pea hummed and pulled her closer to his body, at least, he tried to, because some chains tied him to the school, wrapping the blanket also around her. "Managed to get passed your security?". He chuckled and she nodded with a roll of her eyes. "Convinced them that I was grabbing a bite with Veronica at Pop's. They seemed to loosen up now the news is out, however I'm still not allowed to hang out with you". She laughed.

"Pop's, hmm?". Sweet Pea muttered, feeling his stomach rumble at the thought. "Stay strong, Pea". Kate smiled and patted his chest. The Serpents looked up as they heard the screeching brakes of someone nearing. Archie hopped off his bike and pulled the hood of his sweater down. "Well, well, well, cavalry's finally here. Guess that means we got Hiram's attention". Jughead bit. "Are you nuts? Chaining yourself to this place?". Archie avoided the question. "They're gonna tear it down in two days". Jughead scoffed at his response. "Not unless Hiram wants the blood of eight young Serpents on his hands. We're not going anywhere". The young Serpent King said, sounding strong. "Go tell your boss we said that". Sweet Pea's raspy voice sounded. Archie looked between Sweet Pea and Jughead, his jaw slacking and he didn't say anything. He hopped on his bike and drove away. "Asshole". Kate muttered under her breath. "That's exactly what he his babe". Sweet Pea agreed with her. "I have to go, before my family gets suspicious". She said, looking up into his hazel eyes. "Thanks for the blankets, Kate". Came from Fangs next to Sweet Pea. "No problem". She smiled.

"Kiss". The taller Serpents pouted and it made her laugh. "You're adorable". She squeezed his cheeks, making him groan. "He's a man, Kate. Not adorable". Fangs teased, making Sweet Pea grin now too. She kissed his lips and said goodbye to the rest of the Serpents. Sweet Pea watched how she walked to her car and started the engine, driving off to the Northside of Riverdale again. "It's going to be a long night". He sighed, feeling as if Kate had been with them for just a couple seconds and then left again. "Yeah, it is". Fangs said and sighed, leaning his head against the cool concrete of the statue behind them. "I really like how you two worked out. I was sure it would from ever since you met, by the way". His friend spoke up again. "Shut up". Sweet Pea chuckled. "No, I mean it". Fangs turned his face to him to look him in the eyes. "With how much you struggled, how she calms you. You've become a more pleasant person to be friends with". His lips curled upwards at the last part and Sweet Pea snorted at his words. "Glad you appreciate our friendship as much as I do, Fogarty". "I didn't mean it like that". Fangs rolled his eyes now. "I know".

     The night was long. It felt like it took ages for the sun to rise above the landscape again. It had luckily stopped raining and the blankets Kate had taken, kept them warm. Sweet Pea groaned as he woke up from the five minute nap he managed to take after the unbearable night. Jughead was already up, pacing back and forth in front of the group, ranting to one of the other young Serpents about what they had to do in case Hiram didn't feel bothered by their silent protest. Sweet Pea stretched his arms above his head, feeling his joints crack. He cupped his hand with his other to make his knuckles crack too, causing Fangs to scoff. "That's disgusting". He mumbled, making the other Serpent grin with a shrug. "One more". Sweet Pea cracked the joints of his neck and Fangs rolled his eyes, waving him away. "Jug, my god". The Serpents looked up as they saw Betty walking towards them. They hadn't even heard she was coming. "Couldn't you guys tell me you were here last night?". She said, a bit upset. "I would've brought blankets". She continued. "Kate brought them". Jughead said with a gentle smile.

"And we didn't want her to tell you because you would've tried to stay". Jughead added, sitting down on the edge of the pavement after throwing her a glance. Betty's cheeks slightly coloured red, knowing he was right. She just didn't like the thought of her boyfriend sitting here with his friends, while Hiram could've easily send people to hurt them. "I brought you at least some coffee". She hummed, giving one of the hot cans to Fangs, so he could hand out some to the rest as well. Jughead didn't say anything, yet he was very thankfull as he wrapped his fingers around a steaming cup of coffee. "Are you sure you're not going to get arrested for trespassing or protesting without a permit?". Jughead shook his head and took another sip of coffee, emptying his cup by now. "No". He took another pause to pour his cup full again. "That's the beauty of all of this, Betty. If Sheriff Keller or his goons try and manhandle a bunch of teens, peacefully trying to save their school, it will look ugly". Betty had to admit she had a point there, but if the Sheriff listened to Hiram Lodge too, nothing would stop them, not even if it will look ugly.

"Not to mention probably go viral too". Jughead sighed. "Which is, at this point, publicity I would welcome. Also, no one's gonna mess with those guys over there". Jughead pointed at FP and some others that were leaning against the truck. Betty chuckled softly. "Good point. I have some student council duties with Veronica. But I'll be back later tonight, okay?". Betty smiled and leaned forward to press a kiss to his lips. "Student council shit?". Sweet Pea's voice was audible from the back. "Yes". Betty stood up and wiped her jeans and jacket clean from sitting on the ground. "I'd love to see how Veronica's doing". His lips curled up in a grin. "You mean watch her loose". Fangs chuckled. "Heard Ethel's going to fuck shit up again, wouldn't wanna miss it". He shrugged, looking over at Jughead. "You can do this without me, right? No Serpent stands alone, seems like you still have enough company". He added. Jughead rolled his eyes and waved him away. "Please, Betty, take him with you". The others chuckled at what Jughead said and Sweet Pea smirked, loosening himself from the metal chains that were wrapped around his wrists.

He briefly stroke his skin, relieved the chains didn't bite into his arms anymore. And he was hungry, so eating in the cafeteria of school was the next thing he'd do. 

     Kate didn't expect to see Sweet Pea at school, so when he showed up in the small auditorium where Josie and Veronica were singing their council song thingy, she didn't actually know why they felt the purpose to sing for it, she was quite surprised. She waved him and Betty over, seats next to her were empty anyway. "Hey, baby doll". Sweet Pea smiled and sat down on the chair, stretching out his legs and draping his arm over the back of her chair. "Hey, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to support your crew?". She whispered, briefly looking over at the stage as Josie and Veronica were still singing. "I am, but Betty said she was going over here because of... all of this-...". Sweet Pea gestured with his hands around to mean the student council morning. "And I was curious if someone has planned anything for Veronica, like last time with the milkshake". Kate sighed in a playfull way at the amused sparkles in his eyes, swatting his hand from her leg. "And I missed you, of course". He pressed a kiss to her shoulder and her neck, receiving a loud sigh from the person behind them. Sweet Pea rose his eyebrows and the girl stopped looking at them.

"Of course you did". Kate whispered with a laugh, pressing a single kiss to his lips. "Did you get any sleep?". She softly asked and he shook his head. "Barely, concrete isn't very comfortable, you know". He joked slightly. "I can imagine". She gently smiled and laced her fingers through his. "You can take a nap on my bed if you want, parent's are at the Lodges till dinner time". She explained. "Only if you come with me". He smirked now, gnawing at his bottom lip. "We won't be sleeping then". Kate rolled her eyes. "Ssh". Someone shushed them and Kate hid her smile behind her hand. Sweet Pea ignored it and looked in front of him again, a slight hint on annoyance gliding over his face at the overdone act Veronica had put on now. Meanwhile, Ethel started to hand out papers from the back of the group and soon gave one to Sweet Pea. Kate frowned and looked at what was on it. "Holy shit". Sweet Pea muttered, reading everyone that was exposed about Veronica here. Soon the music stopped. "Okay, what's going on?". Veronica asked, a concerned look on her face. Ethel gave her one of the papers too, where Veronica was drawn at the devil in the middle.

"Where did you get this information?". She snarled. "Doesn't matter. It's the truth, isn't it?". Ethel simply replied. "I don't understand. I told you we were making amends that your dad would get a job offer". She rushed to tell. "You mean your half-hearted bribe, yeah, too little too late". Betty stood up and looked at them. Without saying a word, she turned around and left the auditorium. "B, wait". Veronica sighed, feeling a bit helpless now. "I'd do that too, if I were here. With those toxic friends". Ethel said. "Friends?". Archie asked from behind her, feeling a bit nervous now. "Yeah, don't you know Kate's parents literally came here to work with the Lodges? She's so cute, she looks so perfect, doesn't have that big mouth like Veronica, but meanwhile". Ethel turned towards the spot where Kate was seated. The blonde's eyes became wide, her heartbeat quickening in her ribcage. "W-what?". She stammered, not sure how to respond to this. "Don't deny it, Kate. You knew everything too, you had the power to stop it, the plans about the prison and every other toxic thing they came up with, to enlighten other people, but you did nothing. And it's even more harsh towards your boyfriend". Ethel snarled now.

Kate shook her head, not understanding why she was suddenly the victim. "Kate, is...". Sweet Pea took her arm to twist her towards him. He stood up now, looking down at her with those, big, brown, puppy eyes and her heart sunk in her chest. "Tell me she's not speaking the truth". He asked, almost begged her. He wanted this to all be a lie, that she didn't lie to him. Kate felt her mouth running dry, words swam around in her head, in the wrong order and she didn't manage to explain one single thing. "Sweets, I'm...I-". Kate never though she'd see the look of hurt, the pain he felt in his soul, pointed towards her. Tears welled up in her eyes and he dropped his hand from her shoulder, his whole figure pointing downwards. He didn't say anything as he stepped back. "No, Sweet Pea, please". 

Kate took his wrist in her hand, but he pulled away from her and walked out of the auditorium and left her alone. It was over.

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