I Hated You First ➸ Larry

By guardianzayngels

659K 29.3K 60.7K

[COMPLETE | AU] With some demons haunting him from his past, Harry is excited to start college to get a relax... More

I Hated You First
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
A Message for You Lovely Larries

Chapter 15

21.4K 873 2.5K
By guardianzayngels

I stood in the kitchen making some ratchet nachos consisting tortilla chips and shredded cheese in the microwave, for dinner while Niall sat on my couch watching Spongebob.

"Hey what channels are porn?"

I laughed. "Niall, you're not watching porn on my TV."

"Awww come on please, I won't buy the HD versions" he whined.

"No, Niall."

Niall huffed and crossed his arms.

I handed him a plate of nachos. "Oh stop being a horny baby."

"Shut up, curly" he laughed.

I laughed also. How can you not laugh when Niall laughs? His laugh is outrageous and contageous.

"Harry, thanks for this."

"For what?" I asked taking a bite of nacho.

"For taking me in after all that. You've been looking out for me lately and we barely even know each other."

I smiled. "No prob, Ni. What are friends for?"

Niall smiled and continued eating.


Niall shifted his attention back to me. "Yeah?"

"Do you like...Liam?"

Niall's eyes grew wide. "Yeah! I love him! He's such a great person and so caring and gentle. He's always there for me."

"Awww that's cute-"

"He's such a great guy. He's like an older brother to me. Always looking out for me."

I gulped. "No, Ni. I mean do you like like Liam. More than a brother?"

Niall practically choked on his nachos. "What?!"

"Do you like Liam more than a friend or brother?"

"No! Liam's like a brother that's it!" he said frantically. "Why the hell do you keep asking me these questions, Harry? First you ask if I like Zayn after he beat my arse and now you ask if I like Liam and he's like my brother? Let me tell you something, Harry I like you. And I know I shouldn't cause I know you have thing for Louis."

My cheeks began to burn and I knew I was blushing. I opened my mouth to deny it, but he continued.

"Maybe I did have a tiny microscopic crush on Zayn, but after what he did I will never like him again. Ever. And Liam? I never thought of liking him like that. It's weird you know?"

I nodded.

"I mean he's a great guy and he has a great personality and he's fit, really fit. There was a time when I like liked him, but I never told my feelings and after a while they just started to fade. Especially after I got my first boyfriend..."

"When was this?" I asked.

"Junior year."

"How long have you known Liam?"

"Since I was two. Look I don't know how I feel okay?! I really like you, but for some damn reason I can't stop thinking about Zayn! What's wrong with me? I don't understand! I should hate Zayn right?" he gripped at his hair in frustration.


"Yeah I should hate him. I should hate him with all my heart. But I can't and I don't know why. Look I'm just confused! Really confused. I don't know anymore, okay?" he breathed.

I rested my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Ni I get it, okay? It's been a long day you deserve some rest. I shouldn't have bombarded you with all those questions. I'm sorry."

Niall nodded. "Yeah. I'll just go to sleep I'm super tired."


Niall laid down and put his head on my lap. I looked down and smiled at him.

He shut his eyes. "Well?"

"Well what?" I asked confused.

"Stroke my hair bitch."

I giggled and carded my hands through his blonde/brunette hair. "So demanding" I playfully huffed.

"Ahh this is the life" Niall dreamily sighed.

"Niall, you're weird" I laughed.

"Shut up I'm sleeping."

I rolled my eyes and continued stroking his hair.

"And don't roll your eyes at me, curly" he said.

Okay how the hell did he know that I did that?

Just then I heard a ding on my phone. I grabbed it and saw I had a text.

From Lou @ 8:22: Hey do u wanna hang 2morrow? u know after u deal with the whole dorm director thing...

I smiled.

From me @ 8:23: sure wut time and where?

From Lou @ 8:24: umm how about 12:30 and we can go out to lunch. meet me at emma's. they have the best subs and pies i swear!:)

From me @ 8:24: okay thats fine and they better have the best subs and pies. im trusting u lol

From Lou @ 8:25: oh trust me they do;) and good its a date

Okay my heart literally jumped out of my chest.

A date? With Louis? Ermegerd I'm fucking freaking out!!! Eep!

Okay calm down, Harry. Stop acting like a 16 year old girl. Just text back something smooth.

To Lou @ 8:26: i guess so then;)

Yeah that sounds good.

Nice one, brain.

Thank you. I always knew I was better than you:)

Oh shut your damn piehole.

Okay -.-


"Well seeing that Mr. Horan has been assaulted I have no choice but to move him into another dorm" Mrs. Wells stated.

Relief brushed over me when I heard those words. Yes! Niall would finally moved from Zayn. Even though Zayn likes Niall and he won't bully him anymore, Niall doesn't know that and he doesn't dare to even see Zayn's face.

"Thank you, Mrs. Wells" Niall said.

"Yes thank you so much!" Liam said.

Niall, me, Liam, and Louis were all seated in Mrs. Wells' office. Louis asked if he could tag along and we all said it was fine. I glanced over at Niall and Liam. Liam was sitting super close to Ni, so close that one of Niall's legs was swung over Liam's lap. And Liam had his arm around Niall.

I cooed internally. They would make such a good couple I swear.

Hmmm what would their name be?

Aha! I got it!


Yeah Niam sounds good.

Mrs. Wells was typing away on her computer before turning to Niall. "Okay, Mr. Horan we have a dorm open for you. There's already one student residing in it and his name is Josh Devine. Room 212."

"Oh I know him. Great lad, Ni. You'll love him" Louis said.

"And Mr. Horan I'm sorry about this whole situation. I should've moved you the first time you asked. I will go to the head master and school board and talk to them about a new policy about not having homophobes and homosexuals bunk together. And as for Mr. Malik we will bring him today and speak with him. Would you like to press charges againt Mr. Malik?"

Niall shook his head. "Nah I don't wanna deal with all that court stuff as long as I'm away from him I'm okay."

"Okay well Mr. Horan you are now free to move all your stuff out of your old dorm and move it into your new one. I obviously suggest you take a friend with you just in case Mr. Malik is there or may show up" Mrs. Wells explained.

"I volunteer as tribute!" Liam piped up.

"All of us cracked up laughing, even Mrs. Wells at Liam's sudden outburst.

Niall smiled. "Alright well Liam and I will just go back to my old dorm to pack my stuff and then go to Harry's and get some things and then I'll get settled in the new one."

"I've already notified Mr. Devine's current teacher to tell him he has a new roommate" Mrs. Wells smiled.

All of us nodded in sync.

"Okay Harry and I are going to lunch see you two later" Louis said grabbing my hand.

Oh my god he's holding my hand! Okay, Harry seriously get a grip. You're acting like a crazy hormonal teenage girl.

"Alright you two have fun" Liam replied wiggling his eyebrows.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Li."

Louis and I made our way to my car. "You gotta try their key lime pie! It's so damn good. You'll have a foodgasm!" Louis said.

I giggled at his choice of words. "Okay" I said before hopping in the driver's seat.

When we were driving to the diner, I found my eyes shifting to Louis. I couldn't help it. He looked extra beautiful today. He was wearing a black t-shirt that said 'The Killers' on it that hugged him perfectly showing off his biceps. He was wearing these black skinny jeans that showed his bum off nicely, some dirty black converse, and he had a gray beanie seated snug on his head on top of his perfectly messy chestnut hair.

Simple, but effective.

The way how we'd pass trees or buildings would make me sad, because the light would dim and make his face hidden. But when the sun would come out his gorgeous tan skin would glow. His skin looked so soft like silk. I wanna touch his face so bad, but a. that'd be weird and b. I feel like his face would break because of how soft and fragile looking it is. Just then Louis turned to me. I quickly snapped my head back and focused on the road.

I saw Louis smile out of the corner of my eye. "Thanks for accepting this date, Harry."

"No prob, Lou."

"I'm sorry..."

"No, Louis don't start this again. You've already apologized, you explained yourself, and now everything's good now so please stop blaming yourself and saying sorry. I've accepted your apology. I'm fine, really."

"Thanks, Harry. It's just hard to move on from that. After everything I've done to you, I don't see how you just moved on from that."

"It's because I have a big heart and I trust you. I know your apology was sincere."

Louis smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder.

Boy stop touching me before I jump on your little cute arse! Agghh

"You're a great friend."


Just then we pulled up to Emma's.

Louis flashed me a smile and grinned. He unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped out the car.

I unbuckled my belt and got out the car. I saw Louis run inside the diner and I giggled.

When I entered I saw Louis seated in a booth already with his hands crossed on the table. He looked like a little kid waiting patiently in class or something.

I sat down across from him and smiled. "Why are you so damn excited?"

"Because Emma's Diner has the best food in the world! They're food is so damn good. Liam and I used to come here everyday after class and buy the jalapeno burger and this really good chilidog. Then we'd have key lime pie and a banana mixed with chocolate shake."

"Jesus, Lou you and Liam have big appetites."

"Everyone does when they eat at Emma's" he giggled.

"I had it on the first day of school with Niall. It was pretty delicious" I smiled.

"Delicious?! No. No. No. Emma's is waaayy more than delicious! When you eat anything from Emma's, your mouth explodes. Your taste buds do this little dance-oh my god" Louis' eyes rolled to the back of his head and I laughed.

"If I can live here I would. Hell if I could work here I would!" he said.

"What about Starbucks?"

"Screw Starbucks! I'd rather work here. Plus Eleanor is such a clingy little pest. Everyday she asks me out or somehow finds a way to get to be near me."

Jealously flamed throughout my body.

Eleanor likes Louis huh? Well that wavy-haired bitch can back dat shit up.

"Really?" I croaked.

"Yeah. She used to work the back with Sal and the one day she's beside me at the counter. I bet she ate out Rachel just so she can work with me."

 Wait, Eleanor's bi?"

"Yeah, so is Rachel."

"Wow I didn't know that."

"Well now you do" Louis giggled.

"Hey, Louis! Welcome back!" A voice called.

I turned to see our waitress. She was short, kinda chubby looked about twenty-five or so. Overall she was pretty.

"Hey, Martha! Long time no see. How was your operation?" Louis said.

"It went well, obviously since I'm back to work, but yeah how's life?"

"Good. I'm actually here on a date" Louis beamed.

Martha looked over at me and smiled. "Oh wow, Louis he's a hottie."

I blushed and looked out the window.

Louis giggled. "Yes he is" and he winked at me.

Oh wow can my cheeks get any redder?

"Is he your boyfriend?" Martha asked.

Okay yeah, they can.

"Noooo" Louis blushed looking at his menu.

"Okay what can I get you two lovebirds?"

Seriously?! I might as well be a damn tomato!

"We will have the jalapeno burger, chili hotdog, a large banana and chocolate shake and two slices of key lime pie" Louis smiled handing her the menu.

"Should've known" Martha shook her head and scribbling on her notepad. "Are you trying to replace Liam, hun?" she asked looking over at me.

"Erm, no?" I said.

Louis laughed. "No he isn't. I just thought he should try out what Liam and I get."

"Well how is the Wolverhampton lad?" Martha asked.

"He's good. I actually just saw him like fifteen minutes ago."

"That's good. Well I'll be back with your shake and pie. Your burger and hotdog might take a minute or two."

"Alright thanks, Martha."

"No prob, hun" Martha walked off.

"Thanks, Louis" I said.

"It's no trouble, Harry" he smiled.

"So tell me about your life? What's going on?"



Another filler I know. Don't hit me! Next chapter is some Larry fluff though. So be prepared:) 

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