This is a dream

By yumskians

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"Louis, I still see her.I still see Lucy." "Harry she's been gone for almost three years now.""I know she has... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 11

191 4 1
By yumskians

The world was passing by beneath the plane, clear city lights igniting the land guiding the way towards their homeland. The flight was a long one obviously, but what was going to be done had to be done in the wee hours of the morning. No one could know where they were and as far as they knew no one did, but they have yet to hear the news and by now a nurse must’ve noticed the seemingly vanished boys. It must’ve been worrisome for the hospital employees considering that Harry was gravely ill and not being looked after like he was supposed to. 

Harry, as it seemed was in a total daze, slipping in and out of consciousness repeatedly. His conscious state was only confusion before exhaustion overcame him and he passed out once again. It was stressing them all out and they wished even though the plane was going as fast as it could, it almost didn’t seem fast enough. They needed to get to the private airport they were landing in that was much closer to Harry’s house than Heathrow. Plus they were in a private Jet so they couldn’t particularly land on a public runway.

“Will this plane land any quicker? I mean seriously we have places to be!” Niall whined his leg shaking harshly in impatience as his baby blues glanced at Harry’s head lolling around on his neck at the slight turbulence. Liam grasped his friend’s bony shoulder and shook it slightly in reassurance.

“I’m sure we’ll get there when we do.” He told his blonde friend trying to stay as optimistic as he turned to Louis who had just hung up the in air phone. “Have you got the ride set up?”

“Yeah, I did. When we get there’s an Aston Martin One-77 will be waiting.” He answered with slight nod, Zayn stared at him his dark eyebrows furrowing together and crinkles by his eyes becoming more prominent.

“Guys we are seriously spending a small fortune here.” He told them all. Louis shrugged throwing himself into one of the uncomfortable plane seats. “I mean a private jet and Aston Martin.”

“It’s one of the fastest cars out there Zayn and we need to get there fast.” Louis responded and Zayn nodded. “About two hours after we arrive the sun will be coming up so we gotta make it to Holmes Chapel pretty quick.”

“You’re I-“ Zayn attempted to continue the conversation before the speaker above the door to the cockpit came on with a buzz.

“This is your captain speaking we will be landing within 10 minutes so please take a seat if you are not, thank you for flying with us and hope you enjoyed your flight.” The captains voice filled the body of the small plan before the radio clicked off. The boy looked for each other preparing for the landing. Everything was becoming so much more real now, were actually doing this, they had no idea what but they were doing it.

“Zayn remember you’re Kurt Morrison.” Liam whispered to him harshly and Zayn nodded taking a proud stance as the plane came to a rough halt on the runway. The boys piled Harry into his wheelchair and safely got him out of the plane. They practically ran through the airport so they wouldn’t lose any more valuable time. Their car was the clearest of them all in the parking lot obviously being the most expensive there. 

“Guys get your suits off.” Liam practically commanded dropping a duffel bag of clothes before them so they could change yet again. They air was frigid on their skin but they sucked it up changing into the scruffy sweats and t-shirt making it look as if they had been putting up a fight with someone. They kept Harry in his pajamas seeing no reason to change him. Louis took the car’s window scraper and bashed in a few other cars windows. Liam gripped at his hair ready to pull it out. “Lou! What are you doing?”

“It’ll make it look like someone went through here in a struggle. Trust me I know what I’m doing.” Louis told him like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He ran the back of his hand against the broken glass producing droplets of blood. He rubbed the blood against the interior of the stranger that would be extremely angry by the time he got out here. Louis ripped a part of his sleeve off with his teeth and wrapped it around the wound. “Just smudging a bit o’ blood to make it look more realistic.”

Zayn and Liam followed suit doing the same thing. Niall wore down the back of one of his sneakers to make it look like he was dragged and tossed it under a car. They cut a small curly lock of hair from Harry’s head a aluminum can tore apart they had found, tossing the hair down in the parking lot. Once they managed to finish they piled into the Aston Martin, the back being the tightest squeeze but they could suffer.

“Any of you know how to get there?” Louis asked turning to them in the driver’s seat. Niall nodded leaning forward a bit.

“You head straight onto the parkway, take the first exit in the right and it’s a straight shot from there.” He explained motioning the directions with his hands. Louis nodded hitting the gas pedal harshly, the car going from 0-60 in just seconds. 

Harry seemed to gain more and more consciousness as they got closer to Holmes Chapel. His green eyes fluttered open and he yawned loudly stretching his arms high above his head hitting the top of the car. This was more movement they had seen from him in weeks and it was slightly unnerving how he was suddenly becoming stronger. No one could become healthy that fast right?

“Lucy?” His gruff voice asked the air. Realization dawned on them; they were nearing Lucy so some of her power must be given to him. There was no other explanation for their friend’s sudden movement. “Oh god Lucy! The graveyard! She needs help!” 

“Harry it’s alright calm down!” Zayn tried to sooth him. “You’re still sick and were on our way there now to get this whole thing sorted out you got it?” Harry stared at him for a few moments with a confused look upon his features before nodding slowly. 

“It’s this next turn up here on the right. The cemetery should be at the very end of the road.” Harry said pointing at the next right hand turn. Louis hit the break harshly making the car skid a little and stop with a jolt now horizontally placed in the road. Liam stared at him bewildered smacking the older boy upside the head.

“Are you trying to get us killed? Because you’ve come pretty close so far?” He questioned, Louis smiled wickedly but he had a gleam of intelligence in his eye knocking out the driver’s side window and crawling out onto the street, tear his shirt to near shreds and leaving small droplets of blood. 

“You guy we gotta walk from here if we don’t want to make it look like we just drove.” He told them and looked at the night sky. “We probably have about an hour left so get your cabooses in gear and let’s go!”

They all piled out of the Aston Martin and too everybody’s surprise Harry stood on his own two feet. Of course, it was a bit wobbly and he was a bit hunched over, but it was standing nonetheless. They all looked on in precaution for his first few steps seeing if he was ready to collapse or not. But he braved it and as they neared the cemetery he seemed to grow stronger. They stopped before the large and detailed cast iron gates
“Well guys whatever this thing is, were going in there together got it?” Niall said to them all, they all turned to him with a nod and looked back at the gate. The graves went on for acres but they all knew exactly where Lucy was laid to rest, it was under the big oak tree in the corner. They pushed the gates open wincing at the terrible wail the hinges gave in protest before slipping through the tiny opening they had made. 

The air had a decrepit stench to it, but that had to be the smell of death that lingered around. A dense fog hung low to the ground masking their feet. The moonlight shined on the polished stones illuminating the names of all that had passed, some were so old the boys couldn’t believe they were still standing. But even in the distance they could see the small, shining figure chained back to a head stone. Harry’s breath caught in his throat and despite his slightly deteriorated shape he took off in a run towards the headstone.

“HARRY WAIT!” Zayn screamed after him as the others followed after. But Harry had stopped before the gravestone much sooner looking down at his baby sister. She looked ever so tired and scared, crystals tears cascaded down her powder white cheeks. His demeanor softened and all he wanted to do was was hug her and tell her everything would be okay but he couldn’t.

“Lucy who did this to you?” He asked firmly inspecting the thick chains that bound her frail body to her own grave. 

“H-Harry?” She stuttered her green eyes widening as she looked up at him. She shook her head back and forth her hair sticking to her moist face. “HARRY NO! YOU HAVE TO RUN! PLEASE!” Before he could even get a word out a dark shadow grew up from the ground, rising high above him and blocking out the moon light. The other boys stepped a few feet back looking up at the demon before them. It was a big silhouette, the eyes were a glowing red and it had horns.

“So you’ve come child….” The monster’s voice hung in the air like lead and crushed their chests with the shear heaviness of it. It bent down so it was now only looming over Harry, he gulped feeling a tremble creeping over him. “So I can take your body…..?” 

“Why…?” Harry whispered staring at the creatures chest rather than its evil eyes. He could hardly breathe in its overwhelming stench of decay and mildew. “Why me…? What have I done?” The creature drew back with a booming laugh, its broad shoulders shaking harshly with each mighty chuckle. The shadow start to draw back into the Earth and up grew a man still laughing maniacally. Then it came to Harry, it was the voice in his dreams, haunting him horrifically. 

“Why? Why?” He repeated, his ghastly breath making Harry cringe though he grabbed the boy’s collar forcing him to stay put. The man’s face was wrinkled and cut with the most disgusting wounds he had ever seen. His white hair hung in wisps from his head. “Because you took the body that was to be rightfully to be mine!”

“I-I don’t know what are you t-t-talking about…” Harry stuttered trying to remain as calm as possible, but in this situation it was very difficult. The man yanked his collar upwards and his feet left the ground and even more panic washed over him. The man smiled wickedly and looked up, his eyes flashing a deep blood red as he stared at the other boys.

“What are you….” Liam trailed off as the angels of headstones began to move. They ripped themselves from their polished rocks and began to move towards the them with devilish eyes. The boys took multiple steps away their backs hitting against each other as the man looked back at Harry.

“As spirits we choose our bodies, I was supposed to be in that one but at the last second you pushed me away! Now I cannot have a body unless I steal one!” His voice grew deeper and growling as he spoke. Harry trembled in the man’s grasp terrified of what would happen next. “So I’m taking back what is rightfully mine!”

“HARRY FIGHT BACK!” Lucy’s voice erupted. The other boys were being attacked by the statues, their bodies receiving cuts and bruises with each hit. Louis kicked at one and it’s arm crumpled to the ground at the contact. They looked at each other for a quick moment realizing how they had to battle the statues. The man threw Harry to the ground and turned on the little girl.

“Silence!” He ordered her with a finger. She glared at him showing no fear. 

“I won’t let you hurt them!” She yelled back fighting against the chains, an energy falling over the area. The wounds upon Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Louis no longer stung and they could feel themselves feel less weary from battling the statues. Harry could feel himself regaining strength he had lost during his sickness. But, the man just began to laugh once again and it was awful because they knew deep inside that there had to be something terribly wrong here for him to keep laughing.

“Ah yes child, but your energy is running low.” He said and Lucy’s confidence wavered. She bit her lip looking at the ground. “Once it’s gone how are you going to help them?”

“Lucy what is he talking about?” Harry asked pushing himself off the ground and brushing the back of his pants off with a frown. He took a step forward his eyes squinting down at Lucy but she refused to meet them. “Lucy answer me right now!” She kicked the ground softly and looked up at him with big eyes.

“Once my energy is gone I-I…” She stuttered and took a deep breath. “I Disappear Harry. My soul is destroyed and it’s like I was never here at all.”

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Harry yelled at her and she glanced away. Before he could get another word out he was slammed hard against the ground, his breath catching hard in his throat and vision crossing into black before focusing back again, the noises around him were distant but then everything came back into reality. He blinked twice before he realized he felt no pain, and that it was Lucy preventing it. “Lucy stop!” 

“I can’t!” She cried back looking so confused on what to do as she looked on. Harry sat back up but was grabbed again being slammed against a tree, a bony thumb being pressed into his neck stopping his breathing but again he felt no pain. “Harry! I know you know what to do! You can do this!” 

He looked up at the man before him meeting the blood red eyes and grotesque wounded face. He didn’t know what was happening but he had to think down deep. He shut his eyes tight as the man’s breath hit his face in freezing puffs.

“Once I drain her energy, you won’t be protected. I will win.” He breathed his grip growing stronger on Harry’s neck, slowly crushing the boy’s bones. He started to play the scenes of the crash into Harry’s brain making the boys scream loudly cupping his hands over ears to try block the horror filled thoughts. Harry gripped the man’s wrist harshly, digging his nails into the rotten flesh. His eyes opened slowly again as he fought against the thoughts and he looked out beyond him. His friends were being fought against by statues and he could see the gash and bruises littering their skin. Then over at Lucy who he could see was declining in strength. He set his jaw and looked right back at the man.

“No! No I won’t let you win. Because I-I love my baby sister and I love my band mates who are more like my brothers and I won’t let you hurt them!” He growled maliciously. The man began his vicious cackle but Harry was dead set. He closed his eyes forcing himself to think of all the happy memories he had with both Lucy and the rest of One Direction. Every laugh, every crazy moment, every smile, everything he could possibly think of and he let it flow through to the man like the bad was being flowed into him. “And Love is much more greater than your evil.”

“You think that will stop me?” The man laughed harshly, but then looked down at Harry’s fingers digging into his wrist. It was glowing a light gold color and as it grew the man started to scream. His grip on Harry dropped as the light flowed through him, Harry looked on with squinted eyes as the man turned into one big flash and with a echoing yell combusted. But then Harry could feel a choking sensation in his throat.

He dropped to his knees, grasping his stomach in horrific pain. He gasped and coughed his mouth suddenly being consumed by the light. His head flipped back as a clawed hand slowly pulled itself from his insides as he gasped not being able to take any air in. The creature crawled out of his mouth and jumped onto the ground, looking slightly like a scorpion. It had to be the parasite.

“KILL IT!” Lucy’s voice screamed and the thing was suddenly crushed by a concrete angel arm. Harry glanced up at his band mates who looked beat up but were smiling nonetheless. He smiled too, though he was in a great deal of pain from the parasite crawling out of him. Louis clapped him on the shoulder.

“You did it you curly haired bastard.” He breathed and nodded in the ahead of them. Harry Turned to look seeing his baby sister standing there unharmed and unchained.
“Harry I’m so proud of you.” She said softly with a front teeth missing smile. But it wavered a bit as she looked at him. “But it’s my time to go now.”

“Lucy,” Harry gasped in obvious pain. She stood before him, not one ounce of pain on her face. She placed a gentle hand on his cheek as he brought his hand covering hers and there was a sudden safe feeling in the air. She smile and giggled and he couldn’t help but laugh and smile as well, he could feel her warmth even though she was in deaths embrace. “Lucy I don’t want you to leave.”

“Oh Harry, I will always be here with you.” She said softly. A bright light nearly blinded the boys as she grew before their eyes. Her height boosted and face thinned from its childlike form. Her skin grew warm and tan. Her long hair grew around her face and emerald eyes sparkled. She looked alive, how she should’ve looked this day, but mostly she looked happy, and truly that’s all he ever wanted. “But I’ve been dead far too long to have a second chance.”

“B-But you can’t leave!” He cried, his eyes prickling with tears at the thought of losing his baby sister again. “I don’t want to lose you again Lucy, I really don’t.”

“You’re not losing me.” She said softly with a small smile. “You are never going to lose me because whenever you need me I’ll be right here. I’ll be watching over you just like always. Harry you need to let me go.”

“I-I-I can’t.” He said a few tears making their way down his cheeks. He shook his back and forth as she gently wiped the tears away. “I just can’t do it.”

“Harry listen to me.” She told him as gently as possible. He looked up at her and she gave him a reassuring smile. “You’re holding onto something has that’s not really here. I’m dead. I’m not coming back and I’m sorry I can’t, but that’s the way it has to be.”

“No! I don’t want you to leave again!” By this point they were all crying besides her, no one wanted to let go. But in their hearts they knew they had to. Simultaneously Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall put their arms across each other’s shoulders and put their heads down forcing themselves to realize that Lucy was no longer here and she needed freedom.

“Please.” Lucy begged Harry in a whisper. Harry looked at her directly in the eyes that matched his own. He knew in the bottom of his heat he needed to let go. It wasn’t fair to make her stay here just for his benefit of seeing her again. She was going to be okay wherever she was going and he had to believe that. She was happy, and this was God’s plan for her, so he had to do what’s right even if it hurt. He slowly but finally nodded. 

“Alright I will, for you Luc.” He cried softly. She took his hand as he put his head down letting his curls fall in front of his eyes. He had to remind himself of everything that he had just thought of. That she was accepting her death and he needed to as well. Her hand slowly got colder in his grasp and when he lifted his head the eight year old Lucy stood before him. She looked exactly how he remembered her, but unliving.

“Thank you Harry.” She said softly with a small smile. Her image flickered before them signifying she was leaving. “I only have a few minutes left.”

She hugged each of the boys laughing and smiling like how they remembered her. This was how they were supposed to remember her, lively and happy, not cold and unliving. She stood before Harry a few seconds before throwing her arms around him and nestling her nose in his neck. He hugged her back.

“Have fun wherever you’re going.” He said shakily. “I love you Lucy. You’re the best sister I could’ve ever asked for and I hope you know that.” The sun was starting to peak in the horizon spreading a golden glow around the land making them feel warmer.

“I will Harry. Remember I’ll always be here whenever you need me. I’ll always be watching over you.” She said softly. “You were the best big brother I could’ve ever dreamed, and it wasn’t your fault that I left this world because I know you think it is. I love you too Harry.”

Then suddenly he was only hugging the air. The last of her warmth enveloped the air around him and he knew in his heart she was safe wherever she was going and was going to be okay. He smiled to himself softly and her grave that had a ray of new sunshine shining on it. 

Sudden reality came crashing down on all five of them and the power they felt to take away pain had left. They were all exhausted and beat up and suddenly all at once they fainted, the cold earth coming up to meet them all pleasantly.

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