uzumaki shira | naruto

By __arkihoe--

362K 13.3K 5.3K

➷wherein Uzumaki Naruto would never trade Uzumaki Shira for anything else. To him, she was that constant in h... More

Act 1: "Nee-san!"
Act 2: "Can I sleep in instead?"
Act 3: "Ah, it's Pervy-san."
Act 4: "Sorry, nee-san!"
Act 5: "You're a boy?"
Act 6: "Can't we get some rest?"
Act 7: "I'll go insane at this rate."
Act 8: "From bad to worse, great."
Act 9: "It's the Snake Sannin, great."
Act 10: "Some exam this was."
Act 11: "I'm here for you, nee-san!"
Act 12: "Give me a break, 'ttebane..."
Act 13: "Damn everything."
Act 14: "Give me a month to sleep."
Act 15: "I'll be stronger, 'ttebayo!"
Act 16: "For nee-san!"
Act 17: "I hate you, nee-san!"
Act 18: "Don't catch a cold."
Act 19: "Don't leave me."
Act 20: "I love you."
Act 21: "Did we hear you right?"
Act 22: "Do I have to?"
Act 23: "Ground, eat me up."
Act 24: "I snapped, so what?"
Act 25: "Snakes suck."
Act 26: "why can't things stay the same?"
Act 27: "all good things will end"
Act 28
Act 29
Act 30
Act 31
Act 32
Act 33
Shippuden Act 1
Shippuden Act 2
Shippuden Act 3
Special Act
Shippuden Act 4
Shippuden Act 5
Shippuden Act 6
Shippuden Act 7
Shippuden Act 8
Shippuden Act 9
Shippuden Act 10
Shippuden Act 11
Shippuden Act 12
Shippuden Act 13 (1)
Shippuden Act 13 (2)
Shippuden Act 14 (1)
Shippuden Act 14 (2)
Shippuden Act 15
Shippuden Act 16 (1)
Shippuden Act 16 (2)
Shippuden Act 17
Shippuden Act 18
Shippuden Act 19 (1)
Shippuden Act 19 (2)
Shippuden Act 20 (1)
Shippuden Extra 1
Shippuden Act 20 (2)
Shippuden Act 21
Shippuden Act 22
Shippuden Act 23
Shippuden Act 24
Shippuden Act 25
Shippuden Act 26
Shippuden Act 27
Shippuden Act 28
Shippuden Act 29
Shippuden Extra 2
Shippuden Act 30 (1)
Shippuden Act 30 (2)
Shippuden Act 31
Shippuden Act 32
Shippuden Act 33: "what a drag"
Shippuden Act 34: "resentment"


4.3K 200 44
By __arkihoe--



"You know, I keep wondering how that girl is related to your troublesome girlfriend, Minato." Nara Shikaku wondered out loud to his friend, Namikaze Minato. They were watching a five year old Uzumaki Shira defeat every Nara child in a game of shogi.

The blonde blushed, still not used to people calling Kushina his girlfriend. "She acts more like a Nara than an Uzumaki, ne?" As Shira placed down a game piece, Shikaku and Minato noticed the smug expression on her face.

They knew she won the game based on her triumphant expression. Her opponent pouted but lazily smiled, he had fun having the young Uzumaki girl as his opponent. Shira stood up from her seiza position and ran towards Minato. 

"Miiiiiinaaaaaatooooo-saaaaaan!" The blonde let out an 'oomp' at the impact and he picked up the little girl. "Yes, Shira-chan?"

"Hungry." She grumbled under her breath though, inwardly, she was smirking. She could always get away with anything with this gullible boyfriend of her elder cousin. "Then, what do you want for lunch?" Her response was quick and precise. "Ramen and dango." Shikaku smirked at her choice of food.

Minato held an uncomfortable expression, those food weren't healthy for her young body. Maybe they could get yakiniku instead? "H-How about something else, Sh—"“Ramen and dango.”"— er, let's go to Ichiraku's then."

Her elder cousin's boyfriend is just so gullible.


Even though Shira is a prodigy, she enrolled halfway into the year at the Academy. Why? She was too lazy to go to school but Kushina finally forced her to attend. Currently, she was walking with Kushina to her classroom. "You're so gonna beat all those brats, ttebane!"

Kushina's voice boomed in the hallway as Shira absently nodded. She doesn't even care about graduating early or beating her peers. Honestly, she prefers to hang out with the Nara Clan than to hang out with others. Soon enough, they arrived at their destination and Kushina bid her farewell.

Shira sighed and knocked on the door. Moments later, the door opened and revealed her teacher. He looked down and seemed surprise to see her. "Oh, you're... late. Anyways, please come in and introduce yourself." The redhead nodded and stepped inside.

The chatters died down as soon as she did so. "I will be your sensei, Yukimori. Kids, she will be your new classmate so make sure to treat her nicely." There were several kids who answered while others remained silent.

"Uzumaki Shira. To tell you the truth, I'd rather be sleeping than be here today." Her weird introduction earned her various expressions of disbelief and wonder. Her half lidded eyes surveyed the classroom but she found no familiar Nara.

Her sensei sweat dropped, wondering why she even enrolled in the ninja academy. "Alright, that was an... interesting intro. Your seat is by Nohara. Nohara, raise your hand."“Hai!” A girl with brown hair and inverted purple triangles adorned her cheeks.

Shira trudged her way to her seat and plopped down as soon as she did so. Her seatmate beamed at her and said, " Hello, I'm Nohara Rin. I hope we can be friends!" Shira awkwardly smiled a bit, this girl is too energetic for her own good.

Taijutsu class came around and Rin excitedly led Shira to the training ground. The Nohara girl talked about medical stuff non-stop, which actually intrigued the young Uzumaki. "Hmm. Then, if you're weakness is memorization, you have to find a way to make it easier for you. Do you remember things easier when you jot in down? Or when you read it over and over again? It just depends on the method and how passionate you are, Nohara-san."

Rin stopped and stared at Shira with sparkling eyes. It was the first time someone near her age gave her advice to help her pursue her medical career. At first, Rin thought Shira doesn't understand all the things she was blabbering about.

And then, Rin noticed how despite not looking at her, she actually listened to every word! Shira would comment whenever she said something wrong and would correct her. "Uzumaki-san!"

Shira hummed in acknowledgement. "Um, can we... be friends?"

"We're already friends the moment you introduced yourself, Nohara-san."

Rin gave her a wide eyed look, surprised by her words. "Then, can I call you Shira-chan?"

"I don't see why not, Rin-chan."

Nohara Rin found Uzumaki Shira very interesting and she was glad they were friends.

The class were ordered to complete ten laps around the yard before moving to sparring. Much to Rin's surprise, Shira remained at the back of the group, keeping a distance of at least one and a half meter between them.

She wondered why but didn't ask. If she doesn't tell her, then what can Rin do? Yukimori gathered his students around the circle. "I want to evaluate Uzumaki-chan's abilities. Uzumaki-chan, please enter the circle." Everyone heard her mumble something about this being so 'troublesome'.

Shira lazily stood inside the circle, waiting for her opponent to be picked. "I need two volunteers to spar with her." Amongst the students, a certain Uchiha jumped up and down. "Me! Me! I volunteer, sensei!" Uchiha Obito entered the circle as they bowed to begin the spar.

Obito quickly charged ahead without thinking. He was confident that he could beat the new kid since she just started today and she doesn't look like she had training since her skin looks so flawless. He inwardly grinned, he was sure Rin will notice him!

What he didn't expect however, was for his opponent to jump over him and sit on his back. The sudden force made him lose balance as he slammed face first onto the dirt ground. He groaned. No way! This girl is like another Kakashi!

She's going to insult him for sure! "You should probably think before you charge, Uchiha." See, she was insulting hi— what did she say? Obito looked up at her with difficulty. She wasn't sneering, she wasn't mocking him or taunting him.

"You're too impulsive, making it easy for me to devise a plan to counter your attack." What? Impulsive? Devise? Please talk human, Obito pleaded in his head. His opponent must have realized he didn't understand and the two of them were too distracted to notice that everyone was listening to her.

"Well, you attack without thinking is what I mean. Then, that makes it easier for me to defeat you, understand?" She stood up and held out her hand to him. Obito took it with hesitance. She helped him up, surprising the Uchiha.

"You should learn how to attack with a careful thought or else, all attacks that you do will be countered." Shira shook his hand with a bored expression and yet, Obito can see the sincerity in her eyes. 

"Um, could we... er, be friends?" Obito asked with uncertainty lacing his voice. Shira shrugged her shoulders. "Mah, be my guest but know I'm usually sleeping." The Uchiha grinned. "That's alright, Shira-chan!"

Obito left the circle with a skip in his step. He actually made a friend without having to annoy them! A friend that didn't insult or laughed at him upon seeing him. A friend that didn't see him as a failure. Instead, she gave him advice how to improve.

This just made his day. He was glad he volunteered to spar with her!

Meanwhile, Kakashi scoffed. Why would that transferee help a loser like Obito? It was obvious he will never achieve anything. "No more volunteers? *sigh* Hatake-kun, do you mind sparring with Uzumaki-chan?" Kakashi shook his head.

He was gonna teach her a lesson and make her see that Obito is useless. That failure of an Uchiha will hinder her potential to be stronger. He entered the circle and didn't even bother bowing while Shira bowed.

She could easily see how prideful and arrogant her opponent is, a complete opposite of that Uchiha she fought earlier.

No one moved. Kakashi always thought that the person to attack first will lose while the Uzumaki is just too lazy to move from her spot. Like what she said earlier, she prefers sleeping than being in the academy. There was absolute silence in the yard and their peers were getting restless from the lack of action.

Onyx met Purple, the former twitching in annoyance. Why won't she attack? Having had enough of waiting, Kakashi charged first. Shira yawning made him more annoyed and swung his fist followed by a kick to the chin then an elbow to the stomach.

All of these were swiftly dodged by his opponent with a bored expression on her face. Her nonchalant attitude annoyed the Hatake. She thinks she's so great? Like she's better than him but no. He's stronger, he's faster and he's smarter.

He's not about to lose to a female transferee! He kept delivering punches and roundhouse kicks and many more but all of it were blocked or dodged. He could see their classmates staring in awe at her.

This made him click his tongue in frustration. "Why won't you attack?" He questioned while he was in the middle of attacking her. The answer he received didn't amuse him. "I'm simply waiting for the right moment."

It was like she was mocking him, irritating him further. He could no longer think straight and is now acting spontaneously. 

Shira saw this chance to take him down. When he delivered a kick to her face, she caught his foot and held tight. Then, she bent his leg, swinging a kick to make him lose balance and she trapped him underneath her. The way she pinned him down made him wince, her elbow digging into his chest.

"You know, I also hate jerks like you who thinks they're everything but are actually not." She said monotonously and helped him back up to his feet, shaking his hand and left him there gaping at her. The school bell rang not long after she left.


Kakashi tried not to blush. He graduated by the end of the year along with his crush, Uzumaki Shira. He just heard from their sensei that they were going to be put in the same team under someone called Namikaze Minato.

They were both currently waiting in training ground three, where they were told they were going to meet their sensei. Shira didn't look surprise when their sensei was mentioned so Kakashi concluded she knows this Minato person.

After that day, when he was beaten for the first time, he always found himself looking at her and thinking about a certain Uzumaki. He tried to ignore it, though. He really tried but his efforts were in vain. As long as she's friends with Obito and Rin, she always enters his field of vision.

"Good morning, Minato-san."

The silver haired genin shot her a look of curiosity. Who was she talking to? Suddenly, he heard light ruffling of leaves above them and he found a blonde haired man jumping down from the highest branch. "I could never get past your senses, could I, Shira-chan?"

So, they do know each other, Kakashi noted. He was taken aback when Shira actually smiled at the man. Sure, he had seen her smile these past few months but never before did she smile so cheerfully like today. He was jealous. Why couldn't she smile at him like that?

"Alright, I want you two to introduce yourselves. I'll go first so you can see how it goes. I'm Namikaze Minato. I like my girlfriend's homemade cooking and reading. I don't particularly have any dislike. My hobbies are reading and possibly creating new techniques. My dream for the future is for everyone to acknowledge me and become the Hokage."

Kakashi inwardly frowned. He has to share what his likes are? Minato looked at Shira and nodded at her to go first. "I'm Uzumaki Shira. I love ramen and dango. I dislike a lot of things and it includes perverts. My hobbies are sleeping and playing shogi against the Nara. My dreams for the future... I've never really given it a thought." 

Again, the Hatake frowned. He already knew those. What else does she like? "And you?" Minato faced him with a smile and Kakashi tried to avoid glaring in jealousy at the handsome man.

"I'm Hatake Kakashi. I like... salt broiled saury and miso soup with eggplant. I greatly dislike anything fried or sweet. My hobby is training. My dream for the future... I don't feel like sharing." Minato gave an awkward smile at his student, he seems to be distant and Minato doesn't like it.

"Alright, you two are very unique. Normally, a team isn't official when it's not the usual three-man squad. However, due to the Hokage's request, the both of you will be my apprentice so long as we're not complete but that doesn't mean we can't take missions, alright?" Minato elaborated and his students nodded.

Kakashi has no complaints. It was in the rules, after all. Shira, on the other hand, noticed Minato's jittery fingers near his kunai pouch. "Even so, you want to test our capabilities, right?" She questioned. The blonde chuckled. "How do you read me so easily?"

"... you're my cousin's boyfriend. I have to be able to tell if ever you want to make my niece or nephew so I can leave you guys alone." Minato flushed red, brighter than the Uzumaki hair. Shira even said that with a straight face!

Minato forced a cough. "Well, why don't we move on so I can evaluate your skills?"

"You just want to escape embarrassment, Minato-sensei."



"Please shut up."


Kakashi felt so left out.

I don't like how Shira is so close to our sensei. Kakashi thought and inwardly pout. It was childish of him but really, he doesn't like it. Not one bit at all.

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