Letters to Isabella

By bbbambiii

23.1K 1K 689

Fall looms over the Lynch's small family town and with the change in the weather brings a drastic change in t... More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty six.
thirty seven.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
forty one.
forty two.
forty three.
forty four.
forty five.
forty six.
forty seven.
forty eight.
forty nine.
fifty one.


447 20 19
By bbbambiii

Rocky's POV

"God I miss you, Bri." I choked out. I frantically wiped the tears away from the underneath of my swollen, bloodshot eyes and burrowed my head into my jeans. "Why did you have to leave me?"

I'd been trying so hard; so, so damn hard to put on a brave face and act like everything was okay when deep down I just felt like a little piece of me had died along with Brianna. I was so angry at her for leaving me, things weren't finished between us - we had unfinished business and now we'd never get to fulfil our dreams or live out the life we'd so desperately wanted together.

I was sat in front of her gravestone with a single red rose in my hand. It was her favourite. Or it had been, I suppose. I just couldn't stop thinking about her. It felt like every time I closed my eyes all I could see was Brianna's face. She was never smiling though. Her big ocean blue eyes always seemed to be filled with so much sadness and regret. It killed me to remember her like that. She was always so happy and positive.

"I love you Bri." I whispered. I placed a kiss on her tombstone and laid out my rose carefully on top of it. I stood up slowly from my crouched position on the ground and wiped away the tears that continued to fall down my face. "I'll have to move on but I won't ever forget you or the memories that we shared together." I gulped and stared down at the ground, the chilly October winds surrounded me like a whirlwind. "I know that you'd want me to be happy."

I couldn't find the strength to say anything else to her. Truthfully I wasn't even sure if she would magically be able to hear me or that she was with me somehow in spirit. But I desperately needed the closure. I wouldn't be able to continue living my life unless I somehow apologised to her and explained that I'd have to continue living otherwise my life would be better off dead too.

I said one last final goodbye before standing up, inhaling deeply and heading back to my car. I threw my hands into the pocket of my jeans and covered my head and face with the hood of my jumper. I didn't want to see anyone or speak to anyone. I just wanted to be alone - just for now at least.

I started up my car and pulled away from the cemetery watching as Brianna's grave became nothing more than a little speck in the distance. I sighed and decided to go and grab a coffee somewhere in a little corner café. As much as I loved staying with Ross, Laura and the kids I knew deep down that it was time for me to sort my life out and go back home to my own place. I'd never move on if I didn't go back to the life I originally had.

I pulled up outside one of the local café's and made sure that I looked respectable enough to go in and bunk down in there for a little while. "Yeah." I murmured to myself, rubbing my eyes. "This'll have to do."

I stepped out of the car and pulled my hood back down before heading inside to the warmth of the little café. The door chimed as I stepped in and the little old lady who was behind the counter smiled and waved to me. I waved back to her and joined the queue before glancing around at my surroundings. The tables were mainly filled with older people who sat with their crosswords and coffees, each of them quietly discussing something amongst themselves. It made me feel happy and more than comfortable to be around people who wouldn't have a clue who I was. I could just be Rocky, a guy who had entered a local café to grab some coffee and relax before heading home to Ross and explaining that I'd be moving back home by tomorrow evening.

The queue quickly disappeared and before I knew it I was ready to be served. I pulled a couple of dollars out from the pocket of my jeans and smiled as the old lady grabbed her notepad and pen. "What can I get for you sugar?"

"Just a coffee please." I replied warmly. I was about to hand her the correct amount of money when she handed me a blueberry muffin. "Oh wait, Ma'am I didn't order -"

"I know honey." She replied happily. "That's on the house. You look like you could use a little pick me up."

Before I could thank her she turned on her heel to go and brew up a fresh cup of coffee for me. I could only pray that I wasn't giving off any vibes. I didn't want anyone's pity, especially an old lady's at a corner café. She needed all the money she could get. I didn't want her business to crumble to the ground anytime soon. These little coffee shops were practically my sanctuary - I'd be lost without them.

The door chimed quietly from behind me and me being my usual unaware self meant that I didn't bother to turn around and check who it was. I guess I just assumed it would be another elder coming in for their daily dose of caffeine and gossip time with the locals around town.

"Hey Rhonda!" A cheerful, young female voice chirped out from beside me. "I'll have the usual please."

"Hey sweetie, sure thing!" The old lady who I now learnt was named Rhonda replied as she disappeared to fix the mysterious young girl her usual beverage.

I wasn't the type to be rude and gawk at whoever it was standing beside me. I had a tendency to keep myself to myself and keep out of other people's business but something was urging me to take a look at this mysterious girl who was stood beside me. I felt like I needed to or else I may come to regret it.

With a deep breath I slowly turned my head and quickly pulled it back when I realised who I was possibly staring at. I had another sly glance and nodded my head in approval. It was definitely her. I didn't want to be creepy and announce myself or even dare ask if it was truly her. But oh man, I was almost certain, if not one hundred percent sure that the girl I was looking at was in fact Trisha.

She'd grown her hair out - that was the first thing I'd noticed. It had been years since I'd seen her and yet she still looked absolutely beautiful but in more of a mature way now. She wasn't the same little teenager who used to nag me to death or waltz around the busy halls of our high school with Cece on her arm. She was a woman now. It almost felt strange viewing her in such a completely different light.

Rhonda returned with both my coffee and what I assumed to be a hot chocolate covered in whipped cream and marshmallows. "Here you go sweetie." She said to me. I gratefully received my warm mug of coffee from her and then proceeded to reach into my pocket for some cash. "That'll be three dollars please." I handed it to her and smiled. That's when Trisha finally looked my way and instantly her face dropped in shock.

"Rocky?" She gasped. She began to giggle and threw her hand to her mouth. "There's no way that's you!"

I bit my lip and chuckled nervously to myself. I could imagine how unkept I looked, after all I'd been through some shit lately. There was no denying it and there certainly wasn't any hiding it. "It's me." I awkwardly joked, running my hand through my spiked up hair. "What are you doing here, Trish?"

She handed her money to Rhonda and thanked her for her hot chocolate before turning her attention back to me. "I literally just got here! I've come into town for the weekend. I figured I'd visit Laura, maybe try to catch up with Cece... I never imagined to see you here though!"

I smiled. Even after all of these years Trisha managed to make me nervous. I could practically feel my stomach erupt with butterflies as she gazed into my eyes. "I just got here from um..." I decided to leave out the information about Brianna's passing for now. It wasn't exactly a great conversation starter, especially for someone you haven't seen for almost six years. "It's so great that you're back in town! Laura will be so excited to see you."

Trisha giggled. Ugh, that laugh. It still sounded exactly the same as it did when she was a teenager. How could one person stay so perfect? Even in their adult years? It truly baffled me. "I hope so! I can't wait to see Bailey and Bella, I've got some gifts for them although I'm sure they'll be super confused when they meet me. I haven't exactly been in their everyday lives... although I really wanted to be."

"They'll love you." I said with a smile. I turned my head to get a better view at all of the free tables and decided to take the plunge and ask if Trisha wanted to sit with me. She could only say yes or no, right? What's the worst that can happen really? I turned to look at her and gestured to one of the empty tables in the corner of the room. "Are you going somewhere or would you like to sit with me for a little while?"

A smile grew across her lips. "I thought you'd never ask."

I chuckled and together we headed over to one of the empty tables. I pulled her chair out for her and helped her to sit down before taking a seat across from her and wrapping my hands tightly around my warm cup of coffee. "This place is pretty cosy, huh?" I offered as a small chat line.

Trisha smirked and nodded her head. "I always come in here when I'm in town. I think Rhonda's become my second mother or something."

We both chuckled and then sighed happily at one another. "It really is great to see you Rocky." She added. She smiled again as she sipped from her drink. "You don't realise how much you've missed someone until you come face to face with them."

"Ain't that the truth." I murmured with a gentle laugh. I couldn't get over her. I felt like I was in another dimension - a dimension I was never meant to visit in this life time. She was so perfect; too perfect. "What have you been up to?" I asked, realising that I'd been staring at her for the last minute and a half.

She tucked her brunette hair behind her ear and shrugged her shoulders. "I mean, nothing major, you know? But I've been back and forth to different countries practically every month for work. It's tiring but worth it I suppose." She took another sip from her drink and glanced up at me. "And you?"

"Damn, how many places have you visited this year? And where did you go?" I asked with a grin. I truly was intrigued. I'd never met anyone who'd travelled most of the world before, it had always taken my interest.

She laid her hands flat out on the table and exhaled gently. "Well... let's see. I've been to Australia, New York, South Africa, Japan, Texas and so many more places that honestly I've kind of forgotten about." She giggled again and shook her head. "It's pretty cool though. This world has a lot of hidden beauty."

I chuckled. "You're telling me."

Trisha paused and stared up at me with confusion in her eyes. "You chopped your hair off?"

I nodded. "I needed a change."

She stirred her little teaspoon around the remains of her hot chocolate and smiled. "That's a shame... you were kind of iconic with that hairstyle."

I smirked. "Are you saying you don't like this new hairstyle?"

She threw her hands over her face and began to nervously laugh. "Oh! No! No! Not at all!" She slowly dropped her hands and gazed at me. "I mean it's great but..."

"But?" I asked as I playfully raised my eyebrows.

"Oh shush!" She scolded, smiling again. "You look great okay? Like, really, really great."

I studied her face. Her cheeks had gone a bright shade of pink and her eyes were sheepishly gazing down at the table below us. Was she blushing?

"Hey so... do you need a lift to Laura's? I drove here so unless you have your car then we may as well kill two birds with one stone and save some fuel all at the same time." I offered, dangling my car keys from my hand.

Trisha grinned. "How can I refuse an offer like that from Rocky Lynch?" She reached into her handbag and left a five dollar tip for Rhonda on the table. She stood up and glanced at me with a wink. "Like I said, she's my second mom."

I shook my head and chuckled as she headed towards the entrance of the café to leave. "What a woman." I murmured as I followed closely behind her.

* * *


hey guys! here's another chapter for you!

I decided to switch this book up a little and give you more than just Ross' POV or Laura's. I think it's interesting for you guys to see how others feel and what goes on in their daily lives.

i already ship trisha & rocky so much somebody hold meeee

all my love,

b x

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